Hey guys! So, I'm kinda surprised nothing has been released on the Sisters Grimm book #9 yet. I mean we usually get a book every May, and I have seen NOTHING. Though, I'm not too upset, considering the ninth book is the final book in the series, and let's be honest here, I'm going to cry like baby when I finish it. BUT THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET SO..LET'S MOVE ON TO WHAT I MADE THIS A/N FOR.
I was planning to put up a chapter or two this weekend, but a big thing I've been wanting to do is edit this story. I reread it every now and again, especially when I'm writing the next chapter so I make sure I don't leave anything mentioned beforehand out. A bad habit I have is not checking over my work before I finally publish, because I will seriously sit there not fully satisfied with my writing. I'll fix it up, edit, mull over it, get stressed out that it sucks butt, and just feel like its not good enough (for my standards, at least!) You've probably have noticed some grammatical and spelling mistakes, so there's why.
This is something I really want to do. I'm actually really excited to take the time and fix it up, and get back into writing.
The plot itself will not change at all. I'm just going to add more detail, more dialogue, more of Sabrina's thoughts. I'm getting rid of the whole Nyssa thing, it was more of a plot-bunny anyway, and considering I hadn't mentioned it all since like chapter four, I think you could tell its wasn't that important anyway. xD
I'll also be combining some chapters to make them lengthier. Changin' some chapters titles. I think you'll guys will be impressed. Oh! And that reminds me. Where are all of my old reviewers? I miss you, come back! But seriously, some of you that reviewed last chapter have been there since the very beginning, and reviewed on every single one. You know who you are!
Alot of you guys actually like Tristan, which honestly surprised me. I half expected the reviews to be more like, "I dont like this Tristan kid, he's stupid and is retarded take him out of the story and it will be fine." Or, "PUCK IS SABRINA'S SOUL-MATE."
But you guys actually like him. (Well, some of you.)
I have roughly around 2 weeks of school left! I will probably start editing tomorrow, I'm going to try to do a bit everyday. I'll post another A/N when its finished and then its off to the next chapter! Check back through the chapters when you have time and see if you can spot any changes. =D
Oh. And I've began plotting a brand new fanfiction. That it all I will say...
I appreciate every alert, favorite, and review! You all are the reason I want to improve this story! 3
Review with any suggestions you have, thoughts, or just to say you read this!