Disclaimer: I do not own or is in any way affiliated with OTH Characters- I'm just a huge, huge BRUCAS FAN! :0)
Brucas Fans- Check Out My Other Stories "We Belong Together" & "All For Love" Still in Progress :0)
Here's the next chapter... Enjoy
"Lets get you home Peyt" smiled Julian as he handed over her helmet.
"Dan honey calm down" begged Jules "Don't let Lucas upset you anymore than he already has; it's not good for your heart. Maybe you should stay home tonight and rest up"
"No, no I'll be fine" he replied "We have to go tonight" he sighed "Otherwise Lucas will stir up more trouble then he already has and most importantly, I will not allow him to disrespect you anymore. You are my wife, his step mother. He has to learn to accept that" Jules nodded
"Are you sure you're up to going tonight; if you're not feeling well"
"I'm fine" he reassured her. "We should get going" she nodded
"WELL LOOK AT YOU" shouted Dan "YOUR HEART IS FULL OF PURE HATRED; HOW THE HELL IS ANYONE GOING TO LOVE YOU HUH?! WHY DON'T YOU ASK YOURSELF LUCAS, WHY YOUR OWN FATHER CAN'T STAND TO LOVE WHO YOU'VE BECOME?! YOU'VE ONLY BEEN BACK A WEEK AND YOU'VE GIVEN ME NOTHING BUT HEADACHES! LUCAS, I NEVER ONCE IMAGINED YOU- MY SON TO TURN OUT LIKE THIS-" BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" Lucas heard as it snapped him out of reality "SHIT" he cursed as he had to maneuver off to the side of the road. "Damn motorcyclist" he shouted jumping out of his Mercedes convertible compressor "Are you drunk or something asshole! That's why you don't try to pass someone when a truck is coming at full speed!" he roared as the motorcyclist sped off "God" he barked before jumping back into his car
"Jules" groaned Dan "Jules! Jules honey! Jules" he shouted as they were both covered in blood.
Peyton took a deep breath as she slowly pulled herself towards Julian before everything went black
"Excuse me, my sister was brought in tonight" exclaimed Brooke as she and Karen arrived at the hospital "Can you tell us what happened?"
"Your sister's name?" asked the nurse as Brooke kept her arms wrapped her mother
"Peyton Roe"
"Peyton Roe" repeated the nurse "Looks like she's still in the ICU mom. The doctor hasn't come out yet"
"Oh god; why is this happening again Brooke?" cried Karen
"Mr. Scott" said Dr. Copeland as he came out 30minutes later
"How is she?"
"I'm sorry Mr. Scott, we did everything we could" he stood there as he felt his knees buckle right under him
"Jules" he cried as tears streamed down his cheeks "Jules! OH GOD Jules! NO!" he shouted punching the wall "NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! JULES, I-I'M SORRY, GOD I'M SO SORRY"
"God why hasn't the doctor come out yet; what's taking them so long?"
"Mom" said Brooke as she walked over towards her "Why don't you sit down; you've been on your feet all day at the café"
"Your sister has to be okay, she just has too"
"She will be mom. Peyton's a fighter" she replied wrapping her arm around her mother "God, please let her be okay" begged Brooke out loud in her head. Just then the doctor came out as the trio jumped up to their feet
"Luke you should postpone this party and go be with your dad at the hospital. He's going to need you; from what I hear Jules' not doing good- she might not even make it"
"That's just it" sneered Lucas "She's just my step mother" Nathan shook his head in disbelief "When my mother died, he didn't even mourn very long before he remarried. I'll give him maybe 30days tops before he moves on to the next"
"Lucas" shouted Nathan as Lucas walked off towards the party with his date on his arm
"Doctor Smith, how is she; how's my daughter?"
"Mrs. Roe, Peyton's fine" he replied as tears streamed down their cheeks "She's out of danger"
"Can we see her?" asked Brooke as she squeezed Karen's hand
"Yes" he nodded "She's still in the recovery room at the moment. She'll be there for another hour or so. They will be bringing her up to her room in a bit, so you can check with the nurses to see what room she'll be in"
"Thank you, thank you so much" they replied
"Did you hear that mom, she's okay" said Brooke as she wiped away Karen's tears.
"She's got guardian angels watching over her that's for sure" smiled Karen "I'm going to go check in with the nurses" Brooke and Mouth nodded
"Brookie, how are we going to pay for all this?" asked Mouth as they watched their mother head towards the nurse's station. "We just finished paying off Peyton's last accident and now this-" Brooke took a deep breath as she thought about it
"Please tell them that I will take care of all the financial arrangements and if there's anything they need tell them not to hesitate in asking me. What did you find out Rachel?" Dan asked his personal accountant "Who are they; do I know them?"
"I will and no" she replied "Maybe we should talk about this later Dan, when you're-"
"Please Rachel- I need to know" she nodded
"Peyton Elizabeth Roe and Julian Baker were the other couple that was involved in tonight's accident. They're an engaged to be married in a few days" Dan cringed
"H-How are they?"
"Ms. Roe is out of harms way; she's actually being brought up to her room as we speak and as for Mr. Baker" They locked eyes "He didn't make it. He had severe injuries to the head and they did the best they could-"
"I will apologize to both families personally, but in the mean time, please tell them that if there's anything, I mean anything they need-"
"I will" she replied "Do you want me to make arrangements for-"
"I will do it myself" he replied "I owe it to Jules" she nodded "I already placed a call to my in-laws"
"Hales, what's wrong?" asked Nathan as he walked over towards his girlfriend "Hales, baby what's wrong?"
"J-Jules, s-she's; no" she cried as tears streamed down her cheeks "NO! NO!" she shouted
"Jules what Hales?" he asked confused as he wrapped his arms around her as she broke down "Baby what's wrong?"
"Hey guys" said Jake as he entered the living room to find his sister hysterical in Nathan's arms. "W-What's going on?" he asked alarmed rushing over towards them
"Jake, J-Jules, she's-"
"She's what Hales?" he asked panicking "She's what?"
"S-She-and-Dan-they-were-involved-in-a-car-accident-tonight-and-oh-god-s-she-didn't-make-it" she sobbed as Nathan rubbed circles along her back comforting her "They-did-everything-they-could-at-the-hospital-to-save-her-but-t-they-couldn't!"
"What?" both he and Nathan gasp in shock as they tried to function what just came out of her mouth.
"Mom why don't you go home and get some rest"
"I promise I will call you as soon as she wakes up. You can come back first thing in the morning; but only if you get some rest yourself"
"Who's the mother here honey" they chuckled
"I'm just worried about you mom; you're working to hard"
"So are you Brooke; look at you sweetie, you're getting too skinny-"
"Mom, I'm fine I promise"
"Okay, but call me if-"
"I know" she smiled "Please try to get some rest. You heard Doctor Smith, Peyt's out of harms way" Karen nodded
"I love you"
"I love you too" She walked them out as she headed back towards the elevator. She decided to stop and get some water at the vending machine before heading back up to Peyton. "Damn machine" she cursed as the water bottle got stuck "Ugh" she silently groaned irritated. Jake just happened to be walking by as he shook the machine for her. He then handed her the water bottle as she thanked him and walked off. He then put in his money as he wanted a soda. The machine of course eats his damn money as he too now curses at it. Brooke walked back over as she puts in the money for him and hands him the soda. They shared smiles as they parted ways. A smile forms at his mouth as he watches her walk into the elevator.
As Brooke walks back into Peyton's room, she panics as Peyton was no where to be found "Excuse me" she asked the Nurse "W-Where's my sister; is she okay?"
"Ms. Peyton Roe?" asked the Nurse as Brooke nodded "She's been moved to room 305" Brooke let out the breath she was holding "We sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. It's just when we went looking for you, you were gone"
"It's okay" smiled Brooke "Why did she get moved?"
"We were given orders to move her into a bigger room and if there's anything you need please let us know" Brooke thanked them as she entered the room
"Hi, I'm Dan Scott" he said as he introduced himself
"Brooke Roe" she replied shaking his hand
"I was the other party who was involved in the accident. Can we talk?" she nodded as they sat down on the couch "I wanted to apologize to you and your family for everything that's happened tonight. It was an accident; I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I take full responsibility; so you and your family will not have to worry about a thing. I have asked for there to be a doctor around the clock to tend to your sister's every need. I will personally stop by and check in on Ms. Roe to make sure she's getting the best care. I promise; you have my word Brooke"
"Thank you so much Mr. Scott"
"Julian" murmured Peyton "Julian" she said again as Brooke rushed to her side
"Peyt, honey" she smiled as the curly blonde opened up her eyes
"Brooke, where's Julian?" she asked alarmed
"Julian, uh Julian's in a different room" she lied as she remember the doctor telling them that Peyton couldn't take on stress
"I want to see Julian, Brookie take me to see Julian" she said as she started to get up
"Peyton wait- the doctor doesn't want you getting up until you're fully recovered and as for Julian, uh they're not allowing him to have visitors just yet, so please try and relax" she begged
"Is it bad? Is Julian okay?"
"Uh- he's fine; please try and relax Peyt"
"You're sure he's fine?" she pushed as the brunette nodded unable to look her sister in the eyes
"I'll go check on his progress, but as for now I need you to relax and get some rest" Peyton nodded as she closed her eyes and relaxed into her pillows. Brooke took a deep breath as tears welded up in her eyes. She hated lying to Peyton, but the doctor warned them about Peyton being stress free until she's fully recovered. Brooke then sat down on the bed as she watched her sister sleep
"Good morning dad" smirked Lucas as he joined the older Scott at the breakfast table "I feel as if today and every day from now ons going to be great" Dan rolled his eyes livid
"If you have time after work, I would appreciate it if you stopped by the chapel. We're holding a ceremony for Jules today"
"No can do. I have a dinner date with Lindsey"
"Who's this Lindsey person?" he exclaimed fumed "Is she that important that you can't go to your step mother's funeral?"
"She's not that important"
"Then why the hell are you leading her on Lucas?" he barked "When are you going to grow up! Damn it Lucas, can't you just show Jules some respect these last few days?!" he roared as Lucas chuckled
"Dad" he sneered as they locked eyes "When Jules was alive, I never showed her any respect, and now that she's dead it's no different. Why should I care; an another thing" he said bitterly "She's not my mother, she's just another wife to you"
"LUCAS!" he shouted smacking the coffee cup out of the blondes hand as it spilt everywhere "Your heart is full of hatred. I can't believe how cold hearted you have become!" he lashed out as Lucas glowered at him
"YOU DID THIS TO ME" he shouted as Dan took a step back at his son's words "Let me ask you something Dad" exclaimed Lucas tears welded up in his eyes as they had their backs to each other "If today was the day of my funeral, and your new wife didn't want to go" Dan listened on "Would you be this upset with her as you are with me?!" Dan turned around to face his son as Lucas side glanced towards him
Dan sighed as he stormed off leaving a hurt Lucas as tears streamed down the blonde's cheeks.
"Special delivery for Ms. Peyton Roe" she smiled as the nurse brought in a beautiful flower arrangement.
"Brooke" she called out for her sister "Brooke" She then reached over as she grabbed the card
"Wow, look at that" smiled Brooke as she walked in "Who are the flowers from?"
"Mr. Dan Scott; why is Lucas's father sending me flowers to me? How does he know about the accident?"
"Uh, because Mr. Scott was the one who hit you"
"This is my karma wasn't it Brooke?" she asked as tears welded up in her eyes
"Peyt, come on don't say that sweetie"
"Looks like Mr. Scott is really nice towards me"
"Well not all fathers and sons are alike" Just then there was a knock at the door
"Hi" said Dan as he walked in carrying a gift basket
"Mr. Scott" both girls said in unison as they welcomed him in
"Please take it easy Peyton" she smiled nodding "Thank you for the flowers and the gifts Mr. Scott"
"Dan, please call me Dan" they nodded "I was talking to Brooke the other day, and she told me your family's from Tree hill too"
"Yeah what a small world" she smiled
"You're about the same age as my son Lucas, do you know two know each other?" Peyton glanced over towards Brooke who nodded
"Uh yeah we're acquittances. I'm good friends with Nathan" Dan smiled
"So you're all friends. If I knew I would have told Lucas to swing by and see you"
"Oh uh that's not necessary Mr. Scott" piped in Brooke "Lucas is busy and Peyton's about to be released anyways"
"Yeah Brooke's right" added Peyton
"Oh okay" he smiled "But Peyton you and Brooke have to stop calling me Mr. Scott. We're all from the same town and our friends all know each other. I consider us friends from now on" both girls smiled as they nodded their heads
"Okay Mr. Sco; uh I mean Dan" she replied as they chuckled
"Well I better get going" he said "If I want to make it in time for your fiancé's funeral-"
"Uh Mr. Scott, Mr. Scott" exclaimed Brooke as she tried to change the subject but it was too late as Peyton had shock written all over her face
"Mr. Scott, whose funeral?"
"Uh" he said looking over at Brooke "Uh-"
"Mr. Scott, whose funeral; did you say my fiancé Julian's?"
"Peyton honey" said Brooke as she rushed to her older sister's side
"Tell me the truth Brooke, Julian's not a few doors down is he?! He's not okay like you said he was is he? You lied to me didn't you Brooke?" she cried as tears welded up in both their eyes
"Uh Peyton, you see" she said looking over towards Dan "Peyton"
"No I have to go find Julian" she exclaimed as she pulled out her IV
"Peyton please don't do that" begged Brooke as she tried to calm Peyton down
"I have to go to him" she cried as she ran towards the door "Let me go Brooke, I want to see Julian"
"Peyton please" cried Brooke as she wrapped he arms around her sister from behind pulling her away from the door "I'm not letting you go Peyton, please-"
"Please Brooke" begged Peyton as she fell to the ground sobbing "Let me find him; Julian loves me with all his heart and soul. What am I suppose to do with out him?" she sobbed uncontrollably as she grabbed onto Brooke's leg. Brooke then got down onto her knees as she comforted her sister
"Please Brooke, let me go. I need to go see him"
"Peyton" said Dan as he too squatted down to their level "I will take you to him. I understand where you're coming from and if it was me I'd go too" Both girls hung on to each other as they cried
"Peyton honey" said Karen as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Mom" she cried as Karen wrapped her arms around her oldest broken daughter
"I need to do this alone" they nodded
"Brooke I thought you were going to wait until after the burial to tell Peyton about Julian"
"It was my fault" said Dan "I let it slip, I'm sorry" Karen nodded
"He would have wanted her here Mom" said Brooke as she wrapped her arms around her mother
"Brooke, I think that Mr. Scott is a little too generous towards us. I mean do you honestly think it's wise that he's spending so much time with Peyton?" asked Karen worried
"No, really think about it honey. Instead of going to his wife's memorial services, he picked up Peyt and brought her to Julian's; and now for the past 2 ½ weeks he's spent everyday with her."
"It's a good thing mom. Think of it as he's making up for the way his son treated Peyton. He was awful to her remember"
"Mom" said the brunette as she took a hold of Karen's hands "Don't think too much about it okay. I mean its' better that he's nice to us instead of him being mean like his cold hearted son. Peyton has crossed a lot of bad things in her life; isn't it about time that she finds happiness and moved on?" Karen nodded just as Brooke's phone went off
"Hello?" she answered
"Brooke where are you?" asked Bevin
"I'm on my way to the store now" she mouthed good bye to Karen as she hurried out the door "Why what's wrong?"
"Well you see we have a customer here who's looking for something in particular"
"Okay well take down the order and I'll be there in a few"
"We already did-"
"Okay that's perfect; I'm just pulling in now"
"Thank god" mouthed Bevin as they hung up
"I'm here, I'm here" she whispered setting her things down before she approached the customer
"Hi, what can I do for you sir?" she asked all cheerie until they came face to face. Her smiled soon turned into upside down
A/N: I hope it's still not confusing, but if it is... Like I said... Bare with me okay! Thanks for reading... :0)
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- PhearyWinkle!-