Please read and review very much appreciated. First Merlin Fanfic. Hope you enjoy. x

1. Dreams that Destroy.

What do they mean? That was the thought that was rushing through Morgana's head first thing in the morning. She needed answers and sooner or later she would get them.

She pulled herself out of bed, after yet another sleepless night and made her way to the small window looking out of Camelot. The sun was just rising and cast long thin shadows as it did. The city below looked at peace for a change after all that had happened lately. She turned her attention to the courtyard below as she watched the first group of guards set to work. A small sigh escaped her soft lips as a loud knock on the door startled her. She moved her way gracefully across the room to the thick wooden door and swung it open.

"Good morning Gwen." She said as her eyes fell upon the petit girl standing in front of her. Her dark skin barely visible in the darkness of the halls.

Gwen bowed her head slightly before looking back up. It was her job to wake Morgana each morning and bring her, her breakfast.

Gwen placed the small tray onto the table as Morgana sat herself down.

"Fine food from the King this morning my lady." Gwen said watching her a few feet away.

"He knows you are not getting a much sleep at the moment."

"And he wouldn't be wrong." She replied a slight smile on her face.

Gwen smiled in return excusing herself into the next room to fetch Morgana's clothes. As she started to return someone stopped her as they jogged through the halls in front of her blocking her path. She stumbled back slightly peering up at the pale face and short black hair she knew well.

"Oh…sorry didn't see you there." Merlin said as he shook himself out of his own little world.

"That's ok….what are you doing here?" She asked looking a little confused yet not being able to keep the grin from her face.

"Dropping this off." He answered as he pulled a small pot of dark coloured liquid out of his pocket.

"To help Morgana sleep."

"Oh…" Gwen said shaking her head slightly.

"I'll take it for you; I can see you are in a rush."

"Ah thank you Gwen." He said smiling.

"Like I said before I will do anything for you." She stopped herself as she had done the last time she had said something like that.

"Well obviously not everything."

Back in Morgana's chambers she had cleaned the table and sent Morgana to change. As she returned Gwen looked up and smiled at the sight of the Kings ward in a dark blue dress that complimented her deep eyes and dark hair.

"Finally ready to face the day." Morgana smiled as she placed her brush down and excused Gwen from her job.

She decided she would make an appearance with the people she needed to and then search for the castle physician Gaius and ask him what he thought about the dreams. They seemed to show someone or something before they did something or something happened and she wasn't sure if she should mention it to Uther. As last time she had tried to explain it to Arthur about Sophia he had just laughed at her. She didn't take that kindly and had stormed out. But that was all over now and almost forgotten.

They were more like nightmares than dreams and plagued her head with thoughts she didn't want.