Hi all, if there are any readers left. I'm sorry it took so fricken long. I had life issues and lack of muse issues one after the other. I'm starting college in less than a month so I probably won't update soon, but it should be sooner than this last time.

The time-line for this is very odd. It's season four, before the finale but I make inside joke references to it. And as for season three finale, Zach found the crucial piece of evidence that convicted Gormogon, but other than that, he was not involved. However The workload for both Brennan and Zach has increased exponentially so they are both look for interns, The same interns that were on the show and maybe a few others.

Cops and Sops

The ride to the police station was lengthy and dull. When we finally arrived the cop insisted on booking me and doing all the arresting nonsense before he would let me near a phone. When he did I knew what I had to do and I called the one person I knew who could get me out of this proverbial mess.

"Deputy Director Samuel Cullen."

"This is Dr. Temperance Brennan. Remember that order you requested for me make?"

"Yes is it finished?"

"Actually except for the trace evidence that must be administered at the dump site, it is. But sir, that is not the reason for this call."

"Then what is it?

"The local cops found them. Ordinary cops Not FBI. No one from the FBI has seen them."

"Do they think homicide?"

"Well, sir, considering they arrested me for the murder of all of them. I should think so."

"We are going to have to move them. When you get out, move them to the evidence storage section of the FBI headquarters building."

"Yes Sir."

"Does Booth know anything about this?" he enquired curtly.

"No. He knows something is going on but not what I made sure he didn't even see them." I replied matter-of-factly.

"That is no longer necessary. We will brief him tomorrow about this. He will oversee the partner side of this exercise. Good bye." With that he hung up. About twenty minutes later, the phone rang for the chief of police. It was Cullen. He was furious! I could hear him screaming. I could only catch phrases of the conversation as I was in the other side of the building, but what I could hear was enough to make me grin.

"How dare you lock someone up if you don't even know who the victim is?! Do you arrest the first person you see at a crime scene?"

"...Dr. Brennan is the very best in her field, the top forensic anthropologist in the world..."

"... She is the best asset the Jeffersonian has given us in its existence..." Although I do not appreciate being considered property as the term property denotes, this was the best compliment he'd ever given me.

"This is an FBI matter, let her go and give her them back NOW!" Five minutes later after everyone's ears stopped ringing, the police switched shifts. I overheard them saying that I was to be transferred with the evidence to the FBI which would be coming soon.

"Where is Dr. Brennan being held, please?" I heard not twenty minutes later. There was such schmoozing in his voice that I knew it was Booth even before he got to my cell. He looked smug as the cops unlocked my cell.

"Well, well, well, it looks like our Bones is in jail for murder," he grinned cheekily, ignoring my glare, "like father like daughter, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're leaving now." I grumbled, standing up and striding past him.

He thinks he's so amusing and intelligent like he knows everything. Well I know he doesn't and that ticks him on. I won't say a word about this until I must. Let's see how he likes that!

The first time he tried was as the policemen were loading (rather roughly I might add) my project.

"Hey, Bones, what's going on here?"

"We need to go to FBI Headquarters, evidence storage." I tilted my head at the cops hoping he would think them overhearing was the only reason I wanted him to stop asking about this. It worked.

"Oh, right," he said, then hurried to the driver's side.

I was experiencing a rather pleasant burst of endorphins at the thought of "I knew something he didn't know," so I didn't fight him to drive. I thought my attempt to avoid this line of questioning had worked until halfway through the trip when he started up again.

"Bones. Give me a straight answer, please. Why are there dead bodies in your apartment?"

"Booth," I sighed exasperated; "I will tell you, later. I just can't tell you now. Remember, patience is a virtue."

"That I don't have." Booth snapped. "I want to know and I want to know NOW!" his phone rang as if providing the answer itself.

"Booth!" he all but screamed into the phone.

"Yes Sir."

"No Sir."

"Yes Sir."

"Goodbye Sir."

"Let me guess," I smirked, "that was Cullen." It was completely obvious. Booth had entirely donned a countenance of a beta male reporting to his better.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" he asked perplexed.

"You display common facial motions attributed to a beta male when confronted by a superior." I chuckled. "Also, Cullen told me he was going to call you."

"Oh, so you didn't really know that it was Cullen so just used your gut. See I told you everything happens eventually; you finally used your gut! This calls for PIE!" he was so ecstatic he almost missed the turn into the evidence building.

"Yeah right," I said, "you say 'yes sir, no sir, yes sir, goodbye sir to everyone." I snorted.

"Now I think about it, it could've been Sweets calling; you always treat him with the highest respect." I finished, turning slightly to let him see my smug grin.

"Bones, did you just use sarcasm?" He gaped, "you never use sarcasm, just another reason we should get some pie."

"We are here. Let's go," I replied.

"And I hate pie, what is it with you and pie lately?" I added as an after-thought. I hopped out of the truck and started loading the bodies on the shelves where I was supposed to place them. The building was in disrepair, cracked windows and dirty hanging lights shocked me, though considering how little they give Booth on out of town cases, I probably should've been surprised.

"What is so bad in your world about cooked fruit? It's delicious." Booth said, following me out of the door.

"I just don't like it. Is it now a law that everyone must like pie? Is that why you're on my case all the time? Don't answer that, just help me." I shook my head, catching myself just in time. Now was not the time to start another famous 'pie-argument.' It went okay for a little, until the just after last body was stored. I could tell Booth was thinking hard, but I never expected what happened next.

"OH! These bodies have something to do with Cullen calling me. Right, Bones?" He asked excitedly.

"Booth! I understand you're getting frustrated with my knowing something important that you don't know, but really, shouting like this in a public place where anyone can hear you? This is extremely hazardous to the exercise we're running." I replied, irritated.

"Public place? Bones, there's no one here."

"Oh really?" I muttered skeptically.

"Yes really." He insisted.

"Hiya guys, what'cha talking about?" came from the nosy security guard, Ted.

I had seen him when we came in. I thought Booth had if I did. He was a sniper and he is an FBI Agent. Shouldn't his skills have picked up the fact that we were not alone?

"It turns out Elvis isn't really dead. We're taking a collection to buy him a birthday present, wanna chip in 20 bucks?" I said, trying to let the sarcasm flow unquestionably.

"Yeah, sure," he went for his wallet as we watched, dumbfounded. It wasn't until I had the twenty in my hand that reason seemed to dawn on him.

"Hey wait a minute; Elvis' birthday is in January."

"See Booth, I told you," I said, rounding on him, "if we went around doing the collection, now, everyone would just assume we were just trying to get money for no reason," I grabbed his hand.

"Or that we'd just want to be left alone." I finished, winking at him, hoping he'd get the hint. I gazed into Booth's eyes for a few steamboats, and then turned back to Ted.

"So, Ted, in or out?" I offered the twenty back, but he wouldn't take it.

"In. That makes sense; just make sure to spell my name right on the card. That's Ted Gullible. G-u-l-l-i-b-l-e. Got it?"

"Yes Ted, Ted Gullible. I understand it, let's go Booth." Seeing Booth was still staring for shock at how I was acting, I pulled him by the tie out the door and down the hall.

"Bones, what the hell?" he gasped out when he overcame how I had been acting. And they he's the one who can read people.

"I needed to get him to go away." I replied, cocking my head to the side. "You always use sarcasm to get people to leave us alone, so I tried that, too bad it didn't work. Come on we need to see Sheila." I said, turning to walk down the long corridor.

"Who's Shelia?"

"Shelia Henderson, she's head of the security department."

I knew soon Booth would snap out of it. But for now, it seemed Booth was just too shocked at how I seemed to respond like he would in that situation. He just leaned up against the wall, shaking his head as if this was some dream He would wake up from.

"Hey Sheila," I said, leaning against the doorway. "I just came to give you something." I laid the twenty on her desk. She's a good friend, she'll know what this means.

"I take it Booth almost blabbed something important about the 'thing' Cullen has you doing?"

"True, but considering it was Ted you sent for service, all it took was a story, not even a creditable one, and he's distracted."

Sheila's ears perked up."So, how'd you get the money?" Ted always believed any line someone would tell him. It was kind of the office's unofficial competition to see who could get him to believe the most outlandish story. If money was gained from the tricking, the money was turned over to Sheila, who knew how to get it back to Ted without suspicion.

"Oh, that one was simple, I just told the old 'Elvis is alive, do you want to give me money for a gift?' story and I covered it with a little hint of me and Booth want to make out to remove all thoughts from his head."

"Whose head Ted's or Agent Booth's?" She tilted her own head to one side, a smirk forming on her face.

"Ted's, obviously, why do you ask?"

"Well, Dr. Brennan, with all due respect, the mutual sexual tension between you and agent Booth is very obvious, at least it is to everyone who isn't one of you. "

"That cannot be factual!" I stated, annoyed that yet another of my friends believes that Booth and I should have a room or some such nonsense.

"Booth doesn't want me." I finished, my jaw set in my usual 'and that's final' manner.

Now I know that's a lie, ask anyone you know, Booth most definitely wants you. Speak of the devil, hello Agent Booth, Dr. Brennan and I were just finishing up here..." she trailed off, winking slyly in my direction.

"So Bones, can we leave or what?"

"Yes Booth, we can leave." I turned and bumped into his very muscular chest by accident and almost lost my balance. As he put his hand at the small of my back, steadying me, I saw a strange collection of chemicals in his eyes. A spike of serotonin, testosterone, adrenaline, and endorphins, all combined into one, I believe the "normal person' way of saying this would be "a flash of desire?" I must be seeing things.

"You ok, Bones?"

"Yes Booth, I'm just tired, had someone not reported a false sighting of a criminal at my house, I would be sleeping right now…" I trailed off, knowing his chocolate-brown eyes were still focused on me. We started walking through the halls and out of the building.

"Yeah well," Booth paused looking for a good excuse. "If you hadn't LIED and said you were dating the schmuck, I wouldn't have called the cops for back up."

Why are you grinning Booth? You haven't won. I thought, determination seeping into my veins.

"If I hadn't had to spend all that time with you, I wouldn't have had to lie to you."

"Great Bones, so you don't even like to spend time with me. Great," Booth grumbled dejectedly.

"Come on Booth, you know I enjoy your company. I just like my space every once in a while and having an overload of people in my life annoying me, while temporarily, doesn't help."

"Well, it wasn't my fault we had the case with the most twists and turns in recorded history…" he muttered sullenly.

I think I've found a way out of this argument.

"No, it wasn't. That was Cullen's job. His fault. Since he's to blame and I'm not mad at you, can this discussion be over?"

"Sure Bones. Let's get out of here."

The drive was uneventful. We got to my apartment and Booth being the Alpha-male slash Gentleman that he is, started to walk me to my door. What made him very confused was the fact I started sprinting the second the elevator doors opened. Luckily, for me the cops didn't lock up when they left, it saved me some time. I walked in and looked at my watch. 10, 9, 8, 7…

"BONES! What the hell?" Booth barged in, looking very agitated. … 3, 2, 1. "Well, look at the time, Booth. It's been two hours, you're back and I'm here, so you can't panic or punch anyone. Ha, Ha, I win."

"Win what? The sight of me entirely confused 'cause that's what you have. I don't think I can drive in this current state."

"I win nothing, except the argument. The sight is just an amusing bonus. I guess I can drive you home."

"Na-uh, Bones, I'm staying right here until either you tell me what is going on or it's time to go see Cullen." He stood, proud and tall, like he could never be moved.

"Booth, I will only give you this warning once: either leave voluntarily or I will literally kick you out of my apartment."

"Guess you're going to have to kick me out then, 'cause I'm not leaving."

OK then, seductive smile followed by roundhouse kick to the temporal bone, works every time. Ladies and gentleman Seeley Booth is unconscious! Now all I have to do is drag Booth out of the doorway. This I did, with some difficulty, because since Booth has so much musculature, he's heavy. Good thing for my protector, but bad for trying to drag him around. I went back in my apartment and got him a blanket and a pillow.

As I tucked him in the best I could, (which was difficult since he was leaning against a wall), I did something I couldn't explain. I kissed him on the forehead. I don't know why I did it, but as I pulled away I heard Booth mumbling.

"Bones," he said. I couldn't pull away anymore because he had snaked his arms around my waist. I know his aim even in sleep is good, because unerringly his lips found mine. That man can kiss! That's all I will say here, he was ASLEEP. After the kiss he whispered, "Bones I've loved you since the day I met you..." Then he started snoring and his grip on me dropped off.

I shook my head. He must've just had a dream. We're partners and together all the time, it's logical that sometimes he'd dream a little dream of me.

"Good night Booth, you'll need to rest so you can be alert, because tomorrow we talk to your boss." I whispered.

I got up, turned back into my apartment and checked the clock.

I guess I won't be getting five hours of sleep tonight.

Finally there it is, chapter two. I hope you liked enough to reveiw. poetic huh? Oh and don't worry. Everything about the corpses gets cleared up next chapter, whenever I post it. hopefully before Christmas