A Trick of Fate
Written in Conjunction with Peace of Mind,
by Ribhinn Maraiche
Isolde, my lady, my love, and my life,
Why dost thou persist in becoming a knight?
From whence hast thou cometh, my good lady fair,
And where dost thou go, I shall follow thee there.
Why do they lay claim to our physical shells,
When nothing they do could tie down our true selves?
This is not a trick of fate's arrogant plan,
This is only the cruel, greedy grasping of man.
So nearly we've entered through death's open door,
But live to approach it at least just once more.
What does lie behind it, we cannot know now,
One day we shall meet there, I promise, I vow.
Thou hast endured more than we could have foreseen,
We beg and we plead for forgiveness from thee.
Now the years upon years hath piled like bones
But thou shalt not be buried in some earthly tomb.
Isolde, wild girl, thou hast stolen my heart,
With which I once promised that I would not part.
Whatever the way or shape, fashion, or form,
Know that we'll miss thee, and thee we shall mourn.
Your song shall be sung and your tales shall be told
To those who are worthy and daring and bold.
But we'll tuck it away from the cold, prying eyes,
This tragic account of a true knight's demise.
- Composed in full by Ribhinn Maraiche,
Formerly known as Shpadana Zizais
Narrated by (who else?) Tristan