Disclaimer: I do not own or is in any way affiliated with OTH Characters- I'm just a huge BRUCAS FAN! :0)
A/N1: Hey guys, I know I shouldn't be starting a new story and all but this one just came to me and I couldn't help it... So Let me know what you all think! :0)
Background History:
Brooke Penelope Davis- Multi-millionaire designer, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer- Owns Label Production, Rachel Gatina – CEO for C/B live together in a huge Penthouse. Millie Huxtable- Brooke's personal assistant all resides in NY.
Lucas Eugene Scott – Co-Captain for NY Knicks (NO HCM) writes in spare time, Nathan Scott – Co-Captain for NY Knicks; half brother to Lucas, Haley James Scott – Wife of Nathan Scott - English Teacher at THS; still best friends with Lucas; Jamie Lucas Scott- Son of Nathan and Haley's- godson to Lucas; Lily Roe Scott – Daughter of Keith and Karen, half sister to Lucas, Antwon "Skillz" Taylor – Best friends with the Scott brothers, Jake and River court Boys; still dating Bevin and also plays for the NY Knicks, Jake Jagieliski-not single father- Best friends with the Scott brothers and Skillz also plays for the NY Knicks. Marvin "Mouth" McFadden still pursuing his dreams of making it as a Report
The adults are still the exact same characters from the show: Richard and Victoria Davis- still rich and wealthy; travels a lot-not really involved in Brooke's life but when they are, they are. Keith and Karen Scott- finally happily married, Dan and Deb still divorced. Keith didn't get shot by Dan; Victoria never had Brooke attacked but she's still a vindictive witch of a mother. Dan is still a manipulative evil snake.
The two groups of friends plus the adults don't know one another nor have they ever met yet.
Enjoy ...
"Who would have thought, that by the age of 24 she'd have my own multi-million dollar corporation, magazine; even her own channel; not to mention all the fans and fame that came with it? And who could forget her 2 amazingly gorgeous best friends Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer and Rachel Gatina who lives with her in their huge beautiful penthouse in NY. Not her that's for sure; but living the life as a very known celebrity has its' ups and downs but it's the life she chose and so far its been an amazing ride so she has no complaints. Her friends though that's a completely different story."
"Brooke Penelope Davis-" she jumped at the use of her full name
"Must you do that?"
"Must you always admire your damn building every morning?! It's freezing out here! Anyways like I was saying"
"Oh god here we go again" she replied hugging her white pea coat tighter around her body
"You bet your ass here we go again" exclaimed Rachel as she followed her best friend into the building. "You're a gorgeous 24 year old famous multimillion dollar designer living in NY with your two extremely hot best friends and all you do is throw yourself into work" shouted the irritated feisty red head
"And you're point is?"
"Good morning Brooke, Rachel" smiled Millicent as she handed her, her cup of coffee
"Morning Millicent" they replied in unison
"My point is that you're turning into a prude; an old maid! Come out with us tonight, live a little; try getting laid will you. Help me out here Peyton" she said as the curly blue-eyed blonde joined them a few minutes later
"Us? Who's us?" she smirked as Rachel glared at her
"Choose your allies wisely Peywhore"
"Rrrrrarrrrr" joked Peyton
"Millie when you call Prime to make dinner reservation please"
"And make sure she gets the wine room" added Rachel as Millicent nodded
"Yes, and book it for sometime next week"
"You're booked all next week"
"Okay, the following week is fine or the week after that. That belt looks great, but can you make it ¾ inch higher? Perfect" she smiled as she walked off. "Guys what's this?" she asked appalled as Peyton and Rachel looked at one another then back to the TV screen "There's no way she's getting on the front cover of my magazine unless she gains 10lbs minimum; she looks so unhealthy."
"We were just brainstorming"
"Well then brainstorm better" she snapped
"Anorexia is a disease not a fashion statement" exclaimed all three girls in unison irritated before walking off.
"Rach's right though " said Peyton as they all entered Brooke's office
"What time is the premiere?"
"8pm tomorrow night; red carpet at 6" replied Millicent
"Alright I'm going to do red carpet and skip the movie. See if Justin Timberlake or-"
"Paul Walker" added Rachel smiling as she shook her eye brows
"Or Adam Levine from Maroon 5" said Peyton all dreamy as Brooke laughed
"Would like to go"
"Like I was saying, Rach's right" she said taking the sketches away from her best friend. "You own your own company and you're way ahead of the game. These sketches will be here when you get back in the morning" she laughed. One night-"
"Or many won't hurt you one bit" smirked Rachel as Brooke shook her head at her
"Okay first off" she said snatching them back as Peyton stuck out her tongue "why aren't you at your own Recording studio? You do own your own label production and if you have forgotten bills don't pay themselves ; and that goes for you too Rachel. Secondly okay guys seriously, I know how to have fun okay; I am Brooke Penelope Davis for a reason- granted I've been busy but-"
"Okay not that, that has to do with anything McBitchy but you made me CEO for a reason-I am working, just taking a little break besides getting your boss to go out isn't suppose to be a tough job; so stop being so damn stubborn" Brooke rolled her eyes "Seriously when was the last time you went out on a real date?"
She stayed quiet still looking down at her sketches "Um last week with that Nick guy"
"That doesn't count; he was a publicity thing" replied Rachel
"Publicity" answered Peyton
"Eye candy for your arm; still publicity. Who else you got?" smirked Rachel "Give it up Davis. You may be going out with guys, but its' all work related. What happened to the girl from high school?"
"She grew up and matured into the fabulous me today" she replied proudly
"Yeah, yeah that's great and all; but can the old Brooke Davis come out and play with us tonight?"
"You and I both know that Brooke was the town slut Rachel. I've so buried those days"
Rachel rolled her eyes as Peyton laughed "FYI Brookie LA wasn't a town, it was a city smart one"
"Hey I resent that! We lived in a small town in LA so don't get me started"
"Uh huh whatever slut; just come out with us tonight and I'll find you some yummy eye candy to keep" begged the red head
"Come on , it's normally just me and Rach who goes out! We haven't been the three musketeers in awhile"
"I don't know, these sketches aren't going to design themselves"
"Look you have two options so choose them wisely; first off you can come out with us and have some fun or two you can sit at home and have an awkward moment with Felix you're your soon to be-"
"Don't you dare say it Rachel" she glared pointing at her with a colored pencil "There's nothing going on between us. He's an arrogant jerk who thinks he can buy me nice things and I'll fall putty in his hands"
"Well bitchtoria begs to differ. If you keep letting her meddle in with your love life he will be your-" she paused as Brooke threw a pencil at her "I'm just saying; seriously how many times can a guy propose; get turned down each time and still not get the freaking picture?" They burst out into giggles
"Not funny! Well Victoria can play match maker all she wants but it's not going to change the way I feel about him. There's just no spark or chemistry between us. When I get married, I want it to be forever; I want us to be happy and so in love and I want us to grow old together. I vow to get married only once and that is a promise I plan to keep"
"Okay gag me with your marriage talk. You're still young; we're still young and we're hot and single! Come on!"
"Okay fine" she sighed as the girls high five one another
"You two are unbelievable! It's too early to be having a headache and it's not even work related!" she barked! " I love you to death but get to work; you to whore!" she exclaimed pointing at the door
"See how much easier this would have been if you had just said yes last night" smirked Rachel
"Dude what's up with Luke?" asked Skillz
"He's been doing that all morning!"
"I don't know, but I'm sure going to find out" exclaimed Nathan as he made his way over. "What's going on Luke?"
"Nothing" he replied
"Come on, you're been missing free throws all morning"
He sighed frustrated
"What's wrong man?"
"It's just that my mom and Keith are pressuring me into proposing to Lindsey"
Nathan's mouth dropped open "Really?" he asked as he found his voice "I didn't think you guys were that serious"
He shrugged "We're not; I mean we've been dating off and on for a year. I guess being 24 years old I should be starting to think about my future" he said using air quotes "and should be settling down. I mean I want what you and Haley have; the love, the marriage and JLuke someday but-"
"Lindsey's a great girl. Nice, beautiful, smart; your friends and family get along with her."
He smiled as he nodded "Yeah she is"
"Do you love her?"
"I care about her a lot-"
"You didn't answer my question. I asked if you love her; love and like are two completely different things. Do you see her in your future?"
"God you sound like them. Yes, maybe; I don't know" he replied "I'm just confused. Isn't proposing to someone you love suppose to be easy?" he sighed.
"Yeah it is Luke"
"It's just if and when I do get married I want it to be for ever; eternity; a life time of memories of us in love and growing old together. I want to get married only once in my life, and I want to make sure that she loves me for me and not for my fame or money."
Nathan shook his head "Love is a beautiful thing and it suppose to come naturally. I mean it has its ups and downs but giving your heart away or trying something new is a scary thing but its' a risk you're going to have to take. So think about it; if Lindsey's the one then do it but if she isn't then there's someone else out there for you big brother" he said squeezing Lucas's shoulder "Let me see the ring"
"How did-"
"Luke you're very predictable and so easy to read. No one other than you over analyzes about things let alone this import decision and not have a ring to back it up. Damn that's nice Luke; you've got an eye for good taste. Haley is so going to want a new one-"
"She helped you pick this didn't she" Lucas laughed
"She already has one picked out in her head so good luck little brother"
"I hate you Luke" he chuckled as Skillz and Jake walked over "Come on, lets go practice. "We can't have our Co-Captain playing like a girl tonight against the Celtics"
"Shut up man" he chuckled
"I knew I shouldn't have left Brooke to meet up with us later" exclaimed an irritated Rachel as she hung up her phone
"She said she was coming, she'll be here. Don't worry to much; come on lets' grab a few more drinks and hit the dance floor"
"What can I get you" asked the good looking bartender
"2 shots of hypnotic Owen" The girls threw it down as they made their way towards the dance floor getting into the music.
"You think Luke's going to pull a no show?" Skillz asked his friend
"Nah, he'll be here. Said he would be" replied Nathan "Besides, we're so going to celebrate our win tonight! First rounds on me guys" he shouted as they made their way towards the bar.
20minutes later both Brooke and Lucas entered the club one after the other as the place was packed as usual making it harder to maneuver around without crashing into anyone. People were bumping and grinding as their bodies swayed to the music. The faster the music got, the harder people danced.
"What can I get you?"
"I'll take cranberry vodka"
"Excuse me Ms, you want to dance?"
"No thanks" she replied turning back to her drink
"Sir what can I get you?"
"I'll take a beer" he replied
"Luke there you are; lets get the party started" shouted Skillz as Nathan ordered a round of drinks
"We came to celebrate our victory so here guys" they all held up their glasses; Haley with her coke "Come on Luke" he said handing him a shot glass "Cheers went around"
"So, Mrs. Scott, care to dance with me?" Nate asked as he turned to his wife.
"I'd love too!" she said smiling as they headed towards the dance floor. "Luke, you coming?"
"No you guys go ahead, enjoy yourselves" he smiled as he held up his 3rd beer
"Come on baby, lets go" said Skillz as he took his girlfriend's hand
"Poor Luke" said Haley "I hate seeing him so stressed out"
"You know he's letting this whole proposal thing eat him up alive; it's a good thing it didn't get to his game though" smirked Nathan
"I understand that Karen and Keith want him to be happy; but it's Luke's choice; he knows that. I wonder what's gotten into him. God how did love get so complicated?" she asked
"I don't know, but I can tell you one thing Mrs. Scott, I'm glad we're married" he chuckled as she nodded "Don't worry about Luke, I think he'll make the right decision"
"You might want to slow down there boozy"
"Whore! !" shouted Brooke "Hi Friends" she smiled hugging them
"How many have you had Slut?!"
"Well Owen the bartender here gave me I think 5 or 6 I think" They laughed as Rachel glared at Owen
"Hey she wanted me to keep them coming" he said in defense "Besides, she's Brooke Davis!" he smirked
"How long have you been sitting here ?"
"For about an hour. I couldn't find you guys so I hung out here" she smiled picking up her drink
"I guess you've become a light weight over the years Brookie. Please tell me you aren't buying you're own drinks"
"I'm Brooke Davis! I do not buy my own drinks! They're from them" she said pointing and waving to the guys standing a few feet from her. "So I had to take advantage of it" she laughed "Besides I drink wine more and I'm not even drunk yet" she whispered as Rachel smirked "Why aren't you dancing?"
"I've had invitations-"
"Turned them down?" laughed Peyton
She nodded "Signed a few autographs here and there; made a few guys happy as I posed for their camera phone." they laughed
"Come on lets dance. We've got to find you some yummy eye candy like I promised" she said grabbing Brooke's arm and leading her to the floor "Davis you looking hot tonight; why are you hanging out at the bar?"
"OMG! You're both total hotties in those dresses!" she exclaimed as she eyed Rachel wearing a knee high purple ruffled Satin dress courtesy of C/B's with black high heels as Peyton whore a knee high blue satin tube dress with blue matching pumps "Loving the legs goldilocks!
As Lucas stood at the bar ordering another drink the scent of strawberries and honeysuckle filled his nostrils as a lump formed at his throat. His eyes caught the sight of her. She was stunning in a black Silk Fluet Corrona Dress that hugged her body perfectly, as it sat right above her knees. The dress was revealing, around her cleavage area, which he didn't mind one bit as it showed just enough to make his heart skip a beat. Her chocolate brown locks were curled as she pulled the sides up into a half back, just as the rest was down. Her make-up was just perfect, not too much, not too little finishing it off with a pair of black strapless heels that made her legs stand out, showing her toned-calves. The two friends she was with were just as beautiful. Man she took his breath away.
"Oh I love this song" he heard her squeal in her raspy voice as he watched them maneuver towards the dance floor.
"Girl, I can notice to, notice me, noticing you
From across the room I can see it but I can't stop myself
From looking and noticing you, noticing me
Watch out I've seen her type
"Gorgeous isn't she?" asked Owen wiping down the counter
"Yeah she is" he replied once he found his voice "Who is she?"
"You don't know who she is?" he exclaimed shocked as Lucas shook his head "Oh buddy you need to get out more" he laughed "She's Brooke Davis, multi-million dollar designer of Clothes over Bros. She owns that big corporation down on-"
"Oh yeah I know where that is. Wow, she looks young"
"24" he replied. "She's all set; first time I've seen her in here though but her friends are regulars"
He didn't know why, but he was so mesmerized by this cheerie brunette.
"I can see you got that fire just by the way you're walking
From left to right I watched her go down
Girl, I just want it right now, don't want to do no talking
Shorty's so right, I need to slow down
"Another round Luke" patted Skillz as he nodded
"Oh shit! Aren't you the Lucas Scott #23 from the NY Knick's" Lucas nodded "You guys played a great game tonight. Drinks on me dude, your team too. What'll be?"
"Thanks man; 6 shots of patron and 3 beers"
"We need another drink" smirk Brooke as the girls headed towards the bar
"3 patrons Owen"
"So, you think you still got it?" Rachel asked as the three were pretty tipsy
"You bet your ass I still got it"
"Alright , prove it!" smirked Peyton
"Dare to take the challenge?"
"And what would that be?" she asked curiously
"Here you go ladies"
"Thanks" they replied in unison
"We get to choose the guy and you get to chose what you want to do with him" grin Rachel as she shook her eye brows at her friend
"Oh come on, how old are we?"
"Hey we date unlike you; so we're just trying to do you a favor. I mean if you're happy with Fel-"
"Choose the guy" she glared as Peyton and Rachel laughed
"Alright, since you're hot he's got to be hot too" simper Rachel as they scanned the room "How about that one over there? Tall, brunette-good build-"
"Uhm girlfriend alert" pointed out Peyton as the girl was now all over him "How about that one; 6'1, brunette, very nice build-"
"Cute, but wife alert! Do you not see the ring on his finger and that's probably his wife. She's actually kind of pretty; they make a really cute couple" replied Brooke
"Focus here; besides that's never stopped you before" joked Rachel
"I'm sorry you've got me mixed up with you!" she barked back as Rachel rolled her eyes
"How about that one over there, dark skinned- brown eyes, medium height, no girl within his range"
"Ewww Peyt- he looks a little too much like Felix" she gagged "No more drinks for you missy!" she cringed un able to stand the guy. "Hmmm" she kept scanning. Her eyes then glanced over to a good looking blonde all by his lonesome. "That guy" she pointed out as all eyes darted towards him
"Poor guy, looks like he's having a lousy time" pointed out Peyton
"That's the point, now Brookie go turn his frown upside down" she smiled devilish
"Unless like I said, you're happy with"
"Ugh for the last time, Felix and I aren't anything" she exclaimed as she turned to take a better look at the guy "Tall, blonde, very nice build, have to admit, he's got style and he's so much better looking then Felix" she said out loud.
"Everyone's better looking than Felix" roared Rachel
"Oh alright" she replied as she handed out their drinks. "He looks nice enough, but if he turns out to be a dud I'm so blaming you two!"
"Here's to me having some fun tonight"
"We'll drink to that" they clinked their glasses against one another. She then smiled as she walked off towards him "Here goes nothing" she whispered a little nervous. "It's been awhile since she's approached a guy not work related"
Lucas couldn't concentrate on what his friends were conversating about as he was lost in thought.
"Luke honey Lindsey's a great girl"
"She is ma" he replied
"Smart, beautiful, kind-Have you guys talked about marriage?"
That caught him by surprise "No, we haven't ma; well she's brought it up a few times but we're just having fun right now and taking it day by day; nothing to serious"
"You're 24 years old my boy, maybe you should start thinking about settling down. I honestly think it'll make you happier honey; to be able to spend your life with that special someone. You guys have been together a little over a year now"
"Yeah but it's off and on ma. I really care about Lindsey, I do but I don't know if I'm in love with her yet" he replied "What's bringing this all up?" he asked curiously "I mean I don't think rushing into marriage is going to make me love any faster. You just can't rush love or marriage ma"
"I know that honey" she sighed "It's just Keith and I just want to see you happy and you haven't been happy in a long time. We just feel that maybe-"
"And I love you both for it but I don't know if I'm ready yet" he replied as he kissed her cheek.
"Do you always Brood when you come to a club?" he heard as it pulled him out of his thought
"Hi beautiful" she heard from behind her