Okay so this is a challenge laid out by angel smile101. Here are the requirements:
This is a Buffy/HP crossover
Plot: Buffy is Lily's sister. When she was 8 and Lily was 11 the watchers council came and took her away. For the sake of the story, the marauders and lily were friends and were currently staying at James' house. Nine years later, just after season 2 of Buffy, she returns to the wizarding world and finds her family. Lily and James will be expecting Harry.
Pairings: Buffy/Sirius, James/Lily (can be changed if you wish)
Characters: Try and work the Scoobies into the story, as well as a returned Angel and Spike.
And I'm not gonna add this to every chapter. I'll just remind you it's from a challenge. That is all.
DISCLAIMER! I don't own these characters, just James' adorable little sister Michelle. Joss Whedon and JK Rowling own Buffy and Harry Potter respectively. I'm just playing in their sandboxes with a friend… Oh and this is going up without being given the once over by my beta btw. Without further ado here is Sisters Divided.
It was a drizzly summer day in Godric's Hollow. Most people who were outdoors scurried about like mice running from a cat. Inside of one unassuming cottage were seven rambunctious children ranging in age from eight years old to eleven. Three girls and four boys tore through the Potter family cottage leaving Mrs. Potter with a headache and wishing that the weather would become less rainy and sunnier. The seven kids in question, Mrs. Potter's son James, his friends Lily and Lizzy Evens, Sirius and Michelle Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were spending the last week of their summer break with the Potter family. Mrs. Evens and Mrs. Black had also entrusted the Potter's with their younger children and saw that having friends before school started was a good thing for them.
"Whatcha doin?" Lily, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter looked up from the board game they were playing to see Lizzy and Shelly standing in the doorway eating the recently liberated chocolate chip cookies from the kitchen. Lizzy's blond hair was in pigtails and her face was framed by the ringlets of hair that had escaped during an earlier pillow fight, to Lizzy's right was Shelly, with her shock of red hair in two plaits down her back. Both girls were wearing Muppet Show tees, blue jeans and black Converse sneakers.
Sirius looked over at his little sister and snapped out "Playing a Muggle game dipwad. Go away."
Lizzy made a face at Sirius. "That's not very nice dog breath. And since Chutes and Ladders is my game I say you guys can't play it without us. So there!" To Lizzy her eight year old logic made perfect sense and nobody should be questioning her on her game.
Lily sighed. "It's Tuney's game not your Elizabeth Anne. 'Sides there aren't enough pawns for you guys to play anyways."
Lizzy and Shelly stuck out their tongues at their older siblings and were about to say something else when they were interrupted by the sound of breaking glass. Peter looked up and was trembling as the lights went out. "W-w-w-hat's going on-n-n?" he stuttered out.
Remus shook his head, and quickly remembered his friends couldn't see him. "No idea Pete," he vocalized.
"You guys stay here," James said. "I'm gonna go ask Mum what's going on."
James got up and there was the sound of heavy feet thundering across the first floor. "Never mind!" James cried.
Mrs. Potter appeared in the doorway of James' room and hissed out "Hide. Now. I'll go see what's going on."
The footsteps had found the stairs to the second floor. "Up 'ere lads. I think I 'eard voices up there." Now some of the men were coming up the stairs. Mrs. Potter shoved Liz and Michelle into James' room and slid into the room herself closing the door behind her. The men tore through Mr. and Mrs. Potter's room, the guest room with the girls' things in it, the bathroom and were currently outside of James' room. The four of the Marauders were under the bed holding hands, Mrs. Potter was behind the wardrobe with a lamp and the two eight year old girls with Sirius were holding hands in the wardrobe absolutely terrified.
"Shell?" Liz whispered.
"Yeah" Michelle whispered back.
"You're my bestest friend ever. I just wanted to tell you that. 'Cause I'm scared."
A huge smile lit up Shelly's face. "You're my bestest friend too Lizzy."
Sirius squeezed the hands of both girls to signal them to be quiet as the door to James' room opened and the men came in. He whispered "You don't need to be scared Lizzy. I'll protect you and Shelly." As he said this the door to the wardrobe was wrenched opened and the three children were yanked out of it.
One of the masked men held Lizzy and Shelly by the backs of their necks while another injected something into their arms. The four children under the bed had already been sedated and Sirius was fighting off his captors to try to protect his little sister and her occasionally annoying friend. Mrs. Potter was nowhere to be seen. Sirius lost his fight when a woman walked into the room and said to the man holding the girls "Bring them both. The Council wants no mistakes this time."
Sirius struggled harder but felt a pinching sensation in his arm and fell into a deep sleep.
Nine years later, three thousand miles away, Buffy Summers and her best friend Willow Rosenberg awoke with a start from the same dream in Sunnydale, California. At the same time in Godric's Hollow Lily Potter woke up from her worst nightmare as her unborn child kicked her in the stomach.