Hello dear fans, here's the error free version of True Love be at last through Time... As always kudos to SM for creating these character whom i feel like destroying their lives for some unknown reasoning. I would love to thank my beta CSI-Girl1 for without here, i'd still have bad grammar and sentences that didn't flow correctly...


Some say were meant for greater things in this world which were destine to find our paths and were we belong… Sometimes the fates time action and end life as we know, but other times they change what was meant…

My life has taken many obstacles in its four hundred and two years; I've seen the world change around me and all I know is gone… I should start at the beginning of this life I know today…

The South of France- 1604

I was born Countess Isabella Margaret Swan on September 13, 1587 to Charles and Renee Swan, who were of nobility in our town… I was like all of the other girls of our social status; I would marry young to a wealthier man then produce children… That was my only purpose of the time… It was winter already and we were at home enjoying ourselves laughing away at the common people below us, we had the wealth and power of the town and my father was well respected by all. It was near Twilight when they came to our house, my father launched out from his study into yard, the people of town with fire and pitchforks yelling obesities towards him. Saying he was a cheater and liar and that he stole from them. They had revenge in their eyes and someone had to pay for this; they grabbed my father with force and took him towards the fields… My mother and I begged for them to stop this nonsense, but they did not listen to us… They had thrown a rope around one of the big trees and they put my father through the loop and in a flash they killed him for what he did to them… My mother just crashed into screaming and yelling that they will pay for this, but no one listened to her. I had to drag my mother back to our home and I led her into bed. Some time had past and she was so hysterical, screaming for my father. Finally, after some hot tea she seemed to calm down; but I knew it would not last.

I could no longer take this pain inside me. I had to get out. I needed to think. I went for a walk like I did every other day. I was angry, vengeful and very hurt by what had happened. I began to curse the lord's name in vain, vowing I could no longer trust him and I shall disown my faith.

As I came upon a lake I spotted something in the water; I walked closer and from the water appeared this woman in an odd looking robe, and her beauty was breath taking to me. She began to speak and it sounded like a chorus of angels. She told she was here to help me and that we could do great things together. She said she could get rid of this pain I had felt within me. I will never forget those words she spoke to me…

"My dearest Isabella, my child, I can let this pain be gone from you… I can give you more to this life you would never need for anything. I only ask for to help me in return and life will be more meaningful than ever to you. I will give you absolute power to use at you own will, use it as you may, but remember there is always free will that can not be messed with"

"What must I give up in order to receive such great power?"

"You shall relinquish life as you know it and everyone you love so dear, but from this day forward your life will be greater than ever possible"

"Then I shall take whatever you offer me than"

"So it shall be done, from this day forward Isabella you will be immortal!"

"Is there anything that I need to do?"

"I ask for you to take my hand Isabella"

I had taken her hand and the clouds had opened from above and thus lighting had begun from everywhere. The lighting came to me and struck me, from every direction my body was surging with a new force of life. Yes it was agonizing at first but after a few moments I'd lost sight and everything turned to blackness.

I awoke sometime the next morning. It was as if I had dreamed the whole thing but inside me I knew something was very different and that I'd changed in some way ,but I had no clue how.

As my sight became clearer I noticed I was inside a church of some sorts. I don't remember how I got here though. I was trying to leave and was stopped by a man. His pale blond hair and his beautiful blue eyes were breath taking to me, and he spoke with such clarity.

"My dear child do you know where you are?"

I looked to him confused and very lost on what had happened before I lost sight, I spoke with a weakened level

"No, where am I sir?"

"You're in Paris my child, to be correct my father's church. As I might ask my child what do you remember before awakening here?

"I do not know sir; all I remember was being at home by the lake and than everything had turned dark."

"Dear child you were found in the forest bare with odd symbols surrounding you, that are consider to be of the devils work and worshiping"

"Are you accusing me of some type of devil worshiping? How dare you! I should have you thrown into jail you overbearing clergy man; I'm of nobility and have no use of working in the dark arts. That is for common people and I assure you I am not! I'm a Countess and my only care is looking pretty and not to meddle in things I do not understand… I shall be going now; I do not need this nonsense from a clergy man below me!"

I never looked back after experiencing that and began wondering around Europe seeking answers to as what had happened to me. I just needed to escape from this place.