Well folks, I have to say that this is completely new to me. I would normally be sternly upholding my vow to carry on updating my Robin Hood work and any attempt to defy that has been mentally squashed but I have had this idea simmering away in my head for the past few months I can't take putting it off any more. It came to me after watching the Doctor's anti-war feelings in the Sontaran Stratagem/Poison Sky and the Doctor's Daughter. How would he cope in a nightmare future where his own beloved human race has become dependant on war and death in order to survive for one day longer? For those of you who are unfamiliar to Warhammer 40000, I'm afraid it is probably quite nerdy to normal people (even more so than Doctor Who). If you want to find out more then feel free to ask me in a review or message.

And now! On with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or Warhammer 40000 (If I did then The Doctor and Martha would be together however I won't be doing much if any of that in this one so don't panic (PLEASE DON'T FLAME ME HIGH, MIGHTY AND GLORIUS 10/ROSE SHIPPERS!)

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war . . .

The deep abyss of space glistened pitch black as stars pricked the firmament with tiny droplets of quicksilver. Never before had the Segmentum Solar looked so dark. The stars, planets and galaxies of the Universe danced and swung in their own interlocking gravitational patterns creating a silent cacophony of incalculable movement.

The tranquillity of the infinite night was broken by a huge shape gliding through space. The Luna class Imperial battleship, the Emperor's Mercy effortlessly lumbered into the gravity well of the planets of the Vantruum system like a gargantuan metal whale, weapon emplacements gleaming in the light of the local star and sensor antennae and all other structures protruding from the superstructure. Her adamantium prow cut through space with deadly grace. The warship was a mobile icon of Imperial might.

Lord Admiral Janus Umbra Infractus felt sorry for what he was about to do for a moment before he hardened his heart for what had to be done. The planet that hung below his ship had cost the Imperium millions of lives in civilian costs and the costs of the Imperial Guard's fighting men. The heretics had taken the capital of Verdana Secundus some two and a half Terran standard months ago. The survivors of the botched attempt to retake the world for the Emperor had been put to death by the Imperial Commissariat and the Inquisition had sent out a request to Segmentum Command for the Emperor's most dire judgement on his stray subjects: an Exterminatus, the complete and total destruction of life on a planet in order to purge the taint of heresy completely. Such dire sentences needed to be so in these dark times.

Janus turned when he heard the loud iron footfalls of the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes clanging loudly on the steel deck of the bridge. "Captain Praetus" said Janus softly, kneeling down awkwardly on a mechanical leg before the imposing eight foot Space Marine. "Rise Admiral" said the super soldier briskly. Janus did so.

"It is time to administer the Emperor's Peace to this wayward world" said Janus gravely.

"Aye! For the Emperor!" agreed Praetus, making the sign of the Aquila on his chest, slamming his armoured gauntlets onto his ceramite chest plate.

Before they could leave the bridge and attend the launch arcade to observe the holy firestorm that was soon to take place, Janus' personal vox-caster buzzed impatiently on his jaw. "What is it?" snapped Janus impatiently. Hours of preparations, sanctifications and blessings had preceded this moment. There could be no delay to the Exterminatus.

"My Lord" said a crewman from somewhere within the bowels of the ship. "There has been some sort of immaterial disturbance in section Sigma 1255a3148h" Janus' remaining blood ran cold in his heavily modified body. Captain Praetus tensed; his finger twitched an inch away from his bolt pistol. "Warp based?" asked Janus.

He had heard reports of devastating boarding actions undertaken by the ruinous powers of Chaos by use of Warp based teleportation. He could not let the Chaotic taint from the world below escape the man-made cataclysm that was soon to befall them.

"No my lord. I cannot verify it but the Tech-Priests and servitors identify it as a temporal disturbance with no visible life signs"

"Dispatch guardsmen to that area on the double crewman!" Growled Janus angrily "Send no less than three – no, four squads do you hear me? Secure the area and tell the men that they are authorised to use lethal force" putting emphasis on the word lethal "We can't risk any interference at this critical stage"

"Acknowledged" replied the crewman "Over and out" the vox-caster went dead with a static crackle. "Come, Admiral" said Praetus "let us administer the Emperor's Judgement" and to emphasise his point, the Space Marine Captain cocked his bolt pistol and took off the safety catch whilst his Battle Brothers did the same to their bolters. It was time. Time to incinerate the evil below them with holy fire.

Meanwhile . . .

"Oh come on Jack!" said Martha pleadingly, using her best "puppy dog" look. "I'd love to come with you but I've got to help my team" he trailed off.

"Torchwood can wait" said the Doctor buoyantly, jumping out of his chair by the console. "We can take you back to the point you left Cardiff. Your colleagues won't even notice that you were gone!"

"Pleeease! Just one trip!" begged Martha.

A month had passed since the Master's death and the Earth had been returned to normal. Martha had decided to carry on travelling with the Doctor but Jack had to return to his post in Torchwood Cardiff. Life went on for the Doctor and Martha but they both found that they missed the flamboyant Captain Jack's blend of bravado and style when he travelled in the TARDIS.

Time Lord and Human waited to see what Jack would say before the ex-Time Agent walked through the TARDIS door and embraced them. "I guess one trip couldn't hurt" he said through a grin that threatened to split his face as the three friends entered the control room. Even the TARDIS gave a happy hum to show her happiness at Jack's return.

"So then Doctor!" said Martha eagerly. "Got anywhere or anywhen that might be of interest to our dear Cap'n?" she said, throwing in a mock salute to Jack. The Doctor feigned deep intellectual thought and stroked a pretend beard for a few moments before pressing buttons on the console wildly with childlike eagerness.

"You are going to love this!" he said happily. "The 41st millennium" he announced dramatically, "The year 41008 AD to be precise. An age of renaissance, peace and advancement for the human race and its neighbours" finished the Doctor with a dramatic flourish as the Time Rotor started to whirr smoothly.

"Any place in particular?" asked Martha questioningly. The Doctor gave a stage wink before answering "Verdana Secundus, second planet of the Vantruum system in the Milky Way's Crucis arm. Of course you humans haven't colonised other galaxies yet, I'm afraid that you'll have to wait another 30'000 years for that." He trailed off to operate more of the living machinery

"Can you tell us what it's like?" asked Jack, slumping down into one of the well worn chairs that surrounded the console. "Oh, it is beautiful!" said the Doctor with a peculiar look in his eyes. "The forests and grasslands go on forever and the rivers are like flowing crystal. You two are gonna love it!" said the Doctor enthusiastically.

Suddenly, several things happened at once to shatter the peace. An ominous red glow flooded the TARDIS and the knell of the Cloister Bell echoed throughout the living vessel, the Time Rotor began to screech as if it had met an obstacle and the Doctor fell out of his chair, clutching his head in his hands and screaming in pure agony. Sparks began to flow from the exotic alien machinery of the TARDIS console and the whole vessel began to shake uncontrollably through the vortex.

Bewildered, Martha staggered over to the Doctor to help him. The way he spasmed told Martha's medical eye that he was having some sort of fit or psychological trauma but in her medical career, she had never seen one this severe. As she rolled the Doctor over to examine his eyes for brain damage, she gasped in horror. Instead of the calm and steady brown eyes which she knew and loved, a blazing swirl of blinding hellfire blared out of his eyes.

He grabbed her with the desperation of a lost child, terror written on his face. Then he spoke. "Its there Martha!" he gasped painfully "Its there! ALWAYS THERE!" he yelled through gritted teeth. "Wh-what is?" she stammered fearfully. "There is no peace!" he gasped "only the embrace of Chaos!" suddenly he let go of her as he let out a horrible scream of pain and agony before falling on the floor with horrifying stillness.

"DOCTOR!" she yelled as the TARDIS ground to an agonising halt and all was still.

Shaken, Martha crawled over to the Doctor and checked his dual pulse. Both were dead. She tried to resuscitate him by thumping the areas over his hearts several times like she had done when they had first met on the Moon but to no avail. Desperately, she performed mouth-to-mouth to try and revive him. Please Doctor she thought pleadingly. Don't die and leave us stuck out here. She had seen him withstand the ravages of the Master's ageing as well as countless other tricky spots on their travels. He just couldn't die now. He couldn't leave her like this. On her forth attempt at CPR, the Doctor spluttered back to life with a feeble cough. This was enough though for Jack to give a loud whoop of triumph.

"Ohhh my head" said the Doctor feebly as he tried to sit up. "What happened to you Doctor?" asked Jack.

"You tell me" said the Doctor groggily.

"You don't remember?" said Martha perplexed. "The TARDIS went crazy and you had some sort of fit, started to say crazy gibberish and your eyes . . ." she couldn't go on. Finally able to stand, the Doctor staggered over to the console and checked the TARDIS' readouts. "Well we're here" said the Doctor "Year 41008, Verdana Secundus"

"Then what just happened?" said Martha

"I don't know" said the Doctor unsurely.

"Do you think we should still go outside?" said Jack warily.

"'Course we should!" said the Doctor, all signs of his recent trauma forgotten and a smile on his face "We didn't come all the way out here to turn back did we?"

The trio stepped out of the TARDIS – and into a cramped metal space. The TARDIS could barely fit in, let alone the travellers. "Blimey Doctor, nice parking!" said Martha sarcastically as the Doctor smiled again. "A closet!" he said happily "I remember landing the TARDIS in a closet like this once" he said reminiscing on old times. He didn't think about his time with Rose so much now since Martha had joined him but she still found it slightly annoying when he looked back on his times with the mysterious blonde girl.

With a quick blue flash from the sonic screwdriver, the Doctor opened the steel bulkhead and closed it behind him. As they explored the wide corridor around them, Jack looked out of a window. "Um, Doctor" said Jack "You said we'd be going to a planet right?"


"It seems you missed by a few hundred thousand kilometres"

"Ah right" said the Doctor as he stared out into space. "Well there's Verdana right there, we're in orbit around it"

"In a great big bloody spaceship by the looks of it" said Martha staring at the verdant green world in front of them.

"Human design by the looks of it. Slightly old, antique, archaic even" he said looking for the right words. "This is wrong" said the Doctor "This type of ship would have died out at least 20,000 years ago".

No sooner had the Doctor noticed this, bulkheads opened on either side of them and the tramping of boots on steel could be heard. No fewer than twenty eight humans clad in green flak jackets and wielding some kind of rifle had surrounded them and fanned out to prevent any escape. They had fixed bayonets on their rifles. One of the soldiers shouted at the top of his lungs "IMPERIAL GUARD! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" The soldiers closed in and had the trio encircled in a ring of steel bayonets and blackened weapon muzzles. Jack tried to draw his revolver from inside his trench coat but one of the soldiers knocked it out of his hands.

"Get down on the floor right now!" yelled one of them in the Doctor's face. All three winced in pain as metal handcuffs cut into their wrists and bayonets prodded their backs. After they had been secured and thoroughly searched, the soldiers had marched them through the ship for roughly ten minutes before they arrived in some sort of command centre. "This is wrong" whispered the Doctor in Martha's ear "How so?" said Martha sarcastically. As if being arrested by armed soldiers wasn't wrong enough. "You humans speak English in this period of history"

"Well what are they speaking in then?" asked Martha, keen to know what the TARDIS was translating.

"They're speaking Latin or some refined form of it. The TARDIS is sorting it out for us"

"But Latin is a dead language. It died out 2000 years ago?" said Jack looking puzzled.

"Looks like you're wrong" said the Doctor before one of the soldiers winded him with a punch to the stomach. "Stow that garbage" he growled as the Doctor grimaced in pain before falling silent.

Oddly, instead of the scrubbed smell of recycled air that they were expecting to smell in a spaceship, incense smoke hung thick in the air and the crew all seemed to be in a trance of chanting unknown benedictions. The soldiers forced them to their knees as huge, heavy footfalls clanged on the deck.

A huge armoured figure stepped out of the shadows towards them. He was a human but he was at least eight feet tall and clad in blue armour of some kind. Fine gold filigree was laid into the trim of the armour, purity seals, golden skull insignia and badges of honour were stamped all over the bodywork. The huge shoulder pads bore the insignia of a stylised white inverted Omega symbol with the word Ultramarines written beneath it. The other bore a double headed golden Aquila with the words Imperium Dominatus written beneath it. His face was a patchwork quilt of scars which told a story of near constant warfare and conflict. To Martha he looked like some futuristic Crusader.

"Identify yourselves" boomed the man, fingering a large calibre pistol on his belt. "Hello, I'm the Doctor" said the Doctor cheerfully looking up into the man's ruined face, craning his neck to meet his eyes. The Doctor could have easily fitted inside the man's heavily muscled torso with room to spare.

"And this is Martha Jones and this is Captain Jack" he finished waving his hands at his companions. The huge man raised an eyebrow unimpressed with the Doctor's optimism. Tough crowd thought the Doctor as he observed the huge man's grim, stoic expression.

Another man emerged from the smoke filled shadows. Martha suppressed a gasp as she saw his face. He was clad in a fine naval uniform and a gilded cape which made her guess that he was the Captain of this ship yet he was so heavily augmented with cybernetic constructs and replacement parts that he reminded her of the Cybermen which had invaded London last year. "You have been caught trespassing on the Imperial warship Emperor's Mercy, he said in an oily mechanical baritone "during a highly critical and sensitive military action" he continued.

"Who are you then, the Cyber Controller?" asked the Doctor sarcastically. Despite the situation, Martha couldn't suppress a giggle. "Indolent worm!" he muttered dangerously. "I am Lord Admiral Janus Umbra Infractus of the Segmentum Solar defense fleet. Servant of the most beneficent Emperor of Terra and Captain of the Emperor's Mercy and I am not to be laughed at!" The mechanical blend of metal and flesh that was his face was mere inches from the Doctor's by the time he finished.

"You are of no importance to me" he said with a wave of his bionic fist. Maybe you'll learn some respect for the Emperor's subjects when you witness His mighty redemption at work in the Galaxy's darkest places. More of the huge blue armoured "Ultramarines" as the Doctor had come to know them as emerged and effortlessly dragged him and his companions towards the window where Janus now stood. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" he shouted at them but to no avail. Armoured hands roughly threw the Doctor to the deck. Through the view port was Verdana Secundus, green and glistening in the starlight.

"Behold Doctor" said Janus. "The wayward world of Verdana Secundus has been corrupted by the taint of the Ruinous powers of Chaos. Suddenly terrible memory seared through the Doctor's alien brain as he heard the word Chaos.

"This holy warship shall rain atomic fire upon the heretics who scorned the Emperor's mighty name" he continued to preach "They have brought the Emperor's most dire judgement upon themselves"

Klaxons began to blare through the ship as sick dread began to build up in the Doctor's hearts as he realised what was happening. Across the ship, weapons platforms began to warm up, missile silos loaded their terrible loads into firing tubes and Lance cannons began to draw power from the ships plasma reactors.

"You can't!" said the Doctor pleadingly to Janus "There are innocents on that planet! Families, children!"

"Then they would have been delivered to the Emperor's Light" said Janus coldly before speaking into a radio "Gunnery crew, burn this planet"

"NO!" screamed the Doctor as the deck beneath them began to shudder before witnessing the unthinkable.

Lance strikes split the planet's crust open like an eggshell. As molten magma began to seep through the breach, thermonuclear missiles rained down upon the hole in the crust, too fast to shoot down and unstoppable in their descent and velocity. For five minutes, the bombs rained down, boring into the planet's core before a fireball of impossible size ripped across the planet, incinerating the atmosphere from existence and making the whole surface a simmering oven of molten rock in the void until it rapidly cooled and cracked into millions of rock fragments in the punishing cold vacuum. Billions of souls snuffed out in an instant by a nuclear inferno unleashed not by the Daleks or the Sontarans but by Humanity.

The universe had become a little bit darker.

"It is done" said Janus grimly. "Ave Imperator" he said. Ave Imperator echoed the rest of the crew. Janus looked at the ashen-faced Time Lord and saw a single tear running down his face as he re-lived the horrors of the War which took away his own life.

"Take them away" said Janus dismissively. Rough hands grabbed the Doctor although he couldn't feel it.

Is this what humanity had come to? He asked himself as he and his companions were locked away in the dark. Burning planets for rebelling? Once he got out of here he would put this Galaxy right again.

Whew! Longest chapter I have ever written. EVER! I have always wanted to cross over two of my most favourite sci-fi brands and now the deed is done! Also sorry for hurting the Doc. Really really sorry and all that! Due to ongoing Robin Hood work, I'm afraid you won't be able to expect another chapter for a while . . . sorry.

Please leave a review on the way out and tell me what you think! I spent all night writing this so pleeease leave one! I'll try and get Martha to do a puppy dog look on you if not Jack or the Doc or all three if you like!

Many CyberHugs from the Spirit!