Author's Note: So this is my first story and I am going to start with a JH story! I would just like to warn you before hand that I will be adding on to chapters all the time, so make sure to check the last chapter you just read before reading the next one. I am deciding here and now to put a symbol at the end of each chapter meaning it is COMPLETELY over! Hmm... that will be : To be Continued... haha, got yah there didn't I! Anyways, this story should be pretty much my very own catharsis so it will most likely end happy, but that does NOT mean it will for sure. I would love reviews, and I got the nicest first review from the member Pylea, so I'd like to thank them! This story is going to have a lot of great songs, especially by Led Zeppelin, so I advise you listen to them to get a feeling of the story! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the trip with me, and do not worry, I will not be taking forever to update chapters. I am an addict to something once I start, and don't take that as some sort of drug innuendo haha. What I mean is that I will probably be on here writing and updating as much as possible! Yes, I have homework and I am in an intense Humanities program with LOTS of it. But I much prefer a world where I enjoy things than a world where I am forced to write 49 page essays. Okay, over exaggeration but still! Anyways, enough of my online rant...
The bare limbs of the trees swayed slightly in the breeze as small, white tufts of snow began to sprinkle down all over the road. Soon enough, the ground was completely white and the juxtaposition between the indigo color of the sky and the ground made Jackie smile. Her eyes saddened in remembrance of all the winters she had spent whispering sweet words into Steven's ears. They had laid locked in a tight embrace on his cot, their faces turned in towards each others, his intense blue eyes burning a whole into her mismatched ones. Her small hand laid on his chest as his fingers slowly brushed up and down the side of her face, smoothing the hair away. No words were spoken except for her tiny fragments of speech, cut off when he would lightly lay a kiss on her lips.
How could I have lost that? she thought. Those were the winters when her and Steven would seek comfort in each other's warmth. She would hum his favorite songs to him, lulling him to sleep to the sound of "The Rain Song" as he thought about the beautiful girl he held in his arms.
I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go.
I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But I know that I love you so
These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I seek the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall
It's just a little rain...
It was nights like these that she cherished — the nights when he chose her comfort over something more physical. She would play with his hair, twirling his tight curls around her fingertips. She liked it when he found solace in her, instead of turning to someone else as he would do to her in the future. When he would sigh, she would close her eyes in ecstasy as his breath tickled her neck. Those were the sweetest days — the days when she didn't have a care in the world except to keep her baby safe.
But now nothing was the same. As Jackie's heels clicked up the Forman driveway, she felt the foreboding feelings he always felt. Her stomach was knotted in anxiety and her heart flew up into her throat. She was tired of having to face him but she had nowhere else to go.
Abandonment was a thing Jackie had learned, and she had thought Steven Hyde had been taught a little something about it too. After all, he had complained to her, only in private, about how it felt to have lost everyone. It just didn't seem right to her that he could turn around and do the same to her. But maybe it was to be expected because that's how he was raised.
She shook her head in disappointment at herself. She had been able to keep him from his thoughts for larger amounts of time in the past few weeks, so why was he invading her thoughts now? Maybe it was the comfort she sought as she pulled her warm coat tighter around her, but still it wasn't enough. She remembered one Christmas, the Christmas she held really close to her heart as one of the best ones she'd ended up having.
Hyde sat with his back up against the arm of the couch and his legs spread out in front of him. A goofy smile played on his lips as he lasciviously clapped his hands while watching the girl of his dreams dance to the cheery Christmas music that he normally loathed.
Jackie was in her tight little cheerleading outfit, his favorite one. She danced around happily, kicking her legs up and giving him a view he definitely appreciated. She was having fun with herself, and she could see that naughty glint in her Puddin Pop's eyes.
She finished her dance and dropped down into the lap of her baby, bringing her hands up to cup his face and kiss him. A small smile played around her lips as he delicately dipped his tongue into her mouth, searching for her return of the gesture.
Jackie pulled away quickly and a disappointed frown fell onto Hyde's face. But Jackie's smile never left her face.
"Come on, Jackie…" Steven pleaded.
"Just wait, baby." Jackie put her finger up against Steven's lips until he remained quiet and put a determined look onto his face. He was going to have her tonight, whether she liked it or not.
"Come here…" she whispered as she lightly hooked her finger into the neck of Steven's Led Zeppelin shirt until he stood up with his hands already reaching out to catch her waist.
"Not yet Puddin Pop!" she squealed in delight. Her plan was working. He was completely rapt with her and she could do as she liked. Not that he wouldn't like what she was about to do.
She guided him back into the small room under the stairs, the room that had been his for the past few years. When he looked inside, he noticed that there were candles around and his bed had been made up into the cocoon his nut of a girlfriend had once spent hours on decorating for him. God he loved that thing. And his girl.
She pushed him back onto the bed and he crossed his arms behind his head to enjoy the show he thought was going to get. Instead, she walked over to his record player and bent over to pick up the black milk crate that held all of his records. He immediately scooted backwards and brought his head up so he could get a few of her skirt lifting up from behind. He was immediately turned on and had to adjust his pants a few times before Jackie got up.
She was completely obviously to the whistle that he let out — or so he thought, because Jackie's face held a satisfied grin while her back was turned to him. She began sifting through the records until she found the perfect one: Led Zeppelin IV.
One of the lyrics to the most beautiful songs Jackie had ever heard, surprisingly from Steven's music, began to play over the stereo.
Spent my days with a woman unkind,
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine.
Made up my mind to make a new start,
Going to California with an aching in my heart.
Jackie walked nervously back towards the bed and crawled up towards Steven. She sat with her knees on the bed, between Steven's feet, and motioned with her for him to stay there.
She ran her hand through the front of her hair, fretting before finally deciding to just do it. She slowly ran her hands down her sides as Steven stared at her in awe. She slipped her hands under the bottom of the cheerleader sweater and began to pull up. Immediately his hands reached to help her, but she shooed them away sweetly.
Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair.
Took my chances on a big jet plane,
Never let them tell you that they're all the same.
Once again she continued to pull the sweater up until it went over her head and Steven disappeared from her view for a moment, only to once again appear with a face that she would call "star struck" even though she was no celebrity. She smiled sheepishly as she swayed her body to the slow rhythm of the music, his eyes on her every move.
The sea was red and the sky was grey,
Wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today.
The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake
As the children of the sun began to awake.
Her hands moved from behind her head down to her waist, as she slowly shrugged her legs out of the skirt she was wearing, until it was at her feet and she lightly kicked it to the floor. From there, she sat in a beautiful garter belt and stockings, but not in any cheap fashion. Her was simple black and had small red bows and strings placed in all the right positions as adornment around the edge of the bottoms. She wore a matching bra on top that looked beautiful on, but Steven knew it would look even better off.
Seems that the wrath of the gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow;
I think I might be sinking.
After her cheerleading outfit had been successfully taken off of her body, she looked back up into Steven's eyes. He was in complete worship of her as she scooted closer and he ran his hands up her smooth thighs. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked down into his eyes. God, she was in love with him. She moved her arms further across his shoulders until she could clasp her hands behind his had, and moved to sit down on his lap. She planted a light kiss on his lips and leaned back before he could have a chance to slip his tongue into her mouth and drive her crazy.
"I love you, Steven." she whispered against his lips, staring straight into his eyes.
"I love you too, Jackie."
She made an effort to not burst out in excitement and dance right there. Instead she simply nodded, knowing that if she pushed him further it would just ruin their night. His responses to her were few and far between, and she would whatever she could get from him.
Throw me a line if I reach it in time
Ill meet you up there where the path
Runs straight and high.
The once again met with their lips, one of his hands slipping up into her hair. The other one traveled further south and reached around to give her rear end a slight squeeze, causing girly little giggles to erupt from her as she leaned back and watched the blissful smile that lay on Steven's face. He slowly and carefully reached his hands around her back to unclasp her bra. He pulled it down her shoulders and off of her arms, tossing it to the side. He immediately looked at where the bra had been, always amazed at her beauty. But once he was done staring, he looked back up at her face because that was his favorite part of her. The face that whispered all the words he loved. The face that played out all the emotions she was feeling. The face that held so much beauty she could outshine the sun.
To find a queen without a king;
They say she plays guitar and cries and sings.
She put slipped his fingers into the sides of her garter belt and slowly slipped them down her legs, along with her stockings, until she sat there completely naked in front of him. By now she should have been completely unembarrassed to be naked around him, yet still she tried to cover her body up in front of him. He found her sheepish attempts to grab a pillow and hide her body adorable and quickly pulled the pillow away.
"You're beautiful." She smiled at him and nodded, quickly forgetting about her insecurities. She decided that she should at least even out the playing field, so she quickly pulled his shirt over his head and unbuckled his belt, eventually pulling his jeans down his legs until he lay there only in his boxers. She put both her legs on either side of his hips and sat down directly on the hardness in the center of his body. Grinding her self seductively over it, she felt it stiffen even more until Steven was pulling her face down to kiss it feverishly. She slipped the boxers off of his legs and moved back up to her previous position.
Ride a white mare in the footsteps of dawn
Tryin to find a woman who's never, never, never been born.
He put his hands lightly on her waist as she lifted up and he lined himself up to enter into her. She slipped back down over him, encasing his shaft fully inside of her. A soft moan escaped her and he nearly went wild with pleasure from just hearing her.
"Steven…" she whispered and he was once again came closer to his completion. She started at a slow, romantic pace until she picked up and began rocking herself on him faster. Her whimpering grew faster and her breath steadily grew as well. He could feel that she was almost over the edge when he heard a sharp intake of breath and felt her muscles tighten and lightly shake around him. Her own pleasure immediately brought him over the edge as he let go inside of her. She fell over to her side, exhausted, and immediately cuddled up beside him.
The record was long over and the needle continued to spin around the last indent on that side of the vinyl.
Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams,
Telling myself its not as hard, hard, hard as it seems.
He turned until he was on his back and she laid her head on his chest, pulling the sheets up over their naked bodies. They stayed their like that, playing with each other's hands until they both drifted off to sleep, hands grasped tightly in the others, only to be woken up in the morning to Mrs. Forman yelling, "Presents!"
Jackie slid the Forman's glass door open and walked briskly into the Forman's kitchen, only stopping once to take in the delicious smell of cinnamon and pine. She moved forward into the living room and noticed all of her friends sitting around. All of them looked up at her fleetingly, smiling in greeting. The only one whose gaze lingered a little longer was Steven Hyde's, but when he was caught he returned his vacant eyes to the game of Monopoly being played on the floor in front of him.
Jackie sat down on the couch, squeezing in beside Donna and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. It was another Christmas with her friends and him, except for one small change. There was a blonde girl Jackie had grown to detest sitting right on Steven's lap and it made Jackie's heart break again, knowing that this special holiday they had always loved to spend together, he was going to be watching another girl give him a special dance and end up sleeping the night of Christmas Eve with.
Hyde slipped the record out of its cover, a thousand memories slipping into his mind. One stood out in particular. One that happened here, with her, with this music on, on this same day two years ago. Hyde closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"What's the matter, baby?" For a second, Hyde thought it was her, there to ease him of his pain. She had told him she would always be there, when he did and didn't need her. But it wasn't her. She was long gone from being his. Instead it was the nagging voice of the girl who Hyde had knowingly let take Jackie's place. But she could never replace her. While Sam was the girl he saw in front of him, when he closed his eyes, images of Jackie danced around him. Her lithe smile, her beautiful hair bouncing around her shoulders, her giddy laugh. He couldn't help but feel slightly nostalgic for the days he had lost. Sometimes he even thought he could smell her ambrosial fragrance around him, then it would be replaced by the cheap perfume Sam wore.
It wasn't that he hated Sam. He didn't love her. She had done nothing except be willing to marry him when he was pathetic and drunk. Half of him felt bad for her because she had been unknowingly dragged into this mess. The other half of him wished she would leave already so he could wallow in his pain.
Sometimes he would shove Sam in Jackie's face just to hurt her. When he would see the pain snap behind Jackie's eyes, he would instantly regret it. But no. He had worked too long on his 'zen master' persona, and he was NOT giving that up for some chick. Some chick that he loved. But he would never admit that.
He put the record onto the player and began the exact song that swelled his heart and tore it in two at the same time.
He sat back on his bed and listened to the soft melody of Robert Plant's voice wafting from the record player and closed his eyes. He could see Jackie there in front of him dancing in her cute little cheerleader outfit. She smiled at him shyly as she crept towards him. It was all there before his eyes, until it immediately flashed away when Sam instead crawled up the bed towards him.
He turned his eyes dejectedly towards her.
"Wanna play?" she purred.
"No." he answered her flatly. Hyde was not in the mood to "make love", although that's definitely not what he would call it, with Sam. He wanted to think back on his memories of Christmases past with Jackie. Would she even remember the times they had spent together?
Instead, he grabbed Sam's hand and led her up the basement stairs and through the door into the living room. All their, or rather his, friends sat around on the couches and floors playing a board game. Everyone was there, except for one beautiful and petite brunette.
"Where's Jackie?" Hyde asked no one in particular.
Everyone turned to him and looked slightly stunned. He never cared about the whereabouts and problems of Jackie that they all had to face. He had turned cold and the heart that some of them had begun to believe he had was gone.
"Umm… she should be here soon. She called and told me she was on her way like 20 minutes ago…" Donna answered.
Kelso chimed in, "Hey man why do you wanna know? Is it cause you still love her?!"
Kelso and Fez immediately turned towards each other making kissy faces as they had once done in their past to mock Hyde.
Sam gave a glaring look to Hyde and he immediately frogged Kelso in the arm.
"No, I just wanna know when the extreme Christmas burns can start!" Eric turned his admonishing eyes up towards Hyde.
"I think Christmas is the worst time to burn someone. Especially Jackie. Maybe you haven't seen it because you've been too busy with your… umm… exotic dancer, but Jackie has had a really hard year and we've all had to put up with it. So lay off of her tonight."
Hyde was stunned at what Eric had just said. Usually it was the others to stick up for Jackie, but on rare occasion did Eric. He only did when he knew she was hurt and when he truly meant it.
Hyde ignored Eric's comment and pulled Sam onto his lap on the pea soup green chair facing towards the front door of the Forman house. After a while of sitting there, blankly staring at the game in front of him, he heard the door from the kitchen into the living room open and immediately smelled the sweet smell of Jackie's perfume.
His heart stopped for a second. It always did when she was around. Why had he been so dumb? But again, he put up that wall inside of him that he had for her, the one he built to keep her out.
Hyde immediately put on his 'zen master' act. It was all he knew.
Jackie squeezed herself next to Donna and looked around at all her friends. Hyde noticed her close her eyes and take a deep breath. She opened her eyes seconds later and turned towards the center of the group, putting on a bright smile for all but him.
"Okay! I have gifts for everyone! And you better have gifts for me." She squealed, adding in the latter bit to maintain her bossy attitude.
Everyone's eyes turned to her as she pulled wrapped gifts out of a big bag, some big and some small. The first one was for Fez.
"Fezzie. There were some things I knew you would want, but I just couldn't find a friend of mine whose shower you could hide in! So I got you this instead." She handed him two wrapped gifts, both of them slightly odd-shaped underneath the festive wrapping paper. He immediately ripped through the first one to find two bottles of extremely nice, expensive shampoo.
"Jackie, my goddess, I worship you." Jackie was happy to let Fez' compliments, which had stopped long ago, to reenter her life.
He immediately ripped open the second present and found heaps of candy.
"Ai!" he screamed. He immediately began to unwrap the tootsie rolls lying at the top of the candy pile and shoved three into his mouth at once. With chocolate all in his math, he jumped up to Jackie and gave her a big wet kiss on the lips.
"Ew, Fez! I don't want your jungle boy diseases!" Jackie immediately looked at Hyde, as she always did when another guy made a move on her. She didn't notice much of a reaction in him to Fez' kiss, but the hand that wasn't resting on Sam's leg was clenched at his side. She smirked and turned back towards her other friends.
"Donna, you're next." She pulled out a big, rectangular box and handed it to Donna. It was slightly heavy.
"I bet it's a hot oil massage kit for their slumber parties," Kelso chimed in. Donna and Jackie both glared at him, then turned back to the present in the red head's hands.
Donna began peeling back the wrapping paper with her "man strength" as Jackie would call it. She popped the lid off the box and found big boots, probably three sizes too big for her.
"Umm… Jackie… these are nice, but I am not a size 11." Donna felt bad for denying her friend's gift.
"Uh, hello Donna! Believe me I have seen your feet and you are at LEAST a size 11, and you're gonna need those for when you start chopping down trees you lumberjack!"
Donna just stared at her blankly.
"Okay, fine Donna! We'll go to the mall later and get you something in a size 10 1/2!" Donna laughed at Jackie and put her present to the side.
Hyde sat impatiently waiting for his turn. What could she have gotten him? He was nervous just to think about it.
Jackie turned towards Eric next. She handed him a pretty large box and he shook it. His face immediately brightened up as he set the box on his lap and tore through the paper.
"Oh my God Jackie! How did you know I wanted this?" Eric stared down at the lego set that lay in his lap. Inside of it were the parts to build a landspeed, the Death Star, and the Millenium Falcon. Eric's face immediately turned sober as he looked up at her.
"Did you use the force?" Everyone had a laugh at Eric's nerdiness as Jackie shook her head. She immediately moved on to Sam, surprisingly to everyone.
She reached into her back pocket and pulled out five single dollar bills.
"Here," Jackie said as she shoved the bills in Sam's direction. " I figured you're used to having your money in singles, and this is about as much as you make a night." Everyone had to hide their chuckles as Jackie openly smirked at Sam.
What Jackie was oblivious to was Hyde smiling over Sam's shoulder. She turned towards Kelso and pulled out a medium sized, rectangular box. Kelso shook it in his hands and he immediately knew what it was.
"Is this a bb gun?! Jackie! You are the best ex-girlfriend ever!" Kelso immediately pulled her into a tight hug. "Does this mean you want to do it with me?"
"No, Michael!" Jackie pushed back on Kelso's chest with a laugh and was half expecting Hyde to frog him in the arm. Instead, he stayed stationary.
Everyone turned towards Hyde, knowing what was to come. Jackie simply sat back and looked at her nails. Hyde turned his incredulous gaze towards Jackie.
"Jackie… didn't you get Hyde a gift?" Donna inquired.
"No." Jackie didn't dare look at Hyde's eyes. She didn't want him to detect her lie. She just couldn't give his gift to him in front of everyone.
"It's okay. I know she doesn't have a job, friends, or a boyfriend to help her pay, so I don't expect her go give me anything."
Jackie was used to this burn. Every time he said it, it hurt less. But saying it hurt less meant that the first time, it had hurt as though someone was tearing her heart out with their bare hand, and this time it felt like being stabbed.
After a few uncertain looks from the group of friends, they all began to stand up. Kelso felt it was his duty to break the silence.
"Okay! Girls go to Laurie's room for a circle, and guys to the basement! It is tradition! I'll be up in the girls' room soon enough to do it with you all, so have no fear!"
Kelso was immediately frogged by Hyde and Eric, and Jackie wondered who Hyde was frogging Kelso for. Sam or her?
The girls went up into Laurie's room to join her with the stash she had stolen from Hyde 2 years ago. Without a word, they all sat around a small table and lit the joint. It was passed from girl to girl until they were all high as kites.
"Oh Jackie! I love my gift! I think the shoes might be a bit small, though…" Donna laughed as she passed the joint to Jackie.
After the small brunette took a hit, she said, "I knew it Donna. And I have something else to show you guys! I got a gift from a secret admirer!" Jackie immediately pulled out a small box from her pocket and showed them a beautiful gold ring.
"I don't think the people you force to buy you gifts at the store can be considered secret admirers, Jackie." Sam added in snidely. Jackie decided to ignore her comment, but Donna knew the real truth.
"Jackie, you bought this for yourself, didn't you!"
"No, no, no!" Jackie was immediately becoming redder and redder until she grabbed the joint from Laurie's hand and took another hit.
"You know, I have had a lot of secret admirers. Well, they weren't so secret. It was always great until their wives found out. Or the school board." Laurie was always hinting at her crazy sex travails and the girls giggled at her audacity.
Jackie sat back in her chair and watched the smoke rise, suddenly lost in her thoughts. She closed her eyes and could see her birthday, long ago, when Hyde had given her his favorite Led Zeppelin shirt. That had been a gift.
Eric sat with the Millennium Falcon on his lap as Hyde rolled their second joint. After being passed around for several turns, the boys sat back and began their usual banter.
"You guys. I heard, there was this car that runs on water!" All the boys turned towards Hyde in shock, their mouths agape.
"I bet the Millennium Falcon ran on water," Eric muttered to himself.
""Do you guys want to know what I really want for Christmas?" Kelso waited to go on, gaining nods from all of his friends. "A robot!"
"Kelso, why would you want a robot?"
"Hello, Forman! To get me chicks. They dig anything shiny."
"I know something else that is shiny…" Hyde said. "How would you like a black eye!"
Kelso immediately ducked out of the way, Hyde's hand swinging at the air.
"Damn, Hyde! What was that for?"
"Because you're not wearing the helmet!"
Kelso stood up and grabbed the 'stupid helmet' and put it on his head.
"Better." Hyde immediately swung at Kelso's head again, and this time Kelso was too slow to react.
His hand crashed into the plastic of the helmet, and he yelled in pain.
"Hah! That didn't even hurt!" Kelso screeched in excitement.
"Hey Kelso, take of the helmet, you just outsmarted me!" Hyde sang happily to his friend. Kelso immediately slipped the helmet off, only to have his eye met with Hyde's fist.
"Ow, my eye!"
To be continued...
OMG: Please don't hold my political stand points against me, but tonight my heart nearly bursted with joy. Obama has won. Hopefully there will be change for this country, and I hope he understands how proud everyone must be of him for pushing past all the barriers and becoming someone who I know will live on in history. Please don't not read my stories if you wanted McCain. I will add that I am sorry for the opposing side's loss, not because of who it was. It is always horrible for the person who does not prevail, I know they put a lot of money, effort, and time into this election AND they lose the election in front of the whole world! It can't be easy, but I know that I am very happy right now. Okay! Squeeeeee!