A/N: I'd like to thank all the patient readers out there. I've been having technical difficulties (it's always something isn't it?). I'd like to thank all of you who review you guys are wonderful! And as always my beta Spikeissexy.

Disclaimer: I don't own, I don't attempt to make any profit, I just play.

Pete doesn't realize the girl is walking towards him until she's almost there. Sonny's gone to get drinks and Pete doesn't have any idea what to say here in this situation.

"You're not out at home are you?" The girl's voice is all Harlem as she glides to his side. Her dress is gold and satin and ruched, her hair is long and big and curly, and she doesn't seem to notice the blush that has spread across Pete's cheeks.

Pete nods not sure of what to say.

"No worries. I'm like the official welcoming party for all the city, city kids, that seem kind of...aloof," she smiled, "The guy you're here with—you two are adorable together by the way—is a total people person: I'd bet he'd flourish no matter what the situation but you, you're the type that needs to be told that hey you can trust us, and you can, and then be shown by our actions and we'll show you. So chill and relax, and remember that a lot of us, including me, have been right were you're standing before."

Pete nods again kind of reassured and kind of unsettled by this bold, forward girl. "Thanks," He says finally, "I'm Pete."


"That's a Spanish name." Pete raises an eyebrow.

"And French and Portuguese; My mom is Haitian and Dominican and my dad is Brazilian and Creole, I've got quite the mix. S'cool," she glanced towards the dance floor, "So now when your guy gets back, Jessica," she gestured to a blond girl jumping up and down in the middle of the dance floor both girls grinned as they caught each other's eyes, "Will come over, you two will finish your drinks, and then we'll go out and dance. I'll introduce you to everybody. This is supposed to be fun, right?"

A/N: Please send reviews! The more reviews I get the quicker I write (seriously you all give inspiration and get my fingers moving).