Love in an elevator.

I thought of the idea for this story while on guitar hero Aerosmith.

I might keep this going depending on whether or not people like it.

So here goes, oh and by the way, I own nothing to do with Vampire Knight or it's characters if I ever see the woman who does I would go all fan girl on her. Lol :D

Stepping out of their two bed roomed apartment in Tokyo Japan, 19 year old Yuuki Cross and her best friend/roommate Sayori Wakaba were giggling about something that Yori had said before leaving the door.

"Yori! Oh my gosh I can't believe you did that to Jamie" Yuuki said trying to sound serious but failing miserably and collapsing against the wall while Yori locked the door before giving the key to Yuuki who slipped it into the back pocket of her jeans..

"Well, he had it coming. What did he expect? We were having a really good time last night he was sweet and funny and very cute and then he had to go and spoil it by trying it on with me. Of course I slapped him." She tried to look innocent at this statement but grinned manically and joined Yuuki in fits of laughter.

"Yeah I suppose you're right" Yuuki replied "but still I think you might have hit him a bit too hard"

"Why do you say that?" Yori asked sounding confused

"I saw him this morning when I went for milk while you where in the shower and he looked like he'd been jumped by a couple of wrestlers! His cheek was swollen to the size of a melon" Yuuki answered now actually showing concern.

They had now reached the elevator. Yuuki pushed the down button and adjusted the strap of her bag so that it was fully on her shoulder making sure that she didn't drop the huge file she was carrying "Boy, university sure had a lot of work involved".

"Oh my gosh! Really? Maybe I should apologise I mean he was just showing that he liked me. I feel really bad now. What do you think?" Yori rushed this sentence out but Yuuki understood …..Just!

"Well you'll see him today in History won't you. He sits right next to you, you can apologise then" Yuuki replied half-heartedly she was busy searching in her bag for something.

The elevator doors slid open and Yori and Yuuki walked in. Yuuki was still searching in her bag so Yori pushed the ground floor button.

"You're right. Thanks Yuuki" Yori said then trailed off into silence no doubt thinking of a way to apologise to Jamie. "What are you looking for?" she inquired.

"My essay" Yuuki responded sounding desperate. "For philosophy and ethics, I can't find it"

The elevator came to a halt and Yuuki and Yori stepped out before they were trapped by a gang of boys just coming in from a night on the town. All looking extremely tired and hung over. Yuuki walked over to the seating area and dropped her bag onto the table and randomly started pulling out files, folders, notebooks, pens and highlighters until the bag was almost completely empty.

"Kuso!" (Fuck) Yuuki cried out "I must have left it on the kitchen counter"

Yori looked at her sympathetically "I told you to remember it at breakfast"

"I know" Yuuki said exasperatedly "but I was busy looking for my shoes"

"I'll have to go back and get it. I've no choice it was due yesterday I promised it'd be in today" Yuuki sighed and began to repack her bag "Do me a favour?"

"Sure, what?" Yori replied half laughing at her friends' forgetfulness

"Make sure you tell Sensei why I'm not there and tell him I'll be in after I catch the next train. I should be in before ethics if I'm not, ring me I'll have no doubt gotten lost" Yuuki laughed and started back towards the elevator.

"Ok Yuuki, don't be long. See you later" Yori turned her back and walked to the door

"Bye Yori!" Yuuki shouted and turned to wave her friend out of the door.

Pushing the up button, Yuuki shook her head "Of all days to forget something it had to be today" she thought to herself. The elevator doors slid open and she stepped inside followed by an old man she knew lived on the 5th floor and a 13 year old boy from floor 11. Both departed before Yuuki left the elevator until she was all alone. For some people being stuck in this kind of situation would make them uncomfortable but Yuuki had lived in the building for nearly a year since she left home and so was used to walking the corridors alone. When the lift reached the 16th floor Yuuki stepped out and took her key from her back pocket and unlocked the door.

Walking into the apartment Yuuki was greeted by the familiar sight of teenage mess scattered all over the living room. Yoris clothes from the night before where draped over the back of the sofa. Yuukis takeaway rubbish had been left on the table and all sorts of magazines and hair products littered all the other flat surfaces. The only clear surface in the room was Yoris desk, which she had to keep pristine if she was to be able to study. This puzzled Yuuki as she preferred to spread all her materials all over her bedroom floor and do her essays while listening to very loud music and the idea of cleanliness while studying was, in her eyes, unacceptable. Yuuki walked into the kitchen and looked over to the counter nearest the fridge and found her essay. She picked it up and re-read the title "Explain in detail the idea of "without war peace cannot exist"". Yuuki sighed "I'll fail this, I spent all night doing this and I'll still fail. Why did I have to fall asleep?"

"Ah well, no point in staying around here much longer" Yuuki thought to herself before making for the door. However, on her way past the fridge Yuuki gave into the temptation and grabbed a few pieces of chocolate from Yoris secret stash.

Munching happily Yuuki made her way to the door. Stumbling over various obstacles until she finally tripped over the wire from Yori's phone charger. Grumbling Yuuki stood up and opened the door. Moving into the false light of the hallway Yuuki turned and locked the door, taking one last look at the familiar mess of her home and made for the elevator.

Once again Yuuki pushed the down button of the elevator and stepped back, waiting. After a minute or two the elevator bell went and the doors slithered open. If Yuuki had been looking up and not searching in her bag once more this time for a hair band she may have noticed the man standing silently in the corner.

"Which floor?" The man asked Yuuki.

"Whoa!" Yuuki half screamed "You scared me" she laughed

So did he. "Gomen. Which floor are you going to?"

"Ground please" Yuuki replied shyly

He pushed the button and they fell into silence once more as the doors clanged shut.

"I know him from somewhere" Yuuki thought "but where?"

Lost in confusion Yuuki did not realise the lift slowing until it abruptly halted and grinded to a full stop half way between floors 12 and 13. The lights went dead.

"Oh no! What now?" Yuuki wailed

The man in the corner pushed the alarm button calmly and after a few minutes of silence in the elevator a voice issued from the speaker. "Gomen-nasai. It appears we've encountered a technical difficulty, we'll try and fix it as soon as possible but in the mean time make yourselves comfortable" The voice in the speaker died and Yuuki groaned

"Why me?" Yuuki asked speaking to no one in particular besides the ceiling of the elevator "What have I ever done to you?" She leaned against the wall and slid down into a sitting position. Slowly she removed her bag from her shoulders, dropping her file and readjusted her skirt.

"Bad day?" The man asked softly causing Yuuki to look up at him.

Now that she looked at him he was little older than she was maybe 20, 21 at the most and had the most gorgeous cinnamon coloured eyes Yuuki had ever seen. He was tall and muscular with dark hair which fell to his shoulders. Yuuki blushed.

"The worst. And it's only…." Yuuki flicked back the sleeves of her jacket to reveal a small, delicate silver watch. "11:30" Yuuki sighed and placed her head on her knees.

"Why? What's happened?" his voice was soft and caring. Yuuki bushed some more but did not understand why so rather than cause further embarrassment she spoke to her feet.

"Well it was all fine when I got up but then we ran out of milk, I couldn't find my shoes, my bag ripped and I left my essay on the kitchen counter making me miss the train and be late for university and get into a elevator that ha snow broken down" Yuuki spoke extremely fast as she always did when she was on a rant. So it came as a surprise when the man seemed to understand what she had said.

"Wow. Poor you. Well keep your chin up I'm sure it will get better from here on out" he added cheerfully.

At that moment the voice of the maintenance guy filled the almost empty elevator. Yuuki looked up. "Gomen. But we seem to be out of power in your area we're unsure why. It looks like you could be stuck in there for a while. Will you be ok in there?" The man sitting next to Yuuki tilted his head upwards and said "Yeah we'll be fine. Arigato."

"No problem" the voice box said happily and the speaker went dead.

"Fine? FINE!" Yuuki thought "No way will I be fine. I need to get this essay in. I just hope Yori tells sensei" At this Yuuki gasped and started searching in her bag for her mobile. When she found it she pulled it out and checked the signal. She groaned "none. Typical I get stuck in a lift and there's no signal"

"Gomen if I seem rude but what were you saying" Yuuki asked politely but sarcastically

The man chuckled and said "Yeah I sort of look at bit stupid now. Ah well won't matter at least we're not alone. That's got to be something"

"Yeah I suppose you're right." Yuuki chuckled lightening up a bit and relaxing. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. She sensed him staring at her and opened her eyes again. She almost gasped at the beauty of his eyes the sparkle of them made Yuuki smile and the colour and intensity of his stare made her blush and get butterflies in the pit of her stomach. "Who is this guy?" Yuuki mentally asked herself.

As if answering her question the man announced "My name is Kuran Kaname"

"Nice to meet you, Kaname-senpai. I'm Cross-Yuuki" She reached and shook his extended hand

"I know who you are" Kaname whispered

Yuuki was confused "How? Have we met before?"

"Yes" he replied "You probably don't remember me. We went to the same junior school for a while before my parents pulled me out"

Yuuki frowned trying to remember.

"I'm sure you'll remember if you think of the short curly haired boy who hung around with Akatsuki Kain and Hanabusa Aidou" He laughed at the memory

It dawned on Yuuki and she was greeted with a flash back of her as a very young girl playing in the sand pit with a older boy throwing sand. He was cute even back then.

Yuuki laughed out loud. "Oh yeah now I remember! Gosh, that was a long time ago. What happened to your hair?"

Kaname smiled "They sort of grew out "

Yuuki smiled up at him and was once again captivated by his eyes. How could she have not have remembered those eyes.

"Gomen for not remembering you" Yuuki added shyly, embarrassed at her memory loss

"It's not a problem after all it was a long time ago. The only way I remembered you was the way you twined about your day….no offence meant" He hastily added

"None taken jerk" Yuuki was laughing and Kaname joined in.

"Bitch! Gomen" Kaname stopped smiling when he insulted her and looked away ashamed of himself

"Seriously you haven't changed one bit. You're still as nice as you used to be. Never had a bad thing to say about anyone. Well except Zero but you guys never got along" Yuuki drifted off into another daydream

"Oh yeah how is Kiryuu-kun these days?" Kaname asked with apparent interest

"Not bad" Yuuki said hesitantly after all she had to be careful considering Zeros present condition "He works at Cross academy with my father"

"Really? I may see him then. I plan to go to the academy to speak with the chairman" Kaname thought out loud "We have some business to discuss" answering Yuuki before she asked the question.

"Oh" Yuuki spoke softly not wanting to press the subject. The fell into silence once again.

After an hour of catching up and talking about random everyday things. Yuuki began to feel hungry. Not a good sign when she was trapped in a elevator.

Calmly she pulled a flask from her bag. The tinted plastic of the bottle disguised to colour of the substance within. You see Yuuki Cross is not your average 19 year old girl she is in fact a pureblood vampire. However, being raised by Cross Kaien she learnt his ideologies and believed in pacifism, peace between humans and vampires, because of this she did not drink human blood and instead settled for a blood tablet supplement. She carelessly removed the lid of the flask and began to drink.

The faint scent of blood filled the air unnoticeable to humans but strong to vampires.

"Is that blood?" Kaname asked

Yuukis eyes widened in shock and she nearly spat the contents of her mouth over the opposite wall. However, she swallowed the substance with difficulty and as a result coughed and spluttered her way through the next minute. One she had finished, she answered Kaname, panting.

"No!" she said panicking "Who drinks blood? That's disgusting" she knew she wasn't convincing anyone but hoped to Kami that she was not about to be found out. She did not want to kill this guy.

"Don't lie to me Yuuki" Kaname said menacingly. Looking at him Yuuki gasped when she saw that the once cinnamon eyes had turned crimson with bloodlust.

"Kaname-senpai? You're a Vampire?" Yuuki asked cautiously

"A pureblood actually. You seem shocked Yuuki. Did you not know?" Kaname asked calmly but his eyes were still glowing

"No." Yuuki said slightly scared

"Join the club. I did not know about your little secret. Have you always been a vampire, Yuuki?"

"Yes. But my mother hid the vampiric side of me when I was young. I was reawakened a little over two years ago by my uncle. I too am a pureblood" Yuuki explained

"Oh. Well now will you answer my question …What's in the flask?" Kaname hissed

"If you must know. It's a blood tablet solution, father gives them to me so that humans and vampires can co-exist peacefully" Yuuki replied rather angry.

Yuuki stood under the pretence of altering her clothes although she was really trying to put some distance between herself and the gorgeous vampire seated near her feet before the scent of blood drove them both into a frenzied state of lust.

The red of Yuukis eyes was slowly beginning to appear. Something that did not go unnoticed by Kaname so he stood up and walked over to Yuuki placing his face close to hers and looking her in the eyes.

"What's the matter Yuuki? Why are you moving away from me?" Kaname cooed annoyingly

"Don't treat me like a kid Kaname-Sama! You might be a pureblood but so am I your powers of persuasion don't work on me!" Yuuki shouted

"For you I have different ways!" Kaname whispered.

However, before Yuuki had time to ask what he meant by that she was being forced against the back wall of the elevator. Kaname's hands wrapped around Yuukis wrists and pinning her to the wall.

"Kaname-Same, What are you doing?" Yuuki gasped as the impact of her back on the wall knocked the air out of her

Kaname did not answer but instead placed his lips roughly onto Yuukis, who, to her own surprise, found the experience rather pleasurable and started to kiss him back.

Kaname and Yuuki continued kissing for around 5 minutes. Passionately speeding up and increasing the intensity of the kiss until the need for air forced them to break apart. Panting they stared lustfully into each others eyes. Both pairs of eyes burning blood red. Yuuki slid along the wall in a fake attempt to escape what she really wanted was Kaname all around her and she got her wish as he blocked her path which meant that Yuuki had no choice but to back into the corner. Kaname closed the gap between their bodies and placed his hands around her small waist pulling her towards him. He playfully picked her up and Yuuki threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into another passionate embrace. Yuuki felt her back press up against the two walls and slowly slid her slender legs around Kaname's muscular torso which made the gap between them even smaller.

Brining her hands to rest on the sides of his neck, Yuuki felt Kaname's smooth skin under her fingertips as she traced the outline of his collarbone from the base of his neck to his strong shoulders. She then let her fingers follow the line of his muscle down to the place where the material of Kanames shirt joined and covered the rest of his gorgeous body. Slowly, Yuuki started to unbutton his black shirt. First one button then two, then three until only the very bottom button was fastened as this was inaccessible to Yuuki in their current position.

Kaname slowly worked his way down the side of Yuukis neck grazing her skin with his elongated fangs and continued down to her collarbone. Yuuki sighed and moaned in pleasure as his breath on her skin sent shivers down her spine. Kaname brought his hand from Yuukis waist and let it hold her slender thigh that was still greedily wrapped around his wait. Stroking her creamy skin he continued to kiss Yuukis neck and the exposed skin of her chest and shoulders. Deeming it safe let go of her waist he carefully leant back and allowed Yuuki to unfasten the last button of his shirt.

Yuuki quickly took advantage of the situation and slid the black shirt off his broad shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Kanames well toned, tanned torso was now on show for Yuuki and she did not hesitate to place light butterfly kisses all the way along his neck and shoulders. Every part of his skin that she could reach was kissed until Kaname hissed his approval.

At this point Yuuki leaned back against the wall and Kaname leaned in for another passionate kiss. Tracing his tongue along Yuukis top and bottom lip he was silently asking Yuuki for access to her mouth which she granted. As their tongues entwined the kiss became even more passionate and Yuuki gripped Kanames waist tighter with her legs and Kanames grip on Yuukis thigh became stronger as he raised his hand and started to slowly unfasten Yuukis white blouse. When it was completely unfastened Kaname broke the kiss (much to Yuukis disappointment) and leant back to admire the view. Yuuki's stomach was flat and toned, her skin a pale, creamy white was enhanced by the Midnight blue of her bra and the ripples of the loose shirt hanging from her shoulders made the sight, in Kanames eyes, absolutely gorgeous.

"Wow!" Kaname whispered "You're gorgeous! You look incredible"

Yuuki blushed. Kaname drank Yuuki in with his eyes and when he had looked his fill raised his head and took hold of Yuukis exposed waist. Pulling her, again, into a kiss. Sure that she had a tight grip on him and he on her Kaname backed away from the corner slightly so that Yuuki could drop her arms and allow the silk material to fall to the floor in a crumpled heap. Hastily, Kaname pushed Yuuki into the corner once more and kissed her passionately. Their lust for one and other increasing with each passing second. Yuukis hands explored Kanames toned and smooth back while his stroked her waist causing her to giggle when he reached a ticklish area.

"Kaname-Sama that tickles" Yuuki smiled and returned to kissing the darkly angelic vampire barely an inch from her. She could feel his smile as he kissed her like no other man had done.

When air became a necessity not a luxury Kaname and Yuuki broke apart. The red of their eyes now brighter than ever, their lust peaking. Yuuki leaned into Kaname neck and gently kissed, sucked and nibbled the skin. However, through their action during the past 20 minutes had caused her fangs to grow and inch longer and so she unintentionally drew blood from the vampires neck.

"Gomen. Kaname-Sama" Yuuki whispered before licking off the bloody trickling down his neck. The blood tasted delicious and Yuuki lapped up every drop before continuing towards his ear and whispering five words into it.

"Kaname-Sama, I want you!"

This sentence had two effects on the lust-filled vampire. One: It sent pleasurable shivers down his spine and two: cause him to groan hungrily and pull Yuuki into their most passionate kiss yet.

Things probably would have gotten much more heated between the two vampires if it hadn't been for the sudden interruption.

The lights suddenly came back on and the elevator grinded into life. The maintenance mans voice filled the elevator once more.

"We've got the power back. Turns out a mouse had chewed through the fuse box of your sector. The elevator will take you to the ground floor now" The voice died once more.

Filled with lust only seconds ago, Yuuki was now panicking. Looking at the dial she found that they were already at floor 8.

"Kuso!" Yuuki hissed

She loosened her legs from around Kanames waist which cause him to let go of her. Yuuki hastily retrieved her blouse from the floor and quickly put it on clumsily fastening each button. Kaname looked as disappointed as Yuuki felt and glumly picked up his shirt and calmly fastened the buttons.

Yuuki scrambled around picking up her file, bag and flask and speedily composed herself. Now slightly embarrassed over what had happened in the elevator Yuuki was desperate to get away from Kaname Kuran.

The elevator grinded to a halt and the doors slid open. Yuuki rushed out and almost ran for the door. She was desperately late for University now and her essay needed to be handed in.

Blushing a deep shade of red, she shouted goodbye to Kaname.

"Until we meet again, my dear Yuuki" Kaname whispered before heading left to the far door and exiting onto the street.

Well that's it. Like I said this is a one-shot unless people want me to carry on.

Hope you liked it. And if you didn't Gomen but this is my first time writing like this. Review either way please.

Adios muchachos! (No I'm not Spanish just very very weird)