Hello everybody don't i'm still writing True Love be at last through Time, this story written before i started on that. This story takes place after Twilight and is my view on New
Moon. Which means no Victoria nor that annoying Jacob.. All kudos goes to SM for she's the fairest of them all. Not i'm not a professional writer and there going to be errors. So i'm begging anybody please be my beta!

My name is Isabella Marie Swan and it's been two years since the love of my life left me lying in the forest. Searching for him and desperately waiting for him to come back. He had told me that it would be like he never existed in my life. I knew these words would forever haunt me everyday till my death. I so willingly believed every word that he told me. That I would be Edwards forever; even thinking those words now put me to pain. After Edward left my life forever changed. There was nothing to live forward to anymore. I would go to school and go about life but there no fooling Charlie anymore. It got pretty worse as they months went on. I knew it hurt him to see me broken. Finally he told he was sending be back to mother in Florida. I just exploded with range, threatening to kill myself if I had to go. Telling my farther I would just rather die than me with my mother. He got really worried and he talked mom and they decided I needed help. So finally they made me talk with a shrink. How the hell do I tell somebody I fell for a vampire and that his family had certain gifts and they were vegetarians. They would think I was truly insane if said the words out loud. I decided to go and talk to Dr. Lewis and I did. He asked me out my relationship with Edward and his family. I had to lie to keep him safe, even if he was never coming back for. I promised I would keep that secret forever. But things started to get to get better; I really did start believing I was healing. Until one day at lunch Lauren just pushed me entirely too far off the edge of my mental capacity. I don't what happened I just started screaming louder and louder. Mike, Angela, Ben, Taylor tried to clam me down but I couldn't stop screaming. Finally they had to contain me, because I realized I was cutting my wrist to the veins. They rushed me to the hospital and it was there Dr. Lewis told Charlie that I need phycratic help immediately Dr. Lewis said what I was going through was a sever mental breakdown and needed to place in an insane asylum. Charlie and Renee both agreed it would be for the best of my health I went away for awhile to get some help. These are the last of my memories of the boy I once loved and till this day faded memories of him still withhold inside

Sunday March 18, 2008

Today was like every other day I was here in Seattle-Hawkins Mental Insane Asylum. What a mouth full to say. Such a depressing name for a hospital, I looked at the clock on the same plain white corner. The clock read noon, soon enough I'd have my daily talk with Dr. Lewis. Even in two fricking years he still believed I would get better and no longer mentally unstable. What a load of….
"Bella" Nurse Harwood called; it's time for session with Dr. Lewis now, so follow me please
Nurse Harwood was a nice enough person, she rarely bothered me and than again she was a prude heartless bitch. Always smiling to everybody and so freaking cheerful about everything. I so wanted to kick her ass, you're in a fricking mental hospital. What's there to be so cheerful for? It's not like she getting any sometime soon.
I walked along with the banshee to Dr. Lewis over expensive office, surly he was stealing for the hospital funds. It was like a college Deans office for crying out loud.
" Hello Bella how are we doing today?"

"I'm doing just peachy Doc"
Dr. Lewis said again" Why must you be so smart with me all the time, I'm here to help with your problems Bella"

I replied "I'm not in the mood to have a sharing time, besides I rather be in the room with bouncy walls again, than listen to you go on about my issues"
"I'm being serious Miss Sawn, lets try to talk about Edward today"

Hearing that name just sent pain throw my heart, like someone was stabbing me repeatedly but I still have no clue why that named burned me from the inside out
"I rather not talk about that Dr. Lewis, being I don't give a freak anymore. All I remember is that he left me and I went through some issues"

"Bella you cut yourself severally and you almost burned down your house with Charlie in it, and how you attacked a guard for listening to music. That's pretty far fetched if I might say"
Thinking to myself okay the guard was pushing it a little, but that song was like some kind of lullaby song. I think it was or maybe I was truly losing my mind?
Dr. Lewis stared at me that replied "Do we also need to mention the loss some memories of yours Miss Swan, all you said the first week was "Edward" and nothing more. I know the shock therapy was too much but there is going to be wholes in your memory"

I was silent for a moment, trying to remember… I responded "I do don't remember Edward clearly but nothing all that much about his family" Why?

"Miss Sawn when you first arrived that's all you talk about his family, do you remember telling me anything about them?"

"Not really Dr. Lewis it's just like there not inside my memory anymore, all there is are bits and pieces of Edward"
" I know Bella, but we did take actions and you agreed, we thought if the shock therapy worked you would become better"
I asked Dr. Lewis, " Than why am I still in this place?"
Dr. Lewis reminded me why. "Bella you're still very fragile and with the shock therapy; I admit it set us back a little on your release"
"I understand Dr. Lewis, can I go back to room now and sleep?"

"Yes Bella you may, I'll call Nurse Harwood to return you back to your room"

(As I began to get up and walk toward the door Dr. Lewis said something and I turned toward him)

"Miss Swan I forgot to tell an old friend of mine is coming into Seattle next week for business and I've told him about you and he seems interested to talk with you"
"He believes he can help you cope with getting better, he's very skilled in medicine and he's giving a try to help with people who are in your condition"

I looked at him with a daze almost and the words flew out of my mouth
"That would great Dr. Lewis to try a new angle of getting me better and getting out this place finally"
After our talk Nurse Bitch came and got me to put me back to sleep.

Tuesday March 27, 2008(Edward Cullen, Alaska)

Everyday seems it was getting better but the pain never stopped hurting me, always thinking of her and thinking of getting out of here and going back to Forks to beg her to take me back. But I knew she would have moved on without me by now and probably dating that pervert Mike Newton. Knowing he could have her in a way I never could. Just thinking about her with another man; so I decided I would talk with Carlisle and ask him what I should do?
"Carlisle I called to him, he was sitting on the sofa watching CNN. He was studying the TV about some stupid pop princess shaving her head or whatever. He looked up at me
"Yes what is it Edward?"
"Carlisle I need to see Bella just for a few seconds, to check up on her and see if she's ok"

He stared at me and than sighed quietly

"Edward you agreed it would be better to let her live her life out and move on without your presence, besides we all made the decision the leave Forks as a family and start over"

"I know what I said Carlisle but I just need to see her face one more time"

"Please Carlisle"

"Edward I'm sorry but she might have moved on with her life and it is possible as she'll be in school somewhere else, and I doubt Chef Swan would not want to see you as well."

"Fine Carlisle I'll listen to you this time but I'm done making promises after this"

"Very well Edward, just let a little more time pass onward. For now come with me to Seattle."

"What's so important in Seattle Carlisle?"

"One of my friends Dr. Lewis is having some issues with a patient of his and asked if I could step in and help out"

"A mental patient Carlisle, since when did you start learning about crazy people?"

"Edward it's been an interest of mine since the 1940's"
"Oh, so what with this nut job anyway Carlisle"

"Dr. Lewis hasn't given me a lot of info on her but he says they tried treating her with shock therapy"

"Carlisle that seems a little barbaric don't you think, to use such massive measures on a person. What was the result of it?"

"From what Dr. Lewis says it's caused her to lose a good portion of her hurtful memories but some still lingerie inside her mind and she's still very depressed."

As I stared at Carlisle some odd sense came over like there was going to be a surprise waiting for me
Carlisle stared back at me waiting for some kind of response "Yes I'd like to join so I can read her thoughts. When do we leave for Seattle?"

Carlisle responded" We leave tomorrow morning for Seattle Edward"
"Sounds good to me" I responded

Ohhh there's going to be some DRAMA! So what'd you all think of it. I actually wasn't ontending on posting this story before hand. But my friend Annie thought it was good enough and she inspired me to post it. There's more to come soon!