Yay! I finally updated! Thankyou for waiting for this chappy to come out and not tearing off my head like my friends would do. Sorry I took so long to update, I was busy writing stories to go on Quizilla, school (shudder), and swim team practice. I haven't been able to update anything on any website at all this weak! I was so busy, I was barely at home. And when I was at home, I had homework (shudder). I wore my pajama's inside out yesterday and slept with a spoon under my pillow, and it works! There was a snow day! Now I got a vacation with no homework and no life! Now I can update more!
Inuyasha: Say it!
Mizuki: (grunts) Neva!
Sesshomaru: (sigh)
Kagome: (sweat drop)
Inuyasha: (is sitting ontop of me) Say it!
Mizuki: F!ck off Uremeshi! Oh wait, wrong anime...F!ck off mutt-face!
Inuyasha: SAY IT!
Mizuki: I own no song nor any of my friends that may occur durring this Q&A!
Inuyasha: Say the other thing!
Mizuki: Neva!
Inuyasha: Say it or else...(holds up diary)
Mizuki: Haha, dumbass. That's not mine, it's my brothers!
Everyone: O.O
Jabreel(brother): (come in) Hey, Sarah, are you still doin' that Q&B thing?
Mizuki: One. It's Mizuki. Two. It's Q&A dumbass. Three. What do you think when they're those, as you said, "Dumbass Japanese Crap" in my room. And Five. Look what the person with blue hair has in his hand!
Inuyasha: Blue? What the cencored!? What did you do to my hair?!And how does a brickhouse like Jabreel have a diary?!
Mizuki: He bakes cookies!
Inuyasha: (gives Jabreel his diary before he can attack)
Mizuki: He's a wreseler, but he still bakes cookies...weird...
Inuyasha: (is still sitting on me) Say it!
Mizuki: Fine! I don't own Inuyasha!
Inuyasha: (gets off)
Mizuki: (stands up and tackled Inuyasha)
Kagome: Should we stop her?
Sesshomaru: (has pop corn and is watching intently) Hell no!
92 minutes and 47 seconds later...
Mizuki: (Is sitting on Inuyasha) That'll teach ya'.
Kouga: So...who won that Inuyasha Idol thingy?
Mizuki: Tie.
Kagome: With who?
Mizuki: Seshomaru-
Sesshomaru: Yay!
Mizuki: Don't get happy, you only got one vote.
Sesshomaru: That's one more vote than you got!
Mizuki: One, it was Mi-mama who voted for you.
Sesshomaru: Oh.
Mizuki: And two, I was the one tied with you smart.
Everyone ('xept me): (gasp)
Mizuki: ¬¬ I'm not that bad at singing...sorta.
Inuyasha(who I'm still sitting on): (sarcastically) Sure you're not
Mizuki: (twists knife trusted into his stomach from fight)
Inuyasha: Ow.
Sesshomaru: (sarcastically) Sure you're not that bad at singing, that's why every one fled for there lives during your prefroming arts concert.
Mizuki: (Snatches knife out of Inuyasha's stomach-)
Inuyasha: Ow!
Mizuki: (-and chucks it at Sesshomaru)
(Knife lands though his eye)
Mizuki: Bulls eye...or dog's eye(shrugs). I knew betting against my uncle in a game of darts and husling while playing darts in a casino with my uncle would pay off.
Kagome: He doesn't sound like a very positive influence
Mizuki: He wasn't. That's why he's so fun.
Inuyasha: Isn't kids in casinos illegle...
Mizuki: Only in the Uk, Porto Rico, the West Bank, and all forty-seven states of america...if you're a George Bush lover.
Shippo: We are in America...
Mizuki: I said, if you're a Bush lover. An-OMG, did y'all see him juke that shoe that was thrown at him! That was my uncle who through it! Size ten, lol. To bad he juked it, imagine the replays and replays of it on Youtube...
Naraku: Youtube?
Mizuki: The flashy videos in the white box with the mouse the is not living infront of it.
Everyone 'xept me: Oh...
Mizuki: Any way, the first reveiwer is Hitntr.
Naraku: Who?
Mizuki: How mean you are! You hate the reveiwers who ask/dare you, but don't remember the nice ones!
Awesome ^-^
Mizuki: I know =)
Everyone but me: ¬¬
I enjoy when you beat them up the most, definitely the best part of this. The only song I knew out of all of those songs was Saving me so I ain't going to vote. I don't listen to much music anymore :( Great job by the way!
Mizuki: Seriously?! I wouldn't be able to live without music.
Kouga: (mumbles) Yeah, to bad she has to sing to it most of the time
Mizuki: ¬¬ You just made my list.
Kouga: I already was on you list!
Mizuki: You made it up there with Jimmy, Kuabara, and Abboud
Abboud(friend of a guy friend): (comes in) What did I do?
Mizuki: (narrows eyes and in a demonic voice) You stole my cookie.
Abboud: You gave it to me.
Mizuki: No, I gave one to Jimmy and Mohhamed, not you. You started cussing out my friend in social studies. I would have drop kicked your ass if it wasn't for the fact you would've fallen on Jimmy the Shorty Wonder
Jimmy(guy friend): (comes in) You did drop kick him and he did fall on me. Why am I on your list?
Mizuki: You stole a cookie too.
Jimmy: You did give me a cookie!
Mizuki: Oh yeah...I guess I just don't like you. Never did. Why do you keep emphising 'did'?
Jimmy: What?
Mizuki: You keep saying 'did' as did. Abboud, leave. Go home, no one wants you here.
Abboud: Make me.
Inuyasha: (shoot him a mournful glance) I feel sorry for you dude.
Mizuki: (stand up from whoever I was sitting on) Get your a-rab ass out of my house! (just to make it clear, I'm not racist, or an ethnic hater either, it's a joke we always say to each other because we're all arabs, though no one says it to me, I don't look it exept for the fact I were socks with slippers.)
Five minutes later..
Shippo: W-Where'd he go?
Mizuki: I've got someone picking up his body at-I mean...his mom came to pick him up.
Inuyasha: (sarcastically) yeah, riiight.
Mizuki: Okay, I dropped kicked him and he fell down the up elevator. It lookeed pretty funny...I wonder if he's still rolling down of if that aseizure he was having killed him yet...
Kuabara: (come in) Why am I on the top of your list?
Mizuki: One, because you're an ease-dropping f!ck tard. Two, your damn code! I hate that you won't fight a girl or exept one as a fighter. I'm a girl, and I'm a fighter!
Everyone but me: You're a girl!
Mizuki: I hate all of you...and Kuabara, get your ass back to JJ's Q&A.
Kuabara: No! Any where but there! I'd rather go to Azkaban.
Mizuki: (Looks at movie cabinet) You a-hole. You watched my Harry Potter movies, didn't you?
Kuabara: Uh...no?
Mizuki: You lier.
Kuabara: Okay, I did. Please don't kill me.
Mizuki: Oh no, I'm going to do something worse. (litterly kicks his ass up to a black hole in the sky leading to JJ's room)
Inuyasha: You sent him to JJ's room?
Mizuki: Yeah, at first I thought of sending him through the hole to the Teli-tubies(sp? I'm to lazy to check), but I decided JJ's room's like his own personal hell.
Kagome: Oh, those wierd things. I hate those! They're so..-
Mizuki: 'Ey! Don't. Diss Teli-tubies.
Sesshomaru: How did you know he was watching your movies?
Mizuki: I smelled his ugly man-perfume from a mile away on the case.
Jimmy: You mean colone?
Mizuki: Same diference. They're both skunk water. Why are you still here?
Jimmy:...Because you know you want to hug a cute cuddly short person like me?
Mizuki: You got the short part down right...Wow..how'd we get so off task?
PS- Gir is pretty awesome!
Mizuki: Damn strait.
PSS- I am a girl! Much like 95 percent of the people who come onto this website!
Mizuki: Good to know. I seriously didn't know most of FFN populations was girls. How'd you get that #? Any way, the next reveiwer is-
Inuyasha: Nooo!
Mizuki: I didn't even say who it was! And it's chaliechick.
Inuyasha: I repeat: Nooo!
xD *slaps Osama hi 5 for being anti twilighter. Not that I hate the books, they just REALLY need some paying out*
Mizuki: I don't know what 'paying out' really means so I'm just gonna say: The books rock, the movie sucked ^&*)(*&^&)#((&*cencored(&^&(cencored!##$##! and completly ruined the books. My sister and I was the one to start the Twillight trend at my (her old) school, now every one either: Loves the books and movie. Loves the movie, hates the books. Watched the movie first and descovered there were books and are now reading them. Or knew there were books but watched the movie first saying, "It's coming out on movie, why should I even bother reading the book." even though the book is thousands of times better. Any way, it just pisses me right the hell of for some reason and I'm one of the few who think the movie sucks and only like the books and think that all the actors, espessially Robert Petterson, are gay.
I'm now saying, in school that Twillight sucks, period, even thought that's mostly a lie. I say I don't like it, period, cause I don't want to be part of that annoying croud of populars and popular wannabes who think it's 'cool' to read Twillight and watch the movie that the dumb producer made which made Romeo and Juliet seem more beleivable with, "I love you" as practically the wholescript. Sorry for ranting, I probably needed to vent. I should really get a blog. And if you're actually taking the time to read this, you're as crazy as I am.
Everyone: ...
Mizuki: Yeah, I can be deep. Suck it up pansies.
You know what? 'Tis the season to be jolly! And to celebrate most of my dares shall be christmasy and seasonal.
So...I'd like to dare the entire cast...
Entire cast: Christmas cosplay! Fluffy- dress up as Santa. Get Kohaku, Jaken, Souta, Kanna, Hakudoshi and Rin to be Santa's little helpers and Miroku, Kouga and Inuyasha to be the Raindeer. Kaede can be Santa's mum, Sango and Kagome can be christmas Angels, Ginta, Hakaku, Ayame, Kagome's friends, Hojo and the band of seven can be elves, Grandpa can be Santa's dad, Kagome's mum can be Santa's sister, Kagura can be Mrs Claus, uh un can be the sleigh, NAraku can be can be a naughty little boy who gets coal. Anyone I've forgotten can be a raindeer or elf.
Oh yeah, you have to go to Sydney harbour and cosplay there for everyone (including me) and go on a bridge climb. It will be fun and you will enjoy yoursleves. Doesn't that sound fun? Merry Christmas!
Mizuki: A little to late for that. What's the next dare?
Kagome: Don't we have to do the play?
Mizuki: Do you want to do the play?
Kagome: ...No
Mizuki: So we won't.
Sesshomaru: Why?
Mizuki: Mostly because I don't feel like googling a play and I'm definately not gonna write on. (I'm really sorry! I'm really lazy! Gomen, gomen gomen!)
Lol, yeah they should perform chappie 2 also.
Sesshy can be the doctor
Ayame can be bella
Inuyasha can be alice
Naraku can be jacob
Mizuki: Cool.
Sesshomaru: Goddammit!
Mizuki: Suck it up and get moving!
Inuyasha: Why am I the girl!
Emmett...erm...Miroku and the evil toaster.
Chapter two: Trip to the ductors
Muroku and Kouga: (are in the waiting room, getting strange looks from the pplz)
When it's finally their turn...
Dr. Sesshy: (puts toast in toaster)
Muroku: AAARRRGGHHWKJRHGEHGLH! MY FOOT IS ON FIIIYA! (Starts running around, setting the toast on fire. Finds a plunge pool (idk what it was doing in the doctor's office)and jumped into the water, turning into a girl when he touched it...)
Inuyasha: O.O
Sesshomaru: O.O
Shippo: ...
Everyone else: O.e
Mizuki: Lol, jk..on wid da stoy/play/skit/thingy...
Muroku: (Doesn't get turned into a girl, but instead get's electricuted which is almost better than Emmett turning into a girl)
Kouga: (Gets thirsty. Decides to take some toaster water, but get's electircuted.)
Ayame: (randomnly jumps out from under the table.)OMG! BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!ELLEVEN!ONEONE!(jumps out the window)
Koga: (attempts to followed her, but the toaster cord had raped around his ankle and he dragged Emmett around behind him)
After a few hours of running around town...
Koga and Miroku: (gets back to their house)
Koga: (undoes the cord from his foot.)
Miroku: (Still has the toaster stuck on his foot. It had a soggy, burnt piece of toast in it as well.) I'm hungry (eats burnt peice of toast, forgetting about his smexy vampire powers)
Inuyasha: (comes in) Oooh, that's a toaster.
Koga: Do you know how to take it off?
Inuyasha: Hmm...Well...we could always use this!(Brings a sledge hammer from behind her-his back, holding it up like a maniac) (thinks: God, I feel like as stupid Mizuki...)
Miroku: You just happen to have a sledge hammer behind your back!
Inuy: Hold still. (About to smash the toaster, but then realizes something) Hey! If I do this then the toaster will break!
Miroku: But it will come off my foot!
Inuy: But we won't be able to make some toast after! (Drops sledge hammer and runs outside to have coffee with Victoria)
Koga: Well..It looks like I have to do this. (Picks up sledge hammers) Here goes...
The hammer was brought down on the toaster foot. But all that happened was the sledge hammer bounced off the toaster and went up through the roof. When the sledge hammer came back down, it was Naraku, and he was frowning. He didn't look like one happy camper...
Naraku: That hurts!
The toaster wasn't even dented...
Koge: You! Why did you disguise yourself as a sledge hammer? Why were you in Alice's room?
Naraku: (in a deeply mysterious voice, gesturing for Koga to come closer) I'll tell you.
Koga: (kneels in, anxious as to what Naraku would say)
Naraku: (comes in a little closer before smiling cheekily) But you'll have to catch me first! Aha! (Runs through the walls of the house)
Koga: Hey you! (jumps through the hole in the wall Naraku made and goes after him)
Miroku: (runs after them, toaster foot stomping in the wind) Hey! Wait for me!"
some Audience: (cheers)
some Audience: (Is to deeply disturbed to come up with a reaction for some reason)
most audience: (cricket) (Not that the story was bad, but those guys can't act to save their lives)
Mizuki: Anyways...The next reviewer-
Everyone: (groans)
Mizuki: And the last one-
Everyone: (cheers up)
Mizuki: -is M-to-th-J Productions.
Kagome: A new reviewer?
Mizuki: Heh, sure...
Inuyasha: She knows something we don't.
JJ: Hi!
Everyone: groans
Inuyasha: Knew it.
Mi-mama: I say Sesshomaru wins it.
JJ: ... So impatient today... Anyways, you updated yet again! :D And yeah, I do feel loved by all the InuYasha cast... Except Kagome... ¬¬
Kagome: What did I do?!
Mizuki: Don't know, but there's a lot of things about you to hate...
Inuyasha: Hey! You insult Kagome one more time and I'll-
Mizuki: Sit!
Inuyasha: (flinches, but smirks when nothing happens) Haha, it only works when Kagome does it!
Mizuki: Fine, I can just do this, (tackles him)
Everyone else: (sweat drops)
Mi-mama: ... Hey InuYasha gang and Mizuki, how'd you guys like singing?
Everyone: ¬¬ Never. Going. To. Happen. Again.
Mizuki: Unless I say so.
JJ: I thought it was cool, especially Mizuki's song.
Mi-mama: I told you, SESSHOMARU WINS IT!
Mizuki: Not me.
JJ: Anyways, I haven't any Qs, sadly. (doesn't hear anyone trying to feel sad) ...Bstrdz... Anyway, all I can say is YAY FOR DA INUYASHA IDOL! Better than American Idol, that's fo'sho...
Mi-mama: ... I like that show.
JJ: Oh geez... Well, chat witcha later pendejos, Shippo, and Mizuki! :3
Mi-mama: Byye! :3
Mizuki: Bye!
Inuyasha: And good ridence.
Mizuki: (glares)
Inuyasha: (cowers)
Mizuki: (smirks)
Jimmy: How'd you do that?!
Mizuki: Didn't you leave yet?
Jimmy: Obviously since I'm still here...No.
Mizuki: Shutup Short Jimmy Mic Pansy Pants.. Your lucky I'm to tired to kick your ass. You can to the signing off thing today, I'm gonna go watch teletobies. (leaves)
Jimmy: Righhhht...so, please review and aske any Qs you want to Mizuki, her friends, or anyone on the Inuyasha cast, dead or alive...Now what am I suppose to do?
Fluffy: Well, Mizuki usually end up saying something totally randomn at the end to close of like-
Mizuki(from downstairs): TELITOBIES AREN'T ON! YAY!SONIC X IS!
Fluffy: -that.