Hatred. That is the only word I know. That is what I am hated. Everyone though I was a curse, nothing more. My mom, dad, brother, sister, and everyone. My name is Hatedsoul. I am a icey blue she-cat with crimson eyes. I look nothing like my mom, dad, brother, or my sister.
They all have golden brown fur with white or brown paws/sploches, and they all have green eyes. Everyone says that I look like Demonstar. They say that I AMher. I am a ThunderClan warrior, or curse as some say. My dad's name is Sunspots. My mom's name is Goldensun. My sister's name is Sunnyheart. My brother's name is Flamingwind.
No one will trust me. If I want to hunt at least three warriors have to go with me. I am thinking about leaving ThunderClan, and I just might. I will leave tonight. Not a sound was made when I went out of the camp entrance. I ran and ran. Not once did I look back. I wonder if my life will be better if i was a loner or rouge, I hope so. I slowed my pace down, and looked back. I was far away from the clans new home. I walked and walked.
I hear from other cats that a badger must have got this cat named Hatedsoul. I now have a new name, it is Lovedsoul. I am loved here. I have many friends. After a while, I heard something shocking. The clans were coming this way to find a new place to live. I hope ThunderClan stays away from my home. It is a very beautiful place. It has lush trees and many places to sleep, it even has a waterfall. Bushes surround the entrance to my little camp. It can hold up to like eighty to ninety cats. I also maked my boundaries.
I was walking one day to make my sent markers fresh when I though I smelled Thunderclan. I did.
Firestar, Brambleclaw, and some other cats came out. They looked at me then my sister yelled out Hatedsoul. They all had a surprized look on their face. I shook my head and said my name is not Hatedsoul it is Lovedsoul, now can you please get out of my territory. Firestar stepped up. I got ready just in case he tried to attack me, but he just looked into my eyes and asked if ThunderClan could stay here. I had to think real hard about this, and I said yes.
Well once again I am now apart of Thunderclan. I now have a lot of friends in the clan once the saw that I was not evil. The clan really likes their new home. I had to show them the best place that they could live. Well I guess I am not a Hatedsoul any more I am now a Lovedsoul.