Hi :) this is my new fic for Britannia High. This is my original idea and I'm not aware of any works that are similar to this. But if there are then please let me know and I will change mine.
Disclaimer.. I own nothing, well just some hair products and a car and like 350 pairs of earrings and tonnes of pashminas and and and... Okay more to the point I do NOT own anything that can be connected to Britannia High (except the DVD's of course!) I'm just having a little play and will give them back after I've used them. And I wont damage them too much...
The reason as to why this fic is Mrated is because there will be frequent naughty language and maybe something more. I'm not too sure where this story is headed as of yet. But we'll see.
Any suggestions and/or criticisms are most welcome! Thanks and enjoy!
Rain splattered against the window, tap-tap-tap-tap-tap.
Everyone was asleep. Or at least that's what everyone thought.
Danny was restless. He wriggled madly around on his beds and in one sudden moment lurched and kicked his duvet off of himself. It was too hot and stuffy. He couldn't sleep.
So up he got and started to put on his sweats and a t-shirt. Then he picked up his phone and silently made his way to the landing and down the stairs.
He needed to sort this. He didn't have a problem. No he was just tired, there pure and simple exhausted. One quick message, he could go pick it up, take it and come back and get a good nights sleep. Easy, no?
Mate, need to see you. You got any of it left? I can pay. Danny.
Danny was downstairs now and got himself a drink of orange whilst he waited for the reply. He was nervous and skittish. All he wanted was a fucking reply. Argh. He was going to go mad if he didn't get one. . .
Danny waited and waited and waited and waited. What was only about 5 minutes felt like 5 whole stretched out days.
Yes… a reply!
Bit desperate I see. Yeah, I got some left. When you want it? Can give it to you now if you want. You know where I'll be.
Danny got up so quickly his glass of orange juice fell to the floor and shattered. But Danny didn't care, right now there was only one thing that he did care about and it wasn't Lauren who was safely asleep and tucked up in bed. Danny ran out the back door not even caring to turn back and close it when he was outside. Off Danny ran into the middle of the night.
One by one they all got up and then they met downstairs to have breakfast before college.
Lauren noticed the absence…they were missing the nosiest person of them all, "Hey, anyone seen Danny? Don't tell me he's still in bed?!"
"Nah, I ain't seen him at all this morning maybes he's not feeling too good." BB answered also feeling a Danny shaped hole in the room.
"Well, like, maybes, maybes he's asleep…." Lola didn't really help here…
"Okay who did this? Because they should have cleaned it up, its dangerous and not to mention absolutely disgusting." Claudine complaining as usual…she'd seen the orange juice that Danny had knocked over earlier, the remnants were scattered about the floor and the orange juice had started to dry all sticky.
"Wasn't me" said Lauren, feeling slightly accused that Claudine would think her capable of making a mess, they were meant to be friends now.
Jez, BB and Lola all denied doing it too and that left. … Danny. Of course it would have been Danny, he had the manners of a pig who had eaten beans for breakfast.