I do NOT own The world ends with you! no matter how much I wish I did. I only own the OC characters, and two of which are my friends' characters.

Yes, this is BOY OC X Joshua later on, and yes, Its slash fiction, if you DON'T like that, then please don't read this.
Flames will be Ignored, though reviews encouraged! Rating may change later on!

I know there are many many MANY other pairings with TWEWY Characters, this is my pairing! I don't bitch, or complain that I owned that character or shot off at other people for making their own OC X Character pairings because its THEIR business what they want to make public, just as it is mine . It's called freedom of the press, and if you actually wanted to read this, then I applaud your character for tolerating my opinions toward the whole Fan girl/boysim.

Joshua felt himself coming alive again, so to speak.
The feeling was almost indescribable, like floating, but he wasn't moving. Nothing was supporting him, and he could feel a soft, cool breeze drifting around him, whistling low and hollow. It was quiet and empty, like a grave…but a feeling, of predator versus prey that sent sparks down up his spine. His power felt so limited, he was defenseless in this void.

He wasn't alone…he could feel it. This wasn't like before, someone was out there….somewhere.

"…where…am I now?"

with eyes barely open, he stared into the blackness he was once again thrust into. He was afraid to move, to speak, to even breathe. But the darkness was like a suffocating blanket, no matter how vast, it seemed to smother him. He felt like ice, and devoid of any energy.

Kiba slowly stirred, drifting in silence "Is...Someone there?"

"…I'm here"

blinking hazily, Kiba looked around, seeing nothing. He swallowed, breathing deeply and jerking his body to stand upright, energy surging like a blood rush as he screamed.


"….bring him to me"

In near immediate response, a blinding ribbon of blood red shot out from the abyss, jerking like a snake around Kiba, coiling loosely around him, like a large cocoon. Kiba peered close; it was ribbons of notes, broken and disturbingly slow. Threads of the music where snapped, the notes haphazardly slung across it, it was disturbing to the eyes as it slowly coiled over itself, beginning to rotate.

Kiba clasped his hands over his ears as music began to play, echoing in the darkness like voice in an abandoned theatre. At first he was in awe, but his emotion turned to disgust as the music continued. Frail and broken, the chords where off key and soft, yet sounding as desperate as to throw in sharp, uncoordinated bursts of sound like the crack of a whip upon his eardrums.

/It's depressing…. / Kiba clenched his hands tighter over his ears in discomfort /it hurts!/

The pain that was rapidly increasing in his ears was also spreading across his body. The Chords began to draw close, the thin lines dragging cuts into his skin and letting slow drops of crimson fall like petals and disappear.

From afar it appeared as if Kiba had been trapped in a web, bound and bleeding just enough to color the icy skin. It was getting hard to breathe, the chords where cutting off his air. The music was getting louder and higher, tightening more till it was flush against his skin. Every time Kiba opened his mouth for air, the bonds would jerk closer, cutting his lung capacity.

Kiba was barely breathing, and the music was loud enough to make him deaf all over again. He couldn't wrestle his body free, and fell limp from trying, suspended on the sharp threads.

/why is it…trying to make me suffer!?/

Gravity slowly pulled on the threads, pulling Kiba down further into the blackness. The tips of his feet came to rest upon icy flooring before stopping again, music suddenly softening to mute, and loosening just a bit from his chest and neck.

"You want to know why?" A spark of lightforced Kiba's eyes shut "because I let it get this bad…"
The light grew brighter "but…don't worry, I intend to help you…." A giggle of sorts, voice growing faint "if you in return…" the light was too bright to see.

Kiba bolted upright in bed, gasping for air and shivering, though the room was not that cold. "Just a dream….just a dream" he leaned on his elbows, taking a long breath.
His eyes caught a tiny bit of light, glancing onto the bedside table, the orange cell phone was lit up and glowing, as if fully charged. Kiba picked it up, turning it over in his palm "it was dead a few hours ago…." his eyebrows knit in confusion "the heck is wrong with this thing?"

Down in the wide-spread dining hall, Kiba didn't touch his food, and his 'friends' where starting to worry.
"Problem with the food man?" Skylar poked it "….Kiba….KIBA!" He waved his fork an inch from Kiba's nose, startling him out of his thought process "nothing's wrong…just not hungry right now" Kiba mumbled.

"You're starting to worry a lot of people man" Skylar helped himself to Kiba's ration "something on your mind?" Kiba gave them both a cold stare "….." then sighed, giving up "I just need some fresh air, alright?" he gave the best smile he could muster, which in reality wasn't a smile at all, but a twisted smirk. "I'll be fine"

Like the night before, he managed to slip out of the agency unnoticed. "…" He was sure he left the phone behind in his room, but was startled to find it had somehow wound up inside his coat pocket. He went back to wondering how the damned thing suddenly decided to work, but when he looked inside, there was no trace of any numbers, or texts to prove who it may belong to.

Back to more important matters, what was up with his dreams lately? "I should keep track of this, it almost feels like I should know something" he touched his neck where the music had once attempted to strangle him "those voices…the music, all those flashes of light…" his eyes narrowed in anger "this is ridiculous, dreams aren't real, never are and never where"

"….if you keep thinking that way, you'll never have a will to live"

Kiba paused "….." he thought he heard a faint, tenor voice beside him. But that was impossible; he wasn't able to hear normal things, so why would he hear voices outside his dreams?

"Wonderful Juusatsu, you're losing it" Kiba mumbled, growling "just what I need…"

"You're not losing it, you found i-…me…you found me. And I'm right next to you"

Kiba whipped around, noticing the streets where strangely empty. He was confused and a bit angry with himself "I'm thinking too much into this"

"hey~" A whine "I know you can hear me Kibaaa~"

the voice seemed to echo in his head now. Turning pale, Kiba began moving at a fast gate, keeping his expression calm as possible / I'm not going crazy….I'm not going crazy/ silence…his gate slowed as his heart rate calmed. He sighed in relief, stuffing his hands in his pockets, wondering which way to keep walking. "I don't want to go back down Cat Street, after last night"

He remembered the flames or…the illusion of flames, and the flames from his dreams "…

"Actually Kiba, Sanae should know about this…"

Kiba walked the other way

"H-HEY Wrong way!" The voice seemed pissed at Kiba ignoring him.

Suddenly something latched onto Kiba's arm making prints in the fabric, forcing him back the other way toward Cat Street.

"Cat Street. Go there. Now!"

Kiba snapped "Let go of me!"he jerked his arm loose and whipped around, looking about in a mad frenzy…but the streets where still empty and quiet. He folded his arms, fighting off a sudden chill "….this is bizarre" He glanced down Cat Street "I guess…I'll go this way after all"

a giggle
"Good boy~"

Kiba shivered again, turning a faint red shade /this is getting disturbing/

He looked up at Wildkat for a good while /I don't want to go in, why did I walk all the way here? / He peered in the windows, "empty…must be closed for the day, ah well~" He did a short spin "Guess I can't go i-"
"Hold it right there kid-"
A hand snapped out and grabbed his shoulder, spooking Kiba and making his hair puff out like a birds feathers. "I DIDDNT DO IT!"

"Hmm...Sheesh kid take it down a couple notches, I ain't gonna hurt ya or anything". Kiba turned to face a man in his late 20's, maybe. Sloppily dressed and unshaven, not to mention he looked like he hadn't slept in three or four days. "whatchu doing standing out here staring at my shop for? I'm not hiring, and you don't spark me as the coffee drinking sort" his mouth was hidden behind a coffie mug, causing confusion when Kiba didn't respond "…hey kid, I asked you a question!"

"He wants to know why you're here! Answer him already!"

Kiba sweat dropped "well I erm…" /excuse…excuse…/ "I heard about a fire around here and-" /NOT THAT EXCUSE!/ "I mean, I was just in the neiboorhood-"

He was being stared at, with eyes that seemed to be burrowing through his thick lies "…mhmm…" He pushed open the door without taking his eyes off Kiba "come inside, I want to hear more about this fire rumor, Brat"

/excuse me…Brat? /

Kiba stood there "why should I trust you?" he mumbled /nobody's around to hear me scream…/
He flinched when the shaggy male gave a strange smile "I just want to check something out with you"

"you can trust Sanae…he's a bit crooked, but trustable"

Kiba adjusted his coat, scowling as he slipped inside.

"So, kid, about this fire, and don't fudge the facts, you saw it firsthand didn't you?"

"I heard there was a fire around here, apparently I was wrong" Kiba growled, defensive "don't get smart with me Vampy, I just want information…" Sanae took a seat in the dimmed room, mouth again behind his coffee mug. "What did this fire look like?"


"Kid, don't make this difficult"

"I can't hear you" Kiba hissed "ah, deaf kid, well least you can read lips" he took a sip.
Kiba folded his arms "It looked like any regular fire, okay? It just…disappeared before I got there".
"Did you he-….no of course you wouldn't…" Sanae pursed his lips, looking at the ceiling. Kiba sighed "I felt something…like a low base, and then a fainter disturbance, like something broke…or fell" he remembered the burning body in his dreams and involuntarily shivered.

"Kid, you okay over there?" Sanae raised an eyebrow "if there's something I need to know-"Kiba jerked to attention "no…no Its just me" he shivered again. "I didn't think it was that cold in here" Sanae set the cup down "but I can turn it down if that's what's bugging y-"

"I said I'm FINE!"

Time seemed to stop, Sanae's eyebrows arched up into his hairline, as if he had never heard his own name before. The tension skyrocketed and the room became thick with hidden thought. Kiba took this a moment to excuse himself "Um…I'm just gonna-" Sane stood fast "stay…there's something not right about you" there was another long pause, Sanae seeming to look over every fiber of Kiba's body. Thankfully, the tension broke before one of them did.

Sanae went toward the counter "I'll make you some tea to calm your nerves….and mine"

Kiba contemplated running at that moment "I'm not much of a t-"He took a step "Oh no you don't! You're staying right here!" something hit Kiba behind the knees, causing him to fall hard into a chair. "If you're lucky he may make the kind I prefer"

"why do I still hear these goddamn v-"

"hey kid, you prefer milk or sugar?"

Kiba blinked "huh?"

"Just say 'a little of both dear'"

Kiba sighed "I guess I'll try a little of both" He tucked his head into his arms on the table "you know, If you would just believe I'm here, I could help you better" A snicker. Kiba growled "I'm not hearing you, whoever you are just leave me the hell alone…"

"Here Kid" Sanae set down a cup "Drink it before it gets cold". Sitting up, Kiba picked up the cup and let its warmth seep into his hands "It's a special blend, may be a bit refined for your taste" Sanae took a seat, giving a smug grin "not many can guess what's in it". "I'll take that as a good thing?" Kiba mumbled, raising the cup to his lips.

In the process, his body posture straightened, legs crossed, and free arm draped over the side of the chair as if a relaxed prince. However, when me moved to set the cup down, the orange phone fell out of his coat and clattered on the ground, screen turning to static.

"I knew it…" Sanae was suddenly serious. Kiba picked up the phone in a hurry, feeling the tension increase "I'm sorry I think I should go-"

Sanae grabbed hold of Kiba's arm "listen kid, you aren't safe walking around alone anymore" Kiba looked surprised "excuse me?" Sanae stood "you should head home…Id explain but I don't think you will believe me"

Kiba's anger flared, and he jerked his arm out of the adult's grasp "well I think I deserve some kind of explanation, I have a shitload of unexplained crap already to figure out" Kiba got up, miffed "and I'll go back when I feel like it, you aren't my father."

Sanae moved between him and the door "you have no idea what's around the corners of Shibuya anymore"

Kiba grit his teeth snarling "I've known Shibuya since I moved here!" he glared "and I won't let some bat shit crazy coffee-junkie tell me how to walk the streets of my Shibuya!" The windows suddenly cracked as if under massive amounts of pressure.

Sanae seemed stunned while Kiba remained indifferent, not hearing the glass break, then taking that moment to take his leave, fuming, into the rain.

"What's around the corner of Shibuya is more Shibuya….more of the same, soundless colorless hell that is my Shibuya" Kiba snarled, letting his hair get soaked as he walked homeward. He felt another presence creeping up on him, the same one he felt before that voice started again, this time he grabbed hold of the phone pressing it to his ear with a low growl "Save it…"

"No, you're going to listen to me"
the voice was flat this time, but much louder through the receiver.

"I've had it with you and your stupid mind-games, Leave me alone!" Kiba snapped "I don't want to hear from something that doesn't exist"

"you don't understand how real I am ….Kiba!" Kiba's arm was tugged back, when he glanced down, he saw the imprints of hands digging into the fabric. "Kiba just listen to me, you're the only one who can!" the voice sounded desperate now.

Fear slowly overthrew Kiba's anger

"Kiba I can feel your fear and your anger but you have to ignore it, I need your help, you need my help"

Kiba clenched the sides of his head "No…I won't…I won't listen to you"

the voice was breaking, grip uncomfortably tight.

Kiba lost his nerve, fear breaking him like glass "LEAVE ME ALONE!"He ripped his arm free, running through the rain. Flashes of the fire, the music, the sounds and memories overflowing his broken senses, they wouldn't stop, until he finally skid into his room and slammed the door, flinging the phone onto his bed and covering his ears.

Silence…precious silence.

Kiba took long, slow breaths to calm himself "…" the others must still be dinner by now, but he had long since lost his appetite. Moving slowly onto the bed and lying down, defeated. He saw the bed sink from added pressure, but it didn't creak, just the sheets crinkle in the shape of legs and a handprint.

"Unlike you….If I'm ignored, I'll disappear for good…" A hand forced Kiba back down when he moved to retaliate "You think you know what that's like, but you don't Kiba, you're the only one who can understand me, and I may be the only one who will really understand you, like it or not…"
Kiba knew that was true, painfully so. Nobody really ever approached him like this, when he was fired up, people avoided him at all costs. It didn't matter what he was really like, people never truly managed to understand…and so far…this voice had a point.

After what felt like hours he finally laid back down…basking in the silence of the room and glancing out the window. Tension seemed to build again, and he jumped when the hand on his chest curled, reminding him this voice…no…spirit, was still there, waiting….like everyone else wasn't. He gave in, placing his hand over the handprint in the fabric of his shirt, surprised when it didn't go through, but formed as if there was indeed, another person's hand underneath it.

He picked up the phone again, pressing it to his ear "So…" He closed his eyes, sighing /I can't believe I'm doing this/ "what's your name anyway?"

He felt as if an iron weight was taken off of his heart, hearing an oddly girly giggle.

"Yoshiya, Yoshiya Kiryu." Unseen the spirit smiled "But you can call me Joshua".