I don't own the Sisters Grimm. Rub it in, fanfic disclaimers.

Here it is! Please don't throw any rotten fruit, we tried to write, but it just didn't work. Anywho… enjoy. It's more drama than funny this time, but it had to be so we could work in the fluff.


"Let it out? Fine! I'll let it out!" Sophie raged. "Puck, you're an idiot. You're obviously in love with her, and she likes you back, okay? And Sabrina, it wouldn't hurt if you would notice that too. Now will you both just admit it so that I can get on with my revenge?!"


Sabrina was frozen. So was Puck.

"Wow. That's not awkward," said Daphne, trying not to giggle (and failing). The giggles quickly ended when Sophie grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Sabrina and Puck.

"Now, you two lovebirds go into the woods and have a nice chat. I'll hang on to the little one until you're ready to come back and agree with me," she sneered.

"Don't touch her! And she's not little!" snarled Sabrina, lunging at the werewolf.

Puck caught Sabrina around the waist. She spun around angrily. "Don't make it worse, Grimm," he hissed. Then, in a louder voice, he said, "Fine. We'll go. But don't hurt Daphne." Keeping a firm grip on Sabrina, he led her into the woods.

When they were a few feet in, Sabrina yanked herself away from Puck. "What is wrong with you?" she whisper-screamed. "You just left my little sister with that psycho!"

"She's not little anymore, remember? You said so yourself," Puck reminded her. "Besides, Sophie's just going to get more angry and dangerous if we don't play along with her."
Sabrina stared at him. "What are you suggesting?"

Puck rolled his eyes. "What do you think, Grimm?"

"Wait… you want us to fake-date? What is this, a sitcom?" Sabrina asked sarcastically.

"Look, I don't want to anymore than you do, ugly. I'd rather date a swamp monster!" Puck shot back. "But maybe if we can distract her long enough, the moon'll go down and we can have another month to work this out."

"Well, maybe the swamp monster can help you with that, fairy boy!" retorted Sabrina. Then she reconsidered. "Well… okay. But only because it'll save Daphne."

"Yeah, like I'm doing it for any reason other than that!" snapped Puck.

The two glared at each other for a moment. Finally, Puck sighed and started to walk out of the woods. Then he suddenly stopped and a devilish smirk replaced the frustrated look on his face. "Oh, I almost forgot…" He spun Sabrina so her back was against a tree. Before she knew what was happening, Puck's arms were around her and they were kissing. He pulled away first, but still held onto her. Sabrina tried to think of a snarky remark, but it was hard to think when there was no oxygen getting to her brain. Fortunately, after a few seconds, she remembered to breathe. Unfortunately, the smug smile on Puck's face kept getting bigger.

"We're pretty good at faking, huh?" he asked.

Sabrina's irritation returned full force. She leaned in close to Puck's face, smiling slightly, and whispered, "Maybe if you weren't such a jerk, it wouldn't be fake." Then she pushed away and stomped back out to Sophie and Daphne, Puck close behind her. Well, she tried to stomp, but she was still a bit unsteady.

"Hey, buttface!" she shouted at Sophie. The werewolf's head snapped around. "Guess what!"

"What?" asked the surprised werewolf. She clearly hadn't expected Sabrina to backtalk her.

"We took your advice. And now Puck is staying here forever," taunted Sabrina. "What do you think of that?"

Sophie's eyes narrowed. "I think you're lying Grimm."

Great, Sabrina thought. My life used to be some fantasy/action/adventure movie I hated, and now it's a predictably awkward sitcom. I miss the movie.

She was jolted back into reality by the sound of Daphne shouting, "My sister doesn't lie! She'll prove it!" Behind Sophie's back, she made hand gestures which Sabrina took to mean that while she and Puck distracted Sophie, Daphne would make a break for it.

Sabrina took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Why is Daphne doing the Handjive at a time like this? Doesn't she realize how much danger she's in?" Puck was still peering at Daphne when Sarina grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him towards her for their second kiss in the last ten minutes. She lost herself for about a minute, but as soon as the thought This is actually really nice… crossed her mind, she pulled away.

"How's that for proof?" Sabrina shouted at Sophie, steadying a dazed Puck. Stupid sitcom, she thought. Stupid sitcom that is my life and makes me like Puck and pretend I don't and then kiss him… Why Puck, anyway? Why not someone, I don't know, HUMAN?! ARRGGHH!

A sudden rush of air beside her brought her out of her thoughts. Puck was flying towards Sophie and Daphne. Immediately, Sabrina saw what had happened – Sophie had spotted Daphne making her escape, and was chasing her, gaining rapidly. Puck was flying after them, obviously trying to get to Daphne before the werewolf could.

Sabrina took off running at the same moment that both Puck and Sophie reached Daphne. Puck managed to pick her up and fly her safely to a tree branch, which she clung to for dear life. He then returned to the ground and started whacking Sophie with his wooden sword. "Leave – marshmallow – alone!" he yelled between whacks.

Sabrina could see Sophie getting ready to slice Puck with her claws, but she was still 10 feet away. Could she make it in time?