The Addiction

Disclaimer: I own nothing, everything belongs to the amazing Michael Buckley.


"Great weather,"

Sabrina Grimm mumbled gruffly to herself as she followed her family through the leafy forest, trying to not to slip on the sodden ground. It was raining lightly, but judging from the dark clouds the hung in the sky, there was more to come. Sabrina scowled as she thought once more where her and the Grimm family were headed. To Baba Yaga's house to try to convince her to get new guardians. Previously, Sabrina and her younger sister, Daphne, traveled through a tear in time which were opening all over the town of Ferryport Landing. It whizzed them nearly fifteen years into the future where they met their future selves and discovered that the Scarlet Hand, a mysterious evil organization that kidnapped the girl's parents nearly three years ago, had taken over the world. While they were there, they found out the Baba Yaga had died when members of the Scarlet Hand had cornered her up in Mount Taurus. Granny Relda had said if she hade her guardians, that she would still be living.

"I can't believe were actually doing this," Sabrina retorted, pulling her jacket's hood up over her head as the rain started pouring from the clouds. "This is suicide!"

Daphne skipped up next to her older sister, smiling brightly, despite the rain and everything else horribly wrong.

"It's worth a shot! At least we're not going there to ask for stuff, like we did with the Vorpal Blade."

Sabrina shuddered at the memory. Her, Daphne, and their Uncle Jake had come to Baba Yaga's home, pleading her for the third and final piece of the Vorpal Blade. They needed it so they could kill the horrible Jabberwocky that was causing chaos in town. Another reason was that in a battle with the Wonderland beast, it had ripped off Puck's fairy wings. Finding no cure around town, they decided to journey to Faerie, Puck's original home. But the barrier prevented from any Everafters or Grimms to leave the town. Fortunately, the Vorpal Blade, when it collided with the barrier, had the power to diminish it for a few seconds, letting the Grimms escape Ferryport Landing and get the help Puck needed. But the process to get the final piece of the blade was a horrible day for Sabrina. She had to give up The Wand of Merlin; the one thing that made her feel safe. In the trade, they got the piece, but Sabrina's stubbornness got the better of her and with shoes that made her go as fast as lightning, she broke into Baba Yaga's cottage, planning to get her wand back. Baba Yaga tripped her, much to Sabrina's surprise. Baba Yaga told her she was just as addicted to magic as her uncle. Sabrina was turned into a frog by Baba Yaga, although she managed to get out. Baba Yaga swore if the Grimms ever came to her house again, she would roast them, and devour them. The cannibal had scared the wits out of everyone. To tie the knot, Sabrina wasn't keen on visiting her again.

"You know, Grimm," A male voice said, and Puck appeared above them, flapping his pink wings to stay aloft. He landed next to Sabrina, his dirty blonde hair dripping wet, and falling over mischievous, green eyes.

"I bet the old hag will kill you right on the spot for being more hideous than herself."

Sabrina scowled at him, her blood quickly starting to boil, her usual reaction.

"Maybe she will get you, Marshmallow, just for fun." he exclaimed, turning his attention to Daphne.

The little girl's ever present smile, fell.

She scrunched her nose up in an indignant way, and not coming up with a good enough comeback, ended up sticking out her tongue.

"Whatever, Puck." she sniffed.

The fairy boy just laughed.

Sabrina's heart did a double take, when she heard that magical sound. Her mind went back to when herself and Daphne found out that she would be married to this smelly, immature, juvenile boy that was now walking with them.

But when he laughed, it fogged up her brain, and she forgot where she was. Who she was. Why she was even here. It was a beautiful laugh, true and pure, and immediately, she forgot all the bad things about him, and could only focus on that one good thing.

"Hey, Ugly, your face looks like a giant, infected zit."

And as soon as it appeared, it vanished. Instantly, that sweet moment of bliss was gone, forcing her back down to reality.

"S-shut up!" Sabrina demanded, although her voice wasn't as confident she hoped for, the fairy boy snickered, and flew off, catching up to Granny Relda and Uncle Jake a little ways up ahead.

Daphne swiveled her head towards her older sister, pigtails bouncing. She had a big, fat, knowing smile on her face.

"It's our little secret," she chided happily, a promising tone.

All Sabrina could do was scowl.

A/N: Hey! This is my first ever fanfiction, so please no flames. Please review! I'll update as soon as I can. =D