Okay here's the well awaited chapter 8 of the Mental Patient, which as of now it currently on hiatus and will be back sometime late February or March. I want to thank you all for the lovely reviews and the support!
Kudos to SM for Twilight and it's characters
The Awakening Part 2 (April 5, 2008- The Cullen Home-Edward Cullen)
It had just been midnight when Drusilla had started the exorcism of Bella, the darkness that had taken her over and suppressed her thoughts of me and my family. We brought her to my bed room to perform the exorcism so it would be somewhere safe for her where nobody could interfere… We told her what we were going to do and her attitude dramatically changed in a split second like whatever was inside her knew what was going to happen. She began yelling words at us so I had to hold her down so she wouldn't harm herself. I got on top of her body which was shaking violently underneath me. I couldn't stop it and some force hurled me across the room, to stop me from holding her down. Lucky Carlisle came to my aid to help me up and it was than we saw this black cloud emerge from Bella's body, there was Drusilla moving like a wild person moving rapidly up and down chanting in some unknown language to me…
As we watched this happening I kept looking at Bella, I could tell she was in unbearable pain and wanting to die about now. Than I realized Bella's heartbeat weakening slowly, I knew that she was dying and I couldn't do anything about it.. Drusilla was still chanting and I couldn't disturb the process so I had to wait in agony while the love of my life was slowly slipping away from me. Finally it was over and Drusilla clasped to the ground, while I ran to Bella's side and I could hear her heart beat stopping less and less by the seconds until it stopped. She was dead… The love of my life, the one I've waited a century for was dead in my arms… I couldn't handle this anymore I couldn't live with out here in my life. There was only one way to save here. I felt the venom in my mouth and I was ready to bite her but Carlisle grabbed by the shoulders and threw me out of the room. I was furious with him, why wouldn't he let me bit here. To save her from death… In disbelief I managed to find myself downstairs, there on the couch my family sit wondering what had happened and that in strained voice I said the words
"Bella's dead" When those words came out of my mouth there was no sound in the house, there faces were in shock and Alice just rain out of the room… Jasper followed her shortly to see if she was going to be okay. Rose and Emmet were just sitting there not saying anything but I could hear their thoughts, they couldn't believe it and they were sad… They both got up and were at my side…
Rose spoke in a soft voice rather than her usual way "Edward… I'm sorry this happened this way… Don't beat yourself up about this, things will work out somehow, I'm sure Carlisle will think of something… But her thoughts were a different thing "Poor Edward he's going to lose his mind over this one, I guess he truly did love. I admit I envy that girl"
Than it was Emmet's turn at my side in a cool voice he tried to seem calm but I could tell he wasn't. "Rose is right Edward I'm sure Carlisle will come up with something"
I wasn't keeping my defense up and I could hear his thoughts " G-d he's going to kill himself over this, the once person he's found in over a century dies on him, there's no way he'll ever get over this on. I have to think of ways to cheer him up, maybe hunting some lions in the mountains this week will help, and I hope so. I had stopped listening in and then I herd random medical facts; it was Carlisle walking down stairs. He wasn't thinking of Bella but trying to throw me off. He stopped about half-way and looked me in the eyes and in a low whisper with some sadness hinted
"Edward I'm so sorry I tried everything to revive Bella and nothing worked… No Edward it was already too late to change her… I know this hard but we must leave Forks immediately, we can't stay here anymore… People are getting even more suspicious now of us and our ages. It's best we leave now" I felt so enraged at this moment and I couldn't stand it here anymore. Why be here anymore, the love of my life is dead! I have nothing to live for anymore...
"What about Bella's body?"
Carlisle turned my way and answered inside his thought "It's already been taking care of Edward" That night we left Forks, Washington and never to looked back on it ever again
(Winter- 2108)
It was like I was in time warp or something the town hadn't changed all that much in a century, well noticeable differences from the streets and houses and some new places that was about it. It still however was too green and moss everywhere I wanted to scream… I guess this how I first felt when I arrived here to live with Charlie… Nothings really changes when you live forever.
Our house was nice I rarely cared of how things looked though, all this money we had and it was just there, we wore what we felt like we should. We all hand our styles and I guess somewhere in a century my clothing options changed. No more dull things only the best for me. I know I sound like Rose or Alice but than again they were right. As I was trying to concentrate on my thoughts I kept hearing my name being called but not out loud, it was Aphrodite she had such a little voice but that girl could kick anyone's ass including Emmet Cullen's.
"Oh my god Bella how in the world did you ever fend off in such a place like this, it's basically in the middle of nowhere, what human would live here. It's so very depressing and I don't like it one bit"
Giving her my classic look I told her "Aphrodite I swear just drop the British tone already, were in Fork Washington where nobody in their right mind would talk like that, besides we left Britain twenty years ago move on already… ahhhhh."
In her normal tone, sort of nasal tone like that girl Lauren "Whatever Bella just suck all the fun out of everything as usual. This why nobody took you to the parties in Paris cause your a party pooper."
Staring at Aphrodite with a somewhat glare "I'm sorry I'm the reasonable one in this family, bye the way where is everybody Aphrodite"
She stared at me somewhat confused "I don't know Bella you're the mind reader and future extraordinary in the family just call everyone out"
I hated calling people in there minds especially my family, there always thinking which one of them would kill a human first or which one would ruin a building and some other things I managed to block out, this is going to be annoying to them and me. Here goes!
"Aphrodite, Gabriel, Poseidon and Abigail we need to speak" they said the usual like Bella ok we'll be right there and umm me and Poseidon are busy at the moment give us ten minutes, so I waited down stairs for them admiring my nails, which need a petty… I looked up and everyone was there, all the at once asked what's up?
"Well since you all ask why I called you here, there some rules about Forks… No showing off of anything fancy, we need to keep to ourselves as well and no involving humans in on secret okay!
That's about it, and no Gabe there will be any of that in school either well school hours, so that's everything and we start school tomorrow bright and early! Okay were dismissed. I felt like Renee addressing everybody just now. It was odd"
The next morning was easier I guess but thankfully it wasn't raining today the weather was nice thankfully,my look out angel didn't give me the ability to have glittering skin unlike my family, so I was able to be in the nice weather whenever they weren't in school due to camping. We all got into my SUV and I shut my eyes to see if anything would happen and of course nothing. Just a lot of people staring at us and wishing to hook up with my sisters of course. Some people already hating us…
I opened my eyes and we were off to Forks High School, as always this school brought back memories of my human life. From my ill-fated near death experience with Tyler's van, Mike Newton always hitting on me like a dog, being in biology with Edward and how he use to look at me. Than of course the prom with my broke leg… I should just find that bitch Victoria and kill her myself… She would never see it coming and I knew where she was anyway… As we were pulling into the parking lot my eyes caught guard of a shiny Volvo.. I almost ran over some humans when I saw the car, thankfully Abby caught wind and took over the controls.
Abby looked at me and said "Bella what the hell was that about?"
I tried to stay calm and not freak out, so yeah Abby my ex-vampire boyfriend is here at school and I'm forever in love with him… "Abby I wish I could say but were bound to meet them sometime today"
Abby looked at me in a confused way and shook it off, we found a parking spot and we all got out and headed towards the office…
Already the bell rang and I entered my first class. I walked in and all eyes were on me, of course what do you expect from every human male and including the teacher. There thoughts usually consisted of who's going to get with me, who's going to ask me out first, who's going to marry me and of course who's going to have a one night stand with me. I though there minds would change since my days of being mortal but of course not, still the same in every way…
School was passing bye in a blur which was a good thing, the bell for lunch sounded and I meet my brothers and sisters inside the lunch room, as we walked in all eyes came to us including the Cullen's who were in the lunch line, I listened in on there thoughts.
Rose " Who the hell do they think there, showing up when already vampires live here, great now we have to make nice with them, somebody shoot me"
Emmet "This is going to be interesting to see how we all get a long I'm sure Rose is just thrilled I bet, haha… who's the girl in the blue shirt, it seems like I knew her from somewhere
Jasper "I don't like having other vampires in our town, you can't trust them and why is that girl in the blue shirt keep staring at us, something isn't right about her"
Alice "Why didn't I see this coming, new vampires in school… How exciting especially that girl in the blue I can tell were going to be best friends, hum something about her that I know but I can't put my finger on it ….
Edward "Looks like there's a new family of vampires in town, this should interesting to see and why do I get the strangest feeling that the girl in the blue is reading my mind. Let's see what she's thinking, that's weird I'm not getting anything, she reminds me of Bella so much… Could it be possible that she survived somehow? But she's been dead for nearly a century and I still can't get over here… I still love here…
We walked outside and found a table big enough; everything was going well and we were talking about our class until I herd someone shouting, I turned my head and there was Rose furious inside… She never changes at all does she? I didn't want to pay anymore attention and soon enough the Cullen's all were there, from behind Rose walked in Edward with that crooked smile that would have sent my heart beating into overdrive if I was still human though… As always he spoke in such a musical voice, I so wanted to tell him that it was me his Bella! But of course I can't do that and expose the truth of me, not even my family knew my true origins of my past life… He came a few inches closer and spoke
"I'm so terrible sorry but it seems you're in our seats, would you mind moving to another?" I looked into his topaz eyes and of course he was suspicious of me.
I looked to my brothers and sisters and I told not to say a word to the Cullen's, of course Emmet had to barge in and say something "Why don't you just pick up your food and move to that table in the corner" he high fived Jasper. Edward shook his head in shame…
I turned to Emmet and I reached inside his thoughts "Now Emmet that's not nice to say to me and my family on our first day, would it?" He jumped back for a quick second like he was scared…I could see the Cullen's were surprised by what just happened and annoying enough Edward kept trying to break through my thoughts but couldn't, so I just sent a little pain to stay out of course he flinched…
He spoke with a growl in his voice "How the hell do did you just get in my thoughts?"
I looked to Emmet's eyes answered him in thought " Now Emmet how do think", I giggled lightly and he was still shocked, than my eyes darted to Rose, " I wouldn't do that if I were you Rose, you really wouldn't want to make a scene out of this… Would you?" Her eyes grew bigger in shock and Rose " Stop yelling dear it's very annoying and un-lady like" I smirked at her and I saw Alice's face frozen, she must be having a vision… I rather not butt in on it, besides I really didn't care. The atmosphere seemed to get calmer around us and I looked to Jasper whose thoughts were going a million miles per hour,
"Now Jasper, I don't like when people play with my emotions you really don't want to this" I sent a mental pain to him and he fell to the ground, the Cullen's were at his side and growling at us wanting to fight, which really neither the time nor place… I would have to yell at them all now… I prepared my anger voice to project into there thoughts
" Listen up Cullen's this is neither the place fight nor the time, we will meet after school at your house and work matters out than, for now we leave the table" My family stood up with me and we were gone in second, I could still manage to hear there voices wondering what I am and who we really are. It killed me being such a bitch to the Cullen's but they couldn't know who I really am, The Archangel Gabriel told me never to let anyone know who I truly am, so I never said a thing
… I called our parents and told them where we will be after school and they agreed not to meet them yet… they wanted me to read there minds again and be sure this time that no one will harm us, but the Cullen's could never do that…I couldn't think that…
School was over by now and we were heading our way towards the Cullen's home which didn't take that long, We stopped front center of the Cullen's driveway and if my heart still beat it would be going into over drive right about know, being here again brought back some fussy memoires and happy ones as well. I hope Edward doesn't notice who I really am, he's been suffering too long I just wish I could tell him, but I promised never to reveal my true self to anyone. Again complicated…
We walked slowly into the Cullen's house… still with its beauty I felt like I was truly at home… They were sitting on couches and chairs along with Abby and Gabe, who quickly sat down and relaxed as usual while us the rest of us McDaniel's stood close together.
I'm so thankful for my fans and the support that i've been given and to those who've subscribed and etc to my story thank you all!