I do NOT own The world ends with you! no matter how much I wish I did. I only own the OC characters, and two of which are my friends' characters.
Yes, this is BOY OC X Joshua later on, and yes, Its slash fiction, if you DON'T like that, then please don't read this.
Flames will be Ignored, though reviews encouraged! Rating may change later on!
I know there are many many MANY other pairings with TWEWY Characters, this is my pairing! I don't bitch, or complain that I owned that character or shot off at other people for making their own OC X Character pairings because its THEIR business what they want to make public, just as it is mine . It's called freedom of the press, and if you actually wanted to read this, then I applaud your character for tolerating my opinions toward the whole Fan girl/boysim.
Kiba curled up tighter in the sheets, trapped in a sort of nightmare.
He was back in the upper story room of the Wildkat café which was now alive with flames. The heat was suffocating, smoke thick and blinding like a blanket of gunmetal grey fabric. There was a body, under the window that appeared to be the same shattered window Kiba had found the previous night. The figure was blurry, and stayed blurry as Kiba bent to shake the fallen figure, shouting to rouse them from their sleep.
The flames caught the figure by a pant leg, engulfing and reducing him to ash before Kiba's eyes. The ash, of which left behind, taking on strange tribal shapes that spawned from the remains, floating about the room, trained on Kiba's presence…
/This is all wrong…./ He cringed /Wake up….Damn it wake UP!/
The shapes floating about, suddenly tensed and shot down toward Kiba. Claws, tails and heads of creatures Kiba had never seen before where starting to reach from the shapes' open mouths. Trying to claw him, tear him…grab him.
Kiba was backed into a corner, he couldn't run if he wanted to…and he REALLY wanted to. Kicking at one, it floated away and swooped back, looking possibly twice as angry as it had before, which only scared Kiba all the more.
"Go away…." /why can't I wake up!?/
The creatures pressed in closer, ignoring his almost inaudible pleads and screams of mercy. Fear turning to anger, he tried again to scare off the offending shapes and limbs spawning from them. It was no use; they wouldn't be shaken from their approach.
"Go AWAY!"
His voice echoed through the room, suddenly the flames arched and writhed higher, seeming to move and collect in the center of the room, turning darker, redder and more energy like than flame. Kiba's limbs began crackling with what looked like red electricity, but he didn't notice at all.
The flames suddenly arched upward in a pillar of black energy, outsides tinged in red. The shapes where dragged toward the pillar, and engulfed by it screeching as they turned to static and vanished. Kiba was almost relieved, until the pillar started to grow in size, taking everything with it and sending Kiba into blackness. Flashes of buildings, places Kiba remembered only briefly, memories that flew past and snuffed out like a candle. Memories mixed together in a shattered puzzle he couldn't tell which where his memories, and what was fabricated by the nightmare. Pictures of people, places he had sworn he never saw before, shooting across his memory too fast to see clearly. Kiba gripped the sides of his head, which seemed to be spinning as he tried to sort out what the hell was going on.
thousands of voices…
It was like a bullet to his very nerves…
All too quickly, everything fell silent, and like falling into an icy pond, Kiba's body felt the shock of suddenly losing all body heat. Everything was black, blackness that was unbearably cold, empty, and devoid of anything. A sensation of pinpricks danced over Kiba skin as if the terror itself every nerve was ready to move, but he couldn't. He was gripped by sudden fatigue that he couldn't shake off.
The darkness seemed to withdraw upon itself, blinding white breaking through in a strange pattern across the void. Coiling downward around him like a blanket of slashed webbing. Kiba forced his eyes shut. The light was far too bright; it hurt to look for even a moment. It was also very hot, in contrast to the icy darkness now fleeing away from the abyss.
"No more…Damnit…please…" Kiba shut his eyes tightly "no more…"
A gunshot…And total blackness.
"-!" Kiba jerked awake, chest rising and falling in heavy breathing. His body was coated in perspiration, hair clinging to his face and neck. His eyes darted about as if he expected something to be amiss, but everything was quiet.
His eyes began to burn, giving a little growl; he bit down hard on his tongue, the sudden pain stopping the focus on the urge to break down. Kiba took a deep breath to settle his racing heart, never had he felt so affected by a nightmare.
/It's not real…I'm okay…nothing really happened…/
He wiped his hair away from his face, for once grateful for the broken heating system as it helped with the panicking nerves. Once calm, he wondered what time it was, any time after midnight was preferable. "…five" a nod, he was in no hurry to go back to sleep, even if he wanted to.
Sitting up, he noticed it was still raining hard outside "persistent this time…." Kiba mumbled to himself, smirking "pound as hard as you want…I can't hear you". He pressed a palm to the glass, which was vibrating under the wind-forced icy droplets. He watched people rush to work, early rising business men and women struggling to stay dry and avoid traffic as they hurried.
Nobody really cares…people come, and just as quickly fade away. There was no point to think otherwise, not in this place…this prison, this human version of a lowly kennel.
Kiba felt his grip tighten on the glass /Keep your cool…/. He was about to lie back down and maybe try to sleep, but he felt a hand on his shoulder that startled him. What startled him more was a hand gripping his mouth to block his scream.
"Kiba, Kiba relax it's us!" Tori whipped Kiba around, letting him see both him and his brother, who was a little bit pale, as if expecting Kiba to of done that. "Okay" Tori relaxed slowly, but glared "Now get your teeth out of my hand!"
Skylar sighed "you asked for it, bro…he can't hear us! We probably scared him shitless". Kiba let go, wiping his mouth off on a blanket with distaste "What the hell are you two doing u-". Before he could finish his statement, a (badly) wrapped box was shoved in his face.
"Happy B-Day Roomie!"
Kiba blinked, staring at the shaggy wrapping paper "Uh…ah….wha?" he peeked over the package, parting the knotted ribbon "I don't remember mentioning my birthday to anyone-". His two roommates where grinning like sly idiots "Skylar found out from a nurse in the girl's wing" Tori sighed "while he was stalking her"
"I do not stalk people!" Skylar glared. Kiba raised an eyebrow, watching the whole thing like a silent movie. Eventually however, he picked away at the paper, exposing the box's contents.
It was nothing fabulous, Kiba would admit, it reminded him of some sort of box of provisions. However it was thoughtful, and did have some necessities. A couple boxes of pocky, a new brush, some hair-ties held together with a twist-tie, and two slightly worn manga books.
"It's not much" Skylar admitted with minor distain "but we thought it might help…we know your last brush kind of snapped on you, and some hair-ties may help you look less girly when you walk around in daylight". Kiba almost whacked Skylar over the head at the mention of his hair being 'girly'. Yeah it was long, but it wasn't exactly 'stylish'.
Tori elbowed his brother "And we found some books and pocky for a lower cost down at one of the old bookstores down the road." Kiba picked the two up "…" /uh…Loveless?.../ a slight shrug, and nod of his head.
"Thanks…but you couldn't have waited till after noon" the last part was a little bitter, but the smirk on his lips showed he wasn't as peeved as he let on. He set the box to the side, yawning, then noticing the concern on his 'friends' faces "…what?"
"Something is bothering you" Skylar finally mumbled "isn't it?" Kiba looked confused "we saw you in some serious distress before you woke up, you got something on your mind man?" Tori tilted his head,
"I'm fine, I don't want to talk about it anyway" Kiba mumbled sternly, suddenly going dark. They hadn't believe him last night, why would they now?
Taking that as the 'Drop it or die' command, the two brothers didn't bring it up again.
As Kiba moved to lie back down, his hand struck something on the pillow. "Hmm?" grasping it, he brought the item to the light. A cell phone*, bright orange in coloration reflected some of the pale light in the room "Where did this come from?"
"that's so cool, where'd you get that~!" Tony drooled "I don't know…it doesn't seem to be working at all" Kiba turned it over and whacked the back of it, but the screen stayed black. Kiba lay back down, looking at it curiously "well…I guess I'll hang onto it" he set it on the table beside his bed, rolling over "now let me sleep for a few more hours" he mumbled.
When his roommates went back to bed, and all had become quiet, The phone's screen turned to static, a voice crackling out of the receiver.
*To those reading this story before August 09, I did change the object of focus from the earring to a cell phone. I found it more appropriate and wanted to fix it before I continued onward.