


Rainstar-dark grey tom with bright blue eyes. Mate: Dawncloud.


Flowerstripe- white she-cat with dark mud colored paws. Bright green eyes.

Medicine Cat-

Greeneye- dark ginger she-cat with snow white paws and kind tree green eyes. Apprentice: Streampaw.


Cloversong- brown she-cat with a white chest, stomach, and tail. Grey eyes. Apprentice: Featherpaw

Silentshadow- pitch black tom with dark brown eyes. Mate: Puddlesplash.

Darkfang- blackish grey tom with white tipped ears. Yellow eyes. Apprentice: Blondpaw

Dawncloud- pretty white she-cat with orange tabby stripes going down her legs and back. Lovely dusty green eyes. Mate: Rainstar.

Darkstripes- Black tom with bright blood red eyes. Apprentice: Flickerpaw

Glacialheart- white she-cat with silver splotches around eyes. Dark blue eyes.

Coaltalon- dark grey tabby tom with blue-green eyes.

Lilydale- black tabby she-cat with tortoiseshell paws and amber eyes. Apprentice: Waterpaw

Almondpelt- almond brown tabby tom with dark grey eyes.

Amberheart- silver she-cat with black paws and stomach with bright amber eyes

Redberry- dark red tom with yellow eyes Apprentice: Shadepaw

Vanillasky- vanilla white she-cat with dark cream colored paws and coal grey eyes.

Duskspot- dusty grey tom with dark brown spots; has green eyes. Apprentice: Sleekpaw

Dawnsky- white she cat with a calico back and head; pale blue eyes.

Moonlightpath- white she-cat with black paws and pale green eyes

Cloudpath- grey tom with white paws and ice-blue eyes Apprentice: Inkpaw

Crookedstripe- Brown tabby tom with a crooked tail has smoke colored paws; brown eyes. Mate: Streamripple Apprentice: Solorpaw

Slashfire- ginger tom with white chest and stomach; green eyes Mate: Nightwind


Streampaw- white she cat with silver tabby stripes; olive green eyes. (Streamleaf)

Waterpaw- blue-grey tom with white front paws; brown eyes (Waterstone)

Blondpaw- cute pale grey she-cat with one black paw white tipped tail and ears; blue-purple eyes (Blondheart)

Inkpaw- black tom with grey tabby stripes; camel eyes. (Inkspot)

Flickerpaw- dusty red she-cat with baby green eyes. (Flickerpool)

Featherpaw- soft white she-cat with brown ears and tail; jade green eyes (Featherfern)

Sleekpaw- sleek ginger tabby tom; yellow topaz eyes (Sleekbreeze)

Solorpaw- shy silver white she-cat with bright yellow chest; rose red eyes (Solorshadow)

Shadepaw- maple brown tom with a black tabby striped tail; copper eyes. (Shadestorm)


Puddlesplash- white she-cat with fawn colored paws, back, and muzzle. Honey green eyes. Mate: Silentshadow. Kits-Peachkit, Cherrykit, Forestkit, Shinekit

Streamripple- silver she-cat with black tabby stripes and white tipped ears and tail, paws, stomach and chest; ice-blue eyes. Mate: Crookedstripe. Kits-Crystalkit, Mudkit, Mosskit, Smokeykit.

Nightwind- dark grey she-cat black paws, ears, and tail; blonde eyes. Mate: Slashfire. Kits: Artickit, Dreamkit, Longkit, Quietkit.


Artickit- pale grey she-cat with a white front paw; ice-blue eyes. (Articflower)

Dreamkit- black she-cat with front ginger paws and dark grey back paws; blonde eyes. (Dreamwind)

Longkit- pale ginger tom with a long black streak going down his back; soft green eyes. (Longstreak)

Quietkit- small grey tom with white ears, tail, and right front and back paws; golden green eyes. Hardly speaks. (Quietclaw)

Crystalkit- almost silver she cat with pretty ice-blue eyes. (Crystalrain)

Mudkit- Mud colored tom with white tail tip and brown eyes. (Mudthorn)

Mosskit- Black she-cat with silver paws and brown eyes. (Mossfeather)

Smokeykit- Gray tom with green eyes and dark gray ears the color of smoke. (Smokeyear)

Peachkit- cream colored tom with honey brown eyes. (Peachpelt)

Cherrykit- white she-cat with a red patch of fur on half of her face; brown-red eyes. (Cherrybreeze)

Shinekit- Tiny yellowish she-kit with tan ends on fur, with piercing yellow-olive eyes. (Shinestream)

Forestkit- light grey tom with dark grey paws ears and tail; forest green eyes. (Forestwhisker)


Flashwind- small brown she-cat with fawn colored chest; amber eyes

Dapplefern- calico she-cat with grey paws; honey eyes

Littlelily-small yellow she-cat with brown paws and ears; blue-grey eyes

Brackenstripe- brown tabby tom with dark brown muzzle and black tail; baby green eyes



Icestar- white cat with light grey flecks and blue eyes.


Swiftwind- orange striped brown tom; grey eyes.

Medicine Cat-

Poppycloud- tan she-cat with black flecks all over her body looks like poppy seeds; honey brown eyes.



Drizzlestar- white she-cat with dark grey markings; jade green eyes.


Dawnsploch- calico she-cat with dark ginger paws; blue eyes.

Medicine Cat-

Juniperpool- tiny white she-cat with fawn colored ears and tail dark grey paws; juniper pool blue eyes.



Sleetstar- white almost silver she-cat with very dark grey splotches on her pelt; ice-blue eyes


Littlejump- black tom with light grey legs; hazel eyes

Medicine Cat-

Berryclaw- cream colored black pawed tom; yellow-green eyes