As the Sausage sizzled in the pan I leaned against the counter with my head down. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about…. I'm wondering why Alice is looking at me like that. She sighed and shook at her head and she gracefully sank down into a kitchen chair. She continued to look at me with too much concern in her molten gold eyes. Apparently she heard my heard start to speed up in a bit of annoyance.

"Alright calm down, Bella" she said as she reluctantly looked away. I set the sausages on a plate and a paper towel for the fat to drip off. Then the seasoned eggs went in the pan sizzling loudly on contact.

"UGH! ", I heard before the heat was turned all the way up and Alice was sonic-stirring the eggs and putting them on a plate for Charlie. All this was super fast and I couldn't see her and before the spatula started to fall she was back with a plate to get the food. Wait when did she get a plate?

"Charlie your breakfast is ready!" She called as she grabbed my arm and whipped me outside. "This is ridiculous" , I heard her mutter, " why the hell did we go anywhere? …. For her protection….grow old… happy… thinks he's always right …crap." We were in Carlisle's car and she was revving the engine quite angrily.

"U… Alice?"

"Yes, Bella" she quickly reverted back to sugar and cinnamon. Pfft pretty good. " The steering wheel knows you drive it…indentation don't have to be made." She pried her fingers from the steering wheel there were Alice's finger sized indentation in the leather. "Oh, yes, ok then off we go"

She pulled out an I heard the screaming of the tires against the asphalt. I didn't want to ask where we were going off to just yet. I was afraid. As the trees passed in a green blur I tried not to think, to keep my mind blank as my vision was full of all different shades of green. That was too hard. It's time to talk.

I looked over at Alice and saw a stony face; it wasn't what I was used to. She looked so cold and detached instead of the warm nosey Alice I know I knew.

"Alice, why did you leave with them?!" I blurted. Way to put a combat boot in my mouth. She heaved a sigh.

"They are my family, Bella. I consider you my family as well, of course. But though I didn't agree with Edward's way of going about your protection I did agree with him on the fact, Bella, the fact that we are dangerous to you. I didn't want to go I knew this would make you less than happy. But …. I don't know how to explain, Bella. Do you get what I'm saying?" She looked me in the eye then.

"Yes. I-I do. I was j-just so lost without you guys. Alice, I didn't know wh-hat to do. "

Before I knew it she was pulling over, I was bawling, and she was hugging me. I bawled. I cried. I wailed and snotted up her shirt and drenching it in salt water. It probably cost more than Charlie's house. I sniffled before I realized that. I sniffled some more as she whispered soothing words in my ear.

OH, oh I am SO sorry, oh gosh – ", I started to dry and dry her of with my sleeve. It was not working.

" Bella! Bella it's fine it's just a shirt, " She laughed. " When are you going to stop apologizing. Really Bella don't worry so much, that's not your job." Then she smiled at me and that smile had…a lot of… love in it. It sort of threw me off for a second. "Ok," I murmured.

"Awwriiiiiighhhhttt!" she exclaimed, " Let's go! Again." As we pulled of in a quick second, that small moment my…sister..and I just had, just that little moment made me realize I would probably be fine.

I sniffled again. "So," I started. " Where are we off to?" I asked. A malicious grin grew across her face. A very large malicious grin. I am very sorry I asked now. As she stomped on the accelerator she told me…

"We, Bella, are off to the MALL!"