DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Harry Potter or the characters from Charmed. The only thing I own is the plot and any of the characters I make which I ultimately will because I'm sad like that.
Hi everyone, yes I know I have no business starting a story when there's no way of knowing when I'll update as I am so lazy but I was inspired and so viola, a prologue.
The experience was so overwhelming but also so stunning. That single moment of clarity that made all the difference. I knew now what I had to do. I realized it as I sat here in detention fiddling with my wand. I had to kill Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort, 'Heir' of Slytherin. Not because the prophecy dictates it but because my life would never be normal if I don't.
That brought me back to now. I knew what I had to do but I also knew I was no where near prepared for my task. I needed to train if I didn't I would surely die and I'm not ready to die. My luck has held out this long but it wouldn't much longer. I needed to learn what I needed to, to complete my task. There was no school in the magical communities in Europe capable of training me. This summer I had received a letter from some school in America. Simply put it was called Magic School and I knew that's where I needed to be.
There was no doubt in my mind that I would get the training I needed. I had a feeling they wouldn't coddle me there and that's what I'm hoping for. I need to be trained to kill if I want to live my life MY way and not the way everyone expects me too. I don't want to marry Ginny, I don't particularly want to be an Auror after all once I kill Voldemort why would I want to kill more dark wizards. If anything Snape's taught us, or even Pettigrew, its that not all dark wizards were evil just like not all light wizards are good.
Hi, my name is Harry Potter and I've decided to take control of my destiny and no one is going to stop me. Not even you.
Feedback is very much appreciated. Hopefully I'll update this one a lot more than my others. :-D