AN: Okay so this is my second Twilight Story. I'm So sorry it took so long to Update but I had school, and the FCAT and then I had to get my grades up, Also the end of the year field trip, Graduation, and Finally Prom. The sad thing was as soon as school ended I got sick with Influenza Type A. Its not the swine flu, but had the same symptoms as it. I had to take this HORRIBLE tasting pills and was in bed for about a week no being able to get up unless it was to go to the bathroom. Whenever I stood up I felt dizzy and sick. I'm better now. Also the week after that on Tuesday June 16 was my birthday and then on Thursday I had my Friends sleep over. I have been REALLY busy since then. Don't worry though, since its summer I will be writing a lot more! Luckily this summer I don't have to go to summer camp. Also I have a slight writers block for my other story. I had written the next 3 chapters for it, and all I needed to do was edit it, but that was in my jump drive, and sadly I lost it. I don't remember who I was going to make the caller, or how I was going to take the story, so if you have any suggestions please PM me or email me at _ or _ I will take any suggestion you have and try my best to see how I could mix it in with some of my ideas.
Ohh… Also I'm changing the ages a bit for a few characters from the book to fit it for my story.
Please Review!
Disclaimer: I DON'T own Twilight. The lovely Stephanie Meyer does.
Summary: Sophie is a Sixteen year old girl that lives with her mother, Sarah, and five year old brother, Jamie. When a vampire kills her mother it tells her she will be next, she decides to go away. She goes back to La Push to find her Father, David, and older brother. With that she sets off to find her family with the help of her best friend. The only problem is she's a werewolf and her best friends a vampire. When the sadistic vampire comes to get her and a wolf imprints on her what will she do?
CHAPTER 1 – La Push
I bolted up in bed, covered in sweat, the covers a tangled mess around my body. I struggled to push away the remaining pieces of the dream to the farthest part of my mind. I could still see those charcoal black, endless pits staring at me. Shaking my head, I stood up and headed to the bathroom. Studying myself in the mirror I took how sunken in my eyes looked. Even though I was wolf and didn't need much sleep, I looked as though I had spent countless night lying awake. That was kind of true in a sense. I had been having the dream about that day a year ago for the last two weeks. I woke up every few hours and never managed to sleep for more than an hour at time.
I turned on the shower before undressing myself and stepping in. The Hot water did wonders for my tense muscles. As I felt myself relaxing I started thinking about where I was heading today. It had been 8 years since I had last seen my father and older brother. Today I was on a mission to find them. I had lost my mother and didn't have anyone besides my Jamie and Chris.
I heard Chris' voice come through the door "Jamie was hungry so I ordered some room service. I ordered some food for you in case you wanted."
"I'll be right out" I said in a normal voice knowing he would hear me anyway.
Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel before making my way out of the bathroom. I put on some simple clothes, in case I needed to phase quickly. A pair of Jean shorts, a pink tank top, and a pair of pink polka dotted flip flops. I put my long hair up in a ponytail, and put a thin layer of eyeliner on my blue-green eyes. It was a mystery that my eyes where blue-green considering that my parents both had the dark brown eyes that most Quileute's had. Also my complexion was also a little lighter than an average Quileute giving me a more exotic look, with my freckles and all.
I walked out of the room into the sitting area. Jamie was watching SpongeBob, while Chris sat reading a book. He looked up from his book when I entered the room, and I noticed his eyes where a darker shade than usual.
"You should go hunting" I told him sitting next to Jamie with a plate of Eggs and Bacon. "I'll take Jamie to the park or something."
Chris set his book down and walked to the door at a human pace. "Okay, but you should make your way to the house we bought, the furniture you ordered should be there already."
"Tell me why you though it was necessary to get a house in the middle of the woods on the outskirts of La Push, and in between Forks" I knew the answer he would give me, before I even asked.
"You know I don't question these things, I just… know" he said and walked out of the room.
We had been traveling from New York all the way to Seattle Washington for the past year since the vampire attack. We never stayed in a place for more than a month since the Vampire was following us. We made fake trails leading to different places so it couldn't follow us, but it always knew it was a ruse. Three months ago was were when we finally got lucky and lost her from our trail. We made a fake trail and led her towards England, and haven't seen her since. Even though she hasn't made an appearance in a while, I was still worried she could find us. What if she got Jamie and I wasn't there? What if I lost him? What if - . I was brought out of my thoughts when Jamie spoke up.
"Sophie, where are we going now?" He questioned in his little kid voice. "Are we going to have to move again"
I turned and looked at him "Don't worry about it baby, this time where staying here for good" Unless the Vamp comes to find us again, I think to myself.
"Does that mean I get to go to school" he said getting exited. He wanted to go to school so he could have some friends. Come to think of it I haven't gone to school for a year besides the small study sessions I had with Chris, since he was 3 years older than me. He was changed when he was 17 and I was 14. We had been best friends since I moved there when I was 8 and he was 11. We where neighbors and just instantly… clicked. When I was changed I was the person he came too. I'm guessing that's what triggered the Wolf gene in me. Luckily when he was human he never liked blood and was very queasy, which made him really distaste the smell of human blood. It still bothered him a bit, but it didn't make his throat burn. Also,even though he had been changed at 17 he looks at least 20. I turned back to Jamie to see him waiting for the answer.
I smiled at him and stood up "Yes baby, you get to go to school". He immediately started jumping up and down on the sofa "Yay!"
"Ok big boy, it's time to take a shower" I grabbed his hand, and took him towards the bathroom.
I gave him a quick shower and changed him before grabbing our already packed bags and making our way down to the lobby. After checking out, and getting our bags into my 2009 Camaro Convertible that Chris got me for my sixteenth birthday 5 months ago. I drove out of Seattle, through Port Angeles into the small town of Forks. I kept driving till I reached a small parting in the trees just outside the border of La Push. I drove through it till I reached a clearing where a pretty big 2 story house stood.
I turned to see Jamie, but noticed he had fallen asleep. I took of his seat belt and started to wake him up.
"Jamie" I said shaking him a little. "Jamie, wake up baby, where here"
He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a little to wake up. He sat up, and turned to look at the house.
"Is this where we are gonna be living sophie?" He asked looking up at me.
"Yea baby, this is where gonna be living." I smiled down at him." Do you want to see your room?"
"Yea" He said running inside.
I followed him upstairs and told him what room his would be. His room had blue walls, with a race car style bed. His covers were of race cars and he had a toy chest in the corner. He entered the room and started running straight towards the toys.
"You stay here I'm going to go to my room. Will you be okay?" I asked him. He nodded and went straight back to his new toys. I closed the door and walked down the hallway to my new room. Chris room was right next to Jamie's just incase of an emergency. His was simple. It had green walls for his favorite color, with a silver line right through the center all around the room. He didn't have a bed, but he had simple black couch in the corner of the room. He had a stereo with his favorite CD's, a book shelf with some books he liked, and a table for drawing. He had always liked drawing and was really god at it. He had shown me how to draw, and I was okay, but nowhere near as good as him.
My room was simple, but exactly the way I like it. There were two walls a mix between a light blue and a sapphire blue, with random swirls and dots all over. The bed was a king size with a flowing white canopy. The bed had a white duvet on it with pillows of different shades of blue on it. The carpet was white with a fuzzy blue carpet at the foot of the bed. There was desk on the side next to the window with a place for my laptop. Two bean bags were located in the corner next a big bookshelf with most of my favorites. There was also a plasma screen TV in front of the bed. It was exactly how I liked it.
I put my bags next to the closet so I could remember to unpack later and grabbed my small back pack. I put my sketch pad and color pencils in a bag with my cell phone, IPod, a few of Jamie's toy cars. I also put a water bottle and a few cookies if Jamie gets hungry.
"Jamie, want to go out with me to the beach while I draw a bit?" I asked him as I passed his room.
"Ok" he said standing up. "Can I ride on your back when you go all wolfie?"
I walked out of his room, and down the stairs."Maybe later, right now were taking my car"
He walked to car, while I locked the door. I got in my car and drove towards la push and toward first beach. When we got there I got out of the car and un strapped Jamie while he got out. Jamie stared running to the beach and towards were a couple was sitting with a dog. When I got to where he was, he was petting the dog. They looked towards me when I approached.
"I'm sorry, he really loves dogs" I told them smiling at Jamie.
The girl smiled at me "It's no problem"
"you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere" the guy asked me. Now that I look at him, I notice he looks familiar too.
"Maybe, I used to live here when I was little. I'm Sophie and this is Jamie" I said. When I said my name a look of realization came on his face.
Ok, I know that this wasn't a very good chapter but I had a slight writers block. Also my brother keeps bothering me so I never had a chance to finish. My parents just got divorced, and my little brother is 6 so he keeps getting mad at anything or sad. If you have any ideas for my other story please PM or leave a comment. You can also email me at _ or _.
Please Review! And tell me what you think!
PeAcE. lOvE. cHoCoLaTe
Nichole (AKA. NikkiLuvsWolfs13)