Twilight: What if it wasn't Bella that Edward fell in love with, what if it was Chris Halliwell.

Full summary: Chris lives with Piper, his overbearing mother in San Fran, and her new husband Dan, a man who hates Chris's guts because he reminds him of his wife's first husband. But he hates his life there and misses his father and big brother that live in the dreary town of Forks. He makes a decision and leaves after he attracts the unwanted attention of his step-father. When he gets there the only thing making his life worth it is his family, then he meets the mysterious Edward Cullen and his life changes dramatically.

Christopher Perry Halliwell was rudely awoken early on a Saturday morning by the annoying ringing of his cell phone. "Mmmh." He muttered as he pulled himself up and reached over to grab his phone. He didn't even bother to read the caller id and just answered with an irritable "What?"

All that he got in reply was a muffled laughter. "Wow, bro, what kind of a welcome is that for your favourite big brother?" Came the sarcastic reply from his elder brother Wyatt.

"Wyatt..." Chris started happier now that he knew his sleep wasn't disrupted by one of his annoying 'friends'. "'re my only big brother."

"So I win by default." He said with indifference. "I will take whatever I can get." Chris chuckled at him and then asked the question that was on his mind.

"Wyatt? What are you doing ringing me at this god-forsaken time on a Saturday morning?"

"I was bored." He answered with no remorse at all "is it a crime that I wanted to talk to my baby brother."

"When it's this early in the morning then: Yes." All that he got was a laugh. Then her briefly heard an argument and rustling at the other end of the line. He rolled his eyes. It sounded like his father and brother were fighting over the phone again. How immature! Sounds like some intervention was needed "Guys!" He shouted into the phone and immediately the fighting and rustling stopped. "Put me on speaker!" He said exasperated.

Immediately he heard the click that told him that his advice was heeded, then he heard a pair of contrite voices. "Sorry." Chris chuckled in response; he was used to this behaviour by now.

"Hi dad." Chris said into the phone.

"Hi, buddy!" Came his father's ecstatic reply. "How have you been?"

"Fine dad." He replied as he tried, without success, to smother a yawn. He could hear both his father and his brother laughing at him. And he could swear that he heard his father mutter "Typical teenager." He just rolled his eyes and didn't respond. "So what'd you want to talk about?" he asked before his father could mutter anything else.

"Nothing really, we just haven't spoken to you in a while and we wanted to call before we have to leave for work." Wyatt replied for them both.

"Oh. OK..." Chris trailed off. There was a reason why he avoided calling his father. Reason number one being that he feared that his father would figure out that something was wrong with him and then come running to try and help him, which would of course result in making things worse, and number two, that he was afraid of asking what he desperately wanted to.

Reason number one turned out to be spot on. "Chris?" His father asked hesitantly. "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine." Chris replied and then inwardly winced when his voice cracked. Uh Oh. Now both his father and brother were on high alert.

"Chrissss." Wyatt said with a warning tone in his voice.

'Now or never' Chris thought as he took a deep breath and then dove in the deep end, figuratively of course. "Dad...I want to ask you something?" He said nervously.

There was silence on the other end of the phone; obviously he had caught them off guard.

"Of course, buddy, you know you can ask anything." Leo said down the phone, he sounded as anxious as Chris felt.

Deep breath. "Can I move in with you?"


Deathly silence.

"OF COURSE YOU CAN!" Wyatt exclaimed so loud that Chris dropped the phone in shock. When he picked the phone up again he exclaimed "Dammit Wyatt! I would like to retain my hearing thank you!" Wyatt apologised as Leo chuckled.

"You know that you are welcome here anytime son. Your mom has been a hog long enough, now it is my turn to have you." Leo sounded positively delighted at this and Chris smiled relieved.

Now that that problem was taken care of time for phase two: telling his mother.