A young man was in the middle of a vast field full of flowers in variety, fruits of all sorts and vegetables imaginable. Right now, he decided to plant orange blossoms so he carefully put the seeds on the soil bed and covered it with soil. He took a sprinkler and watered it, a smile crept on his lips. As soon as he was done, he stood up and wiped some of his sweat from his face with a towel, feeling contented about what he did.

Just before he walked back to his house, he saw a young girl standing under the big maple tree on the hill, few feet away from him. There, the young girl had warm yellow orange hair that reached down to her waist that was tied up in a braid, rosy cheeks and an innocent and pure expression written on her face. She seemed to be staring afar, not noticing him at all.

"Who are you miss?" he asked as he walked towards her.

She didn't seem to hear him and continued to gaze at the sky, as though searching for something. She was holding a flower arched downward, with small bell-like white flowers under the stem.

Curiously, he tried to reach her out when she turned around and faced him, her expression unchanged. "Is someone there?" she asked softly.

Her voice sounded fragile but strong-willed.

He raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me but what do you mea-?"

The entire surroundings vanished and the two of them were standing in nothingness. He faced her again and realized that she moving away though her body didn't seem to be moving at all. "Miss! Who are you exactly?!" He tried catching up to her but it was no use.

She slowly moved head high and turned towards her direction. Her sapphire eyes dead-looking. "Who are you?"

"Wait! You name!" he shouted. The young girl was about to reply but all of a sudden her whole body got surrounded by light and dispersed into small sparks of light. The only thing left was the flower she was holding. "That's-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence when the darkness surrounding him captured him and devoured him until nothing was left.

Seiichi's eyes snapped opened the moment the dream became blank. Slowly, he sat up and ran his fingers through his soft locks, remembering it. It's that girl again. Who is she? He asked him as he got out of his spacious bed and went inside the bathroom where he splashed some water on his face from the sink. He sighed deeply. "She's been in my dreams quite recently yet I do not know her at all."

He checked the time and realized that it's quarter to seven in the morning. Shrugging, he got himself into the shower and took a quick bath.

"Morning buchou!" Akaya's voice rang across the almost empty tennis grounds.

The Rikkai buchou looked up and smiled in reply. "Good morning too, Akaya. You seemed happy today."

The trickster, who seemed to just arrive shortly after the captain, glanced at the youngest regular. "I was wondering about that since I heard his annoying voice in this time of day." He smirked.

The little demon shot a mean glare at him. "Is there a problem to that, huh?"

Niou nodded automatically. "Yeah, there is. You're annoying just by looking at you and hearing your voice makes it more annoying, puri." He said teasingly.

Akaya pouted. "Mura-buchou! He's teasing me!" He whined.

Seiichi chuckled, patting his head lightly. "That's how he shows affection, Akaya so don't worry about it too much." He said smoothly.

Niou gawked at him. "Affection?! Like that will ever happen."

"Then stop making a ruckus out of it, Masaharu." A familiar voice spoke coolly from behind.

They turned around and saw Hiroshi walking towards them with Yanagi by his side. "Good morning Hiroshi, Renji." Seiichi greeted them.

"Ah." Hiroshi replied. Yanagi looked up and nodded curtly.

The Rikkai Buchou went back on giving the little demon his attention and continued, "So tell me why you are happy today?"

"I didn't sleep in the bus today!" He grinned.

Everyone stared at him. "That's all…?" Niou snorted.


"That's…a huge accomplishment. Don't you think, Renji?" Seiichi chuckled.

Renji opened his trusty notebook and checked Akaya's profile in ten seconds. "There's slight improvement and in every two to three weeks, he will less likely sleep in the bus while going to the Kantou Region." He said automatically.

"See? I'm improving!" He said proudly.

Niou shrugged. "Whatever. You're still a brat who gets lost easily, nothing more and nothing less."

"Waahh Buchou! He's teasing me again!" Akaya whined.

"There, there."

Renji looked around and asked them, "Where's Genichirou? He's usually the earliest among us, right?"

"He's is already here but right now he's in the faculty room because Oda-sensei wanted to talk to him for some reason." Seiichi told him.


"Where's Bunta and Jackal?" Niou wondered. "Shouldn't they be here right now? It's already 7:30."

"Jackal called awhile ago and said that he's waiting Bunta to finish eating." Hiroshi told them.

"He woke up late, huh?" the trickster smirked. "Let's give him a bit of punishment for making Jackal wait for him." He suggested evilly.


"Yes mother."

"It doesn't matter, let's start practicing. 40 laps around the court." Seiichi ordered and the rest complied.

The day went by smoothly than expected. Marui and Jackal arrived 15 minutes late and Sanada commanded the self-proclaimed tensai to run 80 laps and 30 laps for the Brazilian. As soon as class started, the Rikkai buchou didn't have any problems and just did what he usually do everyday: listening to the teacher's lectures, reciting in class, doing class activities, kindly declining the bentos his fangirls made for him, and attending and supervising tennis practices.

At 5:17pm, tennis practice was over and all of the members went home. Seiichi was in the middle of returning his tennis racket when Renji suddenly spoke. "Excuse me?" he asked, looking slightly surprised about what the data-gatherer said just now.

"You seemed distracted…let me rephrase that. You seemed distant. Is there something bothering you?" Renji asked.

He shook his head and smiled at him. "Of course not."

"You may be a good liar but you cannot lie to me. We've known each other since junior high." The data-gatherer said indifferently.

The Rikkai buchou sighed. "I'll tell you but you might think that I'm delirious."

"Just tell."

And so he told him about his frequent encounter with the young girl in his dreams. After 3 minutes of telling him, he said finally, "She kept on appearing in my dreams and she seemed really…I don't know. What do you think?"

"She might be someone you met in the past or you might be haunted by a ghost which is very unlikely for that to happen." He said casually.

"But I don't remember meeting someone like her. Is she even real?"

"What do you think?" a sly voice spoke. It was Niou.

"Masaharu, what do you mean by that?" Renji questioned him.

"Well, does she seem real enough for you? Or do you think she's just a thing in your imagination? You have to think about it. There is a saying that dreams are connected to reality, or so they say." Niou said coolly.

Seiichi thought for a moment and answered. "She seems real but I don't believe in those sayings." He stood up and carried his bag. "Let's just go."


While walking, they passed by a park on their left where quite a few people hung out. The three regulars walked together, talking about the upcoming matches when Seiichi stopped abruptly, staring at something. "Oi buchou?" Niou called him, trying to get his attention but to no use.

"She's real." He muttered.

Niou and Renji looked at each other. "You mean that girl you're talking about?" the trickster asked him.

Renji looked as well and saw the person sitting on a bench with a golden retriever as a companion. "Is she that person?" he asked, pointing at her direction.

Niou glanced closely and whistled. "She passed my standards." He smirked.

Seiichi didn't reply and just walked towards the said person, wanting to know more about the mysterious girl. The two regulars didn't speak for a while and just decided to follow him, curious as well.

Chappie two here.

Yukimura's personality just now is not OOC. It states that he's kind and gentle by nature but when he's in the courts playing, he's a demon. I'm still not certain about their personalities and noticed some similarities in the fics I've read here so I've made them into a bit of a reference for me.

Niou's still Niou and Akaya's a brat, lol. Hiroshi's cool and mature and Renji's a psychic. Lol that's not true but it seems like it, don't you think? Marui and Jackal will enter the picture in the next chapter and might shed some more light into Yukimura's life.

Please review.