In the wee hours of the morning, she stood, struggling, silhouetted against the stars. "Mom, Dad, I don't want to go! I want to stay here and help Grandpa Jake with the rebellion!"
Her mother shushed her. "You have to leave, honey. We all have to. If anyone finds out that you're the child of a human and an Everafter, they'll…" she trailed off. But the girl knew what she meant. She and her parents might be killed, with the current state of Ferryport Landing.
"All right, Mom," she gave in. A brave smile forced its way to her face. "I'll go. But can I at least say good-bye to my friends?"
Her father only barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes. "Honey, there's no point in escaping if people know we're going to escape. It wouldn't be a secret any longer."
She had expected him to say that, but she wanted every last second she could get while in Ferryport Landing. Giving up on stalling her parents, she plodded towards the car, wiping tears of anger and sadness from her eyes.
Suddenly, there was a rustling in the bushes. All she saw before she blacked out were fangs and fur… such a strange contrast of black and white…