A short chapter so if it isn't that great it was wrote rather quickly. So please spend a few seconds reviewing i enjoying seeing what you think. x


Gwen walked along the uneven grounds of the castle climbing the steps towards the entrance, before she was stopped dead in her tracks by Arthur as he raced towards her.

"Gwen," He called.


"What is it, is it the Lady Morgana?" A worried expression overcame her face as she waited for his response.

"Sort of," He said reaching her.

"Well is she ill?" She asked.

"No, but I am….curious, she came to see me earlier she wanted to tell me something but she ran of saying it was nothing." He said watching his people. He was too arrogant to want to be seen talking to a servant that wasn't his.

"It was like she was too hesitant to tell me."

"What?" Gwen asked confused. He wasn't making any sense.

"I fear she is going to do something stupid," He said noticing the confusion in her eyes.

"Where has she gone?"

"To the old gardens I think," He said setting off towards them. But before he could get too far Gwen had stopped him.

"Sorry." She quickly apologised.

"It's just she won't like the fact that you are following her."

"Good point then you go." He instructed her.

At that Gwen turned and walked off. She made her way back towards the gate. After walking for a few good minutes she noticed a small broken gate. Gwen swung it open slowly and looked around unsure of where she should start.

"My lady," She called out looking around anxiously. It didn't look a very inviting place to come when you were upset or wanted to think about something.

Morgana was sat surround by pretty flowers and tall green trees in full bloom. She listened to the bird's song surrounding her and breathed in the fresh air. It was a picture full of colour. She could hear the distant sound of happy villagers and horses feet trotting along.

"Morgana…" She turned as she heard him calling her. A wide smile formed on her light lips showing her pearly white teeth. Her haid swayed gently in the wind as he appeared in front of the now repaired gate.

At hearing Gwen's quiet voice she looked up silently, being woken from her day dream. She moved to face her keeping her guard up at all times. It wasn't like her to show her feelings to much and she wasn't about to now.

"Over here Gwen," She replied.

Gwen made her way over to her Lady and sat beside her.

"Prince Arthur sent me," She said waiting for her to reply.

"I suppose you heard what I said to him." Morgana said losing eye contact and looking around her.

"Yes, he was just as confused as I am." Her eyes sparkled in the sun as she watched Morgana's every move.

"It's nothing; I just needed time to think." She answered.

"He said that as well, you know you can tell me…" Gwen said softly.

"I know it is more than nothing."

"Yes I suppose I can but when the time is right." Morgana smiled lightly as she stood up straightening her dress and retying her hair back.

"Some things are just meant to be kept, things that could destroy."

"Momentarily lapse." She said waiting for her maid servant to follow. Together they walked back towards the castle in silence.

Remember read and review...x