Well, hell, like I knew! I took a deep breath, centering myself, "We... we need to go further into the tunnel and stay. Once we all get some sleep we'll figure out what to do. I don't know about you, but I'm too freaked to think straight."
"I agree with Zoey. We'll all be much better at thinking if we get away from here and get some sleep," Aphrodite said, running her fingers through her hair. Darius was standing protectivly behind her, his eyes scanning the tunnel. Shaunee and Erin were squished against each other, shaking and completely frazzled. Stevie Rae stood beside me, her hands on her hips, frowning. The red fledglings were all huddled together, trembling. Damien and Jack were holding hands while Jack was crying quietly with Duchess pressed to his leg. And last but certainly not least was Erik. He stood away from everyone else, in the corner, but I could feel his brilliant blue eyes on my face.
"Good idea. My friends and I will lead the way. We know the tunnels by heart," Stevie Rae said, motioning for the red fledglings to follow. Slowly, everyone began walking away with Stevie Rae. Erik and I were at the back of the line, walking side by side.
Oh freakin' please! Erik wasn't too far away from me, but it was far enough to make me sad. I missed him like crazy. More than crazy, so much it was insane. I wanted more than anything to be friends again. Boyfriend and girlfriend again. The space between us was awkward and tense as we walked. This sucks! I friggin' screwed up big time. Ugh, I need to stop dwelling about it. Maybe, just maybe, things might work out.
"Zoey..." Erik began, unsure.
I looked up at him, more than shocked. Did he just say my name, or am I crazier than I thought?
He lifted his eyes to meet mine and I could see the conflict in them. "After what just happened...I think I can understand why you lied. It doesn't excuse what you did, but I think I understand why you did. With Blake...what you said earlier confused me. I didn't realize that it was like that. I'm sorry."
Oh. My. God. He was more than amazing as I looked at him. I couldn't believe my ears. Was he really apologizing to me? Me? Oh, no way. "Erik, I was a bitch. I was just freaked though. And Neferet...Well there's no excuse for what I did. I realize that. But Erik, I never meant to hurt you. Never. I'm so so so sorry." I stared into his eyes, trying to read them. But before I could, he turned his face away. From what I could see, he was deep in thought, so I kept quiet.
It was that way for the rest of the walk.
"Okay, we'll stop and rest here. We've got a little spot set up." Stevie Rae's voice came from further down the tunnel.
"Matress? No way! Oh, that's way better than the floor!" Erin said.
"I couldn't agree more, Twin." Shaunee agreed. I heard a plop and then a sigh.
As I reached them I made out at least seven matresses. I froze when I began thinking of who was sleeping with who and realized that Erik and I were the only ones left with no one to sleep with.
"Z?" Damian asked, looking at me with concern.
I shook my head, "Nothing, nothing. I was just thinking."
He gave me a weird, worried look but turned his attention to his bed, curling up with Jack. I listened to the sighs of everyone settling down before I even glanced at Erik, who's eyes were closed as he laid quietly on a matress. Beside him was the only available spot.
I stared at him, way too nervous to move even a muscle.
"You won't get any sleep just staring." Came Erik's voice. One of his amazing blue eyes was peeking up at me, a small smile hovering on the corner of his lips.
"I...I'll just sleep on the floor," I said quickly.
He sighed, "Zoey, no." He held open a sleeping bag, "Please."
I nodded, and shaking horribly, I lay next to him.
"Z, relax." His arms slid around my waist, pulling me against his body and I about faint. I missed him so much.
"You...you don't have to do that, you know." I said. Oh, why was I saying that?! Pfffft, I wanted more than anything for him to do that. To have his arms around me again. And I wanted to kiss him...Oh did I want to kiss him.
"I know...but Z, I want to." He said quietly. I heard him sigh and felt his breath blow against the back of my neck. I shivered and his arms tightened.
"Why?" I asked stubbornly.
"Because I still care about you, Z. Against my better judgment, I can't stop caring about you."
I trembled with pleasure. Oh my god! Erik Knight still cares about me! Oh that's definitely a silver lining in this hellish place.
"Get some sleep, Zoey. You've got a lot of thinking to do later, my High Priestess."
I snuggled into his warm body and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep in his arms.