i do not own inuyasha if i did inuyasha would die for the way he treat's Kagome!
oh i may have messed up hear and there but i'll fix it latter k!
Kagome Higarashi was a girl of 15 when she started her joiner to the futile aria down the well 500 years in to the past
Kagome Higarashi was a girl of 15 when she started her joiner to the futile aria down the well 500 years in to the past. It has been 4 year's séance she has stated her joiner. Kagome had turned 20 just this year. Her mother had always told her that her father was indeed dead but the truth she finds out that day on her 20 birth day is that her father was indeed alive and she was from the past in the well. Her real mother had die trying to protect her and her older brother Sakami in the fight with a hornbill demon. The demon is the brother of her father Lord Natasha a gold god Inu. Kagome's father die in a fight and to protect there lands and his mate and pup's.
Kagome mother a black Inu demoness. Who was slowly dying as the demon chasse her to the boneaters whell. With her baby Inu demoness in her arms. Kagome's mother jumped in the well in last hopes. The well sent Kagome and her to the further. The mother died after explaining and asking Miss Higarashi to take care of her pup. This year Kagome got her member of her parents when she turned 20. Now she was returning to the futile aria.
Kagome was telling her friends including Kouga and Shessumaru-san. (A few full moon nights ago). They had angered an alliance to defeat a hanyou named Narku. He has just been dead for three days but there is a new foe in the lands who had threaten any Inu's. They would die bye his hands if they did not come to him and work for his forces. Of chores none of them like the Lord's ideal so they decided to kill him together. Besides kagome was a black and gold Inu goddess so she couldn't stand by and watch that happen to her or her friends even Shessumaru.
#1. Review! plesse!