*peeks through door knowing that they're scary people inside who have waited and waited for an update for years and they're all supermad with the naughty storywriter.*

Hello! Is anybody still here?

Seriously now, I have dragged myself here to offer you all the most SINCERE apology for being so terrible with writing this story. The truth is that I've simply not thought about Britannia High in a long, long time butttttttttt saying that, I love this story and I love how loved this story was by all of you wonderful reviewers and readers.

So I'm not going to be daft and say that I'll update within a certain time frame but I will say this, one day I will return to this fic and do it the justice it deserves.

So I would love for you all to keep your eyes peeled for whenever it is updated and let me know what you think, even if it is just to shout abuse at me, hah actually please don't do that! ; )

Hope all of you lovely folk are well and don't hate me too much for abandoning this fic in so long.

Thanks again for all of the amazing reviews of this story, they do give me a warm and fuzzy feeling of accomplishment,

Love lsaf x