The darkness that surrounded my heart would not leave.
The light left my eyes.
Love, happiness, and joy were soon replaced by anger, hatred, and sadness.
My name is Silentrose.
A perfect name you might say, well its not.
This name is what cats fear most about me beside my pitch black fur with my stricking icy blue eyes.
I live in ThunderClan.
Thunderclan really.
You might think that I am lucky to live in a clan that is well known.
Well its not.
I am a killer some might say.
Others think that I have a strong ambition to become leader of ThunderClan.
No matter what I do everyone will still think that I do everything for power.
Maybe if I wasn't born everyone will be alot happier.
So I decided to end my life.
Little did I know all of ThunderClan were grieving over my lost.
Well whats done is done.
I can't change the past.
I smiled down at ThunderClan as they said their goodbyes for the last time.
I walked away.
I was welcomed in to StarClan.
I was to.
Well at least I can look over my clan like I been trying to do all my like.
I guess it comes to tell.
Even thought it may not seen like it, people love you just the way you are. Even if they think you are a killer.
Well I hope this one is real good . Plz tell me if you see any mistakes I would be glad to fix them. Plz review my story. Even though it might be horrible. Plz plz plz review. Thank you for who ever dose.