Well, here is the next chapter of my story… I will say that I am happy with someone voting… but then is the problem of the votes being in a draw because of the votes… one for each option… so vote in the poll of my profile please… and I thank Radman for giving me his criticism… don't worry, I know I suck at grammar and I plan to correct all of the mistakes in all the chapters… even if this if there are mistakes… so, don't worry about grammar for now, I think for February I will have them corrected. Now Enjoy!

Omega walked slowly to a great door but the room would be too dark if there wasn't some lamps that make all to look creepy… something Omega didn't matter at all, he kept walking, until he found a great metal door… he just punched it down to make it fall

-HEY! Look your place android!-

Said Eggman as Omega was seeing him, but something was different, he used the same suit but only replacing the red for the blue and more important...he had half of him robotized!

-I had to change a bit for my master… not that I wouldn't have done this to defeat all of you… but still I will defeat you...with my finest creation yet! –

Eggman pushed a button for the front part of the Egg carrier to dislodge and it transformed into a robot that was like a giant Omega but with wings… totally expected for Omega…

-Don't you think it is magnificent? GUN technology helped a bit but still it is magnificent-

Omega looked to this machine indifferently as he initiated the battle mode

-I don't care the power of your new design, it's program shall be erased! –

Omega stated in his monotone voice, the gargantuan machine started to shoot with all of the weapons but still Omega was fast for these shots…

-How? You are faster that how I made you-

Asked the doctor as Omega kept the battle with the robot, he then aims to shoot one weapon, he gave a great shot to a weapon as it was destroyed, Omega starts to aim with the new chip of Tails with missiles that had a drill, the armor of the robot couldn't stand for this missiles as Omega started to throw bombs, it had really damaged the robot, but it then transformed, Eggman had installed in the robot that had upgraded his body with his weapons, Omega then starts to fly with the upgraded propulsors made by Tails, as he used a special beam that destroyed the main module of the robot, it simply had fallen with a weapon of that force, doctor Eggman couldn't believe it, an old version had defeated and even destroyed one of his newest invention

-NO! This is impossible! You shouldn't have this power! ...-

Omega approached slowly to Eggman as he then said

-I gave you life, is this how you repay me? -

-I have demonstrated that I am the most powerful robot of your army... A shame you didn't initiated mass production-

-Yes...maybe you were the most powerful robot but still you are weak, you should have destroyed Shadow… we both know that was your programming! -

-Sorry Eggman, but I choose my own programming… -

-Arrogant android, you know you can't go against me! ... maybe you have destroyed my creations all along to this point, but both of we know you can't kill me, and now Shadow and Rouge will die, I have distracted you just like he asked me to do… -

-It does not stand like a fact… completely different to the prediction of your perdition and that the model I destroyed was the last invention you will create Eggman…-

Eggman was now really frightened, it seemed Omega was serious

-What?! –

-Cannons pointing, aiming and…FIRE! –


Those were the last words of the "dear doctor" as a shadow went out of his body… a shadow of Mephiles had been controlling him all along, but at least Omega had defeated Eggman… the creation had truly overcome his master…

Shadow and Rouge are still climbing one of the top towers of Eggman's base; it was too tall, even Rouge was tired

-I am a treasure hunter but I won't ever climb a mountain this tall! … Why does Eggman make these towers so high? –

-Cause he use his Egg-vehicle and do not have to walk, now move forward we are almost there-

Said Shadow without a bit of hesitation or joke… he really wasn't in the mood now they would face Mephiles… although it was truth… Shadow wasn't as tired as Rouge but it had certainly drained him… and Rouge was blessing when they reached the top of Eggman's tower, Shadow then said to Rouge

-Rouge, prepare to meet him… -

-Who are you talking about? You knew this guy all along? –

Asked Rouge as Shadow agreed, she was mad until she saw Mephiles, it was strange to see a hedgehog looking so much like Shadow… and with those dead eyes… and without a mouth… it was just creepy! She then felt a cold ice on her back sliding down her spine, this feeling had frozen her for a few time… this wasn't a normal guy! Rouge then hears the bizarre hedgehog talking

-Well Shadow, you have brought a friend… -

-Don't you ever dare to touch her! –

Mephiles started to laugh with his normal way to fright, Shadow then interrupted him

-What now Mephiles? I've won know that you don't have any more warriors left! –

-On the contrary Shadow… I have been winning time for me to recruit the persons that I've mentioned before, why do you think I will use a week? I have known that you had a hard time defeating another hedgehog… and that is why I recruited him, as I knew he had to posses the DNA he had then, I gave him free access to GUN database for him to absorb all of his interest.–

Shadow was impressed of seeing a gray pool on the floor to emerge as Metal Sonic, some portals started to open, one had Sonic and the other one had Silver that had emerged with Blaze in a side and Shade at the other side, all of the other friends of Sonic got out of another space-time portal:

Amy Rose, Knuckles, Tails, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Big, Jet, Storm, Wave, and even Cream.

All of them were asking what were they doing there, as Mephiles said

-I've brought you all here because Sonic, Silver, and Shadow will need all the help they can get… and this is because they will fight…Stormyst! -

And then the sky got darker… and made all of them unable to see… and then fire arose from the floor… as from there got out a monster with tow long arms… his mouth was probably larger than it's own body even although his head wasn't all that big… it's back had a lot of tentacles that appeared to bee made of purple energy… Sonic easily identified the monster as the "Dark Gaia"… then Mephiles lifted both of his hands and there were two objects on his hands… a fake emerald and…

-"Erazor's lamp!"-

Said Sonic… he then saw how Mephiles threw the lamp as wind got out of it covering completely the creature known as Dark Gaia… then Mephiles threw the fake emerald as a massive wave of water got out from it… and the fire that had before been the welcoming of Dark Gaia now was arising and covering him… the three forces of the wind, the fire and the water were covering Dark Gaia completely… and Shadow now understood! The flame had been Iblis and the wave of water that had gotten out from the fake emerald had been another cage for Chaos …

-Let me explain… as the blue hedgehog can explain you, the fool of Erazor was a Djinn or a genie of the wind… but there are other three kind of genies… the fire type called "Ifrits" like Iblis, the water ones called "Madrids" like Chaos… and the last ones being the earth type genies called "Daos" like Dark Gaia… and all of them are raw power excluding Erazor… but infused with so much power it would be a mindless creature… already under our control…

Now, Shadow knew something wasn't right… if the flames had really been Iblis, Why haven't Mephiles joined him once again? He couldn't think of a reason right now but observe the transformation of Dark Gaia… as the energy exploded there only was and energy orb… and slowly there started to get out two wings… and then a head… this head had three crocodile mouths… one in the front and two at it's sides, it had a crest, two horns that went aside from it's front jaw and two fangs getting out from the bottom of the front jaw… then a long neck started to come out from the incandescent sphere as then long arms started to help the creature getting out of the sphere… they had long claws as then from the sphere got out other two arms that were heavily armored with spiked at where the shoulders should be and the hands looked like half spheres with swords getting out from them along with three fingers in each hand… and then below two tentacles got out in the form of another two arms and for last a tail… the creature then turned a dark blue with bright red strange tattoo's in it's neck and chest, the chest was the sphere from where the whole body had gotten from… Shadow knew they were powerful enough to defeat Stormyst if they fought him together… maybe… that is how they tried to attack with every attack they knew as Silver, Shadow and Sonic knew exactly what to do, Shadow took out the master emerald as they felt the giant power of them, Shadow and Silver transformed into darkspines Shadow and Silver as two black and red lines got from Shadow's forehead to his back and his shoes, gloves and irises disappeared, and Silver got black lines that got from his forehead to the back of his back as well as disappearing his boots, gloves and irises… Sonic then transformed in his own darkspine form as they kept shining with the effect of the emeralds, and because of the Sol emeralds is that every natural ability they had was empowered by them…

-Silver, Shadow, the world rings react directly with your feelings… so if you attack with a feeling specifically your attack will be stronger!-

Then they started to attack to his armor with all they could, Silver started to attack the armor by launching the objects he founded, he then got hit by some tentacles that started to grow from it's back, Silver then dodged and picked pieces from the armor of Stormyst to throw them again, Sonic kept with the homing attack to his head and Shadow launched Chaos Spears and Chaos Bursts, the creature then started to try to hit them with it's gigantic arms or swords, or launching fireballs from his eye but nothing worked for Stormyst… then they had succeeded at breaking it's armor… and by attacking him was how they defeated him… it seemed that it couldn't resist a hit without it's armor… a monster strangely easy to defeat for it's big size… the monster simply fell… it was easy to stop and celebrate… until they saw how the creature started to be consumed in a dark flame… and then the flame became again a black sphere that launched lightings… Sonic then said

-Well, that was too easy, when is bigger harder they fall… -

-Sadly for you… you are right. It wasn't a challenge at all, but all we needed was the flame of all of those for creatures together, now you will taste real power… -

Mephiles exclaimed…

Yes… a short chapter… is only I couldn't think all about the fight… but the interesting thing is in the next chapter… and about the disclaimer we all know I put it at the start of all the others chapters… but I have to say I got inspired by a myths book I got recently and there is from where the idea of the elemental genies got from… and Stormyst is a monster from Sonic the hedgehog I created. I wish you a great weekend! See ya!