Chapter 4: Panics, and wardrobes

If there was one thing that Chris dreaded the most about his move to Forks, it was starting at a new High School. He has never really been popular, sure he had people that he would talk to occasionally in the hallways, and he generally got alone with everyone, but he never really had any friends. Now that he had a chance to start again with a clean slate, he is terrified of messing everything up. He doesn't want to be the most popular guy in school, infact he hates being popular because then people tend to look at you all the time, no, he wanted to have some Real friends. Someone who likes him for who he is, not someone who likes him because his mom runs and nightclub and can bet them into the VIP section.

All in all, his first day of school was looking to be a bit hectic.

The day after he arrived in Forks found Christopher Halliwell rummaging through his meagre belongings trying to find a suitable outfit for his first day at Fork's high school, providing great entertainment for his father and brother if the chuckles were anything to go by. They were watching as he frantically tried to find a suitable ensemble to wear for his first day of school tomorrow. Wyatt wouldn't care what he wore, as long as it was comfortable, Chris thought bitterly as he glared at his brother to try and make him stop chortling at him. It didn't work. Instead Wyatt laughed harder.

Leo intervened, when he noticed that Chris was about to pounce on his brother. "Woah. Easy kiddo. We figured that this problem was going to occur, so both me and your brother have taken the day off to take you clothes shopping in Port Angeles." He said with a smug smile on his face.

Chris beamed happily and then a thought struck him. "Hey! You knew this would happen, so you just watched me panic over nothing!" Wyatt's laughter increased in answer and Leo smiled a smug smile.

"Of course, we knew that this would happen. I know what your mother is like for clothes shopping, she would have bought it and then made you wear it. No wonder you can't find anything to wear for school, you don't like most of the clothes you wear. Am I right?" Leo asked, he watched on sadly as his son looked down in answer. He knew Piper could be really overbearing, and he also knew that the 'ordinary, safe colours' that Chris wore, were colours that he barely liked. In all of his life he had never felt so angry towards Piper than at this moment. She basically squeezed any individualism out of their son, and turned him into a sheep!

Wyatt also sobered up at his fathers' words and his brothers actions. He looked down sadly at his brother and then tried to lighten up the mood. "That's why we decided to use 'the fund' to get you a whole new wardrobe of your own choice, and I have just decided that tonight we will have ourselves a little bonfire with your old clothes as the fuel. What do you think?" He asked his brother. He was rewarded with a neon smile and his heart warmed. Chris had a habit of getting his own way, all he had to do was bat his eyelashes and pout and he was capable of anything! He could thaw out an icy heart with just one glance, for that Wyatt couldn't be prouder.

With happy content faces all round, the family set off to Port Angeles, to start a fun filled day of shopping. Little did they know that while they were there Chris was going to meet someone that will change his life... forever.


I know its very short, but I am having trouble deciding what dress style Chris should choose, I am also stuck on two possible ways for Chris to meet Edward at the clothes store! Any hints!

I will update as soon as inspiration strikes again.