SOoooo here is chapter two after a long break. I'm sorry but i had no time at all, work and school are very hard at the moment but for bones i've always time :D. I know this chapie isn't very long but the third will follow sooner. i hope :S

Disclaimer: I don't own bones (sadly)


Booth sat on his chair, his mouth open in shock, he listened to the horrible news from the park in DC. Just as the news speaker changed the theme, someone knocked at the door and a man entered the room.

"Hey Booth." The man said.

"Hi Pete." Booth said not looking up.

"You've heard about it?" Pete asked, sensing Booth's mood, as he nodded. Pete's face was distorted in anxiety. What the hell was happening?, he continuously asked himself. He had seen bad things, walking hand in hand with death. But that was different. There weren't any reasons, and that was what he couldn't understand.

He looked around the room, watching the clock, which was ticking relentlessly further; ignoring. He cleared his throat.

"Listen, these horrible things, it's not safe here anymore with all these terrorists or what ever is happening, Angela and I, we're going to the house of my mom. You can come too." He said and Booth, who was still not looking at him, hummed an agreement. Looking through the window he watched the clouds pass without seeing them really. He could hear Pete opening the door and as he walked out the room Booth had already grabbed his phone and was now typing in a number.

"Oh my god." Brennan whispered.

"Yeah" The voice said at the other end of the line. Brennan jumped at the sound; she hadn't realized that he was still on the line.

"Listen Bones, Pete was there." A long pause, he understood her dislike. Pete had hurt her friend. Angela and Hodgins were supposed to be married by now and then he barged into their life. Hodgins had gone to Montréal and Brennan had lost a colleague. And a good friend. While Brennan and Pete had trouble to speak to each other without wanting to slit each others throats, Booth got well along with him. He had known Pete a long time. Pete was an FBI agent too and they had worked together years ago.

"Oh" She said after a while. "And what did he want?" He could hear the hatred through the phone.

"He asked me to come with him away from here, because of these attacks. Do you want to come with me?" He casually added. "We could meet Angela there."

"I…I don't know." She said fumbling with a pen.

"Do me a favour and come." He said pleading. "I don't like the idea of you alone here, where these things are happening."

She stopped playing with the pen and put it down. She breathed out.

"Okay, I'll come. When?" She asked looking at her wristwatch. 10:14 am.

"11 Am. I'll pick you up."

"Okay. See you later."

"Be careful."

Sooo i hope you liked it and it would be very kind if you let me know what you think about it. Any criticsm are welcome! Thanks! :)