Chapter One: In which our story begins, and a child is born


Emma Black was in pain. It was that simple. If only her husband could see it from her point of view, because if you've ever been in labor for five hours, you'd be in a lot of pain too. Then the pain was worse. The nurse from St. Mungo's was telling her to push, and the pain was unbearable. Then she stopped screaming, the still air was broken by the shrill cries of a newborn baby.

"Congratulations Mrs. Black, you have a daughter." Those were the words that would change her life forever. Of course, she'd have to name the bundle of joy the healer had just handed her, but she decided to wait for her husband to be present before deciding on a name for their first child.

Out in the waiting room the said husband heard his wife's shrieks and groaned.

"Padfoot mate, you're probably going to be sleeping on the couch and changing diapers for weeks."

"Shut it James. You'll have the same problems when you and Lily have kids."

After a few minutes of resting, Emma pushed her curling brown hair out of her eyes and asked "Can you send my husband in please?"

"Of course ma'am." Stepping out into the waiting room Nurse Plum looked over the two men and timidly called out "Mr. Black?"

Sirius lifted his head from his hands, the screaming had stopped about five minutes ago he had begun to worry. "Yes?" he croaked, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Your wife would like you to join her, so you can name your daughter."

"Daughter? As in a little girl?"

"Yes sir. Your wife had a girl."

"WAHOOOOO!A GIRL! OH BOY OH BOY!" Then it hit him. "Awe shit. That means I'm gonna be put on diaper duty for weeks now." James just laughed Lily, who had just come in when the nurse said that Sirius and Emma had a daughter, whacked James' head and told him to behave.

Inside the delivery room Emma held the baby, and watched her sleep. "Hey." Looking up she saw her husband slip into the room. "Want to hold your daughter?"

"I'll take my little girl." Walking to the bed he took the baby from his wife "Have you named her yet?"

"No, I was waiting for you."

"Can I name our daughter?"

"Of course you can. BUT I don't want you naming her anything like..."


"Exactly! I want to know what your cousin was thinking when she named her daughter that."

"She probably wasn't thinking when she named Tonks. That's what Andromeda does best, not think!"

"Seriously though, no punning!" Emma jabbed her free index finger in her husband's face. "We need a good name for her."

"I was thinking maybe Abigail Elizabeth. Abbie for short. What do you think?"

"It's perfect. Welcome to the world Abigail Elizabeth Black."

Two weeks later Albus Dumbledore approached the Black family while they were visiting Emma's cousin in Los Angeles.

"Sirius, Emma I know that will be hard for you to hear, but with the way the war is going, and Lily and James' child in danger, it would be best if you picked out a guardian for your daughter if something should happen to either of you."

"You know that we already appointed Remus as godfather and Lily as godmother. Why should we change that?" Sirius was confused.

"Lord Voldemort is after the Potters, and Lily would be unable to care for Abbie in hiding, and Remus may I remind you is a werewolf. The Ministry of Magic would, unfortunately appoint Remus as her legal guardian until she was old enough to use magic if something goes wrong on the full moon. Even then they would be skeptical of allowing her to live with him. Think rationally Sirius, you don't want your daughter to be raised by Narcissa or Bellatrix do you? Wouldn't you prefer to have her raised by someone like Andromeda or Emma's cousin Johnny?"

"Sirius, Hun, Dumbledore has a point. If we would ever be killed in a war, I would want my baby to be raised as far away from the fighting as possible. Like maybe here in LA for example. All Johnny would have to do is hire a sitter to watch Abbie while he works, or drop her off at daycare. She'd be perfectly safe from dark lords and your crazy family in the States."

Sirius sighed. He knew he'd lost this battle if his wife started calling his family crazy. She always thought on the bright side and tried to see the good in his crazy and psychotic family even when he couldn't. He sighed again. "Alright, we can change the wills and let everyone know." Seeing the look on his wife's face when he said 'everyone' he quickly added, "Just the people involved, Moony, Johnny, Lils. That everybody Hun."

"Alright." Agreed Emma, and the matter was settled. Everyone involved knew of the changes and respected Sirius and Emma's wishes, they never challenged the decision and for that the small Black family was thankful for.

Two years later it was if the meeting with Dumbledore had never happened. James and Lily had their own baby, Harry and he was like Abbie's little brother. Everywhere Abbie went Harry followed her, and got in trouble for following her into the bathroom. Harry's first Halloween was fast approaching, and Abbie couldn't wait to show him the Muggle tradition of trick-or-treating. But then James and Lily went into hiding and Abbie and Harry couldn't see each other. Little did they know it would be ten years before either of them talked again. But that didn't stop them from sending toys back and forth through Sirius. Then on Halloween the unthinkable happened. Lily and James were killed by Voldemort, and Harry had somehow survived. Sirius went to get his godson, but came back without him; Abbie slept through all the chaos. The next day the Black family was out to lunch when Peter Pettigrew showed up, and trouble started.

"Sirius! How could you?! Lily and James, Sirius!" a voice cried out from the crowded street.

Sirius looked up from his lunch, and handed his daughter to his wife.

"How could I what Peter? I wasn't even near them last night! I went to get Harry, but he was already gone!" Sirius took Abbie back and placed her in her stroller next to the table. Emma watched as her husband walked into the street and advanced on his friend. Without realizing it she cried out "Be careful honey!"

Pettigrew was now confused, but then he had an idea, and he could make things work in his favor. He pulled his wand out pointed it at Emma and muttered "Avada Kedavra". The killing curse hit her before she could react, and she fell in front of her daughter's stroller.

"Mama? Mama wake up! MAMA! WHY WON"T YOU WAKE UP?!" Abbie threw her Sippy cup at her mother's head, and when she wasn't yelled at for doing this she began to wail and she didn't stop screaming "MAMA WAKE UP!" Her father looked at his fallen wife and a look of pure fury was etched across his face.

"What have you done Peter? Does killing my wife make things better Peter? Will it bring Lily and James back? The answer is obviously no." Sirius pulled out his wand and stared into the eyes of Peter Pettigrew, and in a low voice said "You'll pay dearly for taking my wife from me. You don't even know the definition of pain, but you will when I'm finished with you." He lifted his wand, and prepared to use the Imperious Curse, but before he could utter a word, Peter blew up the street behind him. Ministry officials began showing up moments later, and they saw Sirius Black laughing his head off, his wife dead, and his two year old daughter screaming for her dead mother.