DISCLAIMER! I don't own these characters, just Sirius' adorable little sister Michelle. Joss Whedon and JK Rowling own Buffy and Harry Potter respectively. I'm just playing in their sandboxes with a friend… Oh and this is going up without being given the once over by my beta btw. Without further ado here is more of Sisters Divided. Oh, and reviews would be appreciated big time!

AN: I'm soooooo sorry there have been no updates at all for any of my stuff lately. Life caught up to me really fast and really quick. I took the summer off for 'family' time as my Mom calls it. So I spent three months with my Dad's family in New Hampshire, meaning that I spent the majority of my summer surround by my twenty to thirty relatives; including my two baby cousins. Who ABSOLUTELY adore me! I had little to no internet connection on my iTouch. Sorry. Then I joined my schools swim team. Yeah, I've spent the past three to four weeks trying to not drown during practice. But that's no excuse! On with the story!


Previously in Sisters Divided: Cordy has issues sharing her Pizza, Buffy promises to share her whole story with Lily and her mother; and Sirius being Sirius.


The next morning dawned too bright and early for Willow's liking; at least she assumed it was morning. Every window in the house had been magically blacked out on the inside the previous night. If a nosey neighbor were to find the unplottable home they would find a tightly locked, well cared for, empty summer cottage. Willow rolled over in bed searching for an alarm clock in the room but found none on her left and rolled to the right and found Angel's arm wrapped around her. Somehow during the night he had pulled the two twin beds together to create a double bed. Willow squirmed a bit before she was released from the vampire's iron grip. Willow saw the alarm clock over Angel's shoulder was shocked to discover that it was ten a.m. Willow couldn't find her bathrobe and pulled a sweatshirt on instead. Once she descended the stairs she found Cordy and Xander making out in the living room.

Willow rolled her eyes as she wandered into the kitchen to find a note taped to the fridge written in her brother's familiar scrawl:

Shelly, Willow, Whatever you want to go by,

Prongs and I had to go in early (it's five a.m. now) to file the paperwork we 'forgot' to fill out before we brought your friends 'cross the pond. Apparently a Mr. A. Harris called the Sunnydale Police Department claiming his son was quote "kidnapped with the Chase broad". Nobody told us about the mound of red tape you have to go through to bring American Muggles to London if they're underage and they're parents weren't notified they were leaving the country. Oopsy. If need anything call Lily at her Mum's place in Surry. The number is next to the phone on the wall in the kitchen. There's blood in the fridge (James thinks it might be human) for Angel. We should be back by eleven thirty.

Lots of Love,


Willow sighed. She still had an hour and a half before her brother came home. 'Maybe I should call Lily' Willow thought as she rummaged around the pantry for some cereal. 'She knows a lot more about what happened to us than Giles does.' Willow came up victorious in her quest for crunchy goodness, a full box of Cap'n Crunch that Xander had overlooked. She poured a bowl as she stared at the phone number on the wall. After several minutes of internal debate Willow got up, pushed the half eaten bowl away from her and punched in the digits before she could change her mind.

As the phone ring Willow nervously nibbled at the edges of her finger nails. Willow had broken her bad nail biting habit years ago, but when she got slightly anxious she would resort to nibbling on her nails on occasion.

"Evans residence, Buff- Elizabeth speaking." The voice on the other line answered sounding too perky for Willow's half awake state.

It took a minute for the name to sink in to Willow's brain. Buffy was in Surry, at her mother's house. And on the phone with Willow. Déjà vu much?

As Willow remained speechless Buffy became annoyed. "Hello? Is anybody there? If this is a prank call I'm soooo gonna star-eighty-two this number and come and kick you're a..."

Willow finally found her voice. "BUFFY!" she shrieked surprised.

Xander and Cordy came running into the kitchen at Willow's shriek.

"OH MY GOD WILLOW!" Buffy squealed from her end of the line. "How did you get this number?" Buffy demanded sounding defensive.

"I was looking for Lily Potter. My brother left me a note with her mother's phone number and that Lily was at her Mom's house." Willow quickly explained as she slapped Xander's hand away from the only phone in the house.

"Buffy can you just repeat what you said?" Willow asked as she glared at a now sheepish looking Xander. "Xander was trying to grab the phone out of my hand while you were talking."

"Xander's there too?" Buffy asked shocked. "What about Giles and Cordy?"

"Giles is in London today; he's getting ready to challenge the Council's authority in our kidnapping." Willow explained. "Cordy is here with us at Lily's house. What did you say about Sirius a minute ago?"

"I forgot you had an older brother Shelly-Belly" Buffy said nonchalantly letting the childhood nickname slide from her mouth. "So why do you want to talk to Lils?" Buffy asked as she leaned up against the wall in the hallway to the kitchen.

"She knows a ton of stuff about what happened to us I guess." Willow responded.

"Really?" Buffy asked. "Lily hasn't mentioned anything about it to me the entire time I've been here."

"How long have you been in England?" Willow asked curiously.

"Since yesterday afternoon." Buffy said. "When did you guys get in?"

"Late last night, or early this morning depending on how you look at it." Willow answered. "Soooo…"

"Let me go get Lily then," Buffy said ending the awkward silence. "Can you hold on a sec while I go get her?"

"Sure Buff." Willow said on her end of the line as Buffy placed the receiver on the table.


Buffy had placed the phone down and went back to the kitchen to retrieve her older sister. "Lily," Buffy said poking her head into the door frame, "The phone is for you."

"Really?" Lily asked confounded. "I thought it was your friend Willow on the line."

"It is, but she wants to talk to you." Buffy explained. "Wills said you know about what happened to us that night…" Buffy trailed off as Lily brushed past her to the phone in the hallway.

Mrs. Evans looked up from drying the breakfast dishes and sighed. "Lizabeth would you hand me the cordless phone dearie? I want to hear this."

"Sure Mum." Buffy said as she handed the phone to Helen. Helen had turned the phone on and the speaker phone up in time to hear Willow introduce herself.

"Hi, Lily? This is Michelle Black." Buffy stifled a snort. The name and voice didn't match anymore. Buffy remembered that as Michelle, her best friend had been very assertive and wasn't afraid to put anyone in their places. As Willow, her friend was the meek and mild nerd who was slowly embracing her potential through her Wicca training. Hearing the 'Willow voice' with Michelle's personality starting to re-emerge sounded, well different.

"Hello Michelle." Lily said cheerily. "Would you prefer Michelle or Willow?"

"Call me Shelly." Michelle said assertively. "I'm trying to regain my identity. Not that I don't love being Willow, because I do, but I want to meet my family that actually care about what happens to me and who cares about me and oh my Goddess I'm babbling again aren't I?"

Lily laughed. "There's nothing wrong with babbling Shelly. Lizzie hasn't stopped babbling since she came home."

"I think you can blame that on me." Shelly explained. "When Mrs. Summers and Liz moved to Sunnydale Liz and I hit it off great and then she picked the babbling up from me."

Lily laughed. "It suits her. She's this tiny blonde slip of a girl that babbles on and on and she can break your neck with the flick of a wrist. The babbling makes her seem more," Lily paused trying to think of a word, "teenaged."

"That's us!" Willow quipped. "Just a bunch of ragtag teenagers defending the world from the Hellmouth one disaster at a time."

Lily cleared her throat uncertainly. "Hellmouth you say?"

"Yup," Shelly replied meekly. "Let me tell you, growing up the Hellmouth, not so much fun."

Lily laughed. It was a weak laugh, albeit a laugh. "I take it you don't miss is that much now that you're here in England?"

Michelle nodded, and then remembered Lily couldn't see her. "I don't want to go back." She sighed and quickly added, "Don't get me wrong, I loved being Willow, but now I have soooo many options to continue my life with, and nobody sees me as the shy geek hiding in the library with the librarian."

"Oh you poor thing!" Lily cooed. "Why don't you have Sirius and James bring you and your friends over when they get home. Tell them to just floo right in."

"Will do Lily." Michelle said shooing Xander and Cordy out of the kitchen. "So we should be in Surrey around noonish. The guys won't be back until half past eleven."

"That's fine Michelle. So noon then?" Lily said watching her mother from the corner of her eye.

"Yeppers." Michelle replied. "Oh and just a heads up there's seven of us."

"Thanks Michelle." Lily said. "Good-bye."

"See you in a bit." Michelle said and hung up.

Lily hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen. "Mum I know you heard that, so we're going to need Sheppard's Pie for ten. Make that thirteen, Sirius and James eat like they have no stomachs, and I'm feeling a wee bit puckish today with the baby."

Helen nodded. "Well then girls you're going to have to help me prepare lunch. I can't make that much food on my own!"

Lizzie and Lily began following their mother's instructions to make the biggest helping of Sheppard's Pie that Lizzie had ever seen.