Author: JoPo

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but a few characters I made up.

Summary: Set after Destroyer. Batman is in a coma. J'onn decides the only way to save him is to enter his mind. What memories will the JL stumble across? What dark secrets will they discover? Lots of pairings. Warning: Foul Language.

Note: This has been updated and edited as of 9/11/11.

Happy Reading, Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Batman Would Ask the Batclan

"Watch out Flash!" Green Lantern yelled at the speedster. Flash jumped out of the way barely avoiding a large slap of asphalt that was thrown in his direction.

"That was uncalled for," Flash chided one of the villains.

"Oy! Speedy! Why don't you go back to class, maybe get a life while you're at it," taunted one of the men.

Flash paused momentarily, "I have a life, a cool one too!"

"Hey Flash, I could use a hand over here," Green Lantern called from across the way his attention split between the two men he was holding back and the lady he'd just saved from a nasty fall.

An explosion rocked the ground and filled the air with dust, as it cleared three men could be seen crawling out of a hole in the side of Then and Now: The Science of the Future. "We've got 'em," one of the men announced. The others stopped trying to assault the Green Lantern and Flash instead regrouping near their leader.

"Flash, don't let them get away!" GL commanded.

"On it." The red speedster raced forward, but was seconds too late. The men had all vanished with a crackling left hanging in the air. "Shit." Flash muttered to himself.

GL surveyed the damage around them and sighed in frustration. "Watchtower, this is Green Lantern requesting transport for two, and a recon unit to our location," he said into his com-link.

"Roger, recon unit preparing; two coming in," Mr. Terrific answered.

The red and green heroes were beamed onto to Watchtower's main deck where they were met by J'onn. "Status report?"

"Seven heavily armed men possessing super strength, they broke into T&N, but we're not sure what they took," GL replied.

J'onn nodded, "If you would, write the report and file it, Flash please assist him," turning to Mr. Terrific he said, "I will relive you for your lunch break for the time being."

"What? It's lunch time? J'onn can we please eat first, then take care of the report? Please? Plee—eease!" Flash begged his hands folded together.

"Very well, but Wally, if it is not in the database by tonight you will have to answer to Batman, not me," J'onn warned.

Flash shrugged, "Yeah, well, Bats is hardly here nowadays so I'm not worried about it." He left the deck heading towards the commissary with GL following behind. "So GL who we gonna sit with today," Flash asked his stoic companion. "Oh, wait you don't sit with me anymore," he drawled with a hint of offense, "you sit with Hawkgirl." The last part was said with a wiggle of his brow.

"Hey Flash?" Green Lantern said.


"Shut up," the marine snapped sweeping past the speedster.

Flash failed at holding back his grin as the Ring bearing hero stalked away. Still grinning he proceeded to jump in line and pile his tray high. Collecting the necessary silverware Flash sat down next to one of his good friends, Green Arrow. Flash noted the others sitting at the table: The Question, Hawk, Dove, and B'wana Beast as he began to devour his food.

"There is a social standing, a class order, but this is not a high school," The Question stated.

"Open your eyes Q, this place is exactly like a school, there's class, teachers, lunch, and we even get graded, oh, and there's no pay. If that's not high school then I don't know what I spent four years of my life doing." Green Arrow argued.

Hawk nodded, "He right you know."

"What are we talking about," Flash asked having cleared his tray.

Question sat back. "My incompetent companions believe that through the social standings of heroes cliques have developed within the members of the league," he answered monotonously.

Flash shrugged, "Well, yeah, they both make sense. I mean look-" Flash said waving a hand at each table, "-the ladies of the league," he motioned to the middle of the room where heroines had spread themselves across seven tables, "they break down into the girly girls, the tough girls, etcetera." Motioning to a group of tables surrounded by huge, muscled men the Flash continued, "I guess you could call them the jocks, but know I'm not talking about the stupid kind, god only knows what they'd do to me if word got around that I'd called them dumb. And there-" Flash said pointing to two tables, "-sort of the odd guys out, really bright and colorful bunch. Then you've got the quiet ones, not shy per say, but...well you get my point. Over there the heroes with a brain capacity that makes the rest of look like two year olds. And there you have the blah blah blah and over there blah blah blah. But lastly the founding members, who by all right are the coolest and most awesome," Flash grinned as he finished off his little presentation.

"In your face Question...or mask, whatever," Hawk proclaimed.

Dove smirk, "Admit it Q."

"We've got you Q," Green Arrow said folding his hands behind his head, "And Flash didn't even mention the cliques involving abilities, that breaks it down even more."

The Question folded his arms, "I'd like you to present this argument to Batman and then we'll see who's right or not."

"Pulling out the big guns," B'wana Beast laughed.

"Speaking of the Bat, anyone seen him?" Dove interjected. The other shrugged in response.

Flash shook his head when the other's looked to him, "Nope, Bats has been hiding in his cave for all I know."

"Speak of the devil," Hawk muttered waving towards the doorway. The tables near the door quieted as the dark figured swept past them.

"Obsidian, Atom," the Batman said curtly, "Your presence is needed." The commissary grew quiet as Obsidian and Atom got up and left the room with Gotham's Dark Knight.

Dove and Hawk leaned into the table, "Wonder what they did to get called away by the Batman," Hawk asked in a slight whisper.

Question unfolded his arms and calmly answered the inquiry, "They've done nothing, Batman has been employing their help."

"What?" the table snapped back, each man wide eyed and filled with more questions.

Flash craned his neck to try and catch a glimpse of Batman over the Question's shoulder, "What does he need them for? He never asks for help."

"I don't know what their doing for him, I can't figure it out!" Question snapped dropping his fist to the tabletop.

(Few Days Later)

"This is farewell dear Knight. Crane take care of him," Deidre commanded, "Be quick about it, when the flame reaches the pile there will be no time." He swept out of the basement leaving Gotham's battered dark hero to fend off her Master of Phobia, Obsessor of Fear.

"Looks like we've beaten you Batman, once and for all," Scarecrow observed, his voice reveling the smirk beneath the mask. Reaching into his pocket the ex-doctor removed a vial and opened it. Scarecrow let the toxic sweep over the Batman's face before throwing a punch into his gut. The Batman inhaled sharply and Scarecrow left with a dry laugh.

Batman coughed hard trying to expel the drug from his lungs, he knew it was too late though. Pulling himself free from the handcuffs he stumbled into the next room to the stairs.

A small cry caught his attention and Batman raced to the source. He hefted a large beam blocking a door and two small children stumbled into him.

"Run!" The little boy screamed at his companion, grabbing her hand and running.

"No, wait!" Batman protested trying not to growl. He reached the two children and swept them up just as a beam collapsed where they'd been running. Turning Batman raced towards the stairs, out of the corner of his eye he saw flames licking the top of one of the propane tanks. Gathering the children he crouched in the corner of the stairwell, "Stay under my cape," he said fiercely, they nodded wide eyed. Wrapping his cape tighter around them Batman attempted to shelter the children with his own body.

"Sitka—a small town forty three miles outside of Gotham- was evacuated nearly twenty hours ago due to a gas leak in the towns underground system. A team of specialist were recently sent in, they found the entire town in ashes and the evidence of a large explosion originating from St. Christopher's Church, near the center of town. Shrapnel found in the surrounding area has investigators believing someone piled propane and nitroglycerin tanks within one of the Church's lower levels. Two orphans of the town are missing, but there is little that can be done, but to hope they are alright. We are-" the screen went black as J'onn switched off the link.

"I sent Booster Gold, Vibe, and Big Barda to help clear out the larger debris and maintain the crowd," J'onn said.

Flash nodded, "At least no one was hurt. ...So about Batman, what is it he's up to?" The question asked yet another time from the speedster.

"For the hundredth time, We. Don't. Know." John growled, his irritation getting harder to hide.

Flash zipped over to the martian from Mars, "J'onn knows, he can read minds."

"All I know is that our friend is investigating a case in Gotham," J'onn answered.

"He'd get the Bat-clan to help him with that," Flash said throwing an arm over J'onn's shoulder, "Not Obsidian and Atom."

"Whatever Batman is doing in Gotham is none of our business," Superman said giving Flash a pointed look.

Shayera stepped forward, "That's all well and good, but that doesn't explain why he employed their help without rescheduling their monitor duties."

"What?" Flash and Superman exclaimed incredulously.

Superman turned to J'onn, "He didn't reschedule their monitor duty?"

J'onn shook his head, "I am afraid not, Shayera and myself had to cover for them."

"Has anyone seen Obsidian or Atom lately?" GL asked.

"Not since Batman came up here requesting their presence," Shayera answered.

Diana entered the mini monitor womb specifically for founding members. "Hey J'onn when you're done here, Stargirl broke her arm and is in the infirmary, other than that the mission went rather well, I've already entered the report too." Diana noticed the other founders, "What is everyone doing in here, is this a meeting I don't know about?"

"Well, let's see, we have seven new super villains running around, Batman asked for help, Batman has a big secret, Sitka was blown to bits, oh and Batman abducted Obsidian and Atom," Flash listed, ticking them off his fingers before flopping into a chair.

"Batman's been up here since I left? And he abducted Obsidian and Atom?" Diana asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, but he did not abduct Obsidian and Atom, he employed their help," Shayera clarified.

Mr. Terrific entered the room, "J'onn you better come look at this, you all might want to come."

The founders followed Mr. Terrific to the monitor bridge where he asked everyone to clear out for a five minute break. Opening a link and a map of Bludhaven, a blinking light moved across the screen moving very quickly out of the city.

"Watchtower?" The voice was similar to Batman's but lighter.

"Nightwing this is J'onn J'onzz," J'onn said into the com.

"Nightwing to Watchtower, I'm looking for Batman," Nightwing said over the unit.

J'onn glanced at the founders before replying, "Batman was last seen on the Watchtower six days ago." The was a static silence on the other end. "Nightwing do you know the whereabouts of Obsidian and Atom?"

"I would think they're at the cave. Alf just called me," Nightwing said dropping the hero formalities, "Batman has been gone for a day, he hasn't had contact with anyone since Tuesday night. Can you met us at the manor?"

"We'll be there shortly," Superman cut in.

"Nightwing out," Bludhaven's hero said signing off.

The founding members changed into their civilian clothes, though Flash did not. J'onn entered Wayne Manor's coordinates and beamed the six of them onto the stoop of the manor. Spinning near light sped Flash changed into his civilian clothes.

Clark opened one of the large oak doors and stepped into the manor the others following. The heroes were met by two large dogs with teeth bared and slobber hanging from their jowls.

"Um...anyone else questioning this?" Wally asked.

"They're just dogs Wally," John said. He took a step forward, but one of the dogs leapt forward snapping at his leg. John jumped back, "What the hell?"

"Pride, Max!" a stern, papery voice cut in. "I do apologize Mr. Stewart, I just received Master Richard's call, otherwise I'd had been here sooner. This will not happen now that they know you though, so do not fret over this event repeating itself."

"Hello Alfred," Clark greeted.

"Mr. Kent," Alfred acknowledged greeting the others.

Wally crouched down and looked at the two dogs, "I didn't think Bats was a dog person."

"They are a breed that have interested Master Bruce since childhood, Bernese Mountain dogs are very affectionate, though when trained well can become dangerous, though I find that their presences calms Master Bruce down."

"Mangy mutts," John muttered. One dog stepped forward hackles raised, it's mouth opened slightly showing its teeth.

"I am preparing lunch, Master Richard will be here shortly, if you would wait in the red lounge until lunch is ready, we can get to business afterwards," Alfred said leaving the heroes in the foyer.

"Alfred where are the-," a woman followed the voice into the foyer, but it stopped short when the woman caught sight of the heroes.

Diana glared at the woman across the way, "What are you doing here?" the venom in her voice clear as day. The two dogs turned to the woman.

"Afraid of a little competition," she asked with a smirk.

The Amazonian Princess raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" She too a step forward, but Clark placed a hand on her shoulder.

The woman, Selina Kyle, hissed at the dogs as they approached her. Running at the wall she nimbly jumped on a table, reach for a pillar, scampered up it, and leapt for the chandler hissing at the dogs below her. Wally and Shayera laughed out right, while the others attempted to hide their smiles.

Diana let a smirk overtake her features. "Cat got your tongue," she taunted.

"Watch it Princess," Selina hissed.

The dogs lifted their heads high and froze catching everyone's attention, their ears twitched slightly. Clark and Diana heard the bike before the others, but seconds later they could all hear the roar of an engine before it was cut off.

A young man entered the house and surveyed the group before him: Wally and Shayera grinning broadly, Diana's smirk, Selina perched gracefully atop the chandler, and the two large dogs frozen. "Max? Pride?" the dogs looked from young man to Selina.

"Grayson call of the mutts," Selina snapped.

Dick attempted to get the dogs attention away from Catwoman, he said a few words in languages most of the heroes had never heard. After a few choice words Dick shrugged, "Sorry Selina that's all I can come up with."

"Sorry my ass," Selina hissed.

"Can't you just say stop or something?" Wally asked.

Dick shook his head, "I don't know what language Bruce used for that command."

"He uses a different language for each command," said a new voice.

"Tim! Babs, how have you guys been?" Dick asked looking at his brother and sister as they entered the foyer.

"A different language for each command," Wally asked incredulously.

"I bit much, we know," Barbra said wheeling farther into the foyer.

"Tuli," a new voice commanded sharply. The dogs unfroze and charged Dick forcing him to the ground where they licked all of his exposed skin.

Dick laughed and scratched the dogs, "Last time I saw you guys you fit inside my shoes," Dick said to the dogs.

"So what did that mean," Wally asked Cassandra when she entered the foyer.

"Relax," and to Dick she said, "Swahili."

"Swahili, I should have known. It's good to see you Cass, you look good, how's life," Dick asked standing and brushing himself off.

"If you kept in touch you'd know," Cass said harshly.

"She's just upset because we can't find Bruce," Barbra said, her face falling.

"Will find him," Dick said cheerily. He watched as everyone's face fell, filling with concern.

"Sirs and Madams if you will fallow me, lunch is ready, Miss Kyle if you will please join us down here," Alfred said pausing at the doorway before disappearing the way he'd come.

After a rather solemn, but delicious lunch the group entered the Batcave where they found Obsidian and the Atom in their civilian clothing working at the large bank of computers and extensive lab.

Clark stepped forward and was the first to speak, "What have you been doing with Batman?"

The Atom, Ray without his mask, looked up from his lab work, "He's had Lucius and myself analyzing a combination of gaseous toxins that he'd discovered recently."

"I've been on the streets gathering information for him, slipping through the slums digging up anything I can," Todd, known to the League as Obsidian, answered not taking his eyes off the computer screen before him.

J'onn approached the lab Ray was working at and examined the vials and paperwork before him, "What have you discovered about these toxins?"

"Well I've been focusing on four of them. Three are very similar except each one is more potent that the other, the fourth: M4032, however is an organic toxin, it goes through six stages of metamorphosis before the process is repeated. The metamorphosis is causing a chemical reaction with the moisture in the cave creating a very acidic gas that kill all the bugs in a three foot radius, the air is very dry too. I've linked many of its basic properties with a few of Scarecrow's commonly used toxins, but he's had help with this, not only does he not have access to these kind of chemicals, but it far exceeds his expertise." Ray explained showing the martian figures on one of the lab's computers.

"This wouldn't be too much of a problem, but because we don't now anything about the true maker we have know way of developing a cure. For now we've placed it in a sealed double capsule within a vacuumed vault," Lucius Fox finished for Ray, stepping into the main cave from a secondary cavern.

Wally raced to Ray's side, "So what does it do?"

Ray sighed and rubbed his face, "From what we've seen of the test victims when it first enters your system your fine, at least for a few hours, but once it reaches equilibrium withing your body a great sense of anxiety sets in and one begins to fear everything, after that it evolves and induces a coma like state, once the victim is at that point the toxin attacks the mind and for lack of a better word, it eats it."

Wally was wide eyed and looked rather stunned, "Whoa..."

"The test victims, what happened to them?" Shayera asked.

"The earlier test victims became mindless zombies, the ones that this strain was tested on all died," Lucius replied taking a seat at a long metal table near the lab area.

The long silence following was broken by Diana, "To the subject at hand, where was Bruce when he was last heard from?"

"I'm afraid we do not know," Alfred said seating himself next to Lucius.

"We've back tracked and trailed the regular route a hundred times, but nothing has come up," Barbra added.

The others joined Alfred and Lucius at the table, they watched as Cass went to the super computer and shifted through a number of maps and intel files. Cass' fingers froze over the keyborad for a moment before resting on the sooth surface that served as a desk. "I think I know where he is." Cass was met by a chorus of 'wheres.' Looking at the research he's been doing I believe he he was headed for Sitka, following a lead," Cass paused, "He must have know it was a trap, it was evacuated before he got there," she finished more to herself than the others.

Tim joined Cass at the computer, "How do you figure that?"

"It was evacuated at 4:23am, but two attempted robberies were stopped here in Gotham at 4:31am," Cass explained.

"What does that te-" Wally was cut short by a beeping emitting from the supercomputer.

Tim punched a few keys and opened a file, "0001-SVER45; Sitka," Tim read, "Its from the Watchtower."

"What does it mean," John asked.

"J'onn?" Clark questioned turning to the martian, the others waited quietly.

J'onn's yellow eyes glowed momentarily, "We are needed in Sitka. Now."

"What is it J'onn," Diana asked, voicing the question that was on everyones mind.

J'onn shook his head slightly, "John, Shayera I will need you on the Watchtower. Diana, Wally, Clark and I will go to Sitka, if the rest of you would stay here, I'll inform you of the situation when more is known."

No one said a word against the authoritative Martian.

"All superheroes to the main deck," Mr. Terrific said, his voice booming through the Watchtower over the intercom.

Within minutes most of the heroes on board had filed onto the main deck and were talking amongst themselves, a few demanding to know what the gathering was for. Black Canary, Green Arrow, Steel and Dr. Fate all stood on the third deck with Shayera, John, and Mr. Terrific looking down at the heroes below.

After a few stragglers shuffled in Shayera addressed the group, "Quiet!" The deck hushed and Shayera continued, "Mr. Terrific will be explaining what the alert code was about."

"Was that the number thing-y earlier," A hero shouted in question.

Shayera stepped forward and glared down at the heroes, clearly irritated with the muttering that was growing louder, "Would you lot like my mace up your—"

"Alright, jeshh," the hero called.

"This is the alert code we received," Mr. Terrific said motioning toward one of the giant windows which now had a projection of the main monitor on it reading '0001-SVER45.'

"What does it mean," a hero asked.

"Had you read the enchiridion you would know," Mr. Terrific said.

"Come on who did read that," someone called out gaining a few chuckles from other heroes.

"What's a enchiridion?" another asked.

"I know the fist part is Superman's ID," a hero said. There was a scattering of murmured agreement.

"So this is about Superman," some asked.

"No," Mr. Terrific answered. "It is the ID number for a founding member, but when this was received all the founding members were accounted for, all except Batman," Mr. Terrific stated flatly, he was growing frustrated with the continual questioning.

"Who cares? He's not part of the league."

Shayera adjusted her grip on her mace, "He is a founding member," she snapped.

"Yeah, sure he is." The sarcasm was thick.

"Hey I thought Superman was number 1."

Mr. Terrific plowed through and shouted over the din, "SVER45 means severely IJ."

"Wait," the feminen voice quieted the room and the speaker was identified as Zatanna, "A 'severely IJ' code was sent pertaining to Batman?"

"Correct. Superman, J'onn, Wonder Woman, and the Flash have already been transported to the place in question," Mr. Terrific stated.

"What does that mean," someone yelled loudly.

Zatanna spoke before Mr. Terrific, "It means that Batman has been injured."

"And with Batman out of commission the apocalypse can only be days away," Blue Beetle added seriously, his voice grave.

"Why would Earth be in danger?"

"Think about it," Blue Beetle paused for a minute to let the other heroes think.

Quiet a few heroes began mumbling worriedly to each other.

"This means—"

Zatanna was cut shot by the comlink. "Mr. Terrific tell the infirmary to prepare for immediate operation; gather all magical heroes and ask them to wait in conference room D for further instruction," J'onn's voice echoed in the din.

The Javelin touched down and the heroes exited to find a blackened mess that was indistinguishable. The heroes walked in silence staring at the town that once was, they could not believe the entire thing was gone, flattened like it had never been there, the only evidence being the mounds of rubble. The place was covered in a light grey fluff that was still falling from the sky, a substance like snow, but what the heroes knew to be ash.

They made their way to the center of town where large groups of people were working together to move rubble around and had began the process of cleaning up, something that seem likely to take months.

"Excuse us," J'onn said to the nearest crowd of people who stood doing nothing useful.

A man turned about to tell him to back off, but stopped when he saw the green martian backed by Wonder Woman, Superman, and the Flash. "Uh..okay." Others around heard the Martian's request and created an aisle.

"Forget this," Wonder Woman said flying over the crowd and landing in front of a huge pile of rubble.

"He has one of them," a woman close to hysterics yelled.

Flash stopped next to his fellow heroes, "Who has what?"

"A child, there," J'onn said pointing to Booster Gold who'd emerged from a hole in the rubble carrying a small child.

Flash sped over to Booster and took the boy rushing him to the waiting medical team, then back to the others followed by Booster, "What is going on," he asked.

Before Booster Gold could answer, Vibe and Big Barda emerged from the same small entrance and approached a group of law enforcement. "We can't get her out the rubble collapsed and even if we dug her out she would climb up, shes refused so far."

"Barda," Superman said alerting the heroine to his and the other's presence.

"Superman," Barda nodded turning to him.

"There is a girl deep below, she could have gotten out, but the rubble collapsed making it impossible to reach her, and she refuses to leave—to leave Batman," J'onn concluded removing his hands from his temples.

Superman scanned the earth below him and found a little girl and her companion. "Vibe lead us down there, we'll dig them out," Superman commanded striding forward.

"It get's really cramped down here," Vibe warned as he lead them to a small opening in the pile. The heroes followed him in silence for a few minutes before they emerged into a cave just tall enough to stand in. "Here we are, he's there," Vibe nodded, pointing to crisscrossing beams and large stones that reveled a tiny opening, "the only reason we found him is because Skeets heard the children sobbing."

Superman stepped forward ready to begin tearing a hole into the ground beneath him, but J'onn placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know you wish to get him out, but we must be cautious of the child, we may injure her, proceed carefully."

Superman gave a short nod before lifting a large concert block out of his way. "Flash, Wonder Woman please clear this out."

"On it Supes!" Flash answered speeding around gathering small bits of rubble and dashing off with it by the armload. Wonder Woman hoisted six large blacked beams onto her shoulder, "J'onn watch him," she said nodding to Superman. J'onn nodded and observed the Man of Steel as he hefted beams and chucks of stone like they were twigs and pebbles.

The heroes continued to clear the cave for ten minutes before Superman was able to see anything. "Hello," he called into the small shaft like hole.

"I'm not coming out," came a tiny voice.

J'onn and Superman exchanged looks, "Please come out, we're here to help, we need to make sure you're safe."

"No," came the faint, but defiant response.

"You may be hurt," Superman said halfheartedly.

"I'm not."

Superman sighed, "You could have breathed in something dangerous-"

"No. I'm not leaving him. He stayed with us, I'm staying with him," the small voice argued.

Superman stood, "J'onn see if you can get Wonder Woman and Flash down here."

J'onn nodded and searched for his companion. Diana?


Would you please help Superman and I, bring Flash with you too.

Is everything alright?

Yes, though we've reached the girl she refuses to climb up, Superman cannot convince her and I fear to enter her mind, it seems very fragile.

We're on our way.

Flash zoomed into the cave seconds later, "Is Bats down there, have you gotten him out?"

"No, we must get the girl out first before we continue, else she be hurt," J'onn explained.

Wonder Woman ducked into the cave, "Where is the girl?"

"Down there," Superman said pointing to a small shaft formed by crisscrossing beams and crumbled stone.

"Hello," Wonder Woman called softly looking down the dark shaft.

"I'm not leaving," the girl's voice said floating up to the heroes.

Wonder Woman sat back, staring at the hole, "What is your name little one?"

"Amanda, everyone calls me Mandy," the girl answered.

Wonder Woman nodded her head slightly, "Mark would like to see you Mandy."

"Mark left me alone, I don't want to see him," Mandy responded, there was a pause and them more quietly, "I'm not going to leave him, he save me and Mark."

"Mandy, Batman is a great friend of mine and I know he would be very impressed with what you're doing, but he wouldn't want you to risk your life for him. He wouldn't want you to stay down there when he protected you from everything else." Wonder Woman reasoned, choosing her words carefully.

There was a long pause, followed by the sound of movement, the crunch of stone beneath small feet, "Okay, I'll come up."

"Good, thats good, and don't worry, Batman will be alright," Wonder Woman assured.

The heroes listened as Mandy began the struggle of climbing up the long rubble shaft. "Do you really think he'll be okay? He was very nice before he fell asleep," Mandy asked, her voice floating up to the heroes. The stunned heroes tried to shake off their shock. "I can't go any further." Mandy called.

Pushing thoughts of Batman falling asleep to the back of her mind, Wonder Woman lay down and reached her hand down the shaft and groped for the girl's hand. Wrapping her hand around Mandy's arm, Wonder Woman pulled the girl up the rest of the way and set her on the ground. Mandy's clothes were stained a dark red and were still damp, she was also covered in dirt.

Wonder Woman pulled her hand away from Mandy's darkened clothes and saw blood smeared across her fingers and palm.

"Flash take her to the medics and get her food and a blanket," Superman ordered.

Before Flash could move Mandy stepped toward's Wonder Woman and wrapped her arms around her leg, clamping down. "No. I'm going to stay here and wait for him," Mandy said.

"You need food and warmth, and you're bleeding," Superman said taking a step forward.

Mandy hid behind Wonder Woman's leg, peeking around her thigh, "No I'm not, this was already down there."

"You need food," Superman repeated.

Mandy shook her head, "He gave us food and his cape kept us warm, he even had water."

Wonder Woman knelt down in front of Mandy and brushed her face off, "You can stay here with me little one, I won't make you leave."

"Okay," Mandy said sliding her hand into Wonder Woman's.

Superman nodded to Wonder Woman and turned on the hole. He dove in and began throwing beams and pieces of concert like he was digging through sand. Minutes after he'd started he stopped having finally reached his friend. As he pulled the last beam away he saw a large piece of the beam sticking out of the right side of Batman's lower back. When he had put the beam down he directed one of the lights onto Batman's still form and they all saw the pool of blood reflect the light. The whole left shoulder and arm of the Kevlar had been ripped from the suit, the rest of the suit was full of holes exposing cuts and gashes that were turning green and yellow with rot.

Wonder Woman pulled Mandy into her, the little girl was crying. Flash was frozen, he had never seen anything so hideous and the fact that it was a lifeless-looking Batman scared him more than a Batman full of life. All Superman could do was stare in shock at the state of his best friend. J'onn was the first to act, calling the watchtower, "Mr. Terrific tell the infirmary to prepare for immediate operation; gather all magical heroes and ask them to wait in conference room D for further instruction." Then to Superman, "We need to get him out of here immediately."

To Be Continued…..

Note: This is my first Justice League fic. I love Batman and I've had this story on my mind forever, so here it is. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please review, constructive criticisms always welcomed.

This has been updated and edited since the original version was posted.
