Well, hello there! *smiles sheepishly* my dear friends it has been a while hasn't it. Too long i'd hazard a guess at. I have no excuses, none good enough anyway but as with everything life got in the way. However, thanks to our beloved royal family i got an extra day added to my already extended weekend and rather than revise chemistry like i should be doing i was seized but my laptop and held hostage until i wrote this chapter.

Yes, praise to all technology.

I am afraid to announce that this is the end of Love in an Elevator. It's been a wild ride but all good things must come to an end. And this is the end. Finito. Gone. I could cry, this story is my baby :(

Before you read this i would like to take the opportunity to thank every single person who reviewed, alerted or favourited this story, it really means so much to me that people actually enjoy what i do. Every one who has been with me since the beginning who have my eternal servitude. Those who are newcomers deserve a big big hug, go on give yourself a pat on the back :)

Finally, i want to send my love and thanks to VampireMaddy, a good friend and a brilliant better who might not have been able to see this story to the end has been so helpful over the chapters. It's been a long run but we got there and it's all thanks to that wonderful woman. Your grammar and spelling are above par :) you really got my story going and made it the best it could be. Thank you so much Maddy, we all love you so very much.

Once again, thank you, sorry for any spelling mistakes and overall suckiness. Hope you all enjoy.

"I look fat" she wailed, cringing away from her own reflection.

Yuuki just laughed. "Akira, there is no way in heaven or hell that you of all people could be fat. You look perfect!"

"No, Yuuki, you're completely wrong" Akira exclaimed "I mean look at this" grabbing a pinch of the skin on her stomach, on which there was not a trace of fat, as if to emphasise her point.

"You're being ridiculous!"

Akira pouted "some maid of honour you are, you're not supposed to demean the bride on her special day."

"Well, if the bride wasn't being completely idiotic I wouldn't feel compelled to point it out to you how ridiculous you're being. Akira today is one of the biggest days of your life, you are getting married today, to a man you love more than anything and you know he feels the same. You get to spend the rest of your life with him and today you get to show everyone that, while at the same time looking fabulous because you know you will!" Yuuki lectured.

Then, as if there had been no problem at all, Akira turned to the mirror looked herself up and down and proclaimed "you're right, I'm going to be amazing"

You would think she was bi-polar.

Akira promptly sat down and started to brush out her long, white hair while humming quietly to herself. She looked every bit the happy bride-to-be. Yuuki silently watched her future sister-in-law in case of another random panic attack but once satisfied that the crisis had been temporarily averted she settled back into her chair and carried on reading a magazine.

Not long after Rima opened the door and carefully walked into the room. In all honestly, she resembled a fearful zoo keeper afraid of disturbing a hungry lion.

"Don't worry," Yuuki stage whispered "it seems to be calm for the moment" while simultaneously jerking her head towards Akira. The latter, expressing obvious *cough* maturity, responded by sticking out her tongue.

With a relieved smile, Rima walked towards Akira and began, as she was instructed, to curl and style the brides' hair in preparation for her big moment. The crimping and styling was well underway when Akira decided the comfortable silence which had settled over the room had become "oppressive" and it "needed to be filled with mindless chatter".

"Soooo…Rima-chan…how're things with Shiki-kun?" she asked coyly, a mischievous grin on her graceful features.

Yuuki looked up from the glossy pages, a smile spreading on her face as Rima shifted uncomfortably.

"Good" she replied simply.

"Good?" Akira queried "or like goood?" she laughed sending a wink to Yuuki, who fell into a round of badly suppressed giggles.

Rima flushed a very bright shade of pink and cursed under her breath, however, she didn't comment on the subject which, given the circumstances, may not have been the wisest of decisions.

"Awwww, she's gone all red!" Yuuki cooed.

"It's one of the downsides of being ginger!" Rima hissed, through gritted teeth… her hair was rather a touchy subject.

"There are good points to being ginger?" Akira teased. Yuuki coughed in surprise and stared wide eyed at her friend.

Rima, with a gentle smile and a not so gentle tug, pulled Akira back by the hair causing said vampire to call out in surprise and pain.

"Ow!" she shouted "seriously, I was only joking. I like a bit of ginger-ness" she claimed.

Yuuki and Rima both shot her a disbelieving expression.

"Really I do," Akira protested "I mean, have you seen Akatsuki-kun? Damn that boy is fine!" she expressed in her best gangster imitation.

Yuuki and Rima both paused for a second before expressing there agreement. "I would do some naughty things to that boy" Akira sighed.

An amused voice from the doorway made all three women jump, "As much as I have to agree with you on that point, your appreciation for my man is not welcomed"

Ruka Souen smiled warmly at the other vampires but the look of shock did not disappear from their faces, which made Ruka explode into a fit of giggles. Her outburst broke the tension and soon the entire group were clutching their sides, trying to stay upright.

"Let's make sure that comment never leaves this room." Rima offered.

"Agreed," Yuuki nodded "Onii-sama would most definitely flip if he heard of this."

"And then my poor Kain would end up a pile of dust," Ruka stated with a worried look "never speak of it again."

"Hear, hear" the others chorused.

Ruka, Akira's make-up artist for the day, unceremoniously dropped down into a nearby chair waiting for Rima to finish.

"Heard anything from the enemy camp?" Yuuki asked Ruka

"Not a peek, I can't decide whether I should be worried or relieved, I mean they won't have killed each other will they?" she replied.

Akira, who had been listening in on their conversation, chose that moment to have another panic attack. "Oh my god! No, that can't have happened, it just can't. I mean, Zero and Kaname-kun are like "frenemies" now aren't they? Kaname-kun can't kill the groom. Oh no! I'm a widow before I'm even married. This is the worst day ever"

How anyone person can go so long without oxygen is beyond the intelligence of any earthy being!

Yuuki and Ruka rushed to Akira's side and as the minutes slipped by their frantic words and half-truths finally managed to calm her, to some extent anyway.

"I'll go check shall I?" Yuuki offered, wanting any excuse to leave the over-anxious bride to her worrying, and quite frankly it was getting a bit too warm in there anyway.

Akira's furious nodding was accompanied by Ruka and Rima shaking their heads just as rapidly, neither of them wanting to be alone with bride-zilla for any amount of time.

Smiling sheepishly, Yuuki got up and quickly bolted out of the door before the two night class members could voice their objections.

The cool, evening sun beat down gently down on Yuuki's skin but it didn't hurt her as the bright midday sun would have. Dusk was one of the only times a vampire could go out in he sun and feel comfortable in it. Quite a fitting time of day for the wedding considering the nature of the bride and groom. It would be sunset, almost night, when the two vampires would be wed, a beautiful backdrop for a perfect wedding.

A cool breeze blew over the grounds of cross academy, making the leaves of the cherry blossom trees rustle and a few fell around Yuuki as she walked towards the moon dorm, where the groom and his "minions" had shacked up for the night. She smiled. Running her hands up and down her arms, she inwardly cursed herself for not picking up a jacket or something to keep warm. It wasn't cold by any means but the breeze brought with it a slight chill which her shirt wasn't able to keep out. Her hand passed from her arms and over her stomach before settling on her hips and she exhaled loudly and grinned even more.

Her brother was getting married today. Who would have thought?

Yuuki didn't need to walk much further; the object of her hunt was walking towards her from the moon dorm. When she clasped eyes on her beloved Onii-sama, Yuuki's grin broadened and she hurried her steps.

"Onii-sama!" she giggled, throwing her arms around Kaname's neck.

With a deep chuckle, Kaname wrapped his own arms securely around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"My dear Yuuki" he whispered reverently.

Yuuki pulled back and looked Kaname in the eyes. His shone with happiness, mirroring her own expression.

"I missed you." she announced.

"And I you, my sweet Yuuki, even though we haven't been apart for more than five hours" he teased.

Yuuki pouted "I can still miss you, Onii-sama"

Kaname chuckled and sighed contentedly. "What is it, Kaname?"

Kaname gazed lovingly into Yuuki's chocolate eyes and smiled "I never thought I'd here you call me that again, I still can't get used to it."

"Awww," Yuuki cooed "Kaname Onii-sama, you're such a big softie at heart."

"Only for you" he grinned.

Yuuki blushed, as per usual, and pulled him towards her embrace once more.

Standing there, in her fiancés arms, Yuuki couldn't help but think over the past few weeks since her return. Her disappearance had caused chaos to ensue, something she had failed to include in her "meticulous" calculations, her plan, which the others had not been privy too, seemed inconsequential when compared to the uniform depression which had engulfed the entire moon dorm and its inhabitants. At least, it didn't in their eyes. Indeed, her return had not gone smoothly, some (read Kaname) had welcomed her back without question and with open arms; others (read Zero) had been more reluctant to forgive her misdeeds.


Kaname gasped ...so did the others. "Yuuki? "

"No it can't be" Ichijou whispered.

"Believe it, Takuma" she smiled, softly. While it seemed as if Yuuki was utterly confident in her reappearance, Kaname could see an undercurrent of tension in her muscles. She was nervous.

"Holy shit!" Shiki stated, eyebrows raised and eyes wide in shock.

Ruka stepped forward; her life and the lives of her friends had been in turmoil these last few weeks because of Yuuki's disappearance. Yes, she knew that she hadn't exactly made things any easier due to her relapse into her sycophantic ways but, Yuuki started it. Confusion possessed her angelic features, her amber eyes shone with unshed tears, tears of relief and anger, and her mouth could not seem to form the words she wanted to speak.

Kaname grinned, his depression lifted instantly. He moved closer to Yuuki who watched him with anxious eyes.

"Yuuki?" he repeated.

"Onii-sama" she smiled.

Laughing, Kaname closed the gap between them and gathered her small frame into his arms. Pulling her close he buried his head into her shoulder, as she did his. Taking her in scent, Kaname's heart panged with an almost forgotten sadness as his body seemed to crumble from tremendous relief. Yuuki sobbed silently in his arms. Neither of them heard the others mumbling in confusion…Onii-sama?

"What's wrong, my love?" he asked, worried but still smiling.

"I thought you wouldn't forgive me," she replied "I was so worried you'd be angry with me for leaving you again without any explanation"

"Silly girl, as if I wouldn't forgive you. You, my dear, sweet, innocent Yuuki are my world" he whispered.

Cautiously, Kaname began lowering his head towards hers, scanning her eyes for any sign of disgust or unwillingness. He found none so with a relieved sigh; he brought his lips into contact with hers. Yuuki smiled. Kaname moaned softly, so soft that the others, save Yuuki, couldn't hear it. Soft and warm and familiar, the kiss was tender, sweet, gentle. There would be time for a proper reunion later, now all Kaname wanted to do was make sure she was here, that she was real.

Pulling back, their "moment" was interrupted by a not so subtle cough from the other vampires who, despite their discomfort, were standing in the bright morning sun. Rima looked confused, Ruka: angry and betrayed, Kain and Aidou wore similar expressions of shock, Shiki remained impassive but his eyes shone with a subtle happiness, mainly because Rima finally had her friend back, only Ichijou wore a genuine smile, he had spent enough time with Kaname over the years to find her disappearance nothing too far out of the norm.

Yuuki pulled away from Kaname, much to his distress, but she took his hand firmly in hers and stepped towards her friends. Her grip on Kaname's hand became almost painful in her anxious state but outwardly she seemed normal….ish.

"Erm…hi guys" she spoke quietly, giving away her current emotional state.


Kaname opened his mouth to chastise the nobles for ignoring her beloved but a quick squeeze form Yuuki silenced him: this was her battle. Sighing in resignation Kaname returned the affectionate squeeze but stood quietly watching the scene unfold before him.

"Hi?" Ruka whispered, the others looked at her as well, thankful that one of them had spoken. "You've been gone for weeks and all you have to say for yourself is hi?"

Yuuki looked at her shoes, ashamed.

"Why did you do it Yuuki? Why couldn't you have told someone, anyone at all? Did you even think about what it would do to us?" Ruka was shaking with anger, her voice cracking with emotion.

"I'm sorry," Yuuki whispered "I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I didn't really think, I just had to go and do something"

"Nice vague answer there" a sinister voice echoed across the grounds.

"Shit!" Yuuki cursed quietly, her face paling.

Turning around hesitantly, Yuuki looked fearful as her eyes fell onto the silver haired hunter, who had been silently seething since Kaname's arrival. Zero had been on his way to see Kaname in another vain attempt of getting his sorry backside out of his dungeon, when he saw said pureblood ungracefully falling through the doors and heading towards a female vampire near a very sleek car parked in front of the moon dorm. Imagine his surprise when his "missing" sister casually went up to her fiancé and embraced him as if nothing had happened.

"Where have you been?" he seethed, yes he was angry but he was more upset than angry. She had just left, leaving turmoil behind for him to deal with.

Yuuki opened and closed her mouth but no words came out, she had never seen Zero look so hurt. Not in a long time at least.

"Did you even think of any of us while you were away? Kuran doesn't count, Yuuki" he spat seeing that she was about to say his name, "any of your friends? Your brother perhaps? No? Well we all thought of you Yuuki, have you any idea what's been going on since you left? Well let me enlighten you"

Zero stalked towards Yuuki, who squeezed Kaname's hand out of fear. The pureblood male, seeing his beloved in such distress sent Zero a warning glare which was categorically ignored.

"Kaname didn't leave his room for two weeks," Zero announced, Yuuki whipped her head to look at Kaname in confusion but his eyes had fell to the floor, he had been hoping Zero might just forget to mention his rather odd behaviour. "He didn't feed for just as long"

Yuuki gasped, Kaname winced, and the others stood solemnly. It hadn't been a pretty time.

"Ruka killed three vampires"

Turning to look at her friends' face, Yuuki couldn't keep the shock off her face. Ruka stood with tears streaming down her face, gently shaking her head. "I didn't mean to" she whispered.

"The chairman? Akira? Distraught, they thought they'd lost their daughter and sister. The chairman has literally lost his mind and Akira hasn't slept properly in weeks, crying all the time. Wait until she sees you, she just might kill you. Why, Yuuki? How could you do this to us….to me?"

His announcement over, Zero stood defeated. His head hung in anguish and Yuuki gaped at him.

"Can we go inside please?" Yuuki whispered "I promise I'll tell you everything"

Having lost a lot of steam from his tirade, Zero dropped into the nearest chair, his head falling into his hands. The others spread loosely around the centre of the room, each taking a seat in order to listen to Yuuki's story.

Yuuki slowly moved towards Zero, he didn't resist her cautious touch on his shoulder but didn't seem all too willing to accept it either. Yuuki dropped to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms round his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry" she whispered.

After a few more moments of resisting Zero finally gave in, pulling his younger sister towards him and hugging her fiercely. "Idiot" he replied.

"Want to hear the story?" she asked.

"Damn right" Zero replied.

Yuuki waited long enough for all the others to settle before she started to tell her tale.

"I don't know how much Onii-sama has told you guys but I'll just get right to it. I am Kaname's younger sister; I was born Kuran Yuuki to Juuri and Haruka Kuran" she stated simply.

The nobles gasped, well all except Ichijou. A sister? That was something none of them had seen coming. Ruka dropped her gaze to the floor, looking back now her actions over the years seemed even more pathetic. Kain wrapped an arm around her shoulders, quietly comforting her in her humiliation. Rima, Shiki and Aidou all sat with their mouths open and eyes wide. How could it be true?

Finally regaining some composure, the nobles took notice of the fact that Kaname's and Yuuki's auras were strikingly similar, and not only in the "they're both purebloods way". How any of them had missed the connection was a mystery.

"I was hidden as a child, which is why none of you will have heard of me before, I had to be protected from our uncle" Kaname placed his hand lovingly on Yuuki's shoulder and squeezed lightly, silently offering his support. "When I was awoken as a vampire, Rido tampered with my memories meaning I could remember anything about Kaname or my real bloodline."

Yuuki paused letting it all sink in. It all made sense, after all they had all came across Rido before and knew what he was like, Ruka and Rima shuddered. However, it still was a lot of information to process; it still wasn't the end of it though.

"Onii-sama, Zero and Ichijou all came up with a plan for me to get my memories back. I can't remember how long I was asleep for but when I came to I remembered everything about Kaname." Yuuki's face lit up into a dazzling smile, one that made Kaname's heart clench with happiness. "When I woke up and Kaname left, I was just looking around. It was weird because everything was the same but it all seemed so different I wanted to get used to it all again. I saw a letter on nii-sama's desk and when I read it I saw it was the one from the council. It was basically telling us that I had to prove I was a pureblood before we were "allowed" to marry"

Her tone of voice easily conveyed how pissed off she still was at the council, her sarcasm seemed almost humorous and under different circumstances they all would have laughed.

"I knew what I had to do and I sort of just rolled with the adrenaline. No offence to anyone but I didn't even think about all this, what I had done to all of you, for a few hours. I was so caught up in what I had to do. I really am so sorry." remorse filled her voice and eyes and she momentarily went silent "Anyway, I had to find a way to prove to the council that I was a pureblood, a Kuran and worthy of marrying Kaname." she looked up and smiled lovingly at Zero before speaking directly to him "I did what you had done, Zero, I managed to track down that vampire from the hospital where I was born and took him to see the council."

Zero was shocked, he had forgotten all about that in recent weeks but it made sense, how else could she prove her lineage.

"The poor old man died right after he told the council what he knew, the memory spell that my parents put on him had destroyed his mind. The council was shocked; some didn't believe it," Yuuki said darkly "they didn't stay around for very long though. The rest soon converted, the ball was held to "present" me to everyone and then we went our separate ways"

"Guessing it took a while to track down the old man?" Ichijou asked quietly.

"I was at the council headquarters for four days in total, the rest of the time was tracking him down," Yuuki said quietly

"But, how did Kaname not recognise you at the ball, he must have looked straight at you?" Aidou chirped up, confusion colouring his tone, and confusion was something he was not accustomed to and he certainly did not like it.

"It must be one of her latent powers." Zero mumbled.

"Yeah," Yuuki smiled "I think that with all the hiding I done as a child and the fact that the Kuran in me has been locked away fro so long, I kind of took that and adapted it into an ability. I can shield my aura so it's a bit different from usual, throws people off my trail so to speak"

"That's how you managed to leave without leaving a trail," Kain mused, Yuuki nodded in agreement. "Seiren was not amused by the fact that she couldn't find you"

Yuuki grimaced, that won't be a nice conversation. "I don't expect you all to forgive me straight away, but you should all know I didn't mean to hurt any of you, ever"

Kaname hugged Yuuki tightly, kissing her forehead. "All that matters is your back with us, Yuuki"

Ruka and Rima managed to pry Kaname away from his beloved and enveloped her in tight hugs of their own. All the while Yuuki whispered "sorry" as she fell into tears.

End Flashback.

"How are you, my love?" he asked reverently.

"Better than this morning" she grimaced, vividly remembering her appointment with the porcelain God earlier this morning.

"Think it was from last night?"

"Was either the shrimps or Yuuki had a bit too much to drink." Yuuki sighed, pressing her face into Kaname's chest. "It's gone now though, I feel fine."

"As long as you're ok Miss Kuran" Kaname said in an amused tone.

"Not long now" Yuuki smiled "Then you're stuck with me for eternity."

"What more could a man want?" Kaname teased.

Leaning down, Kaname gently pressed his lips to hers and lovingly stroked his fingers down her spine.

"How's Akira-chan?" he asked

"Panicking. Zero?"

"About ready to faint" he grinned

"Oh wedded bliss!" Yuuki laughed "They've got nothing on us."

"That is very true, my Yuuki"

"Onii-sama?" Yuuki whispered.

As always, Kaname's eyes lit with unmasked pleasure at the name and he adoringly gazed into her brown eyes. "Yes?"

"I love you" she smiled.

"As I love you." he replied softly, kissing her again. The pair parted and slowly began their way back, returning to their respective charges.

The rest of the day passed smoothly, with the exception of one more panic attack from Akira and a slight wrestling match between the men attempting to keep Zero away from the liquor cabinet. The time was nearly upon them. Kiryuu Zero was getting married, and willingly at that.

Yuuki and Akira were spending a few moments alone before the ceremony began. Yuuki gazed up at her soon to be sister-in-law and smiled softly. Akira's wedding dress had been "stolen" from her family home by her grandmother, the Sato clan had still not forgiven Akira for falling in love with an ex-human, let alone marrying him, but Akira still wanted to get married in her mothers wedding dress. It had been a tradition and even if she wouldn't admit it, she missed her family more than she could express.

As Akira gazed at herself in the mirror, her eyes off in a far-away daydream, Yuuki cleared her throat. "Are you sure about this, Akira?" she asked quietly "I know, Zero is my brother but I want you to be happy too. Plus, it's my duty to make sure, is this really what you want?"

Akira smiled, "I love him, Yuuki" she replied tenderly "He's everything I've always wanted and all the things I never knew I needed. I just want to be with him"

Yuuki nodded and pulled her friend into a tight hug. "You're going to blow him away." she whispered.

It was true, Akira looked stunning. The dress was ivory. Clean and pristine. The sweetheart neckline on the front plunged slightly at the back exposing the skin on her shoulders. The bodice was fitted and clung to Akira's body like a glove. It was adorned with delicate crystals and lace in floral patterns that spread to her hips. The skirt bustled at her right thigh and fell elegantly to the floor. It was exquisite. Akira's platinum hair had been styled in a classic up-do and the overall effect was beyond words.

Akira smiled broadly, tears of happiness forming in her eyes.

"Oh no you don't!" Yuuki half-shouted "No crying yet, not until after the "I do" part."

"I'm just so happy, Yuuki."

"I know, now come on, it's nearly time" Yuuki urged.

Akira let out an excited squeal and, grabbing Yuuki's hand, started towards the door.

The ceremony was going to take place in one of the most majestic part of the Cross Manor grounds. On the edge of the lake stood an old willow tree, under which the chairman had instructed the hired help to put up white chairs, enough for all the guests. The female vampires of Cross academy had added their own personal touches, with fairy lights in the branches and assorted pink and purple bouquets spread about the scene. It was beautiful.

Akira and Yuuki, her maid of honour, were met by the chairman just out of sight of the guests and more importantly Zero. In the absence of her own family, Akira had asked the chairman to be the one to walk her down the aisle. Kaien Cross had more than happily agreed.

"Akira, my daughter, you look beautiful" he confessed, his usual childish attitude gone and in its place was that of a very proud man.

"Thank-you," she whispered back "he's here isn't he?"

The chairman smiled; in those four words Akira had expressed her own insecurity and uneasiness. Zero was not the easiest person to love, his temper and innate disgust for what was now his own kind, had most definitely been the hardest part of their relationship, but Akira was far from saying that she wished he would change. Akira loved him for all that he was and is, not for the man others wanted him to be.

"We had to stop him from coming to get you here an hour ago." he assured her, Akira smiled and it lit up her whole face.

"And you, my dearest Yuuki, look stunning as well" the chairman stated, his voice chirpy and upbeat.

"Why thank you kind sir," she teased, but then her voice turned serious "Akira picked it out, isn't it divine!"

Yuuki was the only person Akira had asked to stand up with her. While the others were her friends they all knew the importance of family and didn't question her choice. On the other hand, Kaname was Zero's best man, an odd choice considering their relationship but Zero later pointed out that it was only fitting considering Kaname was the one who "introduced" them. Akira had chosen a strapless royal blue dress for her best friend. It was floor length and ruffled slightly at the waist but it suited Yuuki perfectly. Both of them were breath taking.

"Shall we?" the chairman asked, offering his arm to the bride.

Yuuki nodded in the direction of the orchestra, the only people who could see them and the music started. You could hear the guest sitting up straighter, turning towards the end of the aisle where Yuuki and then Akira would appear.

With a warm smile of encouragement from Akira, Yuuki started her walk. Settling her nerves and praying that her clumsiness would not appear and cause her to fall she kept her eyes to the ground until the white carpet came into view. The carpet ran between two sets of chairs all the way up to the front where an excited looking Zero was waiting. The groom spared a quick glance and an approving nod for his sister before returning his gaze over her shoulder, waiting for his bride.

Yuuki smiled at her brothers' erratic behaviour, her gaze fell on her own love. Kaname. The pureblood male was watching Yuuki as she began to walk towards him, a wide smile spread across his features and a new found excitement for his own wedding forced its way to the front of his mind. The dress would be white but everything else would be so similar. Yuuki smiled back, the love in her eyes shone brightly and she no longer felt scared of falling. Focusing her every step toward Kaname, but still trying to keep in time with the music she clutched tightly onto her bouquet of white roses to keep herself from sprinting to her fiancé.

When she finally reached the front, the bridal march started. All eyes turned to the back of the congregation and waited with bated breath for the bride to appear.

It seemed almost magical when she did appear. A soft wind sent flower petals swirling around Akira, whose smile lit up the minute she clapped eyes on her future husband. Zero, in a simple black tuxedo, watched his bride walk slowly towards him. Eyes wide and speechless he took in her beauty as if it were the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. Yuuki could feel tears of happiness pooling in her eyes, her own brother was finally getting married to the woman he loved. And he looked so content.

The chairman gently kissed Akira's hand before placing it in Zero's when they reached the front. "You may not think of yourself as my son, Zero-kun, but I have never been more proud of you than I am now. Take care of her" he whispered to Zero.

Zero nodded, but didn't take his eyes of Akira. "I will….Dad" he replied softly.

Akira was shocked, Yuuki nearly fainted and the chairman actually did. Sighing Kaname gently picked up the eccentric chairman and placed him carefully in his chair in the front row. Luckily, they had prepared for such a situation and various cameras were both photographing and recording the ceremony for his benefit.

In all honesty, Yuuki could barely remember the ceremony. Once it started, her gaze became fixed on Kaname who was standing directly opposite her, staring right back. She imagined it was her own wedding, which was not yet planned but wasn't long in coming. Yuuki became slightly jealous of Zero and Akira, their small family gathering was exactly what Yuuki would imagine her perfect wedding to be like, but because of her and Kaname's blood status their own wedding was set to be an illustrious affair but she didn't care too much. As long as she got her beloved Onii-sama to herself for all eternity, nothing else mattered. The way Kaname gazed at her, so lovingly, so reverently, set Yuuki into a blushing fit but she still did not look away.

I'm going to tell him, she mused internally, today.

In the back of her mind she heard the ceremony coming to a close and reluctantly turned her attention back to the happy couple.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride"

The crowd cheered as Zero gently pulled Akira to him and kissed her gently. Yuuki awww-ed loudly causing everyone to chuckle and the newly weds pulled apart, beaming. Akira squealed and hugged Yuuki fiercely and the pureblood saw from the corner of her eye Zero happily shake Kaname's hand. Breaking off, it wasn't long before Akira was reattached to her new husband. The couple moved ahead and ran down the aisle as they were assailed by confetti thrown by their over-exuberant friends. Yuuki and Kaname followed and Yuuki laughed all the way to the manor. Ecstatic that her best friend had found happiness.

The reception party passed without a hitch. Food and drink flowed, resulting in one of Akira's more audacious cousins to pass out underneath one of the tables after consuming one too many glasses of wine. The party laughed and cried, danced and sang with joy. Before the nights end and the new couple left on their honeymoon (a surprise location that Zero had not yet revealed) the time came to throw the bouquet.

All the females in attendance, vampire and human alike gathered in the centre of the dance floor as Akira clambered onto the stage. Well, with the exception of Yuuki.

"Why aren't you there too, my love?" Kaname asked her wrapping his arms around her waist as he stood behind her.

"I already know we're going to get married," she replied simply "I don't care when as long as it happens"

Kaname smiled placing soft kisses on Yuuki's neck. The pair watched as Akira turned and threw her bouquet into the unsuspecting arms of Touya Rima. The red head stared at her arms in disbelief then flushed an impressive shade of red and looking, almost guiltily, at Shiki. His face however held a soft smile.

"Aww look at them!" Akira shouted over the microphone, the guests laughed.

"Kaname?" Yuuki said turning in her lovers arms and looking him in the eyes.

"Yes, my love." he replied and gently swaying them as the music warped into a slow melody.

"I…I have something to tell you." she said nervously, biting her lip in apprehension.

Kaname frowned "What is it?"

Yuuki stayed silent for a minute or too, gazing into Kaname's eyes before smiling happily. "I'm pregnant."

The look on Kaname's face was one she never forgot.

After hearing the news of his child's arrival, Kaname wasted no time in organising his and Yuuki's wedding. The pair were married within the month and after the huge, unwanted affair expected by the council. The two Kurans reaffirmed their vows in front of their friends as they had originally wanted.

Yuuki and Kaname's first son, Raiden, was born in the winter of that year. He was the perfect miniature of his father with his mothers' fierce sense of independence. He made a very colourful addition to lives of the Kuran family.

After months of thought and consideration, Yuuki, Kaname and their newborn son returned to the Kuran family home and three other children were born into this world. Two daughters, Ami and Taira, as well as another son, Tadashi, all of whom were treasured by their parents.

Their marriage was by no means perfect. Arguments were common and notorious between Kaname Kuran and his wife, his over-protectiveness clashing with Yuuki's friendly nature. Their stubbornness proved phenomenal over the years but their problems were but mere bumps in the road. Their friends lived good, long lives and their love for each other only grew day by day, leaving them with happy and satisfied memories of their time together.

To say they lived happily ever after is an understatement.

That's it...that's the end. I hope it was worth the wait because boy have you guys waited. I really hope you liked it. As always let me know your thoughts. I'm going to miss you guys so much.

Love you lots like jelly tots.

Hopefully this won't be the last time you ever hear from me. "Keep a weather eye out on the horizon" as they say on Pirates.

Bye guys, thank you, love you.
