Author's notes: I ask for critique on this chapter and was told that I needed more emotions to my characters. It took me a long time to finally add in the emotions to my characters. So please let me know if they still need more emotion. Also to let you guys know I won't have a disclaimer until Chapter 3 because the first two chapters are about my Fanfiction characters.
Also to let you guys know this is based off of the dub version of One Piece.
Chapter 1: Biographies and missions revealed
Once upon a time, Samantha was born in a land where the moms would die when the child was two years old, and the fathers would die when the child was twelve. Samantha always had fun with her father; his name was Bob. Samantha and her dad played Hide & Seek together until she was 10. Her dad would tell her stories about when he was a pirate. Bob decided to give Samantha her nickname, Sam, when she was four. Whenever, Bob would talk to his daughter he would call her Sam, and sometimes Samantha. When Samantha was 11, Bob gave her a magical sword. "I've got something to give you, Sam," said Bob.
"Yeah, Dad," replied Sam.
"Here is a magical sword," said Bob.
"Thanks," replied Sam.
Bob went and talked to the pirates that took care of him when he was little, and told the pirates to watch after Samantha when he died. One year after Bob gave Samantha his magical sword, he knew that he was going to die soon. He called Samantha into his room, and told her the following, "Sam, you have a cousin."
Samantha replied, "I have a cousin! What does my cousin look like? What's my cousin's name?"
Bob replied, "Your cousin has dark hair like yours. And your cousin's name is." Then after Bob said those words he died, and Sam started to cry a river.
After Samantha heard this and saw her father die, she went off on a journey to find her cousin. The pirates that took care of Bob when he was little, saw Samantha and knew that this was Bob's daughter. So, the pirates took Samantha with them, and took care of her for five years. One of the days, when the pirates were taking care of her, they said, "Samantha, let us tell you how your father got that magical sword."
Samantha replied, "Sure, I would love to hear the story about how my father got this sword."
"Sam, a long time ago when your dad was only 12 years old, we took care of him like he was one of us. We came to an island called Dream Island, and there in the middle of the island was that sword. We were surprised that someone would leave a sword in the middle of an island; so, we picked up the sword and gave it to your dad," said the pirates.
Samantha replied, "That's a good story. Please tell me what happened next."
The pirates replied, "Ok. This is what happened next, we were sailing the ocean to go somewhere to stock up on food and other supplies, when all of the sudden a navy ship appears out of nowhere. The navy ship came close to ours and they boarded us. The navy tried to catch us, but they couldn't. Your dad, Sam, started to attack the navy left and right, and the navy that got stabbed with that sword became good guys. The navy, then stopped attacking us and left. The next day, the same navy ship came and boarded us again, and your dad attacked all of the navy but three. All of the navy that your dad stabbed died, and the three that were left of the navy, left us alone from that day on. Then, we noticed that one of us got shot, and your dad stabbed the person that got shot with his sword. The one that he stabbed got up and said, 'I'm not bleeding any more.' We were surprised that the one that got shot and stabbed wasn't bleeding anymore, and we also saw that the wound was healed. It was then that we found out that the sword was magical. We decided that your father should keep it, and do whatever he thought best for the sword."
Samantha was touched after hearing this story and told the pirates that she would take good care of the sword, and wouldn't let a bad guy get a hold of the sword. When five years were up, the pirates told Samantha, "You are old enough to take care of yourself, now go and find your cousin, and stay with your cousin."
"Ok. Can you give me a boat so I can go find my cousin?" replied Samantha.
"Yes, we can, now go," replied the pirates. So, Samantha left the pirates, in the boat that they gave her and went off to find her cousin. Samantha went to Dream Island, and when she got there she pulled up her boat and went to sleep.
Meanwhile, in Foosha Village, at Emily's house, Emily was taking care of her parents and vice versa. When Emily was 17 years old, her dad whose name is Fred, was working in his laboratory on new shoes and cleats that would make whoever wear them run as fast as a cheetah or even faster. Then Fred got the shoes and cleats all finished and ready for testing. Fred called Emily into his laboratory and gave her the super speed shoes and cleats. Fred said, "Emily, I would like you to test these shoes and cleats out, and tell me how fast you were able to run. Here, take this watch it will tell you how fast you're running, and then when you are done testing them out, come back here."
"Ok, Dad," said Emily, and then she left the laboratory and put the shoes on first to test them out; next she put on the cleats to test them out. She went to her dad and said, "I ran exactly 70 miles per hour on both the shoes and cleats."
Fred said, "That's great, Emily. Now that I know that they work; they're both for you to keep."
"Thanks, Dad," said Emily.
"You're welcome, Emily," said Fred.
Then when Emily was 18½ years old, some bad guys came to her town, called The Deadly Football Players, who came to her house and knocked on her door. Her parents saw who it was at their door and told Emily to go hide. Emily went and hid. Her parents then told The Deadly Football Players to come in. The Deadly Football Players enter Emily's house, and Emily's parents told The Deadly Football Players, "Let's take this outside."
The Deadly Football Players said, "Ok, fine with us."
So, The Deadly Football Players and Emily's parents both went outside. The Deadly Football Players beat up Emily's parents really well because when The Deadly Football Players left, Emily's parents were thirsty and tried to drink some water, but they couldn't. So, Emily's parents went to the ocean and fell in because they couldn't eat or drink.
Emily was upset and really mad when her parents died, and she decided to go play soccer because she wanted to get her frustration out in a good way. So that she could beat The Deadly Football Players, and cause them to be in as much pain as she was in when her parents died because of them. So, she went to the soccer field and told the coach, whose name is Melissa, "Coach, I would like to join the soccer team. Oh and by the way my name is Emily."
"Sure, Emily, we could use more people on the soccer field," replied Melissa.
Emily kept playing soccer so that she could beat the bad guys that caused her parents to die. Emily got really good at playing soccer, even when she turned 19 she was still good at it. In fact, Emily played soccer so well that her coach decided to give her the following: water soccer balls, a telescope so big that soccer balls can fit in it, and a replicator. When Emily got those things from her coach, she told her coach, "Coach, thanks for the gifts."
Melissa replied, "You're welcome, Emily. These should help you out if ever you decide to go fight some bad guys."
Emily said, "Goodbye, Coach. I've got to go find The Deadly Football Players, now."
Melissa replied, "Goodbye, Emily. Oh, and if no one tells you where The Deadly Football Players are, then just come back here, and I'll tell you where they're at because I've heard from somebody before me that was the coach on the soccer team about them."
"Thank you," Emily said.
"You're welcome," Melissa replied.
After Melissa told Emily that she was welcomed, Emily left, and goes to the docks to pick up a boat to go and find The Deadly Football Players. When Emily reaches the docks, she asks Alex, "Do you know where The Deadly Football Players are at?"
Alex replies, "Yes, I know where The Deadly Football Players are at. They're at an island called Strange Island. At least that's what I hear."
"Thanks, Alex, for the information," said Emily. Emily went home and got all of the equipment that she would need in order to fight the bad guys. Once Emily got all of the equipment that she needed, she got in a boat, and set off for Strange Island.