Title: Moving Forward
Author: Mayumi
Pairing: Gen MitMiya ^_^ hehe
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine.
Notes: I never thought I would be able to do this again. In short, without Liete-san, this REALLY wouldn't have materialized. ahahaha!
He sits on the swings, arms over the chains, clutching a basketball in his hands.
He has too hard a glint in his eyes, and there is a scar on his chin. His uniform is unbuttoned and he has a wrinkle between his eyebrows. His lips are downturned, but not enough to characterize itself as a frown.
He sits there in peace. It is late afternoon and the children have vacated the playground. They were too afraid to come near him anyway.
When the sky darkens, he sighs.
He has been waiting long enough. He fidgets a little and his grip on the ball tightens. He wants to move, but at the same time, he wants to stay a little while longer.
He hears footsteps approaching, then the tinny sound of chains being moved. He does not need to look to know who it is.
He chooses not to speak and they both sit there in an awkward silence.
It is the newcomer that breaks it.
"I'm sorry for being late."
More silence follows.
There is a certain coldness in their interaction and it is not only the chill in the wind making them both shiver.
It is too awkward. The gap between them is too wide.
"I'm sorry for everything."
The apology comes in a quiet and rough voice. It is barely audible but somehow, the other boy understands.
They both want to say more, but the moment doesn't call for it.
The first boy takes the basketball in one hand and passes it to the other boy.
"I hope... we can work well together from now on."
He stands up and walks away slowly.
"Mitsui-san!" The boy with the black hair stops when he hears his name.
He doesn't turn to look. Instead, he waits for what the other one has to say.
"Let's play ball. Right now. Just the two of us."
A smile eases onto the boy's face.
He turns back and they boy run towards the basketball court together.