Kudos to SM for her works but for me whom is destroying it all...muhahaha!
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.
-Marsha Norman
Edward POV
Here we stood in silence in the darkening forest, Twilight was falling into moonlight and she grew towards me and told me to close my eyes. I wondered why she asked me to do this, but I had to gain her trust. Her eyes also and she took my hands. Ah, yes, she is showing me instead of telling me.
Flash: Her father's death, walking to a river meeting the woman who changed her life forever, I could feel everything Bella was and the intenseness of the lighting surging throughout her body and then darkness
Flash: Seeing Carlisle's face and accusing her of being not normal, storming out in a rage and wandering through the years, Rome, Paris, Italy, meeting Gypsy's and gaining control of her powers, arriving in America at the turn of the Century.
Flash: Chicago 1918, her eyes gazing upon me and feeling an attraction towards me. In her eyes I was absolutely breath taking like a god to her… I could feel what she thought of me, like she knew we were meant to be soul-mates, just her gaze upon me made my heart beat if it could.
Flash: Her portraying a Hollywood actress in the 40's and her constant fear of being found out, people speculating on her age and that physically never changing. Her dressing room reciting her script, the gun being pulled out and I could feel the bullet grazing her insides, the utter pain and the blackness, waking up in the morgue and her frantic panic.
Flash: New York working as a school teacher, I could feel the undying love she had for students and the sadness in her heart and in the eyes of her students when she left them. Her slumber for nearly seventy years, I could feel her growing uncomfortable by the days or even years and searching for a place to live and being unnoticed.
I opened my eyes when the flashes stopped coming and looked down in to her chocolate brown eyes. "Bella…. Wow you've truly done a lot in 300 years… And you where there at the party in Chicago? No wonder I felt like I'd known you from somewhere… I couldn't put my finger on it… Wow! This is a lot to take in. I'm actually speechless."
I finally learned the truth about Bella and honestly I couldn't have felt even closer to her. It was as if the walls she built up around her came crashing down in only a matter of seconds. I could finally see the real Isabella Swan and she was perfect in my eyes, nothing would ever change this.
Here I was my arms gently surrounding Bella's body, her arms wrapping around my body. I could feel the shock of electricity inside me and it was driving me crazy. She looked down breaking our gaze for a few moments then looked back into my eyes and spoke in a somewhat clear tone…
"Now you know Edward… And yeah that was me at the party… Even then when my eyes looked towards you I felt a surge of emotions that I had no clue what they meant, but now I know that it love."
I looked into Bella's eyes and her soulful brown eyes were gazing back at me and I managed to spit something out… "You know Bella; I have to admit at that party I felt like someone was calling me, and then my eyes met this beautiful woman who was at the far end of the room chatting with another. I felt a surge of emotions that I had never knew and where they suddenly came from; and shortly after that night I got sick and well died, but I always came back to that girl at the party… What I mean is when the years moved forward I always wondered what had happened to her and well.. Here she is standing in front of me."
"Edward Cullen, you have no clue what power you have over me… God, you're just too perfect for me sometimes."
I chuckled at her silliness, "On the contrary Miss Swan you have no clue as to how you make me feel when I'm near you and I think I know how you feel for me, it's the way you show it whenever you look at me and honestly I'm going to just get this over with already"
With my last words to her; I leaned closer to Bella and I felt her soft lips crushing into my marble ones. I could feel the electricity surging throughout my entire body, her hands roamed through my bronze hair, which only made me want her even more… I couldn't control the urges I was feeling, I knew I wanted Bella but would she want me?
The next thing I knew Bella was tearing my shirt off with such force, which only made me want her more if that was even possible. I began kissing her skin, her neck, behind her ears. My left hand worked its way across Bella's body every curve was perfect, her soft hands working their way across mine. It was pure excitement and didn't want her to stop… I was losing control of what reality was in this moment, but I hardly cared I knew I wouldn't regret what we were doing.
Somehow we had managed to find our way onto the forest floor in such a blur and we were twisting violently, our limbs entangled, our bodies molded together like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. We just fit perfectly. I could feel her frenetic pace matching mine as we struggled to get closer to one another.
I began moaning from the touches Bella was placing on my body and it was driving me wild. I had become aroused with every touch, it was killing me.
I could hear her heart beating so fast like would burst out of her chest, her breathing was becoming even shallower, with rapid breathing each time I touched her, each time my hands touched her body she would react in such a sensual movement.
Our bodies shifted on the forest floor as laid in the bare of the night, the moonlight shinning down upon us… gazing at one another's body.
This kiss only intensified the moment; I placed my hand on the tree above Bella for support, and I rested my other hand on her stomach, just below her breasts. I heard her suck in a breath of much needed air. I could tell my touching her was sending shock waves throughout her body and it only intensified my urge to make her me want her more.
I needed to be inside her and my body was yearning for her like she was my own personal drug. Without any hesitation on my part, I moved Bella into interlocked position a bit and entered her slowly. Immediately, thrilled sighs of relief escaped from both of our lips.
Bella's tip of her fingers curled around the nape of my neck, digging her fingernails a little into my skin making me gasp slightly. The feeling was driving me insane but I was pleasured by it. The forest ground was cold, but I didn't care at all… All I cared for was Bella and what was happening between us… We were sharing a connection like nothing before…
"Harder." She panted looking into my eyes. I thought I would hurt her, but she trusted me.
With slight reluctance, I pressed vigorously into her all-too-willing body, I could feel my member growing more inside of her and the pleasure was too over powering. This was something I had never experienced before and I can't even describe this feeling of passion and pleasure.
My eyelids drifted shut, my soft groans emitting forth which went on for a few minutes. My body was experiencing something it never would, it was true love and passion, something I had always wanted and finally accomplished. I could tell Bella was nearing closer to her climax; her hips meeting each of my thrust.
Her breathing grew labored; her chest heaving up and down with the intense effort. I opened my eyes to stare into this beauty I had below me. My steady gaze bore into hers; I knew she was about to reach it. At her moment of climax she squeezed her eyes shut and threw her head back and screamed my name. Her screams of passion bore throughout the entire forest… It sounded like an angel's angelic voice.
When she started to come down from her high, she opened her eyes and looked into my eyes with such happiness. I could tell I was about to reach my climax… I let out a growl of moans as shots of electricity flew through my body. I could feel the intensity down to my unbeaten heart.
I knew we had accomplished what we both had wanted badly… I had never experienced something like this before. I was always told sex was intense and passionate. My thrusting began to subside and I could feel the roars of emotions and passion.
I tried desperately to get by breathing under control even though I didn't need it. I slowly pulled out of her and laid on my side facing her. Bella laid her head on my chest wrapped up in each other's arms.
Now that we had shared the most extremes of passion we had become one and nothing in this life could destroy what we had just shared.
Azazel POV
I stood within the darkened forest, keeping my eyes upon the Vampire and Isabella. I was furious at what they were doing…. That fucking whore just gives herself to that coldone; I should get this over with already and end this happiness… I will have her and she will be my Queen, but I must wait until the time is prefect… Ha-ha, everything will happen as it was for told centuries earlier… She will regain control and all those who challenge her shall fall… This world will drop to their knees and worship her and her all mightiness.
I waited a few more minutes until they would be dressed. I reached into my jacket and pulled out my dagger and with one fluid motion I lunged out into the forest, unknowing to them both. I stalked closer to them. I knew the vampire couldn't pick up on my closing in; I had used certain charms to throw him off.
I grew closer to them and than with accurate speed I lunged towards the vampire, catching him off guard. I took the dagger and stabbed him into his stomach. He started screaming screams of agony. I had placed a spell on the dagger to harm him; he would grow weak and collapse to the ground in pain.
I left the dagger in him and grew closer to Isabella whom was in shock… As if she had frozen in sight of mind, her body fighting to move away from me, but I knew she would not move. On some level she knew this would happen, from my other pocket I took out a potion… I looked to her piercing eyes of fear; I spoke in a light whisper,
"Isabella… My dearest love… I'm sorry for this, but she must come forth now and bring about this pitiful world… I know you don't understand this now, but you know… deep within you there's something greater, something urging to escape the walls you hold it in… This potion… it will switch your souls and she shall gain complete control of you. You'll be like a back seat driver, wanting to control the motions but you shall not… This has been foretold eons ago, that she will be reborn into this world and bring about the end for all… Knowing that I shall always love you, she promised me much more than I have ever desired."
I threw the potion towards her feet breaking the bottle against the hard, cold forest floor. The fumes of the potion escaped, I looked into her eyes before it would happen. Complete and utter fear within her soulful brown eyes and it had begun… I could hear her gasp slightly and the fumes moving their way throughout her body. She was lifted into the air, her body radiating in fast motions and a blinding light admitting from her and in a flash it was over. She was no longer Isabella; she was Hecate, the almighty goddess of all witches!
Her feet lay gently upon the forest ground, her eyes a glow of purple and she had finally spoken. Her voice was a mixture of Isabella's, but with a more radiant tone.
She gazed upon me and spoke "Well Azazel, you've kept your part of the deal, after so many years you've been loyal to me… I wasn't for sure I could trust you after almost destroying her and me in that sense.
Her tone was becoming fuller of anger; I knew I had done everything for her to take control of Isabella, things that I have not been proud of… but as like all royal pets, you are just pitiful and easy to bend to any will.
That fucking bitch, I had been loyal to her for years and this is how she speaks of me in this way! I was going to kill her.
I gotten closer to her ready to put my hands around her throat, but she raised her hand in a stopping motion… I couldn't move… My body spread out like a doll and with one flicker of a motion she hurled me into the forest, crashing through the tree. I felt horrible pain throughout my body breaking me and pulling me into darkness.