Envy: Alan felt it every time his brothers went out on a mission; the ease with which they interacted, the praise they received from their dad

A/N Just a little something I've had a while, enjoy!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately Thunderbirds still doesn't belong to me, but I can dream…

Envy: Alan felt it every time his brothers went out on a mission; the ease with which they interacted, the praise they received from their dad. He even envied Tintin for being able to stay on the Island 24/7 all year round, 'cause even if he did feel useless and worthless when he was there it was still his home.

Greed: It was something all Tracys seemed to have, they always wanted more; the food at the table, the precious time-off, their father's attention, and however much they loved each other, they still fought each other for it, always wanted more…

Sloth: Fermat had always wanted to be like his best friend; not in the same way Alan wanted to be like his brothers-no- his was far more worshipful, even if he knew Alan was far from perfect. Alan went running every day, come rain or shine, and had the physique to prove it. And everyday Fermat would plan to accompany him, but would be distracted by something, homework, a text book, anything. He would go the next day, or so he told himself, he had time, it wasn't important. Well, it wasn't until they were running from the Hood, their lives at stake and Alan had to practically carry him.

Lust: It's what had created the five Tracy boys. Every time Jeff and Lucy had said enough was enough it would overtake them and they'd end up with another bundle of joy. It was what had originally attracted them to one another, and Jeff had thought it had grown into something more, but when compared to what he felt every time he looked at or thought of his children it paled in comparison. So when told of his wife's demise in the avalanche his first emotion was relief that it hadn't been one of his sons.

Wrath: Scott could feel it boiling up inside of him. How dare this man hurt his family, how dare he take over their home, how dare he threaten the kids and trap them up here, how dare he try and use his father's life work to rob a bank. When they got back to Earth his brothers were only glad to be ok and even his dad was distracted by making sure they were all alright. Not Scott; he had fire in his eyes and a rage like no other burning inside of him. He would make sure the Hood paid for this, he would reduce that man to his knees. Arrested wasn't good enough for what that scum had done. The Hood would be a dead man or his name wasn't Scott Carpenter Tracy. After all, they saved thousands of lives, surely that made up for taking away something so vile it was practically sub-human. Why, he was doing the world a favour!

Gluttony: Penelope had never read the bible - feeling her mother's instructions enough to guide her more than sufficiently- so she didn't know her mother's phrase 'don't be a glutton' had religious background. But it probably still wouldn't have been enough to stop her being one; whether for luxurious products, praise or even just being noticed, especially if the one doing the noticing was the Jeff Tracy. She lapped it up every time, basking n it even after he had moved on to someone else.

Pride: Something Jeff Tracy had a lot of. When climbing the business ladder he'd never arse-licked like some of his colleagues and he always made sure everything was just so in his life. Now he was at the top and could look down with it at his business, his home, his rescue organisation and his children. Jeff Tracy was a man who never begged; other people begged him, not the other way round. But when that monster dangled his baby boy above certain death, Jeff Tracy broke down and begged for his


A/N Please review!