

Songstar-Black she-cat with silver marking on muzzle paws and back. has dark forest green eyes


Shadowstreak-black tom with dark grey eyes with white on his back

Medicine cat:

Dayheart- Grey she cat with dark grey tabby stripes. kind ice blue eyes


Brightsky-pale ginger and black she-cat with bright blue Featherpaw

Sungaze-dark ginger tom with green Smogpaw

Darkspots-grey she-cat with black spots on her fur. has yellow-green eyes.

Solorwind-white she-cat with silver paws, stomach, and muzzle. has grey

Watersplash-silver she-cat with dark blue eyesapprinticeDustpaw

Moonwind-black she-cat with pale blue eyes. She is Redpaw

Grassthorn-pale grey tom with scars on his flank and left eye. has grass green

Lightfang-white tom with orange eyes.

Sharkskin-blue grey tom with rough scale like fur. has pale yellow eyes.

Snake-eye-tan tom with blue snake like eyes.

Bloodscar-blood red tom with greyish black eyes. has a scar running down his back to his tail.

Puddleheart-pale white she-cat with black paws, tail, and around the right eye. has dark icy blue eyes.

Flarestorm-ginger she cat with dark brown tabby amber eyes.

Mintstorm-grey tabby she-cat with mint green eyes. apprintice Tinypaw

Silentclaw-black tom with grey spots on his grayish green Meadowpaw

Jaystare-dark brown tom with black makrings on his dark hazel eyes

Greyscar-grey tom with ginger on his chest and green eyes long scar over his left eye.(Eveningdawns father)

Eveningdawn(main character)-white she-cat with weird blackand red markings. Has silver blue eyes.(start as kit)

Gingerstep-grey tom with ginger honey green eyes.(Eveningdawns brother).(start as kit)

Airsong-ginger she-cat with light blue eyes and grey paws.(Eveningdawns sister).(start as kit)

Mistbird-misty white she-cat with silver paws and blackish pink eyes.

Shadowclaw- Black tom with deep blue eyes. (He is jet black, so black that there's a purple tint to it)

Blackstorm-black with green eyes

Dreamcloud-cream pawed black she-cat with brown eyes fluffy cloud like fur

Windclaw-light grey tom with yellow eyes

Eaglewing-brown tom with icy blue eyes withe a white face

Timberwind-redish brown tom with brown eyes and white paws


Meadowpaw (Meadowfur)- light golden she-cat brown eyes with white on her face paws and tail

Featherpaw (Featherstorm)- Black tom with grey eyes. Brother of Icepaw.

Dustpaw (Dusttail)- Grey tabby with black stripes

Owlpaw (Owlwing)- Tan tabby with gold eyes and specks of black and brown and has white on his chest and the tip of his tail. Brother of Hawkpaw.

Hawkpaw (Hawkflight)- Dark brown she-cat green eyes with speckles of black on her pelt and has white on her muzzle and paws, Sister of Owlpaw.

Redpaw(Redflower)-rusty darkish orange tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Tinypaw(Tinydrop)-small silver she-cat with light blue eyes

Smogpaw(Smogwind)-gray tom with dark yellow eyes


Fawncloud-brown she-cat with grey marking on her legs. Light blue eyes.(Eveningdawns mother)

Kits:Eveningkit, Airkit, Gingerkit


Mapleleaf-maple brown she-cat with white underbelly and black paws bright green eyes


Kits:Snowkit,Dawnkit, Flowerkit

Snowflower-white she-cat with gray paws muzzle and tail with pale blue-grey eyes



Amberstrike-white with small black spots and blue eyes




Snowkit-white tom with a black hind paw grey blue eyes

Dawnkit-dark ginger tabby she-cat with honey green eyes

Flowerkit-silver white she-cat with ginger tabby stripes on legs,back and muzzle blue eyes

Icekit-Black she-cat with white on her muzzle, front paws, and chest; has deep blue eyes

Pinkkit-jet black she-cat with smooth fur and green eyes

Shadekit-white and black she cat has green eyes


Dapplewind-calico she-cat with silver paws. bright grren eyes

Mudpool-brown she-cat with crystal pool blue eyes

Silverflash-silver she-cat with amber eyes



Sunstar- Bright orange tom with golden eyes


Brightclaw- Black she-cat with gray paws, chest, and ears; has pale green eyes

Medicine cat:

Goldenclover-creamy she-cat with amber eyes



Silverstar-pure white tom with golden eyes and silver markings going down his back


Softgaze-orange tabby she-cat with light amber eyes

Medicine cat:

Leafshadow- black she-cat with golden paws and leaf green eyes



Snakestar-Black tom with dark green eyes


Redclaw- faded red tom with white on his ears and chest; has brown eyes

Medicine cat:

Breezestep- light cream she-cat with a black patch over her eye with pale gold eyes.