Heart's Home: Chapter Three


All standard disclaimers apply. I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the other recognizable characters in this tale. I am not making any money from this drabble.

Author's Notes:

If you like what you are reading give NettieT and Paladeus credit. Without their support throughout the entire process it might not be done yet.

My final beta just notified me he will be unable to beta for me any longer. So this will not be as polished as I would have liked. But I don't want to delay it any longer, so here is my next chapter. One more to go.

I have the Grangers fighting the memory modifications Hermione put on them during this chapter. I know this is not canon, but Hermione was a school girl, and as such I would expect her to be unable to do a complete job the first time, and thus she left some holes for a couple of determined adults to exploit. Also, I found a site that mentioned that going by Dr. so and so is an Americanism. So at the last moment I went back and changed all of my Dr's to Mr's and Mrs'.

Family Time

Harry decided that he might have done quite well at predicting the future. As he had guessed, his pronouncement that he had found her parents caused Hermione to lose all of the sense he knew she possessed. Luna watched Hermione dither for about fifteen minutes before stopping the nervous pacing, and two or three word sentences, by the surprisingly effective means of tackling Hermione onto the couch.

"Shh, love, we know, we know." Luna crooned into Hermione's ear while holding the larger girl down with her weight. Harry knelt by the couch and wrapping his arms around his two loves, added his silent physical support to Luna's continued calming influence. "Mione, calmly love, we have you, we love you."

Harry could tell when the words began to penetrate Hermione's fevered mind. She snaked an arm around him, wrapped Luna in her other, and squeezed for all she was worth. As Luna began humming a quiet soothing melody, he continued with his own verbal support. "It is ok love, we have you, and we have every intention of keeping you. You won't face them alone."

"You will come with me?" Hermione asked. "You…I…You…Alone, I won't…"

"Of course we will come with you, Mione love." Luna broke off her humming, sounding a bit put out by Hermione's fear of facing her parents alone. "We are only just settling our own family; I have no intention of letting you stress yourself by fretting over your parents."

"Please remember Mione, you have both of us to help you." Harry added. He released his hug and, while sitting his ladies up so he could have better access to Hermione, he sent both comfort and pride through to his heart tied. She had been close to freezing up herself at the thought that Hermione would try to face her parents without them.

Luna responded to Harry's emotional surge with a sigh and, as she re-wrapped Hermione in a hug, she glanced over at Harry and gave him a grateful smile. Harry could tell she was calming as well as the emotions flowing through their tie settled into a quiet simmering. Luna then rested her head on Hermione's shoulder and began humming again.

Now that the three of them were once more established in close proximity, Harry could again feel just a bit of Hermione's presence through his and Luna's shared tie. Pushing his love and all the calm he could through to Hermione, he discovered Luna doing the same thing. Hermione responded to this unspoken support at first with surprise and, when the feelings she was receiving did not stop, Hermione began to accept the comfort and love. Harry could feel it when Hermione began to calm down.

"Remember sweetheart, you have both of us behind you, and we are not planning to let you go." Harry remarked as Hermione began pulling a bit at the emotions Harry and Luna were sending her way. "Luna, I am curious however. How is it we can feel Hermione this way?"

"Mione love and I spent a good part of today wrapped in each other's arms, Harry love." Luna responded, and lifted her head from Hermione's shoulder to smile at him... "You were right, she is a great teacher." Luna blushed a bit and then continued. "I…Harry…Oh Harry love, I had no idea I could feel like that! Thank you for being willing to share Hermione with me!"

Harry smiled at Luna and, noticing a blush blooming on Hermione's face, sent just a bit more pride and love to both of his ladies.

"What she said Harry; what she said." Hermione responded. "She and I had a very productive day. I learned more about Luna today than I had in our entire trip." Hermione pushed back at Harry's feelings with some love of her own and continued. "You pushing us to have equal relationships with each other as well as with you have provided us with the beginnings of a very stable triangle."

In full blush Luna settled back into Hermione's side. "Hermione was even able to get me to talk about my problems a bit. And that was after what she taught me something about my body."

Harry could not help himself, and he cocked an eyebrow towards Hermione and waited. Hermione glanced down for a minute and mumbled something about talking about it later. Then as Harry felt her emotions boil up again, Hermione turned back to him.

"We have been very remiss Luna; Harry needs a chance to tell us about his day." And after a bit of a pause, Hermione continued. "And we need to talk about how we are going to approach my parents."

Harry thought for a minute and started thinking aloud. "We have the address of their place of business, but I could not find their name in the Modbury phone book. We cannot meet them today since they seem to close up at four; and it was four thirty when I found the advertisement. So tomorrow will be the earliest we could try to meet them."

Luna picked up on the thoughts and added her own. "Much as I hate to make you wait any longer Mione love, I think it would be better if we showed up at their office near to closing time instead of when they open. The conversations you will need to have are not conducive to an open business."

Harry had been thinking while Luna was talking, and reminded his ladies of the other part of his announcement. "And we have a whole new area to explore. I found a magical area in Modury and they have an inn much like the Leaky Cauldron called The Hall Closet. Since Hermione's parents work in Modbury, I am going to hope they live nearby, and suggest that we leave this hotel for The Hall Closet. Packing up in the morning and then moving into the new rooms there will take up part of the day. That will leave part of the afternoon to see some of the sights in Kaurna's Refuge, which is Modbury's version of Diagon Alley. Then we can get dressed up and head over to the Granger's office in time for it to close."

"Kaurna's Refuge?" Hermione asked. "Kaurna was the tribe of Aborigines that lived here before Adelaide was settled."

Thus proving yet again that Hermione knew more about just about anything than just about anybody. Hermione first glowered and then blushed at bit in embarrassment as Harry and Luna just looked at her after the pronouncement. She did not get too defensive, as Harry could feel that he and Luna were both feeding Hermione with affection through their tentative tie with her.

"Oh, I could so get used to feeling your love for me this way!" Hermione exclaimed. "It makes your teasing so much easier to handle."

"Harry love and I have been tied for months now, Mione love, and I have not gotten used to it. It is new every day. When we three are all together, Harry and I can feel you just a bit, but it is not the same as the full tie Harry and I share. For you to share that with us we will need some spells from the family book." Luna then turned to Harry and smiled at him. "But I do think I need to make one change to your otherwise acceptable plan, Harry. That would be room, not rooms that we rent at your inn. A big room will be needed, but only one I think."

As Hermione smiled at Luna she agreed. "What our blond genius said Harry." Hermione then turned to him and he watched as her smile turned into something even warmer. "Harry and I need to continue our own trips of discovery. And Luna admitted to me that you have started to make her feel 'gushy' inside, so I think some limited trips of discovery by you two are warranted as well."

At Harry's surprised look Luna blushed again and tried to bury herself into Hermione's side. Luna then squeaked in surprise when Hermione stood up suddenly, leaving Luna to fall over onto Harry.

"You two will get to discuss it a bit while I see if we can make reservations at that restaurant we have wanted to try. Since it looks like we will be heading to Modbury in the morning, tonight will be our last chance while it is convenient." With that Hermione left the room.

Since Harry could tell Luna was more embarrassed than scared at the moment, he scooted closer to her and was able to wrap his arms around her without triggering her fears. "Gushy?" he asked.

Luna continued her process of trying to bury herself, this time into Harry's side. Her reply was muffled but the emotions coming through their tie were strong and clear. "Yes gushy; you showed me that you really do want me yesterday. Harry, I am not that…well I…Merlin this is hard. I really didn't think anyone could want me; to find out that you do…well it changed me a bit. And then Hermione…she…Harry I had no idea what a gentle touch could do to me. And then Hermione promised you could and would be every bit as gentle as she is."

Luna raised her head and looking Harry square in his eye, continued her thoughts. "I am still afraid, Harry; very afraid of what you can do to me. But I also really do want to experience your gentle touch. It made for a very interesting conversation between me and Hermione."

Hermione re-entered and interrupted the conversation to say the restaurant would seat them but they needed to clean up (with a pointed glance at Harry), and get downstairs almost right away. Harry promptly took the hint and made his way to the bathroom for a sponge bath and a quick change of clothes.

Dinner turned into a quiet affair since the ladies could not ask Harry about the magical area he had found in public, and the three really could not talk about any of the promised trips of discovery in their future while they were in public either. So Harry mostly talked about the busway and the muggle mall he had found. The three stayed away from the subject of Hermione's parents by an unvoiced but mutual consent. Harry was sure if they talked too much about her parents, Hermione would go nuts.

After dinner, the trio took one last walk around Victoria Square. The three of them kept changing formations as first Harry was surrounded by his ladies; then at a corner Harry found himself on one side while Hermione became the center. Once, all three stopped to look in a window, and when they started walking again, Harry found himself holding one of Luna's hands while Hermione held Luna's other hand. At the next corner Harry again centered the formation with one of his lovely ladies on either side of him. They continued weaving a pattern like some kind of fancy braid all through their jaunt.

As the three entered the hotel and made their way to their room, Hermione leaned against Harry and gave him a brief kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Harry."

"You are welcome Hermione, but do you think you could tell me what I did that you think deserves a thank you. I don't recall doing anything but enjoying a walk with you two."

Luna leaned in and reaching up, she pulled his head down so she could kiss his cheek as well. Then as Harry looked at her, she answered for Hermione. "You shared Harry, you shared. We, that is, Hermione and I, talked about a lot of things today. And one of the items covered was that you really don't want to be the center of this family. As you told both Hermione and me, three equal partnerships."

Hermione changed position so she flanked Luna's other side and continued. "You started to make good on that promise tonight and didn't even know it. Luna swore to me that you would; I was still worried you would not fall into the sharing quite so easily. I am very pleased I was wrong."

Harry felt a surge of pride from his heart-tied as she looked up at him. "Harry love, you did a good thing tonight and you didn't even know it." Luna then shifted positions with Hermione so that brown hair centered the trio for the rest of the short trip to their room.

Harry noticed that Hermione got more nervous as they prepared for bed. The prospect of finally seeing her parents combined with the revelation that they had regained their original names had affected Hermione greatly. Harry crawled into bed first, and Luna either divined his purpose or was just a slower this evening, thus placing Hermione in the center of the bed. Hermione tried to re-order herself from the center but found herself trapped by two sets of arms and surrounded by two different loves. After a very brief struggle, Hermione gave up and settled into the center of the bed, and started to drink in the emotions Harry kept pushing at her.

As Hermione relaxed, she turned to Luna and as Harry watched, Hermione gave Luna a very un-public kind of kiss. Then Hermione turned to the side Harry knew she normally slept on and gave Harry a goodnight kiss every bit as powerful as the one she had just given Luna.

"Harry? Luna? I so could get used to feeling this way." Hermione remarked. "Sleep sweet you two. I love you both."

Harry continued to feed Hermione his love, and was startled to feel Luna start to feed a different emotion to Hermione. Calm did not quite explain it. Whatever emotion it was, Hermione gave a huge sigh and, against all of Harry's expectations, she quickly fell asleep.

Harry propped himself up on his elbow and looked across Hermione's head to stare at Luna. "Wow!" Harry whispered. "I was sure she would be awake for hours. What did you do?"

Luna's face could not be called relaxed, and Harry could tell she was working at whatever she was doing.

Luna whispered back. "My mum would do this after I had nightmares. Daddy learned it from her and, just before I left for Hogwarts, Daddy taught me. It is quite effective I think."

Harry watched as Luna continued feeding Hermione some kind of calming sleep. "You know, Luna you really are very beautiful. And doing this for Hermione shows how wonderful a person you are on top of that beauty."

Harry watched as Luna's eyes popped open wide at his comment and stared at him. Leaning over one sleeping beauty, Harry gave his other beauty a gentle kiss and settled himself for sleep as well. "Sleep sweet dear-heart. You are well loved by Hermione, and I love you as well."

Luna's reply was quiet. "Sleep sweet Harry love; I…we…that is Hermione…" she sighed "…I love you too, Harry."

Luna's Face

Harry slipped from dreaming to waking to discover the erotic dreams he had been enjoying were based on more than his imagination. Opening his eyes, Harry found Hermione's eyes were also open and filled with an expression Harry did not recognize. It was easy to tell where Hermione's hands were, as they were both tucked under his waist band and a bit further south. They caressed and wrapped around him giving gentle squeezes. Seeing his eyes open and then widen as he took stock, Hermione smiled slightly and leaned forward to kiss him. Wow, what a kiss!

Breaking the kiss to breathe, Hermione whispered, "Luna is still asleep. She must have been awake half the night doing whatever it was she was doing to help me sleep. I need to come up with a special gift to thank her for that full night's sleep."

After thinking for a moment, Harry whispered back, "That you love her is the only gift our Luna will ever want. But I agree that we need to think of something special to get her." To himself Harry thought he needed to get something special for Hermione as well.

Harry disentangled his free arm from the covers, and used his hand to repeat the actions Hermione had initiated just a couple of days ago. He gently explored Hermione's face, and then slipped his hand down to caress and fondle a breast through her nightshirt.

Hermione's eyes half closed while Harry explored her face and the brunette purred. As Harry's hand found her breast and gently teased her nipple, however, her eyes opened wide in shock and a shudder ran through her body.

"I had not realized I was that close to the edge." Hermione gasped while a second shudder followed the first.

Luna's voice, soft and low, could be heard from Hermione's other side, "Oh…my…oh!"

Releasing her hold on Harry, Hermione quickly turned in Harry's arm to face the slight blond, "Luna! I didn't hurt you did I?"

Harry freed the arm he had slipped under Hermione, and propped himself up to peer over to his blond love. Her eyes were as wide as Hermione's had been, and a blush stained her cheeks and ran down the neckline of her own favored nightgown. The garment had shifted in the night, and one breast with a pink and very erect nipple was peeking through the folds.

"Hurt? Oh no Mione love that did not hurt!" Luna exclaimed in a still soft voice. "I fell asleep still tied to you to help you sleep. Clémence d'en haut! That was amazing."

Harry watched as Hermione puzzled through Luna's exclamation, "You speak French, Luna?"

Shrugging slightly, which hid her breast from sight, Luna answered Hermione's query. "No, not really; it was one of my mum's favorite sayings." A slight mischievous grin replaced the look of surprise as she continued. "Especially after I had done something I really shouldn't have."

Satisfied that his dear-heart was not hurting, Harry nuzzled the back of Hermione's neck and asked the obvious question, "Huh?"

"Mercy from above, Harry. It translates to Mercy from above," Hermione told him.

"Harry?" Luna queried, "Harry, do I have that to look forward to? If…When I…I mean we, when we…"

Hermione interrupted the blond with a kiss, and answered, "Yes Luna, Harry wants to do that and more to you." The brunette looked over her shoulder at him and smirked a bit. "He told me on your day off he has been dreaming about all three of us doing things together, and they were not the kind of dreams you can share with parents."

Luna's face did not take on the surprised look Harry expected after that pronouncement. Instead, a look of satisfaction followed by a look of determination settled onto her features. And her reply was not hesitant in the least. "In that case, I will be working very hard to fight my fears. I will want to feel that for myself, and not muffled through sleep and a temporary tie."

While Hermione wrapped their blond love in a tight hug, and then gave her another more insistent kiss, Harry pushed pride and love through to his dear-heart. Harry's hand again was put in the enviable position of being trapped between two breasts. He had allowed his hand to go with Hermione as she had turned to face Luna, and the current hug had pulled his blond love close. This time though, Harry was encouraged by Luna's new resolve and he gently moved his hand, caressing Hermione, thus feeling and caressing Luna's breast with the back of his hand as well. Both ladies gave gasps and broke their kiss.

"Harry love? Mione love?" Luna's voice warbled a bit, but their tie was not radiating any fear, so Harry continued the enjoyable task of teasing Hermione's breast, and so by proximity, Luna's breast, while he made an answer. "Yes dear-heart?"

Hermione's response was a bit breathy but still could be heard. "Yes my Luna?"

After a few seconds, Luna shook her head and continued, "Thank you both for loving me enough to let me love you back."

Hermione released the hug and giving Luna a look of concern, replied for both herself and Harry. "Like it is an effort to love you Luna," she scoffed in good humor. "You give us every bit as much as we give you." A look of concentration briefly crossed Hermione's face and then cleared. "Soleil! Thanks to your mum's saying I now have a pet name for you; soleil as you are my sunshine."

With his hand no longer held as tightly, Harry slipped it from between his ladies and used it to begin an exploration of Luna's face. Eyebrows needed to be traced, as did Luna's cheek bones; her chin; the line of her jaw; back to her ear; following the hair line to the forehead; smoothing the forehead; down the bridge of her nose; and finally down her nose to her lips. All the while Harry let his amazement at her beauty and love pulse through their tie. Luna's eyes had gone wide as Harry started tracing her face, but by the time he was touching, feeling, caressing her chin, Luna's eyes were the half slits that Hermione's had been earlier.

Harry could feel Hermione sending calm and love to Luna as well, but her hands and arms remained where they were, wrapping Luna in a very loose hug. Hermione seemed to be entranced by the soft movements, perhaps reliving how that had felt on her face just minutes before. She even began purring again, even though Harry was not really touching her at all. Then Luna began to purr a bit as well. She also began to radiate a strange kind of joy tinged with a tension Harry did not recognize through the tie.

Hermione must have felt it as well, and she started a very slow caressing of Luna's back with her hands as she whispered over and over, "tu es mon soleil; you are my sunshine". Then as the tension Harry felt from Luna grew, Hermione stopped her chant, and asked, "Soleil, do you trust me?"

Confusion marred Luna's face for a second as she replied, "I trusted you with my love, Mione love; so yes I trust you."

"Good." Hermione replied and she slithered down a bit and nuzzled her face into Luna's breasts, as one hand slipped down Luna's bottom and around to rest at the junction between her thighs.

Luna's eyes opened wide, but before the fear Harry was expecting could fight through, the tension broke. Luna arched her back with her free arm swinging wildly, hitting Harry in the head and then reaching up to hold Harry's hand as it was nuzzling against her face. While her lips were moving, no sounds could be heard from Luna for several seconds. Harry felt a strange rushing, and then an overwhelming joy and pleasure poured though his tie. As the emotions poured though, Harry surrendered himself to the shared joy and felt as much heard Hermione's surprised cry as both he and his sweetheart were sucked into a maelstrom of joy from his dear- heart.

Moving House

Several minutes passed before Harry could feel sanity return to his dear-heart. Pushing his love again to her, Harry leaned over Hermione and gave Luna a very slow kiss. Luna responded to the kiss for several seconds before her emotions began to churn. Harry broke the kiss and, shifting positions slightly, again nuzzled into Hermione's neck as she had shifted back up to her original position.

"Harry Love? Mione Love?" Luna started to speak and then taking a deep breath, she continued, "That was very, very wonderful. How did you do that to me, Harry Love?"

Harry shifted away from Hermione and sat up as he replied, "As I recall dear-heart, it was both of us. Sweetheart and I both did that to you, and don't expect an apology later either."

Hermione also took the opportunity to separate into a single unit instead of a single mass, and helped Luna sit up as well as she continued Harry's thoughts. "I don't plan on apologizing either, soleil. I got to feel the echo of your joy on top of my own earlier release. Our green eyed love surprised me this morning with his care as well."

After Luna sat up and reordered her nightgown, she took one of Hermione's hands, and quietly but firmly exclaimed, "As I said before, the only words I have that can describe that were my mum's, Clémence d'en haut. But Harry Love is right; you were there and it took both of you to do…do whatever you did. And I thought the feelings you gave me the day before were good! Clémence!"

Harry had to excuse himself to go to the loo, and when he returned, his lady-loves were up and moving; gathering their various belongings into piles, one pile for each person. While Luna attended to her immediate needs, Hermione decided that she would need a shower and groused a bit about that since she had just showered the night before. She stopped grousing, however, when Luna re-entered the room and snuggled up behind her and suggested that the two of them shower together. Hermione squeaked once, and excused herself to the bathroom saying she didn't think she was ready for that yet.

Harry took stock of his heart-tied as Hermione left the room, but found no disappointment, but rather a fond affection instead. He changed direction to make sure she saw him as he approached and gathered her into the one armed hugs she was learning to accept. "You knew she was going to turn you down, didn't you." Harry gently stated instead of asking. "You just teased Hermione to get her to stop complaining."

One of Luna's radiant smiles slipped through as she felt the pride Harry was sending her. "Yes, although I am also starting to work on her hang ups as well. It is only fair after you two worked so hard on mine this morning. I don't have any idea how I could get so lucky to find a guy to love me enough to let me love Hermione as well. And it was your idea!"

Luna turned in Harry's arm to face him and to his shock; she initiated a two armed hug of her own. "Harry Love, I got to think a bit last night after you and Hermione fell asleep. You have been courting me, and pushing your affection towards me for some time. I was blind to it then; I will try to be blind to it no longer. As you said, three equal partnerships; ours, that is yours and mine, will grow beyond our heart tie. I swear it!"

Harry blushed a bit at the heartfelt emotion he could hear and feel from his dear-heart. But rallying, he bent his head down to kiss Luna's forehead, sealing her vow. The two of them then separated and continued to gather their clothes and things, before transferring their belongings to the ready trunks.

When Hermione re-entered the room with her hair still damp she went straight to Luna and made sure her soleil had not been upset by her refusal about the combined shower. Once she was reassured, Hermione joined in the packing. Harry was surprised when Luna hesitantly approached him with concern and worry radiating through their tie.

"Harry love, I…Could…Would you be willing to join me in the shower?"

Harry started in surprise and looked closely at his blond love. "Luna, dear-heart, do you think you can accept me there?"

"I…I don't know yet." Came the timid reply. "But I won't know until I try, and I promised to fight my fears."

Harry fought his own embarrassment for a second, and replied in the same timid tone. "If you want me there, I will share a shower with you."

Luna's eyes got big, and the emotions from their tie became jumbled together with fear, pride, hope, and longing all fighting for dominance. She took his hand and tentatively pulled Harry towards the bathroom. The two of them got all the way to the entrance before the fears Harry felt through the tie began to win over Luna's other emotions. Harry stopped and turning her to face him he fed her some love and his pride at her attempt. Then giving her a brief kiss, he returned to packing.

Hermione came over to Harry's side and melded against him for a moment. Then, with her own packing done, she helped Harry fold his clothes and finish his own packing. Luna joined them while braiding her hair a few minutes later, and also molded to Harry's side much like Hermione had. "Thank you Harry, for understanding."

Hermione attached herself to Luna's side and whispered how proud she was of how Luna had even tried, while Harry left to take his own shower.

With all of their things packed and the trunks closed, lightened, and shrunk to fit in pockets, the three checked out of the room that had been their home since arriving. An hour later found them checking into The Hall Closet, and unpacking the things they had just packed.

After a filling lunch, Harry took his loves through to Kaurna's Refuge and an afternoon of shopping; the highlight of which was the joy in Luna's face as Hermione gave her a pair of silver earrings the brunette had found that were shaped like radishes.

Memory holes

The three of them found their way back to the inn to clean up, and then headed to the office used by the Grangers by 3:50. All three of them took a big breath, and Harry opened the door to let his ladies in the building.

Harry had been to see a dentist while he was younger, and the waiting area he found himself in matched his memories of that event almost exactly. Chairs lined a wall, and around a corner were some low tables that held magazines and some children's books. A wall with a pass through window and a doorway separated the waiting area from the rest of the office.

Behind the window sat Mr. Evan Granger with his head down, concentrating on something hidden by the high ledge of the pass through. "I'm sorry, but we are about to close." He said it without looking up from his work.

Hermione looked like a rabbit, frozen in place but about to run, as she stared at her dad. Mr. Granger glanced up from his work and froze as well. His face looked shocked, and then an expression of hope appeared as he shook his head and whispered, "Honey Bear?"

"Daddy?" was Hermione's reply, just as soft.

"Honey Bear!" Mr. Granger stood, and entering the waiting room, pulled a surprised Hermione to him in a huge bear hug. "You are real!" Turning his head Mr. Granger raised his voice and called to the back office, "Robyn! She's here! She's real!"

"Evan, what are you talking about? What?..." From the back office Hermione's mother came out and stood just as shocked as her husband had been. "Hermione?...Baby?"

"Mum?" Came Hermione's reply and she squeezed herself out of her father's arms to take a hold of her mother. Evan Granger promptly re-wrapped his arms around both his newfound daughter and his wife.

Harry gathered Luna to him as the two of them watched the family reunion take a turn no-one had expected. Tears were streaming down Luna's face, and Harry was blinking back some tears as well.

After several minutes, the Granger family separated from each other and Hermione was held at arm's length from her dad. "I know this must sound like the stupidest question in the world, but I have to ask. Are you our daughter? And is your name Hermione?"

Hermione's mum also posed some questions to show that not all was right in the adult Grangers' world. "Are we Evan and Robyn Granger? And more importantly, do you know why we can't remember?"

At Hermione's dumbstruck face, Evan shook his head and muttered something about confounded holes. Looking around, he spotted Harry and Luna and asked another question. "Hello, do we know you?"

"No sir, we have never been introduced. My name is Harry Potter, and this is Luna Lovegood. We are very close friends with Hermione, your daughter." Harry responded.

The answer to at least some of Evan's questions eased the rising tension in the room, allowing Hermione to make the more formal introductions, and to allow Mr. and Mrs. Granger to re-collect their scattered wits. After locking the office door, the adult Grangers then led the group back through the exam rooms to a small apartment-like area, with a living area, a full kitchen, and a bath. Once all were seated, an uneasy silence fell over the group as no one had any idea of how to proceed.

The silence was broken by Luna as she smiled at the adult Grangers. "Do you think you could tell us what you remember, what you think you remember, and perhaps what you think you should remember but don't. That way we may be able to discover what to do next."

When Luna started talking, Hermione started but as Harry watched she relaxed and reached over the end table separating them. She took Luna's hand in hers with a whispered "Thanks soleil."

Robyn Granger also looked thankfully at Luna, and her husband took a deep breath and started to speak. "A year ago, I thought I was Mr. Wendell Wilkins, and that I was married to Monica here. Then we noticed some things that did not line up. Monica and I thought we were childless, yet a doctor told Monica in no uncertain terms that she had carried at least one child to term; a child we did not remember. When we started talking about how it could be possible that we had a child and did not remember one, we noticed that we also could not remember many other things; our wedding, how we met, school friends. It was as if we were paper dolls and had only enough history for the pretend life we were currently living. Then I found something important."

Pausing, Evan pulled a much worn wallet out of his back pocket and opened it up. Inside were a series of photographs which Evan pulled out. A series of five pictures showing signs of being handled frequently were laid on the low coffee table. The first showed a younger smiling Evan and Robyn; the second showed a very proud Robyn holding a baby; the third showed a young Hermione in a paper cap and gown; the forth showed Hermione in her Hogwarts robes, but without the Gryffindor patch and colored trim; the final picture again showed Hermione in her school robes adorned with the Gryffindor patch and trim, and being hugged by Evan and Robyn.

Evan picked the first picture up and as he turned it over Harry could see some faded writing. "Evan and Robyn married on June 25th, 1977" recited Evan. Hermione gave a gasp of shock which Evan ignored as he put that picture back down, face up and picked up the next one to read the writing on it. "Hermione Jean Granger, two days old September 21st, 1979." Again the picture was replaced and the next one lifted. "Hermione, graduating from kindergarten, May 25th 1985." The next picture was picked up. "Hermione goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, September 1st, 1991." This picture and caption caused both Hermione and Luna to gasp, but it too was laid back on the table and the final picture lifted. "Evan, Robyn, and our own witch Hermione Granger, June, 1995." After reading the last caption, Evan put the pictures down and stared very hard at them.

Robyn picked up the telling of lost memories. "We, that is, Evan and I, took everything we had and looked for more clues. "I found a couple of pictures as well; we keep them at home. We also found our diplomas showing Evan and Robyn Granger were dentists and had graduated nine months before our daughter was born." A small half smile graced Robyn's lips for a second before she continued. "When I found that I had my first memory flash; that is I could remember the night Hermione was conceived. It was a wonderful night. When I told Evan about it, he also saw a flash of memory. It seems whatever happened to our memories can be overcome. If we have a lot of emotion tied to a memory, we can again see that memory when we copy or concentrate on that emotion."

Evan glanced up from the pictures he was staring at and continued. "We started keeping a journal of all of the memory flashes we have. We decided to share this journal completely with each other, even the embarrassing or personal things in the hope that more memories would be freed. It worked after a fashion."

Evan paused and after taking a deep breath he continued. "I could not understand the captions of the last two pictures for a long time, but then we went to a dinner show here and saw a stage magician's act. That triggered or freed a whole series of memories for both of us, some shared, and some personal. We remembered that magic really does exist; we have each had memories that were tied to Hermione and her having some accidental episodes. One of those memories was a lady, whose name we cannot remember, telling us you were a witch and about a school to train you in witchcraft. Some headlines we have seen triggered memories of something bad going on in the hidden world of magic, but we are not sure what it was that was so bad, or how Hermione was being affected by it. We also managed to trigger some memories about our home life, but not too many as most of those memories do not seem to the needed emotion attached to them."

"So you have a very partial picture of a home life with your memories of Hermione being the ones that are the most complete, because memories of her have the most emotion attached them." Luna interrupted, "But you also have large holes in what you are sure you should know, since you either did not attach a lot of emotion to them, or have not triggered that emotion."

Evan nodded his head while Robyn replied. "Yes that is a concise picture of what we are going through." She paused for a second and then asked. "Luna right?" Luna nodded. "Luna, are you and Harry magical as well? Will you three be able to help us?"

Luna turned to Hermione but did not lower her voice so the adult Grangers could hear what she said. "Mione Love, I do not think the normal charm will work on your parents at all. They have been very clever and resourceful in finding the truth." Turning back to the adult Grangers she continued. "Yes, Harry Love and I are also magical. And we have every intention of helping you with your memories; it is why we are here after all, but it might not be as easy as we had hoped."

Rabid Fathers

Luna's pronouncement produced mixed emotions from both of Hermione's parents: pleasure that they would be getting back the memories they had lost, and confusion about why they had lost them in the first place. Harry watched as Hermione waffled a bit, but then she told her parents she would explain after their memories were restored. Knowing Hermione was dreading the event to come, he supported her decision, all the while thinking that delaying it would not help defuse the situation.

Evan and Robyn invited Harry and his ladies to their house so more detailed plans could be made. So a short time later, Harry found himself on a very comfortable couch alone with Mrs. Robyn Granger. Hermione, who had been too nervous to sit and wait, was gathering some clothes from their room at The Hall Closet. Luna was in some kind of a trance while she explored the damage to Mr. Evan Granger's memories.

"Harry?" Robyn started. "I know I don't really know much about the magical world, but did Luna call both you and my daughter 'Love'?"

Harry had been worried this might come up, but was a bit startled that it had come up this quickly. "Yes, she did." Harry replied cautiously. "The three of us have become very close while we searched for you and your husband."

Robyn grinned at him. "Your face got the famous 'deer in the headlights' look there for a second. Still I am glad you answered honestly. How close are the three of you?"

Harry swallowed and forced the answer out. "Close enough that we are planning to set up a household of three."

"Is that a normal thing for the magical world?" Robyn riposted.

"Not that I know of." Harry answered, "But I can't imagine ever living without them now; either of them."

"And Hermione agreed to the threesome?" Robyn queried.

"Yes ma'am, she did." Harry tried to appear as friendly as he could while Robyn was no doubt circling in for the kill.

Then Mrs. Granger surprised him with another grin that slipped into a bright smile. "Don't worry too much about me Harry; you answered honestly and I could tell you are supporting my daughter nearly as much as Luna seemed to be supporting her. Evan, however, may have something like the same kind of discussion with you."

"And that discussion will most likely be starting now." Evan's voice surprised Harry, as he turned to see Luna blinking slowly, and Evan looking over at Harry.

"Actually, no I don't think so." Luna interjected. "Harry and I both love your daughter, and I expect you to behave yourself until Hermione can join us and participate in the discussion."

Harry blinked at the firm tone that came from the gentle and loving Luna Lovegood. He then blinked back a tear as he realized she was defending him. Evan and Robyn were also taken aback at how firmly this slight young woman had just given her instructions.

"Based on what I found in your mind Mr. Granger, I will need Harry's help to correct what was done." Luna continued, her voice no less firm. "That means no threatening him or scaring him with a father's worry about a daughter who is old enough and determined enough to make up her own mind."

"A daughter I've only just rediscovered Luna. A daughter I only just rediscovered." Evan rallied. "And it is not just a father's fear. It is a longstanding tradition that the father gets to try to scare the hopeful suitor. It is a kind of test, if the suitor can stand up against a rabid father…" Evan looked over at Luna and a slight grin showed. "…then he or she might be worthy enough for his princess."

Luna blinked at the convoluted logic for a second, and then as some of what Evan had said began to sink in, she smiled one of her room brightening smiles. "He or she might be worthy." She echoed.

A second later the smile disappeared leaving both Grangers and Harry wondering what had happened.

"Daddy never got the chance…" Luna started.

Harry stood, and slipping over to his blond love, wrapped her in his arms and love, only to be joined by a surprised Evan.

"Luna, is your dad no longer with us?" Evan asked gently. "What about your mum?"

"Luna's mum died when Luna was nine, Mr. Granger." Harry answered for his freshly grieving love. "Her dad died not long before we started our search for you. It was because she had no one and no other close friends, that I suggested that Luna join Hermione and me on the search for you."

Both adult Grangers shared a glance that only couples firmly committed to each other can share, and Robyn joined her husband. "Harry please go and get some wine. Downstairs, third door on the left. And please take your time."

"No! Harry, please don't leave me! I need you!" Luna cried, turning her face into Harry's shoulder shuddering.

Luna had dampened the heart-tie they shared while she was absorbed with Evan, and guessing she was feeling alone, Harry pushed against their tie, gritting his teeth at what he was afraid he would find. The tie opened up, and as Harry expected, his blond love was in a huge turmoil of loss and hurt. The surprise was, that as soon as Harry pushed his love against Luna, she responded in kind, loving him right back as her emotions quickly calmed.

"Shh Luna, softly dear-heart, I have you." Harry crooned to his no longer crying love.

"Harry?" Luna's voice was quiet. "You do have me. Always you have me!" Luna took a deep breath, and turning to the adult Grangers started to apologize only to be engulfed in two more hugs.

"Don't worry Luna." Evan started, "If you want, I will play the rabid father for both you and Hermione." At Luna's amazed look he continued. "Harry, why don't we go and get that wine?" Glancing back at Luna he added, "If that is ok with you, Luna?"

Harry watched as Luna smiled a weak smile and nodded. Her face resumed the look of amazement though as Robyn re-established the hug Harry had been giving Luna. Harry followed Evan down the stairs but once in the small wine cellar, Evan turned to Harry asked. "Rabid father aside, did Luna have any chance to grieve for her father?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't find out about his death until sometime afterwards, when I ran into Luna by accident." Harry answered. "Luna has cried on our shoulders a couple of times, but this was different from any of her previous outbursts."

"How were you able to calm her down so quickly?" Evan continued the questioning.

"Luna and I share a magical tie to our emotions." Harry tried to explain. "It came about while I tried to magically heal Luna when she was in a great deal of pain. That tie was shut down while she was doing … whatever it was she doing with you. When her grief assaulted her, I re-opened that tie and reminded her that she was not, and never will be alone again."

"Do you share this same kind of tie with my daughter?" Evan asked the logical fatherly question.

"Not yet, although she has indicated she would like to have such a tie. And Luna says that there are some of her family spells that can do that without her having to go through the pain Luna did." Harry replied and tried to answer the expected next question from Evan.

Evan nodded, proving Harry had been correct in his assumption about the next worried fatherly question and changing the subject, asked Harry what kind of wine he would like. After Harry admitted he knew almost nothing about wine, Evan's subsequent lessons about wine were only interrupted when Luna and Robyn came looking for their men folk.

Luna smiled at Harry and then wrapped Evan in a hug. "I am sorry about that display. The magic I was doing while I was examining your memory holes left me a little unsettled." Luna explained to both Harry and Evan. "I am afraid something much like this will happen after I look at Mrs. Granger as well."

"As much as I want my memories back, Luna, do you want to rest some or even delay this until tomorrow?" Robyn asked.

Harry felt the surprise from Luna at Robyn's question, but then Luna shook her head, and smiled her patented sunshine smile.

"You and your husband have been more than just kind to a stranger who has upset your view of the world." Luna remarked with her smile firmly in place. "But it would be better for all of us, if we continue instead of waiting. I will need Harry's support to help with the rabid father." Luna glanced at Evan, her smile getting just a bit bigger. "And I expect I will need it to help the caring mother as well. The thing is, the magic I used has weakened some of the memory holes. But I do not want too many more of them to fill by themselves; that would make Harry and my job a bit harder."

A wine selected, the four of them re-climbed the stairs and Harry found himself facing the rabid father on his own while Luna was again in a trance, this time with Robyn as the subject.

"Harry, you can wipe that worried look off of your face." Evan started the discussion. "I have been given firm orders from your blond general, and I have no intention of mucking up the retrieval of my memories by scaring you off." Evan paused, "At least not just yet." Evan then grinned in the direction of the two ladies. "You appear to be well matched; tell me about Luna. I don't have any memories attached to her, and that shouldn't spring too many new Hermione memories on me."

Grateful that he had a reprieve of sorts Harry started talking about the quirky and lovable Luna Lovegood. The Quibbler, the Thestrals, the hidden things at school were all discussed; with Evan interrupting and asking questions as he felt the need. As the story of Luna continued, Harry began to weave a tale of the wizard's war that had just been completed. Tales of a school under siege, of students trying to steal a famous sword from a head master's office, of a student being kidnapped from a train, and the accidental finding of that student when Harry, Hermione, and Ron had been captured themselves.

Evan interrupted a couple of more times, and then let Harry finish with the costly victory and the death of Luna's father. After the discussion, Evan changed the focus of his questions and asked more about the war, and the tactics used by the wizards. As Harry answered more of Evan's questions, Evan's frown got bigger. Just as Evan was looking like he wanted to spit nails, Hermione returned, and the interruption allowed Evan to regain some of his calm.

True to her prediction, when Luna finished with Robyn, she was feeling pretty emotional. The sight of Harry and Hermione talking calmly with Evan was all it took to set off a new stream of tears. Again almost as soon as Harry re-opened their shared tie, Luna calmed herself, and enjoyed the sensations of being held by a cooing Hermione. Hermione, being unaware of the previous outburst and warning, had jumped to Luna's side just as soon as the tears had started to fall.


A quick dinner of sandwiches and a salad, and Luna was again preparing to enter Mr. Evan Granger's mind. This time Luna had a worried Harry wondering what he could do to support or assist his dear-heart, and an even more worried Hermione and Robyn were wondering if Evan would be the same person afterwards.

"Luna, what help can I be to you?" Harry asked. "I am not even sure how or what you were doing when you were 'looking' at the memory holes before."

Luna's reply was full of affection. "Harry love, you are my anchor and my strength. That night you tied yourself to me you said you needed to stop a couple of times to regain your balance as Harry instead of re-living my pain as Luna. Once we start this spell, I will not be able to stop to regain my balance or sense of self. Also I do not have enough strength to do both of Hermione's parents by myself, so I will be drawing on some of your magical ability. The fact that we are already heart tied is an advantage. That you love me enough to let me be myself on top of the tie is a blessing."

Luna turned to Hermione and took her hands in hers. "Mione love, you have the terrible task of getting to watch and not interfering. No matter what you see or hear, do not allow your mother or yourself to interfere. I do not expect there to be fireworks, but I will be attuned to the inside of your father, and will be unaware of the outside world."

Finally Luna turned to both Evan and Robyn, noticing how tightly they were holding hands. "I do not expect this to hurt. In fact I expect you will feel like you are asleep and dreaming. In spite of the fact I will be 'inside' your heads, I will not be reliving any of your memories. The magic I am using is a family magic that has been in the Lovegood family for centuries. I believe it is the best choice since you have started regaining your previous memories."

Luna had Evan lay on the floor and kneeling beside his head, she had Harry kneel on the other side. "Harry love, I am going to raise a warding. When I finish, place the tip of your wand at the center of his forehead, his third eye. I will place my wand on top of yours. When I do that, open our tie and love me. I will be working the spell through you. That way I can draw on your strength as well as keeping my sense of self."

As the light from Luna's unusual warding formed a half sphere around the three of them, Harry did as Luna had requested and placed his wand gently at the center of Evan's forehead. Luna took a deep breath, whispered that she loved him, and placed the tip of her wand on top if his.

For the rest of his life Harry would not be sure how to explain the next forty-five minutes. He felt like he'd aged three lifetimes. Three times he felt like he was losing Luna, three times he called her back; not by pushing his love at her, but by pulling her love for him towards himself. Part of the way through Harry felt a third presence; it seemed to just watch and did not interfere, so Harry ignored it and continued offering whatever strength Luna wanted and pulling at her love.

As Luna ended the spell and erased the warding, Harry heard a new voice exclaim. "That was a most amazing event."

Startled, Harry turned and found no less than five new faces in the room; all of them held wands and wore robes. Three of the new arrivals had a star like insignia on their chests, and Harry guessed they were Aurors. The last two were older and wore the green robes often worn by healers. It was one of these last two individuals that had spoken. "If you can release whatever spell you just used to the healers, I know of at least twenty different people that could be healed from memory problems. And that is just here in Modbury."

Before the visiting healer could continue Robyn got a word in edgewise. "Evan? How is Evan?"

All of the attention was too much, and Luna flung herself at Harry and started crying. All of the newcomers were startled at that and backed off while Harry tried to calm both Luna and Robyn. "We think Mr. Granger will be just fine. I got the impression from Luna that she expects him to sleep for an hour or so."

Hermione weaved between the Aurors and gathered Luna in her arms, leading her away from the unwanted attention as she explained. "Harry, the Aurors showed up almost before Luna finished with the ward. After I explained what was happening, they contacted the healers. One of them verified that mum had been obliviated and had a new set of memories installed, while the other observed what you and Luna were doing. He got very excited as mum explained that she and dad had recovered a few of their past memories, and that Luna was trying to deal with the rest."

"Indeed, young man, generally we can do nothing to help anyone that has recovered even one memory after having their memories modified. Based on what I saw, the young lady was using you as a channel for strength, and as some kind of anchor while she worked. Did she develop this new spell?"

Harry blinked and shook his head to clear his thoughts before he tried to respond. "Luna claimed it's not new but old, centuries old magic; something from her family's book of spells."

"Old? Really? That is most exciting. Do you know what caused her to cry? I, that is, we, did not intend that to happen." The other healer spoke for the first time.

"Luna was very emotional after the earlier spell when she was just looking at what the Grangers were calling their memory holes." Harry responded.

"So she performed a checking spell first? On both of you?" The second healer seemed excited that Luna had not just blindly started to work, and turned to Robyn for her reactions.

"Yes, she did. It took some time, and it felt, well I am not sure exactly how it felt. I just knew time was passing, but had no idea what was going on while it passed." Robyn explained. "And both times afterwards Luna ended up having mood swings and crying."

Harry turned to the Aurors while Robyn was speaking and asked, "Are we in some kind of trouble?"

"No, I don't think so. We responded to a very unusual spell in a home where we thought only non-magical people lived. Once the lady of the house explained that she had a magical daughter, and we were able to show she was not under a compulsion, we contacted the healers to verify you two were not hurting the gentleman here, and to verify the somewhat strange story. Since the story has panned out, we are just here to safeguard the healers." Answered the oldest of the three Aurors. "I will want a look at the ward your young lady used though, and I am sure the healers want to see that fancy memory recovery spell from the start."

"You will get your chance then sir, sirs." Luna's voice came from behind them, and Harry turned to see his two loves come back towards them. Luna looked much better as she came over to Harry and wrapped him in a gentle hug. "At least I hope you will. Harry love, can you do that again for Hermione's mum?"

"I think so, Luna." Harry replied. "I thought you were going to be pulling some strength from me, and I didn't feel any of that at all. How are you feeling?"

Luna grinned up at him and then shook her head. "Oh I did pull from you, Harry. More than I thought I would, but you didn't even seem to notice."

Luna turned to the healers and cautioned them to not interrupt and asked Hermione to levitate her dad upstairs to his bed. Then she asked Robyn to lie where her husband had.

Under the watchful eyes of the Aurors and healers, Luna again created a ward, and when Harry put the tip of his wand gently centered on Robyn's forehead she glanced up at him. "Harry love, you have no idea how much your support means to me, and to Hermione." Luna then put the tip of her wand against the tip of his, and after Robyn could no longer hear, in a very Luna like change of subject, Luna continued. "Hermione is going to have to admit that she is the one who altered her parents' memories, and I am not expecting them to take it well."

And then, in a repeat of the previous attempt, Harry lost all track of the outside world as his focus settled on the blond love of his life. This time Harry needed to pull Luna back towards him just once. But he could feel her pulling at his strength more this time as well. When Harry felt the spell ending he glanced up at a wan Luna and winked at her. As a result, when the ward dissipated the room was treated to a laughing Luna Lovegood.

The roomful of people included Mr. Evan Granger. After checking with Luna that it would be okay, Evan let Hermione levitate Robyn up into his arms, and he carried her up to their bedroom. Harry looked over at Hermione and asked the silent question.

"Yes!" Came Hermione's response. "He has his memories and also remembers his time here."

Luna gave into her swinging moods, and scooting over to Harry, she buried her head into his shoulder and started crying again. One of the healers added to some notes he was taking, and based on the amount of parchment in front of him, he had been taking notes almost nonstop. The older Auror also had a quill and some parchment out, but had nowhere near the same number of notes.

As Evan came back down the stairs, Harry noticed a slight smile on his face and he came over to where Harry was still holding a now silent but still leaking tears Luna. Evan got down on the floor with Harry and whispered to Luna that whatever she wanted, he would see that it happened if it was in his power to achieve. "Even play a rabid father, or as is more likely, offer to give two girls away at a wedding."

Luna started at that statement, and releasing her death hold on Harry, she transferred it Evan, and sobbed a thank you.

Evan then looked up and asked if there was any reason their visitors needed to stay any longer, as he and his family had some catching up to do. One healer asked to stay long enough to see if Robyn's treatment had gone as well as Evan's, and one Auror stayed as his escort. The older Auror asked Harry to pass an invite to Luna for any time in the next couple of days so he could talk about the ward she had used. And the leaving healer agreed, and asked if Luna could stop by the magical hospital off of a side street in Kaurna's Refuge so he could ask about the healing spell and perhaps in what old books it might be found.

At almost one hour on the dot, Mrs. Robyn Granger came slowly down the stairs to wrap a silent and worried Hermione in a powerful hug. She then submitted herself to some tests from the healer, after which the remaining visitors left the Grangers' house.

Something hits the fan

In spite of Evan asking for time to catch up with family and guests, the first half an hour after the healers and Aurors left was spent by Evan and Robyn cradling each other with little attention for anything or anyone else. Harry wasn't complaining however, as he was enjoying a little three way cuddling of his own. Hermione's parents seemed to be accepting of their unusual relationship, and since it had been a very stressful couple of hours, Harry, Luna, and Hermione were taking comfort from each other. The few kisses were quick and light, but still satisfying. When Evan and Robyn disengaged from each other to find Harry, Luna, and Hermione comfortably settled on the floor, they brought the cuddling to an end, and suggested the five of them adjourn to the kitchen where a light snack could be served. The round table there was only just big enough to hold the five of them.

Evan finally started the conversation with a heartfelt "thank you", and continued with some general questions to Luna as a way to get to know the blond young lady that had restored his previous life. Robyn also included thanks to all three as she joined the conversation, asking Harry some questions about himself. In a very short time they had included Hermione in the discussions as well.

Harry was amazed at how well Mr. and Mrs. Granger could read between what was said. The conversation covered just about every topic about all three of them. From Luna's view of Hogwarts, the conversation skipped to Luna not being in school right now. Next the conversation led to a short discussion about how Luna had been treated, and then touched on how wealthy the Lovegood family could be considered. This included a brief talk about Mr. Lovegood's death.

When the conversation reached Harry finding Luna's Heart's Home, he found he was next up to be examined. After a short discussion about Harry's life, and the recently completed wizard's war, the Weasleys were discussed, which brought Hermione into the spotlight for a bit. In what seemed to be an eternity but really only took less than an hour, the adult Grangers knew more about the relationship Harry, Luna, and Hermione had started, than the three of them had even thought existed.

Evan brought the interrogation to an end when he started volunteering some information about the time he and Robyn had spent in the land of Oz. Robyn seemed to be mostly quiet and only added some little things from her perspective during this discussion. Harry felt she was still processing the previous subjects.

As Evan finished his tale of Modbury's newest dentists' office, Robyn started the next topic. "We are assuming that Evan and I had our memories tinkered with in part because of this war between wizards." Robyn took a deep breath and continued, "What we don't understand is why these 'Death Eaters' would even care that Evan and I existed."

Hermione had a panicked look, so Harry answered. "That would be my fault Mrs. Granger. I was a primary target, and so by extension were my friends and their families. Because Hermione's support was so important to me, her name was right under mine on the 'terminate with extreme prejudice' list. Because you and Mr. Granger are non-magical, you would have been on the list already. As Hermione's parents, you became prime targets as well."

"Hermione, why are you looking so terrified?" Robyn asked. "It's not as if you were the one who altered our memories."

At her mother's words, Hermione's face paled even more, and she just stared at her mother, unable to speak.

"You didn't do that to us Hermione … did you?" Robyn was looking rather pale herself as she worked it out. "Just before we lost our memories, Evan and I were talking about how excited we were that you were going to visit. Then we were waking up in the airport just in time to catch our flight."

Robyn was going from scared to angry as her face lost its pallor and became flushed. Her tone of voice changed as well. "You did this to us? … You did this to us! You did this to us after spending nearly two years ignoring your parents, and then you suddenly want to visit? I don't think so; you wanted to visit so you could kill the people we were!"

Robyn and Evan both stood while Robyn continued to vent. "So why did you come back Hermione? Why? After killing the people we were, did you feel guilty? What happened to my daughter? Does magic change you so much that you have no respect for someone without magic? Do you have so little concern for us, that your way becomes the only way?"

"Mum?" Hermione managed to whimper while Harry and Luna could just look on.

"Mum? I don't think so! Mrs. Monica Wilkins did not have a daughter, and magic took Robyn Granger's daughter!" Robyn spat out the word magic as if it left a sour taste in her mouth.

Robyn looked like she was ready to leap over the table to physically attack Hermione when Evan put his hand on her arm, and quieted her without a word. He was no less angry, however, as he turned from Robyn to Hermione. "We are both extremely upset by this! We will continue this discussion in the morning. And Hermione, I expect your reasons to be very convincing! Also while I know it will be difficult, do not leave. Or if you do leave, don't come back tomorrow."

Evan then enfolded his wife in his arms and, as they turned towards the stairs, Robyn collapsed on her husband sobbing loudly, and Harry heard her say, "I really thought I would get my daughter back".

Harry turned to Hermione to find Luna already had the brunette in her arms. Hermione had not moved, her face frozen, her eyes wide but dry. Harry quickly moved over and joined Luna in trying to comfort the taller of his two loves. It took ten minutes before Hermione gave any response to Harry and Luna's attempts to reach her. And when she finally did start to react, the tears started streaming down her face as her body became wracked with harsh soul wrenching sobs. Picking Hermione up, Harry carried her to the spare bedroom and with Luna's help, prepared her for bed. After Luna left the room to prepare for bed herself and before Harry left to make up the couch, Harry turned to Hermione and forced her to look at him.

"Hermione, you will get through this." Harry started, and when she tried to look away, Harry prevented it and captured her eyes with his. "No matter what comes tomorrow, remember you are not alone. Even if we can not reconcile with your parents, you have not lost either Luna or I."

Hermione stared at Harry green eyes and murmured "Yeux verts" quietly and then as Luna came up beside them, Hermione murmured "Soleil. I haven't disgusted either of you?"

"No, Mione love, you have not disgusted either of us. We know you, and we knew you had done this, and we love just the way you are." Luna answered.

"Luna is right sweetheart; we knew this was a possibility. You knew it as well; it is one of the reasons you were so worried." Harry added his own words.

Harry turned to Luna and asked, "Are you going to be able to help Hermione sleep tonight as well? Or should I try to spell you so you have a chance to get some sleep yourself?"

Luna smiled her half smile, the one reserved for when one of her loves showed they cared, and shook her head no. "I will be fine, Harry. It would not do for either of the Grangers to find you in Mione love's bedroom in the morning." Luna then reached up and gave Harry a kiss, and pulled Hermione to the bed.

Harry followed to the bedside, and gave Hermione a goodnight kiss as well, and whispered, "We both do love you, you know. This doesn't change anything." Harry then left the room and headed downstairs to the living room couch.

What is Family?

It was past one in the morning when Harry gave up trying to sleep and slipped back into the kitchen. Keeping the lights low, Harry found the opened bottle of wine and poured himself half a glass of the stuff. Evan had claimed it was a fine vintage, but Harry just thought it tasted like wines always tasted.

Evan's voice surprised Harry as he sat sipping his glass of wine. "Good, you are up and awake."

"Sir?" Harry turned and found Evan entering the kitchen as well.

"Stay seated Harry, and pass me the bottle, as I could use a bit more of this as well." Evan replied.

After Evan had a full glass of the wine in front of him, he downed half the glass in just three big swallows. Setting the now half-filled glass down, Evan looked and asked. "Did you know what Hermione had done to us?"

"She told me after it had been done, but did not ask my opinion before she did it." Harry answered truthfully. "From that morning onwards she has been very worried you would not forgive her."

Evan nodded, and staring into what was left of his wine, he spoke. "I need more information, and Hermione is a part of the problem, so I need to go to one of her friends." Evan glanced back up to Harry to continue. "I know I am putting you on the spot, but please answer my questions truthfully, or tell me you can't or won't answer a question at all. No evasions."

Harry nodded to indicate that he understood.

"Why did she feel she needed to erase our memories?" Evan queried. "For the two years before she betrayed our trust, she had not spent any time with us. Why would anyone think she was attached to us? We were sure we would never see her again; then out of nowhere she contacted us to say she wanted to meet. And this was the result of that meeting."

Harry thought his answer over carefully before he replied. "I know that the Death Eaters were killing a lot of people; even some of the so-called neutral families were hit, and several of our school mates were attacked, or had their families attacked. In most of the attacks at least one person died; generally several people were killed or badly injured."

Harry paused for breath before he continued. "Luna is a pureblooded witch, but her father was standing up against the Death Eaters and what they stood for. So Luna was 'snatched', and used as a way to influence her father's beliefs. Luna's father folded under that pressure, and in order to try and save his only daughter, he tried to capture and turn Hermione, Ron, and me in. That is something the man would never have done otherwise."

Evan absorbed those words and briefly changed the subject. "Was Luna hurt by those bastards?"

Harry sighed and replied. "She suffered some torture, that is for certain, but as near as I can tell, she was not used or raped. She had been abused some years prior, and I don't think she would have remained sane if her captors had violated her that way."

Evan brought the conversation back to Hermione's actions after a minute of thought. "Do you believe Hermione's actions prevented our, that is Robyn's and mine, deaths?"

"I do not have a crystal ball, and was never very good at that kind of magic. But if I have to guess, I would say that, yes, her actions at least saved you from death, and most likely saved you from death after a prolonged period of torture." Harry answered, looking Evan directly in the eye as he did so.

"And you said she was worried about us?" Evan continued in his quest to discover all he could.

Harry again thought for a moment before he replied. "Shortly after Hermione sent you off she and I went through a very unpleasant period. We were alone; Ron had left us after he had been pushed too far. During that period, she and I spent a lot of time talking. It was all we could do while we waited for it to be safe to move to the next hiding spot. You and Robyn were some of her favorite subjects, although she almost always prefaced the story with something like: 'They will never forgive me…'".

Evan took a sip from his glass and while he again stared into the depths of the remaining wine, Harry took the chance to ask a question of his own.

"Mrs. Granger said she thought she was going to get her daughter back. What did she mean?"

Evan sighed and answered slowly. "Ever since her second year at that damn school, Hermione has been drifting away from us. We and our muggle ways were not good enough for her any longer. When our daughter gets her teeth into something new, it generally takes a while before she comes back down to earth. The problem with this magic is it continued to be something new every year, so Hermione never returned to us. We really did think she had become ashamed of us and our non-magical ways. And there was nothing we could to bring her back. Both Robyn and I are totally without magic. We had nothing to tempt her like we could when she was young. The magical world crowded us out before we even knew there was a problem."

"And now?" Harry asked.

"Now I don't know." Evan replied. "She thought enough of us that she didn't want us tortured or killed. But neither did she think enough of our intellect to give us the truth and let us make some decisions as a family. I don't know if we would have left knowing what you told me, but at least it would have meant that she talked to us first. Instead she assumed she knew best and didn't give us a chance."

"And she regrets that decision." Came a soft voice from the kitchen door. Luna entered and crossed over to the cupboard for a glass before filling it with water. She then walked over to the table. "She is asleep, finally." Luna leaned against Harry for support as she turned to Evan. "She regrets the decision even more after the way your wife tore into her."

"And you Luna? What do you think?" Evan asked.

Luna was quite firm in her reply. "I love her. She and Harry rescued me from a half existence to become my family, and I can and will forgive just about anything that involves either Harry or Hermione as a result." Luna turned to Harry briefly to murmur. "I love you too Harry, don't you forget that as we talk about Hermione."

Harry smiled a weak smile at his blond's declaration and wrapped a single arm around her waist. "I know, dear-heart, I know. How are you doing?"

"Pretty well I think." Answered Luna. "This evening's discussion went about how I expected it to from the clues our hosts were giving us. That Mr. Granger is in here talking sensibly was a pleasant surprise."

Luna turned again to Evan, and continued to speak. "I saw my mum die when I was nine; I was abused and mistreated at my school; my dad died of the abuse he suffered during the war. Until Harry and Hermione stepped back into my life, I was alone. Now, I can face the world with a smile on my face as well as in my heart. Mione love, and Harry love, have become my family. And to my surprise they want and need me as well. Harry love, is continually pushing me to improve and fight my fears. But when I reach my current limits, he still loves me. Mione love is as surprised that she has learned to love me as she is that Harry loves her. They are my world, my family, my purpose."

When Luna paused for breath, Harry put his mostly empty wine glass in her hands, and she grinned as she finished the glass. "Dans le vin, la vérité" Luna spoke, "In wine, truth."

Evan grinned slightly and replied. "Dans le vin, le courage, In wine, courage, I think applies a bit better."

Luna smiled and slipped around the table to hold one of Evan's hands. "Hermione made a mistake, and that mistake cost her. It cost the parents she could have had, the parents she should have had. That mistake started long before she violated your trust and memories. Are you going to help her recover from that mistake? Can you be a part of her family?"

Evan stared at his own glass of wine and then emptied it before he replied. "In part that needs Hermione to accept that we are her parents, and as such we demand a bit of respect. Destroying our lives without discussion is not a form of that respect. I want my daughter back. And yes, I know she has grown and will not be the same little girl I sent to school. But to get my daughter back, my daughter has to accept I am her father; her non-magical, muggle, father. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world. But for my wife to get her daughter back, again, Hermione must want her mother; her non-magical, muggle, mother back."

Evan stood but did not release Luna's hand. "For us to be a part of Hermione's family we need Hermione to be a part of our family." Evan then surprised Luna by kissing her forehead as he released her hand. "Hermione has two very special people that love her. We, her parents, have never stopped loving our daughter. What I don't know is if Hermione can again be our daughter."

Evan then turned to include Harry in his conversation. "I plan on talking to Robyn tonight, and since I need to go to the office for at least half the day tomorrow, she will be the one that Hermione has to deal with first. If they can even start to patch up their differences, I will try to patch them up as well."

Evan picked up Luna's forgotten glass of water, and after handing it to her, he headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Harry felt his heart-tied sigh, and to his surprise she put her glass back down and came around the table and sat herself on Harry's lap.

"Harry love, I think you won him over even before I got here." Luna settled against his chest while she spoke. "I have more hope now than I did when we went to bed. Hermione will thank you later. I want to thank you now."

At Harry's dumbfounded expression, Luna pulled his head down to hers and they shared a special kiss. It lasted longer than any of the other kisses Harry had been able to share with his blond love, and to his surprise and pleasure, Luna moaned into the kiss and pulled one hand around her and the other up to rest against her lightly covered breast.

Harry cuddled back into his love and was very soft and gentle as he caressed her back and the soft mound. Luna sighed again as she broke the kiss and slipping off of his lap, she groused a bit about 'being too tired to be afraid also means being too tired to enjoy the pleasure'. And picking up her much forgotten glass of water, she wished her love another good night and left to re-join their Hermione.

Harry placed the now empty wine bottle onto the counter, after rinsing the glasses and putting them beside the sink. He then returned to the now welcoming couch, where he quickly fell asleep to dream of the joys his loves gave to him, and the joys he could give them.

Are you my daughter?

In spite of the short night, Harry woke up early when a sliver of dawn's sunshine slipped through the curtains to shine on his face. Getting up, Harry found Robyn already in the kitchen starting to make breakfast. Robyn's eyes were puffy and red, but she offered Harry a smile when he entered and began helping with the preparation. And other than a mutual "good morning", the conversation was confined to the fixing of the meal.

Evan came down the stairs looking like he had slept the entire night; a bundle of energy and more cheerful than a person who had been awake for more than half the night should be allowed to be. Evan kissed his wife and, in a surprise move he turned to Harry and promptly gave him a hug as well. Harry froze as for the first time in a long time an adult male had just offered him the kind of contact and acceptance he had craved the entire time he had lived with the Dursleys.

Evan must had sensed something as he let go of the hug, and turned Harry so he could stare at Harry's wide eyes. "You ok Harry?" Evan asked, "You look a bit confused."

"I've…that is I didn't get much contact like this…" Harry stuttered.

Evan grinned, and gave Harry another hug before turning to the table and serving himself from the food Robyn was placing there. "Robyn and I are able to read between the lines Harry." Evan started to explain, "You were abused as a youngster, and treated not much better after you went to Hogwarts."

Harry's eyes grew big and he took an involuntary step back before Evan continued. "You also defeated a very evil man without becoming evil yourself. And to top all of that, Hermione loves you. If Hermione, Robyn, and I re-forge our ties, you get to join the family by default.

"Re-forge? Family?" Hermione's voice came softly from the doorway.

Hermione looked about how Robyn looked. Puffy red eyes, but instead of the smile, Hermione had the confused look of someone that expected an entirely different greeting.

"Yes, Honey Bear, family." Evan stood, and while he did not greet her with the smiles and hugs he had yesterday, he did not avoid touching her either. Hermione was led to the table and sat down before Evan continued. "You are still in trouble young lady. A lot of trouble, but I have to go into the surgery for the morning, so you will not have to face both your mother and I at the same time."

Hermione swallowed visibly and chanced a glance towards her mother. Robyn's face was no longer wearing the smile Harry had seen earlier, but neither was it showing the blind anger from the night before.

"You and I will get to talk Hermione." Robyn stated firmly, but again without anger. "Your dad and Harry had a long talk last night after both you and I went to sleep."

Hermione now looked over at Harry with a wild expression.

"You have very good taste in men, Hermione, Something I, as your father, am both pleased and upset about." Evan interjected.

"Shush you!" Robyn silenced her husband, before turning back to Hermione. "Harry has convinced your dad, and your dad has convinced me that you do regret what you did. And while that does not excuse you, it does buy you a chance to plead your case."

"Case? What case?" Hermione asked still a bit shell shocked by how her morning was going.

"Are you my daughter, Hermione?" Evan asked.

"Are you my daughter, Hermione?" Robyn repeated, and continued before Hermione could answer. "That question does not have a simple yes or no answer young lady. You have done a very good job of burning your bridges as you left us, your parents, behind."

Robyn paused to take a breath before she continued. "Before I am willing to accept you as a daughter again, you need to convince me that I am your mother. And by that, I mean more than just giving birth to you."

"Assuming you are able to convince your mother that you are her daughter, I will be willing to let you convince me that you are also my daughter." Evan explained as he picked up his now empty plates and took them to the sink. Evan then turned to Harry, and added a kink to his plans to support Hermione. "And Harry, both Robyn and I feel you and Luna do not need to be present for the majority of this discussion. We both know how you two feel, and you are both loyal to a fault, but this must be between Hermione and her mother."

"What must be between Hermione and her mother?" Luna came in, showered and dressed for the day, and looking better than either Hermione or Robyn, but Harry could still almost feel how tired she was through their tie as he opened it up.

"Good, you are up." Evan replied, not answering Luna's question, but rather stepping over to the blinking blond and giving her a light hug, before setting her down in the place he had just left as Robyn put a plate already filled in front of her.

"Mrs. Granger asked a question of Hermione before you came in Luna. She asked if Hermione was her daughter. And Mr. Granger has requested that you and I not be present to interfere with the discussion between Hermione and Mrs. Granger while they try to answer that question." Harry answered for the collected Grangers.

Luna blinked several times after Harry finished speaking and, in a surprise move, a smile formed on her face. "That is wonderful! Thank you so much for that."

Harry and all of the Grangers stared at Luna while they tried to make sense of the pronouncement she had made. And for the first time in a while, Hermione beat Harry to the obvious question. "Huh?"

Luna looked up at the sea of confused faces, and the smile slipped into a smirk as she lifted her hands and counted off on her fingers.

"One, Evan and Robyn Granger still love Hermione and really want her to love them back. Two, the Doctor Grangers want to reconcile with Hermione so much that they are giving Hermione the chance to re-build her bond with her mother without her father around to second guess what they say. Third, in spite of the rather ugly words that we heard last night, the Doctor Grangers are being more than polite. They want this to work and are meeting Hermione more than half way. Fourth, the Grangers have accepted that Harry and I love Hermione enough to move mountains or convince parents on her behalf. And fifth, since Hermione can love both Harry and I as much as she does, it will be very possible to re-kindle a love that truly was never put out. I expect a peaceful resolution to this by late lunchtime."

Heart to Hearts

This was the first time the adult Grangers had experienced life and logic, Luna style. It left both Evan and Robyn more than just a bit bemused. Hermione had settled into her deep thinking mode after Luna had explained her views of the morning's revelations. Harry just chuckled a bit and leaning over to his blond love, he told her good morning and gave her a quick peck on her lips.

"Good morning to you too, Harry." Luna replied. "Since we are banished from the house while mother and daughter Granger get emotional, shall we go visit the healers and Aurors about our spells?"

Harry thought a moment before answering, "Okay dear-heart, we can do that. But remember, they are your spells, not mine. I will be there in support this time."

Luna's reply was swift, "You have spent over a month courting me; you have asked me to be family, and I accepted; they are our spells."

"Family, yes we are, but I did nothing but support you in the casting of one spell, and your ward had the Aurors pretty excited as well, and I did nothing but watch you cast that. I can answer no questions; I can only stand in the background and let my dear-heart shine." Harry answered; he was not going to let Luna fade into the background this time. She was the heroine here, not him.

Luna turned several shades of red before standing and then sitting down again, this time in Harry's lap where she then buried her face into Harry's chest. "I am nothing special to anyone but you and Hermione, Harry." Came a soft and muted voice. "I know I had the knowledge, and I did the casting, but without you none of it would have happened. I do not have either the strength to completely heal anyone using that spell, or the sense of self required to not loose myself in the spell. I pulled more from you than you think, and your ability to pull me back to myself means more to me than you can know. I have learned you love me, but your demand that I love you back is a gift I still do not fully understand. And you pulled me back not by pushing love at me but by seeking, even demanding I love you. It worked very well I think, your pulling at my heart. I expected to take hours on each of the Grangers; instead, it took less than two for both."

Harry blinked hard a couple of times before he responded. "We three are still developing, but never assume I don't want and need you every bit as much as you want and need either Hermione or myself. It will be my pleasure to escort the heroine of the hour, and I may even try to bask in the glory of being able to assist you. But without your knowledge and ability it would not have happened."

Luna sighed deeply, and might have tried to snuggle even more into Harry's chest except for an unwelcome interruption from Evan, as he coughed lightly. He and Robyn had watched the byplay with interest, and had not tried to interfere, at least not until the crisis had past.

"No wild sex parties on the kitchen table you two." Evan joked as he gently pulled Luna off of Harry's lap and back to her chair. "At least none while we are here watching." With that Evan dropped a kiss on Luna's forehead, and placing his hand on Harry's shoulder he squeezed it in support. Then in an unexpected move, he placed a kiss on Hermione's forehead as well. Finally, after giving his wife a full fledged buss on the lips, he left for his morning of work and worry.

After Harry and Luna had finished their meals Harry took both of their plates to the kitchen sink. While he was doing this, Luna picked her chair up, put it next to Hermione's, and then wrapped the silent and thinking girl in a hug. Robyn came over to Harry while Luna leaned into Hermione.

"Exactly how much abuse are you fighting here with Luna?" Robyn asked, quietly.

Harry counted off what he knew. "She saw her mother die in front of her while she was nine; she was nearly raped, at school no less, when she was around fourteen; while at school she was teased and viciously pranked by the very people that should have been trying to help her; not quite a year ago, she was kidnapped and subjected to at least some torture, possibly a lot of torture and some additional physical abuse; her father never recovered from his injuries while he was held captive and died; and finally, because a supposed friend hid the news, none of the few people she thought were her friends attended the funeral of her father. When I accidentally found a place that was special to her family she was alone, absolutely alone and with little hope of ever having a friend. She had less hope of ever having a close friend and next to none of having a lover."

Robyn blinked, and rubbed her eyes, "Damn it!" She exclaimed softly, and then raising her voice she continued. "Harry, you take the guest bathroom. Hermione, please use the bathroom in my bedroom. Luna, since you are already dressed, would you please help me down here? Let's get this day started."

Harry enjoyed his shower, and did not dress as quickly as he could have. He suspected Robyn wanted time to really talk to Luna, and he wanted to give her the chance.

The adult Grangers were very different from what he had expected. He really had not known much about them, just what he had heard from Hermione, but he'd discovered that the two of them were extremely focused and grounded. They had given Hermione her intelligence, but more than that, they worked at completing each other as a team. Harry's ideal of a future home life now had a basis and model. If he and his ladies could become even half as grounded with each other as Hermione's parents were, they were going to be very happy indeed.

He found Robyn and Luna seated on the couch he had used as a bed, with Luna very nearly sitting on Robyn's lap, and crying softly into her shoulder. Smiling, Harry used their tie to let Luna know he was there, and ready to support her if she needed it. Luna stiffened for a second, but then relaxed as she pulled herself from Robyn's shoulder.

"Did you know this was going to happen, Harry?" Luna asked.

"Since I don't know for sure what happened, I can't answer that. I did suspect Mrs. Granger wanted a chance to tell you thank you for your hard work yesterday."

Robyn grinned for a moment before turning to Luna, "Yes that is it, I wanted to say thank you to the person that gave me back my memories and who has such confidence I can have my daughter back." Then Robyn turned to Harry, "I have no idea how Hermione could have found not one but two people like you two. Harry, I would like a minute to talk to you. Luna, would you go check on Hermione?"

"Yes, Mrs. Granger." Came Luna's response as she stood and molded herself into Harry's side for a second. "Harry, Mione love and I will be down in a few minutes."

Robyn patted the couch right where Luna had been sitting, and started talking even before Harry had sat down. "First things first, Harry, are you willing for Hermione to be our daughter again?"

Harry could do nothing but stare in surprise at that question.

"I see I startled you with that. I have a reason for asking, Harry. If my baby decides to come home, I will want her to be here with us for a while. You and Luna will be welcome as well, but from what Luna said, you, at least, have other responsibilities. Luna has said she will plan on leaving with you, at least at first. She started to cry when I told her I was going to miss her when she left. I am going to tell you the same. We are very proud of Hermione; she has done an extremely good job at finding life partners. We, that is, Evan and I, are a bit confused by having three to a bed, but the way you three support each other is very encouraging to us."

Harry blushed a bit at the mention of three in a bed, but answered slowly as he thought it out. "I think Hermione needs you more now than ever before. I cannot and will not stand in the way of her having that family." Harry grinned a bit as his next words were spoken in an over the top manner. "After all, you have agreed to let me in too."

Robyn's response was not the expected one as she gathered Harry into a hug. "You…Are…Family Harry. Never, never think you are not a part of our family. And you are family because of who you are Harry, not because of how you feel about Luna, or Hermione."

Harry could not believe what he had just heard and raising his eyes, he looked into Robyn's. Her eyes were full to the brim with unshed tears, but she stood her ground and stared right back at him.

"I…that is I'm not the important one here…Hermione is." Harry was finally able to stammer.

"Wrong answer, young man." Came the reply. "Hermione might have been born to Evan and me, but in you and Luna, Hermione has found the son and other daughter we wish we could have had. Based on Luna's breakdown of my upcoming discussion with Hermione, I have more hope than I did. And both Evan and I expect, and may demand, you spend time with us while we get to know who Hermione has become."

An idea came to Harry, and still looking Robyn in her eyes, he guessed. "That is why Luna was crying so softly. You had just informed my lost, and alone love, that she was family, and was expected to accept your love just as Hermione does."

"There is nothing wrong with your intelligence Harry, nothing at all. You got it right on the first try. And by the way, I am demanding you accept love from Evan and I as well." Robyn replied.

Harry was overcome for a moment, and found himself also sniffling into his new adopted mum's shoulder.

What kind of spell?

As Harry and Luna prepared to leave the house, Luna pulled Hermione away from her mum for a second, turned, and taking Hermione's left hand in her right, she placed it on her chest, right above her heart. Luna then put her own left hand directly over Hermione's heart ignoring Hermione's started look.

"What is a Heart's Home, Hermione?" Luna asked.

Totally thrown off kilter, Hermione responded hesitantly and with wide eyes. "Isn't that your garden?"

"Yes." Luna explained. "My garden holds my emotions safe, and it is called a heart's home; however, truly my heart now has a home in you, and Harry. Today, you are trying to rebuild a home in your parent's hearts".

Luna let Hermione think only a moment before she interrupted Hermione's thought processes. "A hammer may be needed to build a house, but it takes a heart to build a home. Do not think today Hermione, that is the hammer, to build a home today, you need to feel with your heart. It might seem like it is going to hurt, but to have a mother again, you need to open your heart to her."

Luna paused for effect and then continued. "I like your intelligence, dearest, but I love your heart." Luna's smile changed just a bit as she continued, "I love your body as well, and I could get lost just watching rise and fall of your…chest."

Without giving Hermione a chance to respond Luna released Hermione's hand. She then slipped her left hand off of Hermione's heart and down the curve of her breast before turning, grabbing Harry's hand, and pulling him out of the door.

Once they made it to The Hall Closet, Harry sat Luna on a chair and ordered a gillywater for her and a butterbeer for himself. Harry then turned to his grieving love, and enfolded her in his arms.

"Dear-heart, what has you so wound up?" Harry started, "We just left, and you are about to go to pieces. And you are radiating grief."

"Did Mrs. Granger tell you her short term plans for after she and Hermione reconcile?" Luna was on the verge of crying. Her words were coming slowly, as if it were painful to speak.

"About Hermione needing to stay here with them? Yes, she mentioned it." Harry was putting as much comfort as he could into both his words, and their shared tie.

"Harry, we aren't firm yet! We three are only just starting to work out how to be, and already we are being divided. I…I'm not ready to be away from either of you. Yet I have to choose; how, how do I choose between the two of you? I was so happy that Hermione could fix her relationship with her parents, now I can't help but wish she doesn't. And I feel horrible for hoping she, or her mum, get stubborn about something." Luna was speaking softly, but with a great deal of passion.

Harry raised Luna's head from his shoulder and kissed her forehead. A move that surprised his upset love greatly; the love he was pouring into their tie seemed to be surprising her as well.

"Harry, how can you still love me for wanting Hermione to fail?" Luna queried.

"How can I not love the wonderful person you are Luna? As we left the Granger's house, you gave our love the best advice you could. In spite of the fact it was tearing you up inside to do so."

Harry took a deep breath before he continued. Some of Mrs. Granger's actions seemed clearer to him now.

"We three: you, Hermione, and I are not threatened by this. Hermione's parents are both intelligent, and understanding. They watch and see more than most people do. Why do you think Mrs. Granger went out of her way to call you daughter? Before, I might add, she told Hermione about the plan to keep Hermione her with her. I think she wanted you to know that this isn't a ploy to separate us; I got to cry into her shoulder as well, when she called me family…son."

Luna looked up, surprised by his admission, but Harry could tell, she was calming a bit. Their tie no longer pulsed with grief; sadness could be felt now, and a bit of longing as well.

"She, and I think her husband as well, have accepted us. And Luna, you can be strong enough. You are strong enough. You are overly tired right now because you were strong enough to comfort our Hermione when she needed it. You pieced two people back together using only a bit of support from me. You presented your calming face to a chaotic room filled with tension and worry. You have grown while we were on this trip. You no longer need Hermione and me. I am very pleased you want us, but you no longer have to have us."

Harry prevented Luna from shaking her head no and continued.

"When we started this trip, you were too hurt and lonely to assert yourself. Now, we are building a three way relationship, and your strength is necessary for our family to work. I know I depend on your strength, I am sure Hermione depends on it. I know of no one else who can fight their fears by actively confronting them the way you do. And look at the progress you have made. Wasn't it only two mornings ago that you asked me to join you in the shower? When we started you would sneak into the shower in the hope it did not inconvenience either Hermione or I."

Luna stopped Harry from speaking by putting a finger against his lips. "But I am not well, I still fear." She admitted.

"Dear-heart, what is our credo?" Harry asked.

Luna looked confused for a moment, and then a light dawned and the first smile Harry had seen since leaving the house peeked through. "You won't give up on me." Came the answer.

Harry nodded his approval, and kissed her forehead again, letting his pride in her tickle their tie as he affirmed her answer. "Yes, and that credo applies to all of us. I am not perfect; Hermione is not perfect; and as close as you seem to be to me, you are not perfect. We have supported Hermione in this quest, and when all seemed lost we didn't give up on her. You two have supported me as I had to fight through my nightmares and guilt. Hermione and I do our best to support you, and help you grow past your fears. That is a part of what being a family means. Truly we were a type of family before I suggested we recognize it and move it a bit further."

Since his love's smile was a bit bigger now, and the grief had nearly disappeared, Harry couldn't help smiling at his dear-heart and teasing her a bit. "I mean really, there I was, surrounded by two of the most sexy and lovable girls I know. How could I not want to get my hands on you two?"

It was a sign of exactly how far Luna had come; that instead of freezing in fear, or striking out blindly, she sat there and blinked for a minute, and then blushed while collapsing into Harry's side. "Merlin Harry! That was very underhanded." She groused.

"As underhanded as caressing Hermione's breast in front of her mum?" Harry replied.

"Uhh, umm…well maybe." Luna answered, with a grin, and then as she sat up she turned serious again. "Thank you Harry. I am not sure what I would have done without you this morning."

Harry shrugged his shoulders a bit and looked bashful.

"But we will need to figure out how to be a long distance threesome." Luna brought up the concern that had started her breakdown.

"Is a heart tie affected by distance?" Harry wondered.

"Harry! I am not going to just hide here and send you off!" Came the angry response.

"I am not asking you to, dear-heart I was more wondering if we couldn't combine our ties with Hermione a bit sooner than we had originally planed. I am not looking forward to being away from her for any length of time either."

"Oh." Luna whispered as she realized where Harry was going. "I am not quite sure, Harry love. Daddy said he could always feel mummy wherever she was. I do not know if that applies to crossing oceans."

"Can the ties be enhanced at all? So we could like talk or understand more than emotions?" Harry continued with his line of thought since it had not been shot down yet.

"I think so, Harry love, but I will need to study the family spell book first to be sure." Luna said with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Mrs. Granger did say you planned on returning to England with me. So we can get that spell book while we try to figure out the single most important question of our time." Harry fought his smile as he tried to set up his dear-heart.

It was working, as Luna's face took on a confused look of worry. "What question is that, Harry?"

"Why, which of the three or four manor houses we own between us, we plan on living in, of course." Harry delivered the question in a serious tone, even though he was smiling nearly from ear to ear.

The Hall Closet was treated to a sight Harry had come to love, his dear-heart smiling her famous smile, while laughing out loud.

Saving People and Making Plans

The meetings with the healers followed, and Harry was very surprised at how much he was questioned. Both healers had noticed Luna was casting her spell through Harry, and wanted to get as much information from him as they could about this new technique. All previous methods of channeling power involved the channel, or power source as it was explained to Harry, pushing power to whoever was doing the actual spell casting.

Instead of the using this time honored method, Luna had cast her spell through Harry, and, based on the notes and dialogistic spell they had cast, Luna had been able to channel Harry's magic more efficiently then the healers had thought possible. It was normal for a healing spell of the strength Luna was using to need a channel. It was very unusual for the caster and channel to be able to cast two such spells within an hour of each other. Normally it would take a day or two for the both caster and channel to recover.

While Luna went off with a couple of the oldest healers Harry had ever seen to check the hospital's library for any references for the spell Luna had used, Harry was taken to a room holding a couple of very sick people, including one person who had been paralyzed. Thirty minutes later, Luna returned with three books to find Harry, sitting exhausted on a chair, while both patients were being wheeled to more normal rooms.

The news that a single channel had been able to power two intense healings in under an hour had the entire hospital excited. According to the books, it would have been impossible to heal the paralyzed patient with less than two healers and as many as four channels working together. That a single channel had succeeded and had still been strong enough to assist with yet another major healing performed by a different healer, would cause a huge break through in intensive healing.

Once back outside and walking down the alley to the next appointment at the Aurors' office, Luna alternated between gently scolding Harry for exhausting himself, and teasing him about his 'saving people' complex. "I mean really, Harry love, you didn't know either of those people."

The Aurors' office took nearly as much time as the hospital had. There seemed to be a communication issue between what Luna was saying and what the senior Aurors were hearing. Finally Harry heard the difference and pointed out that Luna was saying she was 'raising' a ward, she was not 'casting', or 'setting' a ward. One of the older Auror's became really quiet, and then excused himself to go to his library. When he returned, he was carrying a book that appeared to be hundreds of years old. In that book was a reference to raising a ward. After that the discussion progressed much more quickly.

Still, it was nearly five before Harry and Luna found themselves walking up the path to the Grangers' door. The door opened before they got to it, and a brunette missile launched from the doorway and into the now waiting arms of Harry and Luna.

"They still love me!" Was the only phrase Hermione seemed to be able to get out. But she was saying it over and over again.

Seeing Hermione this happy was a new experience for Harry. He was sure he had never seen his Gryffindor love so happy that she seemed to bubbling over. Luna smiled her bright smile and handed Hermione off to Harry so the two of them could dance, yes dance, across the lawn.

Once Hermione had calmed enough to re-enter her parent's home, both Harry and Luna were met at the door by Robyn and Evan. And to the surprise of Hermione, both Harry and Luna were greeted by both of her parents with hugs, and Evan gave Luna a quick kiss on her forehead as well.

Dinner was anything but quiet, and was half over before Evan bluntly asked Hermione to allow Harry and Luna to tell about their own day.

"Harry is famous again, Mione love." Luna started. "He managed to save two total strangers from spending months in the hospital."

"Luunnaa!" Harry whined.

"What, Harry love? Didn't you hear the wireless broadcast as we left The Hall Closet?" Luna teased.

"It was more that I hoped you hadn't heard it, dear-heart." Harry sulked.

"Whoa, hold on here." Evan interjected. "Let me get this straight. You, Harry, are upset because you somehow helped two people heal?"

"No, that not quite right," Luna giggled, "Harry is upset because he is suddenly famous for helping to heal two total strangers."

Hermione could only stare at the two of them, and ask Harry's famous question. "Huh?"

His sulk mostly over, Harry answered. "Not only did our Luna perform an unknown spell on your parents, to help strengthen her spell, she also used me in a manner the healers had never seen or thought of before. So while Luna was in the hospital's library, I was questioned and taken to an examining room where a couple of healers tried to cast some simple healing spells through me, to see if they could use some of my magic to power those spells. Once they were able to do that, it was strongly suggested that I help with a couple of critical patients that had just arrived."

"When I came up from the library, there were only two healers still interested in what I found." Luna picked up the tale. "It seems a totally unknown Brit had just powered a spell it would normally take two healers and four channels to perform and had been able to perform another major healing within five minutes. They were calling in the press for a conference."

"Soleil, love? Shouldn't you be getting some of this credit?" asked Hermione.

"They were very clever, Mione love." Replied a calm and collected Luna. "I was not there when they asked Harry to help. Not that I mind, as they are going to discover it won't work for everyone, or for all types of healings."

"Are you sure, Luna dear?" Robyn asked, and was dumbfounded when Luna smiled her bright smile, and then turned to the chair next to hers and started sobbing into Hermione's shoulder.

"Come on dear-heart, it is time to put you to bed." Harry put words to actions as he stood and lifted his little Ravenclaw from Hermione and took her upstairs to the bed room the girls were sharing.

Hermione followed Harry up the stairs, and between the two of them they got Luna into her nightgown. Harry thoroughly kissed Luna, before going back downstairs to explain, leaving Hermione upstairs with Luna.

"What did I do wrong?" Was nearly the first thing out of Robyn's mouth as Harry re-entered the room.

"Wrong? Nothing, you did nothing wrong. What you did was call Luna 'dear'. She has been on more emotional ups and downs in the last several days than she could take. On top of two nights of not enough sleep; finding out Hermione and I love her; healing you two, finding out you want to keep Hermione here; finding out you accept her as family for herself; we had a much more stressful day than either of us expected. Your kindness and willingness to go to bat for her was too much."

"Okay, I was hoping to spend some time with her tonight, but that can wait." Evan said. "How are you doing yourself?"

"I am about the give it up for the night as well." Harry replied. "I had more sleep the night before, but actually less last night. And it really was a pretty stressful day. Neither of the visits went as we expected them to go. Not for any wrong reasons, but still it adds up to my being exhausted."

Harry paused for a second and continued. "But before I go, I would like the highlights from your day. Based on Hermione's reaction you are going to rebuild your relationship with her, but I know nothing more than that."

"Luna gets two really big hugs and perhaps a kiss in the morning." Robyn answered. "First, she gave Hermione some really good advice before she left; second, she somehow knocked Hermione off of her normal composure. And I did not let her get it back. We were bawling into each other's necks before the clock had struck ten, and actually nearly comfortable again before Evan got home."

"It was scary how much the two of them were able to get done." Evan announced. "All I had to do was show my face and I had my little girl back. And all in an afternoon, my little girl grew four years to a young woman."

"You do know that I, at least, cannot stay here fulltime." Harry said. "Now that you and Hermione are reconciled, I will need to return to England within the week. Luna is planning to come with me to look up the heart bonds in her family spell books. If she finds what she is looking for, we could be back soon. We will want to have Hermione join us with the same kind of bond Luna and I share. It will help with the separation, I hope."

"Please try to plan for Christmas here, Harry." Robyn suggested. "And you know you can stay longer if you wish."

"I think I can promise to be here for Christmas." Harry smiled as he said it. "Since it appears I now have family here."

-Heart's Home Chapter 3 End-

A/N: I know no French, so I hope I did not offend anyone or get the phrases used in this chapter wrong. I used ets dot freetranslation dot com to come up with these phrases.

yeux verts green eyes

clémence d'en haut Mercy from above

vous êtes mon soleil You are my sunshine

dans le vin, la vérité In wine, truth

dans le vin, le courage In wine, courage

Less formal version from NettieT: tu es mon soleil (thanks NettieT)

When I first started this chapter I was sure it would be shorter than the previous one. HA, boy was I wrong. I am showing a word count of over 20,000. Some is this note and the disclaimer and such. But 20,000? That is the longest of anything I have written. And I didn't get quite as far as I had planned. The first scene for the next chapter will still be at the Granger's house instead of England as I had planned.