Authors Note: (And for you people allergic to authors notes? IMPORANT NOTICE) Okay guys, I have a lot of people put this story on their alert, and even on their 'favourites' list. Now I know I'm a slack updater (about 3 years between chapters... Oops!) So whether you're reading this because it's the worst story you've ever found, or whether you're actually enjoying it... You're reading it, so leave me a review and let me know! It encourages me to write :)

Previously: "You're still so pretty Tempe," he says softly, his rough fingertips running down my face. "That cop you work with, or fed or whatever. He's real worried about you. I can see why..." I pause, my eyes fill with tears even though I try hard to remain calm, I can't. Booth. This man has met Booth. My fuzzy brain finally puts two and two together. This is Jeremy.

Chapter 10: Like a dove


I just stare at him now. I rack my brain trying to remember what he looked like back then. He has a smug smile on his face.

"You remember me now, don't you?" I can't move my eyes from his face; a feeling of horror fills me. How the hell am I going to get out of this? I need Booth. Panic begins seeping back into my bones, but before it takes hold of me, I hear a noise. Jeremy looks towards the door, but doesn't move his gun from my side. If he shoots me, there isn't much of a chance of survival, the bullet will tear through my stomach and I will bleed out slowly. While he's distracted is the best time to move, but I don't know how. Another noise, louder this time has Jeremy on his feet, his gun moved in front of him. "Benson?" He calls out.

Before I can think too much of the repercussions, I spring to my feet with all my remaining energy I throw myself at him, my bound arms swinging. Awkwardly I land on top of him. I'm surprised I've managed to knock him down at all; he grunts but throws me off before I can figure out what to do next. My head smacks against the edge of the bed, and my vision goes wobbly. I can see him reaching for the gun, and hopelessly I try and knock it out of his reach with my feet, but he picks it up easily, and lets out a growl like a dog and steps towards me.

This is not the first time I've had a gun pointed at my head. A sudden calm comes over me. I'm going to die... I smile at him, and he freezes. "What are you smiling at?" He asks through his teeth.

"I'm not afraid of you Jeremy." I tell him. Before he can respond, the door to the room suddenly flys inwards and hits Jeremy. I see it happening, and curl into a fetal position as Jeremy's body and the door fly into me.

"Bones...!" Hands are pulling me out, warm hands, familiar hands. Booth is here. Booth has saved me. "Oh God, Bones." His hands are cupped around my face. His eyes are roving my body, searching every inch for injuries. I lift my bound hands up, and move my arms over his head.

"Get me out of here Booth." I tell him. He puts his gun in its holster, and scoops me up in his arms. I relax into him, and feel my aching body give out. Before I pass out, I pull my face from where it is tucked into his shoulder, and look him in the eyes. "Thank you," I think it's the most heartfelt thank you I have ever given.


"Booth...?" I squint in the semi-darkness. I'm in hospital, I can smell disinfectant, and hear the beeping of hospital machinery around me. I can see his silhouette hunched in a chair not far from my bed.

"Bones," he sounds hopeful, and he stands and moves straight to my side. "They're both in custody Bones, we've got them. You're safe." He reads my mind, knows what I need to hear.

"How did you find me?" I ask, inching my way into a sitting position. My wrists and ankles burn from the ropes that bound them and my head throbs dully.

"After interviewing Jeremy I tried calling you. When I couldn't get hold of you, I assumed you were sleeping. I headed back to the bureau to go over my interview notes. I got caught up on the phone to Parker though, so I didn't call you again until too late..." He says regretfully, I can see the pain crossing his face.

"I'm okay Booth," I stretch my hand out, and place it on his. He holds onto my hand, squeezing gently.

"When I realised something was wrong I headed to the Jeffersonian. I saw your car... And blood..." He touches a bandage on my temple. "And I knew who had got you. I knew, in my gut that it was Jeremy. He didn't have an alibi for the other murders... I got a warrant and searched his apartment, but obviously didn't find you." He looks so intense; I can't look at his eyes. I can feel how scared he was. "I tricked him into believing that I thought it wasn't him, that we were just covering all bases by searching his apartment." His hand tightens around my hand. "We kept surveillance on his apartment without him knowing, I don't think he's the smartest cookie in the batch." I chuckle.

"Benson has the brains, not Jeremy." I say, and smile encouragingly. I don't think it's easy for him to recount what happened.

"Eventually he left, and we followed him out to the house he was keeping you at. We waited at the end of the driveway for over an hour. I've never had time move so slowly Bones, all I wanted to do was go in there and find you. But without knowing you were in there, or what we were going in to..." He took in a shaky breath. "We mapped out the house, taking turns slipping up to the house in the dark, and watching both Benson's moving around. That's how we saw the trapdoor under the rug in the lounge. When Jeremy stayed downstairs and Thomas Benson came upstairs... We took our chance and entered. And you know the rest." He leans forward, and his free hand comes up to my face. "I am so glad to have you back." I smile at him, his dark eyes, his jaw still tensed after telling me his side of what happened.

"I don't remember much," I admit. "I just remember going to my car... And then the next thing I know I'm in the basement of that house, he bound my hands & feet." I look away from him. "I don't think he did anything to me." Booth's thumb rubs small circles on my hand still resting in his.

"Bones, he did do something to you. He kidnapped you. He tied you up..." He trailed off at the daggers I stared at him.

"I know that. You know what I am talking about." He nods at this looking sheepish. "They took me into that little room after what felt like forever being on that cold floor, with rats all around me." I shudder at this thought. "I felt like I was going crazy in the dark, in the cold, the silence. How long was I down there for?"

"That night, and we found you around dinner time the following day." He moves himself to sit next to me on the bed, and I curl myself into him.

"I was so scared Booth." He places his arm around my shoulders, and I tuck my head into his chest. The tears I'd tried so hard to keep at bay suddenly prickled at my eyes, and I let them fall, silently soaking into Booth's shirt.

"I know." He kisses the top of my head. "I was too."


