
When the day has surrendered to the night

That is when the true me comes out

Evading every obstacle

Yes, I sleep that is how I wake each day and leave past problems behind me

That is how my true self comes out at peace

But you never see that me, and you never will

That me has dissolved into what you see today

It's simple enough really

If I stay away, not bothering to mingle

There's no way to get hurt Except by the loneliness I feel inside

That will never show because on the outside all is right

But on the inside I've become sad, depressed, frightened really…

But my mask never leaves its place

I never come out because I'm afraid of what you might think

Forever I lay behind broken walls

Slowly building them into the strong, icy caverns of what they used to be

But they will never be the same

I'll always have a clear weakness

One that will be exploited daily


By: Phoenix

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