
All standard disclaimers apply. I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the other recognizable characters in this tale. I am not making any money from this drabble.


Many people helped me make this chapter. NettieT supported and helped me through the whole process; Brian64 helped with the Australia information and with several suggestions; Paladeus helped with some plot issues; and SomeGuyFawkes gave me a final check for canon errors and pointed out my many typos and language errors. I hope I have corrected most if not all of them. I had one more beta set up to go over this but our e-mails got crossed and I do not want to wait any longer before I post this. My thanks go out to all of these people as they are helping me make this a better story. It took me a lot longer to write this than I thought it would, but between work, school, my wife, and real life I generally only have Saturday mornings to write.

A/N the second:

Major fluff and one lime ahead.

A/N the third: Thanks to Herman Tumbleweed for the final beta work.

Hunting Grangers

by Aealket

Harry Potter was enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. Not that he regretted his current lot in life; his travelling companions were far preferable and better looking than the Dursleys had ever been. He was in Adelaide, South Australia, with both Luna and Hermione hunting for Hermione's wayward parents. And he was enjoying the time he was able to spend with two such lovely, smart, lovely, funny, and lovely ladies.

Australia, or 'Oz' as the locals termed it, was not what Harry had expected. Of course he had expected that Luna, Hermione, and he would have been able to pop down to

"The land down under", pick up Hermione's parents and return to England in less than a week. That week ended over two months ago. Wendell and Monica Wilkins were no longer in Sydney, where they had started. They had moved to Surfers Paradise very shortly after arriving in Australia. That move was apparently something of a mistake as it was only a month later that the Wilkins then moved to Nambour. That move lasted a bit longer, but neither of those towns in Queensland had suited them. So the Wilkins closed their practice, and told the people, who Harry had asked that they were moving to Adelaide which was much larger. But no dentists by the name of Wilkins could be found in Adelaide.

Harry was sitting on a bench in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. According to the pamphlet in his hands these gardens had opened to the public in 1857. It was now late September and the spring flowers were in full bloom. He was waiting for Luna and Hermione to catch back up with him. It was the first sunny day since they had arrived in town, and Luna had managed to get Hermione to agree to a bit of sightseeing. Of course Luna, being Luna, wanted to be outdoors, resulting in a trip to the gardens which both of the females were enjoying. Hermione was soaking up the different names and types of flowers she could not see in England, and Luna was soaking up some sunshine and enjoying the colors. While it was true that the flowers were colorful and all that, Harry had left his ladies behind and finished the walking tour before them.

His ladies. Harry was in a bit of a dilemma. He was pretty sure he was in love with Hermione. But it seemed he did not want to sweep Hermione off of her feet. Rather he did not want to sweep only Hermione off her feet; he wanted to sweep Hermione and Luna both off their feet, since it appeared that Harry was in love with his heart-tied as well. There were two major problems with this joyous sweeping of his ladies; the problem was his ladies themselves. Hermione was not thinking of anything much beyond finding her wayward parents and getting more and more worried that they would reject her once she did find them. And Luna was thinking more and more about Hermione and planning some sweeping of her own.

Thinking of his ladies, they had just come back into sight, and Harry was all for drinking in the sight they made. Luna was a bit shorter and of a slimmer build than Hermione, but she had the happy energy of about six different people. You could almost imagine her as a puppy bouncing around the slower and larger of the two. Harry was pleased to notice that Luna's bubbling joy had pulled Hermione out of her funk. Hermione was watching Luna bounce around her with an expression of fond wonder. That expression was a pleasant change from the worried frown that had been gracing Hermione's face earlier.

Harry pushed a bit of pride and happiness to his heart-tied as a form of congratulations and was pleased to see Luna's smile get even bigger as she turned to face him. He got a bit of thanks back through their shared tie. That tie had worked wonders for his blonde friend. Being heart-tied had not hurt Harry any, but the difference in Luna was amazing.

It was a sad statement of how little attention the world had paid to Luna Lovegood. It had taken nearly a month of almost constant reassurance that Harry was pleased with the tie before Luna began to believe that her friend was not regretting his actions. It was a couple of weeks after that before she accepted that Harry wanted and needed the same nature of support from Luna that he had been giving her. The first time the two of them had argued about some little thing Luna had been sure Harry would want to try and break the tie. It had taken Hermione nearly three hours of constant counseling before Luna would accept that Harry was still happy at being heart-tied to her. That had been one of the worst days of Harry's life, certainly the worst since the true death of Tom Riddle.

Standing, Harry went to join his ladies, and upon reaching them he gave Luna a one armed squeeze, always remembering to pass his affection to her while he held her. Once he released Luna, Harry turned and hugged Hermione to himself as well.

"Hermione, it looks like we owe Luna a special lunch and some kind of treat afterwards since she got that frown off you face."

"Pooh! I was not that bad Harry!" The brunette replied.

Harry and Luna both arched their eyebrows and just looked at Hermione.

"Oh come on now; I know I wasn't that bad!"

Harry and Luna just continued looking at the girl, with Harry starting to tap his foot as well. Hermione gave it up as a bad job and laughing, squeezed herself between Harry and Luna before hugging them both quickly.

"Ok, I have been a grump. Maybe even a major grump."

"More like a grump the size of …"

"Don't you say it Luna Lovegood."


"I do want to speak to you two ladies about something over lunch, so let's head to the Adelaide Central Markets over by Victoria Square. Luna can pick the place, and we can talk while we eat."

In spite of a good sized population, Harry and his ladies could find no evidence of a magical section in town, and so had checked into a suite at a Hilton located on Victoria Square. In spite of the rainy weather they had encountered so far, since arriving the three of them had eaten in or around these markets every day they were open. Harry, Hermione and Luna were also getting used to a public transit system that had been upgraded just a couple of years before.

Once the three were seated and munching, Harry put forth the half-baked plan he had come up with to convince his ladies he wanted this threesome to continue and grow.

"Luna, why were you frowning this morning? And Hermione, why were you short with me last night before bed?"

"Harry, you know I am worried about my parents, I was upset…"

"Yes Hermione, I know you are upset, but why were you short with me?"

"Where are you going with this Harry? It is normal for three people living in such close quarters for so long to feel a bit of pressure," the blonde girl interjected.

"Right Luna, it is normal. I don't want to abandon the search, and I don't want to abandon the two of you, but I do want a bit of time to myself. Hermione, I think you were short with me last night because you were tired of my presence in your space. Luna, I think you were frowning because Hermione and I were not asking your opinion of where we should search today. I notice that in spite of our not asking, you still got us away from the hotel, and outside doing things that have nothing to do with the search."

"What I propose is we spend the next three days a bit differently. On each day one of us will spend the day on their own doing whatever they want to do. The other two of us will spend a part of the day continuing the Granger hunt, and part of the day relaxing together. Since we are currently out of leads, I think a bit of a break will be good for all of us. And I think we each need a chance to reflect on how we need go forward as a team."

Luna was probing her heart-tied with a bit of anxiety, so Harry turned to her first.

"Yes Luna?"

"Why now Harry? We have been doing quite well at getting along for three such different people. I know I have been pleased at how well you both accepted me at the last minute for this trip."

Hermione asked, "Yes Harry; why now? And Luna, don't even think for a minute that we don't treasure your company on this trip."

Harry grinned at Hermione as he noticed a bit of a blush climb up Luna's cheeks. His heart-tied had been a lonely girl who was sure no one really liked or accepted her. He and Hermione had made good progress towards convincing her she was an important person in her own right, but she could still backslide whenever there was an unexpected change in their plans.

"Now because we need a chance to regroup; now because I don't want the pressures we are beginning to feel to have a chance to boil over; now because if those pressures do boil over it will tear the three of us apart, and I don't want that to happen. If you remember, before we left England, we expected to be back well before the school year re-started. Yet school has started and here we are, and while Hermione has said nothing, I know she is feeling guilty about 'kidnapping' us and preventing the three of us from completing our schooling."

"That's silly Harry," Luna stated, "as if I would want to be at Hogwarts without the two of you."

"Luna! School is important, and I have caused you to miss your last year." Hermione answered emphatically.

"Hermione, do you think for even a minute I have enjoyed the treatment I have received at school? I am not sure I would have been able to face going back this year without Daddy to support me. If Harry had not included me, and paid attention to me starting in my fourth year, I am not sure I would have been able to get through last year. As it was, I was able to tune out some of how I was treated because I knew I was working to help my friends."

It was very rare to see Hermione so at a loss of words. She wore a shocked, almost dumbfounded expression for longer than Harry could ever remember.

"But, Luna, but," she finally asked haltingly, "what, how, I mean. Luna what are you going to do now?"

"Hermione, do you remember the night you found my heart's home?"

"Of course I do Luna; I still have nightmares about how I hurt you!"

This expression of how Hermione felt about hurting her flustered Luna to the point that Harry took up the thread of conversation. "Mione, do you remember, just before you got mad at me and so accidentally hurt Luna, she asked me to gather some different kinds of stones? Well while you were getting our international Portkeys, Luna and I re-visited the gardens and picked those different stones. I had never seen an uncut ruby before."

"What? Ruby?"

Harry felt a surge of gratitude from his heart-tied, so he let her continue.

"Six rubies, eight emeralds, and three diamonds; I was disappointed, I had expected more. Remember Hermione, a heart's home ties the heart to a physical place. You have seen what happens with pain; a type of rock appears in the garden. Likewise you have heard Harry and I talk about what happens with sorrows; again, a type of rock appears in the garden. Tears of joy or relief also have an effect on the garden; a type of rock appears. For pain the rock is obsidian; for sorrows the rock is a type of granite, often with impurities running through it to warn of especially intense sorrows. The rocks that appear my heart's home after I have a good cry are precious and semi-precious stones."

Harry continued: "Hermione, in spite of how the Lovegoods lived in that tower, they are a very wealthy family. The late Mr. Lovegood retreated to the tower after the death of his wife so Luna could be closer to Mrs. Lovegood's heart's home. The Quibbler did not bring in a lot of money if any; it was Mr. Lovegood's hobby. I know I thought Luna might be from a family that was having trouble making ends meet, but really, it is quite different. Luna is quite a wealthy catch. She and I have agreed to split the cost of this trip. In short, Luna does not need to do anything. She will most likely continue the Quibbler, but again as a hobby, not as a primary source of income. The treatment she received at Hogwarts and even around her home produced enough tear created precious stones to nearly fill a small vault at the bank."

Hermione was again looking a bit shell shocked, so Harry brought the discussion back to the original purpose of this talk. "Back to my idea, I want a chance to blow off some steam without the possibility that it will affect the two of you. Hermione, I would be willing to bet you would like to visit at least one good bookstore while we are down under. Luna, I would likewise be willing to bet that you would like to get lost in the muggle zoo here. Rather than all of us just taking off in different directions, I am hoping the pairs left behind will clear the air of any little issues they are having. Like Hermione feeling guilty about Luna's seventh year at school; Mione and I talking about how we are able to stay at a very posh hotel; and Luna and I trying to develop our heart ties a bit more. It just never seems to be the right time to do these kinds of things when the three of us are together."

Luna smiled widely, saying, "Who would have thought? Hermione, would you believe our Harry could come up with a valid plan with valid reasons, or at least valid enough to convince me. Did they convince you too?"

Luna was smirking at her heart-tied, and Harry was on the receiving end of a very definite push of affection. It seems she wanted to be sure that he knew she was teasing. Unfortunately, Hermione was not aware of that side of the conversation. One of the things Harry wanted to talk to her about without Luna around.

"Luna! Harry is not that bad."

At Luna's breathless laugh, Hermione changed tactics.

"But you are right, we must be rubbing off on him a bit, I don't recall this kind of thought earlier."

Harry decided it was time to get back at his ladies, and to expand their thoughts a bit.

"I could wish you were rubbing me off, but alas, no, I am surrounded by untouchable beauty."

Both of his ladies blushed to the roots of their hair, and in perfectly synchronized movements smacked his head.

Luna's Day Off

Because Luna did in fact want to go to the muggle zoo, and the weather was expected to turn stormy in a day or two, the three of them agreed to let Luna go off on her own first. So after getting up and having a nice breakfast together and after many warnings to be careful, Harry and Hermione saw Luna skip down the sidewalk to the bus stop that would take her to her very own local adventure.

"Is she going to be ok Harry?" Hermione asked as they returned to their rooms.

"Hermione, she is going to be better than ok. She really does love looking at and researching animals. That book you got her about the unique creatures found here is already falling apart because she is studying it so much. To actually get to see them and not worry about either of us wanting to move along will put her in seventh heaven."

"This must be what parents feel like when their kids leave home for the first time. What my parents felt like when I left to go to Hogwarts."

"I'm glad you know."

Harry led Hermione to the small table and sat down next to her after she sat down herself. Hermione look at him with a questioning expression on her face.

"Glad about what Harry?"

"Two things: first, that you have learned to care so much about Luna; second, that you left me an opening for one of the things I really want to talk to you about without Luna around."

"Of course I care! I find myself wondering if not finding my parents as quickly as expected is either a curse or a blessing. I have never been this close to anyone before, and now I am so close to both you and Luna."

"Hermione, I am not really good at being subtle so I am going to ask outright. Would you being willing to consider a family of three? You, Luna, and I?"

Hermione's face was a study of confusion as she tried to work out what Harry was trying to say. "You…Luna…Me…You…Me…I mean…Luna…You…Me…I thought…"

"Hermione let me try again. I am as sure as a person that never had much love in his life can be that I love both you and Luna. I would like to always have the two of you with me, and I do not mean as friends. I have been having some very pleasant and interesting dreams in the past couple of months, and you both figure in those dreams together."

Harry had a slight blush on his face as he finished; he really hadn't intended to say that last bit. Hermione's face had a bit of color as well, as she looked at Harry.

"Luna aside for a minute, you love me and you want me?"

Harry's face turned a deeper red as he looked down at his feet.

"Yeah, I do. I have come to treasure our good morning hugs. I almost wish I had my nightmares more often as you two both join me and comfort me. Waking up the next morning with you gives me a sense of completeness I never even knew I was missing. Add the fact I think you're a beautiful person inside and damn sexy outside…Yeah, I love you; yeah I want you."

When after a few moments with no sounds from Hermione, Harry chanced a glance up at her. She had a look of wonder with eyes bright with unshed tears.

"Harry, I didn't think you could like me that much. We were just friends for so long. And I am not really sexy."

"I know, we are friends, and after we beat Tom-I-refuse-to-call-him-by-his-stupid-name-Riddle, you and Ron were a thing, while I was a thing with Ginny. When we first started on this trip I thought my attraction to you was bleeding to me through my tie to Luna, but now I don't think so. Luna has mentioned to me how I have grown into my own love."

"I always wondered what she meant when she said that. You were never looking at her when she said it."

"She is more than just amazing, but back to you, as you said to put Luna aside for the minute. You are too sexy! And while I am a bit prejudiced on your behalf I think your looks and figure are, well, hot."

"Harry, I care for you as well. And if you want to think this rat's nest of hair is sexy, I know it is better to humor the insane."

Taking his Gryffindor courage to heart, Harry scooted his chair over to Hermione's and wrapped his arms around her."

"What's wrong with your hair? I know I like it because it is a part of you."

"Like I said humor the insane; you are insane to like me when you could have Luna."

Harry felt Hermione wrap her own arms around him for a second then she shifted away and when Harry released her, she stood up, and drew him over to the couch where they both flopped down and re-established a distance of zero between the two of them.

"Luna no longer aside, I do want Luna, but I want her with you, not instead of you."

"That is insane Harry. People don't do that."

"Since when am I like other people Hermione? And I thought you were going to humor me."

Harry felt Hermione sigh, and surprisingly she settled even deeper into his side.

"Ok Harry, for the minute let's pretend that I go along with this. Why are you asking me without Luna present? She has just as big a say in this as I do."

"I am speaking to you first because I expect to have a harder time convincing you. Luna and I are heart-tied, and that gives me a bit of an unfair advantage over you. I know she is already attracted to you by no small degree, and I also know she is beginning to like me more than just a little. And being tied to her in the way I am gives me hope that we, that is you and I, will be able to help Luna work through her fear of men. I would have no hope at all of reaching her without the heart tie, and I have almost just as little hope to get her to stay with me permanently without your presence in the group."

"I am jealous of your tie with Luna."

"If we are a threesome, there is something we could do about that. Remember, while we were in the garden of Luna's mom the three of us were able to feel each other. According to what I have learned about the heart's homes if you and I created a heart's home adjacent to Luna's and to each other, we should be able to share a bond much like the heart tie I have with Luna now."

"Harry, you saw what happened when I stepped in Luna's garden; doing that would make us very vulnerable. And just how would we put two more gardens all adjacent to each other and Luna's? The geometry doesn't work that way very well."

"Hermione, you are trying to change the subject, and nearly succeeded. We can talk about gardens and geometry and the forming of heart ties only after you agree to an unconventional family arrangement. If you agree, then I will approach Luna, hopefully tomorrow, while you are digging through the local bookstores. Then the two of you can plan my happy life for me while I wander the town on my own the next day."

"You are still planning on us each having a day to ourselves?"

"Yes, I am; now more than ever. I want this to work for a lifetime and that means three equal partnerships: you and I; Luna and I; and one between you and Luna. Luna is more than half in love with you already, and you have not been pushing her away like I half expected. But I do not know if you can learn to more than care for her."

"Why are you stressing this so much Harry?"

"You are a very strong person Hermione. Luna is not as strong, or as self assured as you. If you cannot love her enough to let her be herself, your inner strength will overwhelm her, and I don't want to see the result of that. I have been acting as a kind of buffer between the two of you so far. I have the advantage of feeling her emotions; I am learning when what she is feeling is something that can be ignored, or if it is like yesterday when she needed a chance to be outside in the sun. That need was strong enough that I took my cue from her and we ended up spending the morning at the botanical park. The flowers were pretty and all, but if Luna had not needed the chance to enjoy this brief stretch of sunshine, we would have spent most, if not all of the day checking out dentists."

"So Luna and I are going to have a day to talk about this together without you to play referee?"

"Yes, I have no idea how I am going to stay away for the day knowing you two will be deciding a good bit of my future happiness, but I have to trust you both or the idea of three equal partnerships will be sunk before it can set sail."

Hermione in typical fashion released her part of the embrace they were sharing and slapped the back of his head.

"Ouch! That hurt!"

"That was a very poor pun Harry Potter!"

"Yeah it was. I am quite pleased with it. Ouch! Quit that!"

Harry watched while Hermione first smirked at him after delivering that second blow; then turned pensive. He asked, "What are you thinking lady of my dreams?"

Hermione sighed, and then went into what Harry knew as deep thinking mode, still snuggled up against his side. He continued to hold his friend close and hope. As the minutes slowly crept by one of his hands began a soft movement against her back. Harry was more than a little surprised when Hermione did not challenge his actions; if anything she snuggled a bit closer to him, re-establishing the two-armed embrace she had released to hit him. Finally she stirred, but instead of releasing him, Hermione pushed and the next thing Harry knew he was on his back with Hermione pressing down against him from above. Hermione was no longer lost in thought, but Harry could not recognize the look she was giving him either.

"Harry, are you sure you want me as well?"

"Yes Hermione, as I said before I want you."

"Kiss me?"

Harry Potter was not a brilliant guy, but he did not need to be asked twice. His first real kiss with Hermione did not cause the earth to move for Harry but he put as much of his love for this young woman into the kiss as he could. When the kiss ended Hermione sighed yet again and collapsed on him.


"Yes what Hermione?"

"Yes I think am in love with you as well as Luna. And yes I will agree to a family of three. Oh, and yes I could feel your love for me in that kiss. It was just a bit that I was able to feel just now. Perhaps since you gave me your affection in the garden I could feel your emotions just now."

"Thank you Hermione."

"Don't thank me yet, you have to convince our Luna."

"Our Luna, that has a nice ring to it. I think I can do that. But the thanks is for your loving me."

"You talk too much. Kiss me," she purred.

Harry squeezed his new girl friend and complied with her request. The room became mostly quiet.

Teaching Harry


"Yes Mione?"

"Do you know anything about French kissing?"

"All that I know is that Ginny did not enjoy it whenever I tried to start anything beyond a simple kiss. I thought that girls didn't like it."

"From what Luna has told me, Ginny was being influenced by her mother. I do enjoy that kind of kissing with the right guy. I would like to enjoy it with you."

Harry let Hermione start the next kiss and after only a second, he felt Hermione open her mouth a bit, Harry did likewise and moments later his tongue was meeting hers at the joining of their lips. While there were no words, Harry felt that he was carrying on quite a conversation with Hermione. When the two of them came up for air, Hermione was smirking a bit which caused all sorts of alarm bells to go off in Harry's head.

Through the smirk she said, "When I next see Ginny, I am not sure if I am going to thank her, or tell her off."

Harry turned Hermione's statement over in his head several times before giving it up for a lost cause and asked "Huh?"

The smirk on Hermione's face got even bigger and after giving a Harry much shorter, but still deep kiss, she got off of him and sat the two of them up.

"I was not expecting that I would need to teach you how to go on as a boyfriend. And while I am relishing the fact that I am going to get to teach you, I am also unhappy at the time that may take. We really do need to talk a bit about how much I am costing you and Luna."

Since that seemed as clear as mud to Harry, he repeated himself. "Huh?"

"Harry, I like being touched, and caressed. It appears Ginny trained you not to let your hands do any roaming."

Harry watched dumbfounded as Hermione took one of his hands and brought it up to her face. The both of them shivered as she guided his hands in a very gentle exploration of her face. But instead of letting his hand go as he expected, Hermione then guided his hand to her neck, and down till she was holding his hand against her breast.

"Harry, I want to be touched, and I am not glass. If your hands start to go anywhere I do not want them to, I will be sure to tell you. We are not going to end up starkers today, but you have my permission to explore. I have every intention of doing some exploring of my own. The same rules will apply to you, if I put my hands anywhere you do not want them to be, let me know."

"I…I won't hurt you?"

"Why would you think you would?"

"I kind of interrupted a couple at Hogwarts once. As she was groaning pretty badly I was sure she was hurt, even though she stayed in the room with her guy after they chased me out."

"Harry I have every hope that I will be groaning a bit myself. But I promise I will let you know if you start to hurt me. You really don't have any experience with a female's body do you?"

Harry looked at his hand still pressed against Hermione's breast and blushed as he answered. "Unh I never really had the chance before the final battle, and well afterwards, well no I don't. I have seen some pictures around, I know what all the guys in the dorms whispered, and well I have had 'the talk', but no, other than touching Luna's breast by accident while we became heart-tied, no experience."

"Harry, look at me."

Harry looked back into Hermione's eyes and was surprised to find a very caring face without the rejection he half expected.

"Harry, we have already agreed that we care for each other more than a bit. I don't have much more experience than you do, but Ron and I did play some of these games. I want to feel you touching me. As I said I will let you know if you get out of line. Now enough talk for a while, kiss me."

Time seemed to blur in Harry's mind; buttons, snaps and zippers all became very important as pieces of clothing became obstacles that needed to be discarded. Kissing and being kissed was first and foremost, but after Harry's shirt joined Hermione's in a pile she began kissing not just his lips. Having been granted the right, nay even invited, to explore Hermione's breasts, Harry discovered that bras were an evil invention. But once the offending hooks were beaten, a new kind of soft was discovered; or rather a soft that had some very hard nipples, both of which needed close examination. Kisses to those nipples caused the first moan from Hermione and when Harry tried to back off she pulled his head back down to her chest with a very firm order to not stop his trip of discovery.

True to her prediction and wishes, Hermione's groans became a bit more frequent as Harry learned more. It was not long however, before Harry began doing a bit of groaning as well. Hermione spent some time kissing his nipples. That first kiss nearly had him plastered to the ceiling. When Harry found himself in only his boxers and Hermione in nothing but her panties, Hermione reached down and slipped her hand south of his waistband. All thoughts of discovery stopped as the sensations quickly overwhelmed him. Harry was sure he would die of embarrassment when he realized exactly what he had done, but Hermione stopped his attempts to apologize with a kiss, and then took one of his hands with her remaining free hand and placed it against her own panties. She then whispered that he was to continue learning about her body, and warning him to be very gentle, captured his lips with her own…

How much?

Hermione had been quite pleased with Harry's trip of discovery, and after two separate showers to clean up a bit, and some new clothing the two of them sat down to examine the ledger cards Harry had been keeping. Hermione was not just displeased at the bottom line, she was speechless. Harry feeling more than a bit pleased with how the day had been going so far took full advantage of the look of shock and got in a good hug and a bit of a kiss on her cheek. He did keep himself in check though and did not try to take any additional liberties.

"Harry! I will never be able to pay you back for even a small part of this trip."

"I don't recall saying you needed to pay back any of it. Don't slap me sweetheart, I didn't. You were so busy getting the passports and Portkeys and such, that you did not discuss the financing of this trip with us. Luna and I however, did discuss this and we both wanted to be comfortable and we both have quite a bit of money. The Potters do not have as much wealth as say the Malfoys had, but I do own a mansion as well as the property at Godric's Hollow, and I have transferred enough from my vaults to some muggle banks that I will be able to live quite well on just the interest from those investments. And Luna is even richer than I am. She has two mansions she could move into, and I think two additional smaller houses as well as the house where she grew up. And that does not count the cash she could bring in if she sold more of those gem stones from her garden."

"But Harry, I don't bring anything into this relationship!"

"Whoa there Hermione, you bring yourself. As a family we will have money. A lot of money, but we are not buying you. When we started this trip neither Luna nor I were planning on seducing you. Well I didn't; I'm not too sure about Luna."

"But Harry!"

"But nothing Hermione. If you would please recall our school days, did you think for even one minute Luna was rich? I know I didn't, and to be sure a goodly number of the kids that teased her didn't know it either." At least Harry had gotten Hermione to start listening, but she was still looking pretty unhappy.

Harry continued to press his point, "Our Luna doesn't care about money. It is just a tool that let her dad hunt for those creatures he was always writing about. She was quite surprised when I asked to help pay, and she was even more surprised when I told her, you would want to help as well."

Both Harry and Hermione started when a third voice entered the conversation, "Yes I was, and I am still a bit confused as to why you would want to pay if you don't have the money at hand. It is not like I am counting what we spend."

Un-noticed by either Harry or Hermione, Luna had come in while they had been speaking. As Harry turned to look at his other lady, he could see her day had been all she had wanted. Her hair was a bit wind blown; her face flushed with pleasure; and the grin on her face was from ear to ear.

"So how did you sneak in without my knowing young lady?"

"I had to put a damper on our heart tie this morning. I have no idea what you were doing, but the emotions were pretty intense."

"I had one of the most productive mornings in my life. Hermione was a great teacher."

While Hermione blushed, and then snickered, Luna looked between the two of them with an arched eyebrow.

"And why did you not wait until I was here for these lessons?"

Harry grinned evilly at Hermione and retorted, "I am sure you can ask about them the day after tomorrow while I am having my day out."

"Well that may be fair I guess." Luna allowed, as she let her heart-tied to feel her emotions again.

He smiled and told her, "Based on what I am feeling currently, and the expression on your face, I believe you enjoyed your visit to the zoo Luna."

"Oh Harry, Hermione, you should have been there. It was above all things great. They had these creatures that …"

Harry allowed himself to get lost in his blonde love's chatter. Tomorrow would be another big day.

Hermione's Day off

"Harry James Potter! What mischief have you gotten me into?!"

Luna was not really mad, he could tell, in fact she was just short of doing cartwheels around the room because of the joy in her heart. The evening yesterday had gone much better than Harry had expected. Luna had noticed not just one, but three different bookstores for Hermione to visit, and had prepared instructions that included the normal kinds of landmarks that Hermione could follow. And all without a single mention of nargle nests. And this morning after sharing a very pleasant breakfast, Hermione had prepared to leave for the day. But just before she left, she grabbed Harry, turned him around and thoroughly kissed him. Before Harry or Luna could say anything she then turned around and wrapping her arms around Luna, looked into the blonde girl's eyes for a second and then very gently kissed her as well. Then Hermione slipped through the door leaving behind a very bemused Harry and an ecstatic Luna.

"I don't know if I should be grateful to Hermione, or if I am going to be upset at her for this," he said, shaking his head.

"Harry, you are making even less sense than you usually do. How did you bribe Hermione into kissing each of us? And how do we get her to do it at least to me more regularly?"

"I have every hope that we will both be sharing more kisses with Hermione. But I did not bribe her with anything. No, don't look at me that way; I didn't. All I did was ask if she would like to have a family of three. Damn, I hadn't intended to say that just yet!"

While Harry was cursing himself for spilling the beans that way, he looked at Luna as she tried to make sense of her roommates this morning.

"Three Harry? Hermione and who?

"You are being a bit slow this morning love, who did she kiss as she left?"

Luna's eyes got bigger than ever as she made some kind of sense from that comment. Harry was able to lead her to the same couch he had learned so much on yesterday. Perhaps it would be good luck today as well.

"Me? You? Hermione? Us? All of us? … Wait! Love?"

"Yes, you. Yes, me. Yes, with Hermione. Yes, us. Yes, all of us. And last but by no means least, yes, love, as in a term of endearment meaning that I love you."

The emotions slipping through their shared heart's tie were chaotic, swinging from happy to sad to happy to disbelief to hope to happy again all in just seconds. Harry decided to take part of that disbelief out of the picture right from the start. He sat them down so they were looking at each other and took Luna's left hand in his right and placed it over his heart. Then he placed his own hand over her heart and pushed his feelings, all of his feelings for her through. The wonder on Luna's face as he did this was a memory he would treasure for the rest of his life.

"But you can't love me."

"Yes I can, and I do."

"But Harry, how can you love me when you could love Hermione? What is that smile for, I don't think I said anything funny."

"I'm smiling because Hermione said pretty much the same thing yesterday, only her comment was, how I could want her when I could have you."

If possible Luna's eyes got even wider, while a small smile began to play across her lips.

"And as I told Hermione yesterday, I love you both, and I want you both, and I want the three of us to be a family."

Luna's smile got a bit bigger, and then disappeared as a sorrow intruded on their shared link.

"What, dear-heart?"

"You can't want me. I'm soiled and dirty and-"

"Stop right there Luna Lovegood! You are not soiled and dirty. I told you right after we became heart-tied I did not think you were dirty, and I also told you I was not going to give up on you. I still find your joy-of-life one of my reasons to get up in the morning."

"But Harry! I try, but I can't even get a hug from you without nearly freezing up."

"You may not have noticed, dear-heart, but you are doing better. You are accepting many one armed hugs from me with out even realizing it."


"Yes as in someone that is very dear to my heart. I have been calling you that in my mind from a couple of weeks now. Hermione is my sweetheart to be both different from you and still as important to me."

"You have managed to hug me?"

"Many times, only one armed so far, but that is, without a doubt, progress."

The smile was gone from her face again, but she was no longer about to shift into full flight mode. Instead she did something Harry was not expecting. Harry was suddenly awash in a longing and love from Luna. His own eyes got very big as he felt the depth of her feelings. Not knowing exactly what he was expected to do, he just loved his Luna right back. It must have been what was needed as she gave a very contented sigh and dropping her hand from his heart, turned so they were next to each other and she leaned into Harry's side. Harry very carefully wrapped one arm around her and applied a very gentle pressure as he enjoyed the feel of her body against his.

Luna gave a slight gasp and Harry realized she must have picked up that he liked the feel of her body through their link. Instead of pulling away Luna pulled a bit more of his emotions including the guilty pleasure of a beautiful woman molded into his side.

A very quiet whisper full of wonder could be heard from his side. "You really do love me. You really do find me attractive. Harry, how can you want me when there is someone as beautiful as Hermione around us all the time?"

"You are your own beauty, dear-heart. Don't get me wrong, I want Hermione as well, but that is along with you, not instead of you."

"But I don't have a very good body; I am spacey; I have trust issues; I want you oh so very much… I didn't mean to say that last you know."

"Yes, dear-heart I know. I also let something slip to Hermione yesterday that I hadn't intended to. It led to a very interesting conversation. I do object to you downplaying your physical beauty though. Do you know your breast was the first woman's I ever felt? I feel a little guilty at how much I enjoyed it while you were so wracked with pain. And then you actually caused me to do it again when as you started to perform you own pain management. Your body is your own, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see a great deal of it. But it is only a part of what I love about you. By the way you have not really been spacey with either of us nearly this entire trip, which I believe means we have started on the trust issues. And very important; I want you as well."

"But Harry, how do we do a family of three?"

"How do new couples make a family Luna? We will be making a family the same way; you, me, and Hermione all working together. It sounds like heaven to me."

"I…I don't know what to say Harry."

"I have known how you feel about Hermione through our tie for quite a while. Your feelings for me have been much better hidden, but I was pretty sure you were feeling more than just friendship towards me. One of the reasons I wanted these days with one of our threesome absent was to have a chance to sound you each out about becoming a true family, the three of us."

"Hermione agreed?"

"She kissed us both this morning didn't she? Actually her exact words were 'Yes I think am in love with you as well as Luna. And yes I will agree to a family of three.'"

Harry was stunned by the emotions that poured from his blonde dynamo. The feelings of hope and longing battled with a shrinking feeling of being unworthy.

"You are too worthy Luna!"

"You felt that? That is new."

"Our ties have been running at full throttle for much longer than they ever have before."

Harry internally smirked which got a questioning feeling back. "I did say I wanted to work on our ties today. So far I have managed to kill two birds with one stone. I am quite pleased with myself."

In a movement that was so Hermione-like it was scary, Luna rapped the side of Harry's head with her free arm.

"Ouch Woman, that hurt!"

"What is that new thing I am feeling Harry?"

"You hit my head almost exactly like Hermione did yesterday when I let out a very bad pun. I am feeling a bit of déjà vu. Luna will you please say it out loud?"

"You already know I love Hermione Harry; but yes I love you as well. So much it has hurt me a bit to see you be so free with Hermione. I also want this family of three you are planning."

Feeling Harry

The affect of Luna's words were profound. A sense of completeness and worth settled into Harry's heart. He had done it, his loves had agreed. Harry was unable to answer Luna's question; he did not hear it. In a very unique reversal of roles Luna poured her love through their link to anchor Harry as emotions he had been holding in check began to leak through and, as the barriers he had around his emotions eroded, they began to stream and finally pour through his being.

When Harry began to take notice of his surroundings he found he was in a new position, one he did not remember taking. His head was buried into Luna's shoulder which was damp. Damn, Harry had not cried like this in forever. Luna's arms were wrapped around him in a loose embrace.


"Yes, Harry, I am here."

Luna released her embrace; she took his head in both of her hands and raised it up so they were looking at each other with their foreheads touching. Tears had been falling from her own eyes as well; she was flushed and had very red eyes. Merlin she was beautiful.

"What was that Luna? I feel…well I am not too sure how I feel right now, but it…"

"You feel like your emotions have been let loose for the first time in forever Harry. Because that is what happened."

"Please remind me not to let this happen again Luna."

"Sorry, love; I have every intention of making sure you release your emotions more often. It is not healthy to keep them in like that."

Harry was a bit tired of sounding stupid in front of his ladies so he grasped the important part of her words.

"You called me love?"

"Yes I did, and I expect I will call you love quite often, or at least until I can find a pet name to match yours for me. What little I was able to think during your release I decided I like your name for me."

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, Harry love, you hurt yourself."

"Why were you crying then, dear-heart?"

"I was crying for several reasons, Harry love: first, I was crying because of all of the pain and hate you have been holding in for so long; second, I was crying because you really love me and want this threesome with Hermione; third and last I was crying because there I was holding the man that means so much to me, and I couldn't bring myself to kiss him. Harry, do you have any idea what you are getting into? Pledging yourself to me? I…I really wanted to hold you closer and I couldn't. I wanted you to come back to yourself with me kissing you. I couldn't."

The tears were starting to stream down Luna's face, so Harry reached up with both hands and wiped them away, all the while sending her his support.

"Oh, dear-heart! What have I told you on more than one occasion? I will not give up on you! It takes time to reverse the hurt that was done to you. You have started to heal. You have made progress. You will be able to hold me in more than just your heart. Hermione and I will be there every step of the way. Praising your progress; cheering you up after the setbacks that will come; we will be there for you."

A couple of sniffles answered Harry as Luna buried her head into his shoulder, not even noticing that Harry's arms moved around her to hold her to him loosely. When Luna did raise her head, the tears had stopped falling although her eyes were still huge with tears that hadn't fallen yet. His heart-tied began feeding him a series of pleasant emotions; with hope being the strongest. And with a weak smile, Luna tried to put her emotions into words.

"I couldn't be happier unless Hermione was heart-tied with us as well."

"She mentioned she is a bit jealous of our tie." Harry responded. "I told her I thought creating our own heart's homes in conjunction with each other would simulate that tie for her to us."

Luna finally noticed that Harry was holding her and suddenly started, but Harry simply released her and combined a wink with some low grade longing and love through their still raw tie. Luna looked shocked for a moment and then shaking herself continued with her thoughts.

"That is a very good idea, Harry. There are other ways to form heart ties, but we will have to be home before I can check the family spells to be sure. And I think sharing a Heart's Home would be a good start that could be added to with other rituals."

"Hey that's several good ideas in the same month. You may be rubbing off on me after all."

Luna provided Harry with a mental slap instead of the Hermione patented swipe at his head. And the two of them traded some teasing emotions back and forth till Harry processed something his dear-heart had said.

"Wait, you said you can share a Heart's Home?"

Luna stopped teasing her heart-tied and new love to answer.

"In a manner of speaking. You see, Harry, twins always share the same Heart's Home, and remember I tied you to my Heart's Home for a night. It is possible to actually join more than one person to a Heart's Home on a more permanent basis."

Both Harry and Luna were then surprised when another voice joined the conversation.

"I am glad to hear that, I was not looking forward to becoming a gardener. Merlin, you two look terrible! Is everything ok? Did you agree to a family, Luna?"

Harry groaned as yet again the missing person from their threesome had managed to enter without being noticed. Luna however turned to the young lady that had just entered the room and if it was at all possible to do without a wand, she glowed.


Hermione stared at the change in Luna, and a smile grew on her face to answer the happiness that radiated off of the small blonde.

"Hi Mione." Harry greeted her. "Yes, Luna said yes. She also asked how I bribed you into kissing her this morning."

Harry received a mental smack from his happy love and as a blush began to rise in her cheeks, she questioned her own love.

"Oh please tell me Harry was right and you want to be a family with me and him!"

Harry also received his physical head slap from Hermione as Luna was asking, and turning to Luna she responded.

"Yes Harry talked me into this, and after thinking about you two all day I admit some of my reservations about it are gone. We will still have to work on me a bit though, Luna; I was not brought up to like girls. Some of my upbringing will no doubt cause us some issues."

Harry who was just standing collapsed back onto the couch as the joy from his dear-heart burned through their still raw link. Hermione looked hard at Luna and himself, and the smile on her face faded into a concerned expression.

"Harry? Luna? Are you two ok? Luna, why are you crying?"

Harry watched as Luna wiped her again overflowing eyes and smiled weakly at Hermione.

"Based on what I felt from Harry yesterday; when I got out of bed this morning, I was sure you and Harry were going to tell me you were engaged, and wanted me as a maid of honor. Now I find I am not going to lose you but have a chance to be even closer to you; both of you. How can I not be crying?"

Having been reassured that Luna was ok, Hermione then turned to Harry.

"What happened to you while I was away? You look horrid."

Harry couldn't help himself; he smirked a bit and replied in a manner he expected would gain him another mental smack from the lady sitting beside him.

"I got what I asked for… That is to say Luna not only agreed to our family, we also strengthened our heart ties."

Instead of the expected slap at his intentional bit of conceit Luna put one of her hands against his lips, and turning to Hermione, Luna started to tell all.

"Shh, Harry! Mione, I am here to tell you just how much our Harry wanted us as a family."

Harry tried to interrupt his blonde love. "Luna, you don't…"

Only for him to be ignored as Luna, in a rare show of confidence, interrupted right back. "Harry! Be quiet for now. Mione needs to know."

"What do I need to know? You two are acting a bit off and I will be getting worried here very soon."

Harry gave up trying to stop Luna from embarrassing him over his emotional outburst and slowly turned very red as Luna explained to Hermione.

"Harry needed to open our link to convince me he was serious about including me with the two of you. When I agreed, Harry's defenses fell in relief, and since our link was wide open all of the emotions he had been holding back in, well forever, came pouring through. It took Harry more than a bit to regain his own sense of self. Mione, he was that worried one of us would turn him down."

Harry saw Hermione glance over towards him and knew he was embarrassed, but she then re-focused on their blonde love, to make sure she was telling the whole story.

"That explains Harry but what about you, Luna? Did you have to share all of those emotions? Were you hurt by them?"

Luna blushed a bit at Hermione's concern and continued to explain. "No, Hermione, I was able to weather the storm of Harry's emotions unhurt. I was crying because here I had Harry in a very vulnerable position, and I still could not bring myself to kiss him, and hold him like I wanted. I've asked Harry already, Mione. Are you sure you can put up with me and my problems?"

Harry watched as Hermione surprised both himself and Luna by pulling the slight girl off of the couch and into a gentle hug while exclaiming. "Oh, Luna! I will put up with your problems if you will put up with Harry's and mine." Releasing the hug Hermione stared into Luna's eyes and continued. "And, Luna, Harry and I both treasure you."

Luna responded to Hermione's declaration with a gentle blush and a quiet sniffle and then as Luna turned back towards him she noticed exactly how embarrassed Harry was. However, instead of smirking or even smiling at his discomfort, Luna sat herself back down beside him and reached out to pull Hermione over so she could sit down on to the couch on his other side. Then Luna, speaking in a serious type of voice seldom used by a Lovegood, spoke to him through both her words and their tie.

"Harry, I have no words to express how happy I am that you love and want me. There is no need to feel embarrassed by your outburst. It means just that much more to me that I can affect you in that way; and that you feel that strongly about both Hermione and me. You have felt it, but just so there is no doubt; I love you as well."

As Harry tried to absorb what Luna had sent and said Hermione caressed his jaw line with one hand to get his attention onto her. Once she was sure she had his attention, Hermione professed her own affections towards him. "Harry, you have been one of the mainstays in my life for a very long time. We did not always see eye to eye. I do not expect us to always see eye to eye in the future, but hold on to the knowledge that I am not just a friend. I also love you and will be one of your lovers. And your willingness to love me back is something I can hardly believe."

Harry was completely undone by the double declaration and could only stare as his loves then turned to each other. Luna was about to speak when Hermione reached across him and placed a finger on Luna's lips and spoke first. "Luna, you have no idea how much I have come to love your company during this trip. I told Harry yesterday that I wondered if not finding my parents quickly was a blessing. It has allowed me to see the Luna that Harry sees. We will have issues, but Luna, never doubt that I have come to love you. As our family of three grows strong that love will also do nothing but grow stronger."

With tears again running down her face, Luna took Hermione's hand in her own and kissed it. "Hermione, I have wanted you to love me for longer than you have known me. I learned to treasure the little moments we had at school. Now we have the promise of many more moments. Even as Harry must love me gently to woo me from my pain; I will love you gently. You are my light, my beacon, the rock that – with Harry – will free me."

Harry took Hermione's free hand in his own and felt the need to speak his own promise.

"Hermione, you have seen me through times that would cause a lesser person to falter. We have seen pain together and we have come through it; we have the promise of joy and life's pain ahead. With you I will treasure both the pain and the joy. I have in you a love that shapes my being. My love for you has been in place for ever so long. But it is only now growing strong enough to be recognized."

Harry then turned to Luna and took her free hand into his remaining hand as well. "Luna, you have seen me as no other has. You saw me through the loss of my godfather; you saw my desire to be away from the victory that cost too much; you gave Dobby's burial the words that I could not say. In you I have found a keeper for my heart. Even before we became heart-tied, you were watching over the part of my life that was stunted by my upbringing. My love for you is newer and more recent, but it is not any the less for the short time it has been in place. You put the foundation for our love in place long ago when you took interest in my heart instead of my fame."

Harry brought his hands up and together to the already joined hands of his loves, thus drawing all six hands into a single mass. "My loves, my ladies, my life's purpose; you each complete me in your own way. From this moment you are my family."

Harry stood and drew his loves up and into his arms. After some time Harry was able to draw his loves to the table, and ordered up some room service. Dinner was a strange affair, no one was really talking yet, but the three also wanted to be close as well. It became something of a dance as all three tried to eat without letting go of each other's hands. After eating, Harry let Hermione draw Luna and him to the bed room part of their suite and one after the other they prepared for bed, but when Harry started to head back out to the couch he was stopped by both of his ladies. The three ended up crawling into only one of the king sized beds; with Harry on one side of the bed; Hermione on the other; and Luna between the two of them. As the events of the day caught up with Harry, he mumbled to his ladies. "Sleep sweet, my only loves." And Harry knew no more.

Harry's Day Off

Harry slowly came awake; and with a sense of quiet humor decided that someone or something like fate really had it in for him. He was once again curled up against Luna's back; he again was cupping one of her breasts; and again Hermione was facing the two of them trapping his hand against Luna with her own breast. Harry ignored the not quite urgent need to visit the loo and worked at memorizing the feel of Luna against his body. Luna's breasts were smaller that Hermione's and the feel of the one he was cupping felt just a bit different as well. The joy in Luna's heart was easier to find this morning. Harry guessed that was a result of working their ties so hard yesterday. Yesterday! Harry allowed his mind to review all of the events of yesterday. It surprised Harry how much recalling their impromptu declarations could affect him this morning.

Fate still had it in for Harry as he felt his blonde love awake from the emotions he was bleeding off. Before she could panic from her trapped position Harry opened their tie wide and thought about his love for her, and how her love for him made him feel. It almost didn't work as Luna still started to panic, but just before Harry was sure she would bolt upright screaming, she started to draw on the love he was sending her. He could feel the disbelief she was feeling that anyone would want to caress her with love battling with the love and longing he was offering.

When Luna tensed up it must have disturbed Hermione a bit as she also awoke and after only few seconds she must have realized the fight going on inside of Luna, and in a very un-Hermione type of way she settled down in to the bed just a bit more and loosely holding Luna to her, she gently kissed Luna. The affect to the battle being fought inside of his blonde love was startling and immediate; Harry could actually feel the love Hermione was sending Luna as it joined forces with his and pushed her fears and feelings of self disgust away.

In the physical world, Luna's body bucked once and then she snaked one arm under Hermione and pulled her a bit closer. Luna's other hand reached out and back to hold his thigh and in a surprise move Luna tried to pull him closer as well. Harry added his love for Hermione into the mix and felt it as Hermione was first surprised and then as she accepted it she added some of her love for him as well.

After an eternity that actually only lasted a bit over a minute Hermione lifted her head from the pillow breaking the kiss to Luna, and propped herself up on an elbow; when Harry did the same the two of them kissed each other good morning as well. After the mishmash of emotions they were all feeling began to stabilize and Harry could begin to think as an individual again he excused himself to the now urgently needed loo.

Returning from the bedroom, Harry found Hermione sitting up in the bed with Luna curled up against Hermione's side purring. Hermione transferred the purring Luna to his side and excused herself for the same reason Harry had needed to leave the bed. While she was away Luna stopped purring and looked up at him.

"Harry, I cannot thank you enough for this morning."

Knowing she was serious but unsure what he had done Harry just had to ask, "Huh?"

"Yesterday you promised that you and Hermione would fight for me. This morning you made good that promise. For the first time since…since it happened, I have hope. It is not all up to me, I have not one but two people that have declared they love me enough to help."

Harry looked down at his blonde love and then leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"You are welcome, dear-heart. I am willing to wake up with you in my arms pretty much any time. And yes to be serious, you are not alone; we, the three of us, all have some issues. And I believe that all three of us will work on all of those issues."

Luna was pulling at their heart tie so Harry gave her his love, and wanting Luna to know that he needed that same love back, he pulled some of her love for him back into himself. Harry smiled at the wonder in her face and explained. "Dear-heart, I need your love every bit as much as you need mine. I need both you and Hermione to love me."

A new weight settled onto the bed and Hermione sat Luna up and then settled into her side looking much like Luna herself had just minutes ago.

"Luna, what I felt from you and Harry this morning was more than just amazing. It filled me in ways I hadn't known I needed. 'Dear-heart' describes you well; you hold both Harry and I in your heart and we both need that."

Harry watched Luna's face soften as she glanced between Hermione and himself. Then her face took on a bit of annoyance, but before Harry could ask she squirmed and answered his unasked question. "Much as I would love to continue talking about love and loving and you, my loves, your heart is not the only thing that is full. I need my turn now.

Hermione got the hint and getting up sat next to Harry to mold herself into his side while Luna took her turn at the loo.

"Thanks, Mione."

"For what, Harry?"

"For your help this morning. It took both of us to beat down Luna's demons."

"You are welcome, Harry. I enjoyed the opportunity to again feel our loves through your tie. Are you still planning to leave us for the day?"

Harry thought for just a moment and answered. "Yeah, and if I don't get started it won't happen. You and Luna deserve a chance to explore our new relationship."

Harry disengaged Hermione from his side and got up and started gathering his clothes while Hermione got up and a few quick charms later had the leftovers from the previous night's room service hot and tasty again. Just minutes later Luna joined the two at the table and when she heard Harry was still planning his day away asked the question Hermione had wanted to ask him but hadn't yet. "Harry what are you planning to do today?"

Harry finished his leftovers and answered. "I think I will check out the O-Bahn busway we keep hearing about. It will keep me out of trouble and out of your hair."

Hermione smirked a bit and replied: "I am not sure anything will really keep you out of trouble Harr…Love."

Harry smiled and took his gathered his clothes to start his shower. It seemed like no time at all and Harry was at the door ready to leave. He had no trouble gathering Hermione to him and giving her a nice if publicly acceptable kiss. Harry then turned to Luna and opened his arms to let her decide. Luna chewed on her lower lip but did not hesitate as she moved forward and allowed herself to be gathered into his arms. Luna blushed a bit at his whispered "Good Girl, I knew you could do it." She looked up at him and quietly asked for a kiss of her own. Knowing Luna was teetering on the edge, Harry kissed her, but for a much shorter time than the kiss he had shared with Hermione. And with that Harry was out the door to head down to the front desk to ask which buses used the busway.

Fifteen minutes later Harry was boarding a bus and had a tentative destination of the Tea Tree Plaza in Modbury which according to the concierge would have everything Harry would need in order to waste some time. Harry watched as the bus slowed slightly as it took the detour to the busway tracks and then accelerated. It was only twenty minutes after that and Harry was getting off the bus at the station near the shopping centre.

After walking through the carpark, he entered the mall. The store names might not be names he knew, but they carried pretty much the same kinds of things. The first bookstore he found was smaller than the ones Hermione had visited, but it did have a nice selection to browse through. Harry purchased three books and was about to look for some place to eat some lunch when he noticed a doorway that shouldn't be where it was. Next to an aptly named gift store, Mystic Moon, was a shining clean door with an "Open for Business" sign, even though there appeared to be no space for even a broom closet. Hoping he was not about to get in a lot of trouble, Harry walked over and finding the door unlocked, he opened it and went inside.

'Paydirt' Harry thought to himself. It was if he had stepped into a nearly exact duplicate of the Leaky Cauldron. A burly man made his way over and asked to see Harry's wand, and once assured Harry hadn't accidentally entered the wrong shop he welcomed Harry to "The Hall Closet" and invited him over to a table. In between helping the other customers the barman answered Harry's obviously touristy questions. In a coincidence of cosmic scale, Harry found out that the barman's name was Tom. Tom confirmed Harry's suspicions that there was no magical part of town in Adelaide. All of the witches and wizards had moved north to settle in Modbury and the surrounding suburbs. Tom then bullied one of his regular patrons into taking Harry through a wall that worked just like platform 9 ¾ to South Australia's version of Diagon Alley.

This alley was named Kaurna's Refuge and was a unique blend of Aboriginal and western names. The store for potion supplies was named the "The Shaman's Needs" while the joke shop was named Yernkalyilla, and had a small sign on its door saying the name meant something like "place of the fallen bits". The government building was named Waitpingga which translated to something like 'the wind place'.

Knowing Hermione was going to go ballistic over his finding a magical book store even if it did have the unlikely name of 'Book Nurlongga", Harry found the time to browse that store as well and purchased several books he had never seen in Britain for her and Luna, and even one or two for himself.

Found Them

Feeling quite happy with his day Harry made sure The Hall Closet had rooms that could be rented and headed back to the muggle side of the mall and then towards the bus stop to start the trip back to Adelaide. Harry came to a complete and sudden stop as he found himself staring at a picture of Mr. Granger. Actually a picture of both Mr. and Mrs. Granger was plastered to a sign board. Not daring to believe what his eyes were showing him Harry stepped back and looked again "Evan and Robyn G. for Great Dentistry" the sign proclaimed followed by a phone number. Harry ducked into a stationery store for a quick purchase of a pen and to search through a borrowed phone book. Later with the all important information written on not one but three different papers Harry was waiting at the bus stop for the trip back to his ladies and cursing his luck. What his find was going to do Hermione after the events of the past three days he wasn't sure. But at first guess, Harry was betting it would leave Hermione even more nervous than before.

Harry had every intention of telling Hermione just as soon as he got back to the hotel, but as he walked in the door he was hit by two lovely missiles, one on each side. Hermione was smiling a very big smile and Luna also looked quite pleased with herself although as Luna re-opened their heart ties and took stock of him her smile dampened a bit. Since Hermione did not have the advantage of knowing Harry was troubled, she grabbed him in a firm embrace and after a short but passionate kiss announced; "I think I win, Harry! I spent the entire day with Luna and did not make her cry even once!"

Harry looked over to Luna and smiled down at her a bit with an eyebrow cocked up in a questioning attitude which caused Luna to relax a bit and with a soft smile she took up Hermione's part. "She is right, Harry, I did not cry even once. It was close a couple of times though, Hermione."

Hermione brushed Luna's qualifying statement a side with grin. "Yes, you almost cried at least three times by my count. But you didn't. So there!" And in a playful movement Hermione stuck her tongue out at Luna and him.

Luna grabbed one of his hands and pulled Harry around to face her while querying her heart-tied for the cause of his worry. "What is it Harry? Didn't you have a good day?"

Keying on Luna's words Hermione also took stock of Harry's attitude and drawing the three of them to the couch asked as well. "Harry?"

Instead of answering directly Harry pulled out the Modbury phone book he had borrowed from the front desk and turning to the page he had marked showed Hermione the big half page ad. "Hermione, I found a magical book store and have some books for both you and Luna, but more importantly, I found your parents."