Disclaimer: I do not own or is in any way affiliated with OTH Characters- I'm just a huge BRUCAS FAN
Hey guys… I wanted to thank everyone who has been "Story alerting" and "Favorite Authoring" my fan fic! You guys totally RoOooOoOck! It means a lot that you want to keep up with it! As you can tell by the length of my chapters, I'm putting a lot of thought, energy and time into them, especially by the quickness of my updating! Comments and Feed Backs are greatly appreciated! You honestly don't know how much they totally make my day! SoOoOoOo please show me some lovin'! hehe :0)
AN: Brucas Fans- Check Out My Other Story "We Belong Together"- Still in Progress :0)
I'd like to especially thank:
ToddnTan, xONaLeYOx, PeterClaire, theduckone, AmbroCoo, Brucs2gether
For all your comments & Reviews! I totally love, love, you guys!
Here's The Next Chapter.. Enjoy!
"Do you always brood when you come to a club?" he heard her ask as her voice pulled him back into reality. He then notice the music was still in full swing, people still bumping and grinding; pushing and pulling trying to get through the crowded club. There she was, more beautiful than ever standing right in front of him "N-No" he replied once he found his voice. "I'm just not really in the celebrating mood"
She nodded as she couldn't help but stare into his beautiful piercing blue eyes that stung her like ice as it sent a chill down her spine "Well lets' change that shall we?" she asked as her dimples formed at the edge of her smile. She had to admit he was a gorgeous; okay sexy blue-eyed brooding blonde with a heart melting killer smile; with an amazing sense of style. "Girlfriend" she thought to herself but brushed it off momentarily.
He didn't know why, but he had to introduce himself "I'm Lucas Scott" he said with a warm smile as he put his hand out.
"Brooke Davis" she replied placing her hand in his as they both felt a spark of electricity twirling down their spines "So, what's your story Lucas Scott?" she asked as they stood there still shaking hands "Wait, Lucas Scott as in #23 the Lucas Scott NBA Co-Captain of the NY Knicks?" she exclaimed excitedly
He laughed as her eyes lit up "That's me. So I take it you're a basketball fan?"
"Uh yeah!" she exclaimed as she grasped his arm "Not only do I love the sport; but-"
"Let me guess, you were Captain of your cheerleading squad back in high school; am I right?"
"Duh! Do you even need to ask" she joked as he laughed "Wonder what gave that away genius?!" she smirked
"You always this cheerie" he asked as she nodded
"Congrats on your game tonight; heard it was a great game. 104-97 right?"
He was lost at words "Brooke Davis, Multi-million dollar designer has time to follow his team's games"Thanks. You should come to a real game; I'll introduce you to the team"
"That sounds awesome! I'll have my people call your people" they laughed "Let me buy you a drink for your win tonight yeah?" she asked
"I should be buying you a drink"
"Why? I didn't win any games though" she chortles
"Yeah but you're accompanying me with your presence"
"Please Brooke"
"Okay" she replied
"2 patrons Owen"
"To your teams win tonight; cheers" they said as they clink their glasses and down their shot.
"Hi beautiful" she heard from behind
"Hey who's Luke talking to over there?" Haley asked curiously from their VIP booth as all heads turned that direction
"Uh Hales, it's kind of hard to tell who she is from behind" joked Jake as she playfully smacked him
"Have you guys ever seen her before?"
"You mean you want to know is she after Luke's money" smirk Nathan
"I was just wondering besides there's nothing wrong with looking out for him" she replied glaring at her husband as he snigger
"Haley J. Scott, they're just talking baby girl its' not like they're going to get married or anything"
"Omg!" shrieked Bevin as all eyes now turned to her "Someone pinch me" she exclaimed as she started fanning herself for air
"Shorty you alright?"
"T-That's B-Brooke Davis" she exclaimed excited
They all looked at her like she was crazy "Who's Brooke Davis?"
"She is, her; over there with Luke" she motioned. "That's B-Brooke Davis, the Brooke Davis; you know Multi-Million dollar Clothes over Bro's designer and OMG she's talking to Lucas!"
"Bev I think you've had to much to drink" joked Haley as she pushed her drink towards Skillz
"No seriously" she said getting up "How do you guys not know who she is. She's-"
"Brooke Davis" they all exclaimed in unison laughing as she glared at them
"Okay, okay how do you know who she is baby girl?" Skillz asked his upset girlfriend as he put his hands up in defense
"Uh because she's famous, I'm into fashion and because I'm wearing her tonight" she said modeling off her clothes.
Skillz whistled "Damn I like this Brooke Davis already; cuz you know you looking hot in her designs baby girl"
"Awww Skillz" she giggled as she pulled him in for a kiss as the others rolled their eyes
"OMG, do you know who Brooke is talking too?" exclaimed Millicent as she came back with drinks
"Yeah some hot guy we chose for her" smirked Rachel
"Good eyes Gatina!"
"Thanks Sawyer!"
"Not only is he hot, no scratch that gorgeous but he's Lucas Scott"
"You know who he is?" Peyton asked shocked
"Don't you?!" she asked them bewildered
"No" they replied in unison
"That's Lucas Scott, the Lucas Scott you know from the NBA #23 Co-Captain of the NY Knicks"
"Well, well, well we did well then" grin Rachel as she and Peyton high-five one another
"And you guys call yourselves cheerleaders" exclaimed Millicent laughing as she shook her head
"Oh god, isn't that" exclaimed an irritated Peyton
"You bet your ass that's him!"
Baby Girl
What's Your Name
Let Me Talk To You
Let Me Buy You A Drink
I'm T-Pain, You Know Me
Konvict Music Have Every Boy Ohh Wee
I Know The Club Close At 3
What's The Chance of You Rollin Wit Me
Back To The Crib
Show You How I Live
Lets Get Drunk Forget What We Did
"Uh Brooke" said Lucas as he motion towards the guy behind her. He could tell she was irritated with the guy's presence
"I'm sorry Lucas" she sighed as she finally turned around "Felix. What are you doing here?"
"Heard you were out and about with your friends; wanted to see what all the hype was about this club so here I am" he smirked "You want to dance" he asked glaring and ignoring Lucas
"No! Maybe you should ask someone else, because you see we're actually-" she replied semi turning her attention back to Lucas
"On a date and about to hit the dance floor ourselves" he replied Lucas as he finished her sentence. He put his beer down and extended his hand out to her as Felix gritted his teeth.
Imma Buy You A Drank
Then Imma Take You Home With Me
I Got Money In The Bank
Shawty Whachu Think Bout That
Find Me In The Grey Cadillac
We In The Bed Like
Ooh Ooh Ohh, Ooh Ooh
We In The Bed Like
Ooh Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh
As they were out on the floor, she danced around him as they enjoyed themselves, laughing and smiling away. She then turned around as she grinded her hips swaying to the music running her hands through his soft hair. She watched as he laughed and shook his head as his hands found her waist. He didn't know what had overcome him, but he felt as if he had to touch her, to be closer to her so he softly grasped her wrist as she shivered to his touch. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her in closer towards him.
She rested her hands on his chest as he pushes back a strand of hair behind her ears. She loved the way he smelt of cologne and aftershave; not too much and not to little. They were so caught up in the moment that it felt like it was just them two in the whole club.
Talk To Me, I Talk Back
Lets Talk Money, I Top That
Crunk Juice Bottle
Oakly Shades
Shawty Got Class
Oh Behave
Lets Get Gone
Walk It Out (Walk It Out)
Just Like That
That's What I'm Talkin Bout
We Gone Have Fun
You Gone See
On That Patron
You Should Get Like Me
"Looks like Luke's enjoying himself" They all turned to find him on the dance floor laughing and smiling; up close and personal with the beautiful brunette.
"I honestly never thought I'd see the day Lucas Scott would be out on the dance floor" exclaimed Haley flabbergasted
"Well the important thing is he's having fun"
"So how's JLuke Hales?"
"He's doing good; getting bigger and bigger by the moment"
"Must be hard for you to be away from him huh guys?" asked Jake
"Yeah its' but I'd say probably tougher for Nate" she said as Nate nodded his head "I still get to see him 5 or 6 days out of the week; depending if I come out to your games or not"
"He's going to be the next NBA basketball star!" they laughed
"Yeah he is, my little guy" replied Nathan smiling as Haley squeezed his arm
"Hey its' such a beautiful night, how about we go for a walk?" he asked her "We can continue getting to know each other and I'll walk you home later"
"Right now? Are you crazy Lucas Scott?" she asked "It's freezing outside especially at night, you know that!" she exclaimed
"Well we're still buzzing so that'll keep us warm for awhile and once it gets too cold, we can stop at another bar and get a few more drinks. I know of a really nice bar/restaurant I think you'll enjoy"
She stayed quiet
"Come on, it'll be fun. When was the last time you took a stroll in NY?"
"Okay fine" she replied "But you are so buying tonight if you're making me walk out in the cold like this"
He laughed "Alright deal" he replied as they headed out the back door just in case the papazari's followed them.
"So are you out with friends or are you one of those weird creepy-"
"I'm with friends" he chuckled as he put his hands up in defense making her laugh "What about you?"
"Friends, they dragged me out tonight. Rachel was constantly complaining that I was turning into a prude as Peyton kept pushing me to prove that I haven't lost my fun side" she smiled as they both laughed.
She gasps "Our friends! We forgot to tell our friends"
"Why don't we call them?"
"They won't hear it" he replied
"Okay, we'll just text them so they won't worry"
"Alright." He nodded "So I take it you don't like this kind of scene?"
"Are you kidding me?" she smirked "I use to live for this kind of scene; but over the past few years work has kept me busy that I hardly ever have time for it" she replied
"So tell me Lucas Scott, what's your story?"
"What makes you think I have a story?" he asked curiously
"Oh come on, everyone has a story" she replied kinking her eye brow which he happened to think was adorable
"Oh really?" he smirked "What's your story Brooke Davis?"
"Here we are" he said opening the door for her
"Thank you"
"Mr. Scott welcome; Omg" she whispered louder than she expected as Brooke and Lucas chuckled "You're Ms. Brooke Davis designer of C/B" smiled the hostess "Brooke nodded"
"Way to be subtle huh" Lucas joked
"So you going to tell me your story?" he asked once again very interested as they were seated
"Ms. Davis, Mr. Scott what can I get you?" asked the Waitress
"Wow, news travel fast" she teased
"2 glasses of your best-" he said looking over at Brooke
"White wine please" she finished the sentence for him
"You were saying?"
"Well lets see, how should I explain my life" she questioned "How about 24 year old B/C's designer, big corporation, own magazine and channel; great friends, amazing life but feels the pressures of her absent parents forcing her to marriage? Yeah that pretty much sums it up" she bantered
He choked on his drink as she giggled "I'm sorry, are you okay Lucas?" she said giving him a few napkins
"Alright guys, you ready to go?" asked Skillz as they were all pretty much tipsy themselves
"Yeah, lets' call it a night. Thank god we don't have practice nor a game tomorrow" yawned Nathan as he wrapped his arm around Haley
"You're telling me! We finally get to sleep in; its' heaven I tell you" laughed Jake
"Alright, lets get home. Looks like Skillz's got his hands full" announced Haley as Bevin was a goner
"Shall we see if Luke's ready to leave his brunette beauty?" asked Haley smiling
"He text me; went for a walk and he'll see us tomorrow
"Bevin, lets go baby" he said lightly shaking her as she opened her eyes
"Let's go home"
"Alright, lets go home Blondie"
"Did you see how upset Felix was when he saw dancing with Lucas?" laughed Peyton
"You're telling me; it was priceless I tell you" they both broke out into laughter
"Wonder how much fun our Brookie's having" she smirked
"We'll find out tomorrow that's for sure"
"No, no I mean yeah I'm fine" he smiled wiping the drink away "I-Its' your story"
"I know its' pathetic" she replied sighing as he shook his head
"No, no. Not at all"
"So tell me then, what's your story"
He stayed quiet as he thought about it. "24 year old, NBA Co Captain for the NY Knicks/writer, great friends and family feels the pressures of present parents forcing him to get married" her eyes opened wide
"Wow, I guess we're in the same boat huh?" she replied taken back as he nodded his head
"2 peas in a pod" he chuckled
"So is that why you weren't in the mood to celebrate tonight? Feeling the pressure?"
"Yeah for awhile now" he replied staring into her beautiful warm hazel eyes
"I honestly don't think you should let it get to you Luke"
"Luke, only his friends called him that, but he didn't mind it coming from the gorgeous brunette" he thought to himself as he continued listening to her.
"I mean, yeah okay we're 24, so what?! We pretty much have our whole lives ahead of us to worry about everything else. We should be enjoying what we have now; I mean life's too short and besides we're still young and-"
"Uh huh" she said "not to mention we're both really, really hot!" she winked as he shook his head laughing
"And all at the age of 24!" he added
"See! I'd say we're pretty lucky!" they laughed "Our parents don't know what they're talking about! You know what?" she asked him "I think we need to get drunk, really, really drunk. First let me see the ring Broody" she smiled "I'll give you a designer's opinion"
"How?-" he asked shocked
"Come on, you're pretty easy to read "Besides it's a big decision and knowing you I'd bet you probably dwelled on it for mouths"
He sat there blown away. They've known each other for like 3 hours and already she can read him like an open book. He chuckled as he handed her the ring
"Wow, its' gorgeous Luke" she exclaimed taken away "Who knew you'd have an eye for good taste.
They heard a gasp "Well, well congratulations Ms. Davis and Mr. Scott!" shouted the waitress as she started clapping and cheering as the restaurant joined in. "We have an engagement; champagne on the house" she exclaimed
"No, no- we're not" she tried saying as the bartender popped the cork "Uh, no, you see" she tried once again as he sat there not knowing what to say either "What the hell right?" she asked as they were already both tipsy. She stuck her hand out as she felt butterflies in her tummy "What the hell Brooke, it's pretend for the night" she cursed at herself "I mean champagne on the house right?" he laughed as everything felt so right; as if all his doubts and fears about marriage flew out the window when he took his time slipping the ring on her finger. "Beautiful" he thought. "What the hell Lucas you're losing it man" he cursed "It's all fake; for free drinks" and boy did they keep coming. She then showed off her beautiful shinny ring as they both burst out into laughter as flashes went off left and right.
"So who knew the ring trick would get us free drinks all over mid town" she asked as he laughed. They were pretty much goners by now, surprised they were still able to walk
"I know"
"Can I give you two a ride" asked a man with a horse and carriage
"Why not it is our engagement night" Lucas replied as he looked over to his pretend wife who was over ecstatic
"In that case the ride is free"
"Omg the diamond ring is gold" exclaimed Brooke beaming as she looked to her hand
"So what do you two have planned for each other?"
"Uh we're going to be a power couple; he's going to be a famous novelist and I'm going to have a fashion line" she beamed
"And we'd have time to have a big family"
"2 boys and a girl"
"And I'll coach little league" he smiled
"Ooh I'll bake treats for the team" he looked at her curiously "Or buy them" they laughed
"And we'll spend summers at our beach house"
"And winters in the south of France"
"It wouldn't matter where we are as long as we're together." he said as they stared deep into each other's eyes as their lips just mere inches apart as both their hearts were rapidly beating. Who would have known that being as drunk as they were; they spoke entirely from their hearts.
"That's the key; success is wonderful, but having someone to love, and have them love you back. Love is what it's all about" said the driver as it pulled them out of their thoughts and back to each other.
Just then he leaned in as he brushed his lips against hers as she deepened the kiss.
"Ugh! I drank too much" she complained as she placed a hand on her forehead. "Okay, I love you and all but why the hell are you calling me at this hour?" yelled an irritated Brooke as she picked up "It better be important-"
"What do you mean why the hell am I calling you?!" she shouted into the phone
"We've been calling you all freaking morning!" added Rachel fumed
"Why the hell haven't you called us back?" they said in unison
"I guess I didn't hear my phone; besides why didn't you guys come barging in like you do every morning?" she asked
"Seriously give me a couple more hours and we'll talk about whatever's gotten both your panties in a tight wad" she said about to hang up"
"Do not hang up Brooke Penelope Davis" shouted the girls in unison as Brooke had to pull the phone away from her ear. "Owwww" she yelped
"Where the hell are you?" roared Peyton
"Have you seen the news? Read the paper?!" barked Rachel
"What do you mean where the hell am I?! I'm at home! Where the hell would I be at this hour?"
"Uhm NO you're not smart one! Open your god damn eyes and tell me who you see next to you Brooke" she snapped
"But before you do that take a deep breath and don't freak out yet because that's not the worst part" exclaimed Peyton
Her eyes flipped open as she slowly turned to her side. She gasped "OMG! OMG! OMG!" she exclaimed as her hands cupped her mouth. She took a deep breath as she looked under the covers and sure enough she was fully naked "OMG" she chanted as she closed her eyes
"Turn on the TV" instructed Peyton
Brooke reached over and grabbed the remote off the dresser as she flipped through the channels
"NBA Star #23 Lucas Scott of the NY Knicks was seen proposing to what appears to be girlfriend Multi-million dollar Clothes over Bros designer Brooke Davis late last night at Balthazar."
"AHHHHH" she screamed startling Lucas awake as the girls lowered their volume on the phone.
"Brooke calm down-"
"Brooke Davis Clothes Over Bro's Multi-million dollar designer and NBA star Lucas Scott are happily engaged-tune in insider news has the story"
"AHHHHH" he shouted wincing to his insane hangover as he grabbed the remote flipping the channel
"Luke get your ass up! We've been calling you non stop! You have some expla-" said Nathan as he, Skillz and Jake barged in to the bedroom
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